Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Here we generate a new operation.xml file.
 public function generateUniqueOperationFile($bundle, $version, $bundleType, $fqcn, $logFile)
     $entity = $this->getBundle($bundle);
     $isInstalled = false;
     if ($entity) {
         $oldVersion = $entity->getVersion();
         $isInstalled = true;
     $operationFilePath = $this->kernelRootDir . "/config/operations.xml";
     //remove the old operation file if it exists (maybe it would be better to do a backup).
     $fileLogger = new \Monolog\Logger('package.update');
     $fileLogger->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler($logFile));
     $operationHandler = new OperationHandler($operationFilePath, $fileLogger);
     //generating the operations.xml file
     $operation = new Operation($isInstalled ? Operation::UPDATE : Operation::INSTALL, $fqcn, $bundleType === 'claroline-plugin' ? Operation::BUNDLE_PLUGIN : Operation::BUNDLE_CORE);
     if (isset($entity)) {
     $operationHandler->addOperation($operation, false);
Ejemplo n.º 2
$operations = [];
foreach ($res->fetchAll() as $installedBundle) {
    foreach ($bundles as &$bundle) {
        if ($bundle['name'] === $installedBundle['name']) {
            $bundle['is_installed'] = true;
            $bundle['old_version'] = $installedBundle['version'];
    //removing last ref
//generating the operations.xml file
foreach ($bundles as $bundle) {
    $operation = new Operation($bundle['is_installed'] ? Operation::UPDATE : Operation::INSTALL, $bundle['fqcn'], $bundle['type'] === 'claroline-plugin' ? Operation::BUNDLE_PLUGIN : Operation::BUNDLE_CORE);
    if (isset($bundle['old_version'])) {
    $operationHandler->addOperation($operation, false);
//Build the bundle file
//reboot the kernel for the new bundle file
//install from the operation file
$container = $kernel->getContainer();
/** @var \Claroline\CoreBundle\Library\Installation\PlatformInstaller $installer */
$installer = $container->get('claroline.installation.platform_installer');
//assets & assetic dump