Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function render($tpl = null)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $deal_id = $app->input->get('deal_id');
     if ($deal_id) {
         $primary_contact_id = DealHelper::getPrimaryContact($deal_id);
         $this->primary_contact_id = $primary_contact_id;
     return parent::render();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function render($tpl = null)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $deal_id = $app->input->get('deal_id');
     $event_id = $app->input->get('event_id');
     $companyId = $app->input->get('company_id');
     $model = new PeopleModel();
     $model->set('deal_id', $deal_id);
     $model->set('event_id', $event_id);
     $model->set('company_id', $companyId);
     $contacts = $model->getContacts();
     $this->contacts = $contacts;
     if ($deal_id) {
         $primary_contact_id = DealHelper::getPrimaryContact($deal_id);
         $this->primary_contact_id = $primary_contact_id;
     //display view
     echo parent::render();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function render()
     $app = \Cobalt\Container::fetch('app');
     //retrieve deal list from model
     $model = new DealModel();
     $state = $model->getState();
     $dealList = array();
     $deal = array();
     $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
     //session info
     $session = JFactory::getSession();
     $member_role = UsersHelper::getRole();
     $user_id = UsersHelper::getUserId();
     $team_id = UsersHelper::getTeamId();
     //determine if we are requesting a specific deal or all deals
     //if id requested
     if ($app->input->get('id')) {
         $model->set('_id', $app->input->get('id'));
         $dealList = $model->getDeals();
         if (is_null($dealList[0]->id)) {
             $app->redirect(RouteHelper::_('index.php?view=deals'), TextHelper::_('COBALT_NOT_AUTHORIZED'));
         //display remove and assign primary contact to deal
         $app->input->set('loc', 'deal');
     } else {
         //else load all deals
         if ($app->input->get('layout') != 'edit') {
             if (TemplateHelper::isMobile()) {
                 $model->set('ordering', 'd.name ASC');
             $dealList = $model->getDeals();
     //determine if we are editing an existing deal entry
     if (count($dealList) == 1) {
         //grab deal object
         $deal = $dealList[0];
         $deal->header = ucwords(TextHelper::_('COBALT_DEAL_EDIT'));
     } else {
         //else we are creating a new entry
         $deal = new \stdClass();
         $deal->name = "";
         $deal->summary = "";
         $deal->company_id = $app->input->get('company_id') ? $app->input->get('company_id') : null;
         $deal->person_id = $app->input->get('person_id') ? $app->input->get('person_id') : null;
         //get company name to prefill data and hidden fields
         if ($deal->company_id) {
             $company = CompanyHelper::getCompany($deal->company_id);
             $deal->company_name = $company[0]['name'];
             $deal->company_id = $company[0]['id'];
         //if a person is specified prefill data
         if ($deal->person_id) {
             $person = PeopleHelper::getPerson($deal->person_id);
             $deal->person_name = $person[0]['last_name'] . ', ' . $person[0]['first_name'];
             $deal->person_id = $person[0]['id'];
             //assign company if person is associated with company
             if ($person[0]['company_id']) {
                 $deal->company_id = $person[0]['company_id'];
                 $deal->company_name = $person[0]['company_name'];
         //assign rest of null data
         $deal->amount = "";
         $deal->stage_id = 0;
         $deal->source_id = 0;
         $deal->probability = 0;
         $deal->status_id = 0;
         $deal->expected_close = "";
         $deal->header = ucwords(TextHelper::_('COBALT_DEAL_HEADER'));
     //load javalibs
     if (!TemplateHelper::isMobile()) {
         $doc->addScript(JURI::base() . 'src/Cobalt/media/js/deal_manager.js');
     //dropdown info
     //get deal type filters
     $deal_types = DealHelper::getDealTypes();
     $deal_type_name = $session->get('deal_type_filter');
     $deal_type_name = array_key_exists($deal_type_name, $deal_types) ? $deal_types[$deal_type_name] : $deal_types[''];
     //get column filters
     $column_filters = DealHelper::getColumnFilters();
     $selected_columns = DealHelper::getSelectedColumnFilters();
     //get member access info
     $teams = UsersHelper::getTeams();
     $users = UsersHelper::getUsers();
     $stages = DealHelper::getStages();
     //get deal stage filters
     $stage_name = $session->get('deal_stage_filter');
     $stage_name = $stage_name ? $stages[$stage_name] : $stages['all'];
     //get session data to prefill filters
     $user_filter = $session->get('deal_user_filter');
     $team_filter = $session->get('deal_team_filter');
     if ($user_filter == "all" && $user_filter != $user_id) {
         $user_name = TextHelper::_('COBALT_ALL_USERS');
     } elseif ($user_filter == "all") {
         $user_name = TextHelper::_('COBALT_ME');
     } elseif ($user_filter and $user_filter != $user_id and $user_filter != 'all') {
         $user_info = UsersHelper::getUsers($user_filter);
         $user_info = $user_info[0];
         $user_name = $user_info['first_name'] . " " . $user_info['last_name'];
     } elseif ($team_filter) {
         $team_info = UsersHelper::getTeams($team_filter);
         $team = $team_info[0];
         $user_name = $team['team_name'] . TextHelper::_('COBALT_TEAM_APPEND');
     } else {
         $user_name = TextHelper::_('COBALT_ME');
     //get closing time filters
     $closing_names = DealHelper::getClosing();
     $closing_name = $session->get('deal_close_filter');
     $closing_name = $closing_name ? $closing_names[$closing_name] : $closing_names['all'];
     //get total deals associated with user
     $total_deals = UsersHelper::getDealCount($user_id, $team_id, $member_role);
     //Load Events & Tasks for person
     $layout = $this->getLayout();
     if ($layout == "deal") {
         $model = new EventModel();
         $events = $model->getEvents("deal", null, $app->input->get('id'));
         $this->event_dock = ViewHelper::getView('events', 'event_dock', 'phtml', array('events' => $events));
         $primary_contact_id = DealHelper::getPrimaryContact($dealList[0]->id);
         $this->contact_info = ViewHelper::getView('contacts', 'default', 'phtml', array('contacts' => $dealList[0]->people, 'primary_contact_id' => $primary_contact_id));
         $this->document_list = ViewHelper::getView('documents', 'list', 'phtml', array('documents' => $deal->documents, 'total' => $total, 'pagination' => $pagination));
         //$this->document_list = ViewHelper::getView('documents','document_row','phtml',array('documents'=>$deal->documents));
         $this->custom_fields_view = ViewHelper::getView('custom', 'default', 'phtml', array('type' => 'deal', 'item' => $dealList[0]));
     if ($layout == "default") {
         $this->dataTableColumns = $model->getDataTableColumns();
         $pagination = $model->getPagination();
         $total = $model->getTotal();
         $this->deal_list = ViewHelper::getView('deals', 'list', 'phtml', array('dealList' => $dealList, 'total' => $total, 'pagination' => $pagination));
         $this->state = $state;
         $doc->addScriptDeclaration("\n            loc = 'deals';\n            order_url = 'index.php?view=deals&layout=list&format=raw&tmpl=component';\n            order_dir = '" . $state->get('Deal.filter_order_Dir') . "';\n            order_col = '" . $state->get('Deal.filter_order') . "';\n            var dataTableColumns = " . json_encode($this->dataTableColumns) . ";");
         $deal_name = $state->get('Deal.deals_name');
         $this->deal_filter = $deal_name;
     if (TemplateHelper::isMobile()) {
         $this->add_note = ViewHelper::getView('note', 'edit', 'phtml');
         $this->add_task = ViewHelper::getView('events', 'edit_task', 'phtml', array('association_type' => 'deal', 'assocation_id' => $app->input->get('id')));
     if ($layout == "edit") {
         $item = $app->input->get('id') && array_key_exists(0, $dealList) ? $dealList[0] : array('id' => '');
         $this->edit_custom_fields_view = ViewHelper::getView('custom', 'edit', 'phtml', array('type' => 'deal', 'item' => $item));
         $json = TRUE;
         $companyModel = new CompanyModel();
         $companyNames = $companyModel->getCompanyNames($json);
         $doc->addScriptDeclaration("var company_names=" . $companyNames . ";");
         $peopleModel = new PeopleModel();
         $peopleNames = $peopleModel->getPeopleNames($json);
         $doc->addScriptDeclaration("var people_names=" . $peopleNames . ";");
     $closed_stages = DealHelper::getClosedStages();
     //assign results to view
     $this->closed_stages = $closed_stages;
     $this->dealList = $dealList;
     $this->totalDeals = $total_deals;
     $this->deal = $deal;
     $this->deal_types = $deal_types;
     $this->deal_type_name = $deal_type_name;
     $this->user_id = $user_id;
     $this->member_role = $member_role;
     $this->teams = $teams;
     $this->users = $users;
     $this->stages = $stages;
     $this->stage_name = $stage_name;
     $this->user_name = $user_name;
     $this->closing_names = $closing_names;
     $this->closing_name = $closing_name;
     $this->state = $state;
     $this->column_filters = $column_filters;
     $this->selected_columns = $selected_columns;
     return parent::render();
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function render($tpl = null)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $id = $app->input->get('id', null);
     $company_id = $app->input->get('company_id');
     $person_id = $app->input->get('person_id');
     //get deals
     $model = new DealModel();
     if ($company_id) {
         $model->set('company_id', $company_id);
     } elseif ($person_id) {
         $model->set('person_id', $person_id);
     } elseif ($id) {
         $model->set('_id', $id);
     $layout = $this->getLayout();
     $total = $model->getTotal();
     $this->total = $total;
     $pagination = $model->getPagination();
     $this->pagination = $pagination;
     //assign references
     switch ($layout) {
         case "entry":
             $this->stages = DealHelper::getStages(null, true, false);
             $this->statuses = DealHelper::getStatuses(null, true);
             $this->sources = DealHelper::getSources(null);
             $this->users = UsersHelper::getUsers(null, true);
             $this->k = 0;
             $this->deal = $model->getDeal();
         case "deal":
             $this->deal = $model->getDeal($id);
             $this->dealList = $model->getDeals();
             $primary_contact_id = DealHelper::getPrimaryContact($this->deal->id);
             $this->closed_stages = DealHelper::getClosedStages();
             $model = new EventModel();
             $events = $model->getEvents("deal", null, $app->input->get('id'));
             $this->event_dock = ViewHelper::getView('events', 'event_dock', 'phtml', array('events' => $events));
             $this->document_list = ViewHelper::getView('documents', 'document_row', 'phtml', array('documents' => $this->deal->documents));
             $this->custom_fields_view = ViewHelper::getView('custom', 'default', 'phtml', array('type' => 'deal', 'item' => $this->deal));
             $this->contact_info = ViewHelper::getView('contacts', 'default', 'phtml', array('contacts' => $this->deal->people, 'primary_contact_id' => $primary_contact_id));
         case "deal_dock_list":
             $this->deals = $model->getDeals();
         case "add":
         case "edit":
             $this->deal = $model->getDeal($id);
             $this->edit_custom_fields_view = ViewHelper::getView('custom', 'edit', 'phtml', array('type' => 'deal', 'item' => $this->deal));
         case "edit_conversation":
             $model = new ConversationModel();
             $conversation = $model->getConversation($id);
             $this->conversation = $conversation[0];
         case "conversation_entry":
             $model = new ConversationModel();
             $conversation = $model->getConversation($id);
             $this->conversation = $conversation[0];
             $this->dealList = $model->getDeals();
             $state = $model->getState();
             $this->state = $state;
     //display view
     echo parent::render();