  * Uploads a new file for the given FileField instance.
  * @param string $name EAV attribute name
  * @throws \Cake\Network\Exception\NotFoundException When invalid slug is given,
  *  or when upload process could not be completed
 public function upload($name)
     $instance = $this->_getInstance($name);
     require_once Plugin::classPath('Field') . 'Lib/class.upload.php';
     $uploader = new \upload($this->request->data['Filedata']);
     if (!empty($instance->settings['extensions'])) {
         $exts = explode(',', $instance->settings['extensions']);
         $exts = array_map('trim', $exts);
         $exts = array_map('strtolower', $exts);
         if (!in_array(strtolower($uploader->file_src_name_ext), $exts)) {
             $this->_error(__d('field', 'Invalid file extension.'), 501);
     $response = '';
     $uploader->file_overwrite = false;
     $folder = normalizePath(WWW_ROOT . "/files/{$instance->settings['upload_folder']}/");
     $url = normalizePath("/files/{$instance->settings['upload_folder']}/", '/');
     if ($uploader->processed) {
         $response = json_encode(['file_url' => Router::url($url . $uploader->file_dst_name, true), 'file_size' => FileToolbox::bytesToSize($uploader->file_src_size), 'file_name' => $uploader->file_dst_name, 'mime_icon' => FileToolbox::fileIcon($uploader->file_src_mime)]);
     } else {
         $this->_error(__d('field', 'File upload error, details: {0}', $uploader->error), 502);
     $this->title(__d('field', 'Upload File'));
  * First step of the installation process.
  * User must select the language they want to use for the installation process.
  * @return void
 public function language()
     $languages = ['en_US' => ['url' => '/installer/startup/requirements?locale=en_US', 'welcome' => 'Welcome to QuickAppsCMS', 'action' => 'Click here to install in English']];
     $Folder = new Folder(Plugin::classPath('Installer') . 'Locale');
     foreach ($Folder->read(false, true, true)[0] as $path) {
         $code = basename($path);
         $file = $path . '/installer.po';
         if (is_readable($file)) {
             // trick for __d()
             $languages[$code] = ['url' => "/installer/startup/requirements?locale={$code}", 'welcome' => __d('installer', 'Welcome to QuickAppsCMS'), 'action' => __d('installer', 'Click here to install in English')];
     $this->title('Welcome to QuickAppsCMS');
     $this->set('languages', $languages);
  * Extracts the current ZIP package.
  * @param  string $file Full path to the ZIP package
  * @return bool True on success
 protected function _unzip($file)
     include_once Plugin::classPath('Installer') . 'Lib/pclzip.lib.php';
     $File = new File($file);
     $to = normalizePath($File->folder()->pwd() . '/' . $File->name() . '_unzip/');
     if (is_readable($to)) {
         $folder = new Folder($to);
     } else {
         $folder = new Folder($to, true);
     $PclZip = new \PclZip($file);
     $PclZip->delete(PCLZIP_OPT_BY_EREG, '/__MACOSX/');
     $PclZip->delete(PCLZIP_OPT_BY_EREG, '/\\.DS_Store$/');
     if ($PclZip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $to)) {
         list($directories, $files) = $folder->read(false, false, true);
         if (count($directories) === 1 && empty($files)) {
             $container = new Folder($directories[0]);
             $container->move(['to' => $to]);
         $this->_workingDir = $to;
         return true;
     $this->err(__d('installer', 'Unzip error: {0}', [$PclZip->errorInfo(true)]));
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Calculates comment's status using akismet.
  * @param array $data Comment's data to be validated by Akismet
  * @return string Filtered comment's status
 protected function _akismetStatus($data)
     require_once Plugin::classPath('Comment') . 'Lib/Akismet.php';
     try {
         $akismet = new \Akismet(Router::url('/'), $this->config('settings.akismet_key'));
         if (!empty($data['author_name'])) {
         if (!empty($data['author_email'])) {
         if (!empty($data['author_web'])) {
         if (!empty($data['body'])) {
         if ($akismet->isCommentSpam()) {
             return 'spam';
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         return 'pending';
     return $data['status'];
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Renders a nested menu.
  * This methods renders a HTML menu using a `threaded` result set:
  * ```php
  * // In controller:
  * $this->set('links', $this->Links->find('threaded'));
  * // In view:
  * echo $this->Menu->render('links');
  * ```
  * ### Options:
  * You can pass an associative array `key => value`. Any `key` not in
  * `$_defaultConfig` will be treated as an additional attribute for the top
  * level UL (root). If `key` is in `$_defaultConfig` it will temporally
  * overwrite default configuration parameters, it will be restored to its
  * default values after rendering completes:
  * - `formatter`: Callable method used when formating each item.
  * - `activeClass`: CSS class to use when an item is active (its URL matches current URL).
  * - `firstItemClass`: CSS class for the first item.
  * - `lastItemClass`: CSS class for the last item.
  * - `hasChildrenClass`: CSS class to use when an item has children.
  * - `split`: Split menu into multiple root menus (multiple UL's)
  * - `templates`: The templates you want to use for this menu. Any templates
  *    will be merged on top of the already loaded templates. This option can
  *    either be a filename in App/config that contains the templates you want
  *    to load, or an array of templates to use.
  * You can also pass a callable function as second argument which will be
  * used as formatter:
  * ```php
  * echo $this->Menu->render($links, function ($link, $info) {
  *     // render $item here
  * });
  * ```
  * Formatters receives two arguments, the item being rendered as first argument
  * and information abut the item (has children, depth, etc) as second.
  * You can pass the ID or slug of a menu as fist argument to render that menu's
  * links:
  * ```php
  * echo $this->Menu->render('management');
  * // OR
  * echo $this->Menu->render(1);
  * ```
  * @param int|string|array|\Cake\Collection\Collection $items Nested items
  *  to render, given as a query result set or as an array list. Or an integer as
  *  menu ID in DB to render, or a string as menu Slug in DB to render.
  * @param callable|array $config An array of HTML attributes and options as
  *  described above or a callable function to use as `formatter`
  * @return string HTML
  * @throws \Cake\Error\FatalErrorException When loop invocation is detected,
  *  that is, when "render()" method is invoked within a callable method when
  *  rendering menus.
 public function render($items, $config = [])
     if ($this->_rendering) {
         throw new FatalErrorException(__d('menu', 'Loop detected, MenuHelper already rendering.'));
     $items = $this->_prepareItems($items);
     if (empty($items)) {
         return '';
     list($config, $attrs) = $this->_prepareOptions($config);
     $this->_rendering = true;
     if ($this->config('breadcrumbGuessing')) {
         $this->Link->config(['breadcrumbGuessing' => $this->config('breadcrumbGuessing')]);
     $out = '';
     if (intval($this->config('split')) > 1) {
         $out .= $this->_renderPart($items, $config, $attrs);
     } else {
         $out .= $this->formatTemplate('root', ['attrs' => $this->templater()->formatAttributes($attrs), 'content' => $this->_render($items)]);
     if ($this->config('beautify')) {
         include_once Plugin::classPath('Menu') . 'Lib/htmLawed.php';
         $tidy = is_bool($this->config('beautify')) ? '1t0n' : $this->config('beautify');
         $out = htmLawed($out, compact('tidy'));
     return $out;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * {@inheritDoc}
  * Workaround patch that allows plugins and themes provide their own independent
  * "settings.ctp" files so themes won't "override" plugin element (as themes are
  * actually plugins and may have their own "settings.ctp").
  * The same goes for "help.ctp" template files. So themes and plugins can
  * provide help information.
 protected function _getElementFileName($name, $pluginCheck = true)
     list($plugin, $element) = $this->pluginSplit($name, $pluginCheck);
     if ($plugin && ($element === 'settings' || strpos($element, 'Help/help') !== false)) {
         return Plugin::classPath($plugin) . "Template/Element/{$element}{$this->_ext}";
     return parent::_getElementFileName($name, $pluginCheck);
  * Fallback for template location when extending Comment UI API.
  * If controller tries to render an unexisting template under its Template
  * directory, then we try to find that view under `Comment/Template/CommentUI`
  * directory.
  * ### Example:
  * Suppose you are using this trait to manage comments attached to `Persons`
  * entities. You would probably have a `Person` plugin and a `clean` controller
  * as follow:
  *     // http://example.com/admin/person/comments_manager
  *     Person\Controller\CommentsManagerController::index()
  * The above controller action will try to render
  * `/plugins/Person/Template/CommentsManager/index.ctp`. But if does not exists
  * then `<QuickAppsCorePath>/plugins/Comment/Template/CommentUI/index.ctp` will
  * be used instead.
  * Of course you may create your own template and skip this fallback functionality.
  * @param \Cake\Event\Event $event the event instance.
  * @return void
 public function beforeRender(Event $event)
     $plugin = (string) Inflector::camelize($event->subject()->request->params['plugin']);
     $controller = Inflector::camelize($event->subject()->request->params['controller']);
     $action = Inflector::underscore($event->subject()->request->params['action']);
     $prefix = '';
     if (!empty($event->subject()->request->params['prefix'])) {
         $prefix = Inflector::camelize($event->subject()->request->params['prefix']) . '/';
     $templatePath = Plugin::classPath($plugin) . "Template/{$prefix}{$controller}/{$action}.ctp";
     if (!is_readable($templatePath)) {
         $alternativeTemplatePath = Plugin::classPath('Comment') . 'Template/CommentUI';
         if (is_readable("{$alternativeTemplatePath}/{$action}.ctp")) {
             $this->plugin = 'Comment';