close() public method

Closes the zip file and frees all handles
public close ( )
Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function getJust($idCarga)
     $carga = Cargas::find($idCarga);
     if ($carga) {
         //obtener cargas
         $empresa = $carga->empresa()->orderBy('tipo_receptor')->get();
         $sat = $carga->sat()->orderBy('tipo_receptor')->get();
         $diff = new DiferenciasCFID($sat, $empresa, $carga->rfc);
         $just_emitidos = $diff->get_justificados_emitidos();
         $just_recibidos = $diff->get_justificados_recibidos();
         $array = ['rfc' => $carga->rfc, 'nombre' => $carga->contribuyente->nombre, 'justEm' => $just_emitidos, 'justRec' => $just_recibidos];
         $namePdf = $carga->rfc . "_" . time() . ".pdf";
         \PDF::loadView('descargas.reporte-justificados', $array)->save(storage_path('temp') . "/{$namePdf}");
         $nameZip = "just_" . time() . ".zip";
         $zipper = new Zipper();
         $zipper->make(storage_path("temp/{$nameZip}"))->add(storage_path('temp') . "/{$namePdf}");
         $anexos = $diff->getAnexos();
         foreach ($anexos as $anexo) {
             foreach ($anexo['anexos'] as $file) {
         return response()->download(storage_path("temp/{$nameZip}"), $nameZip);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Closes the zip file and frees all handles
  * @static 
 public static function close()
     return \Chumper\Zipper\Zipper::close();
  * Sweet baby jesus, I know I know!
  * Used to upload a blueprint and do the necessary
  * checks to ensure that the upload is valid
  * @param NbtParser         $parser
  * @param ImageManipulate   $manipulator
  * @param Zipper            $zipper
  * @param PathBuilder       $pathBuilder
  * @param PostUploadRequest $request
  * @param Blueprint         $blueprint
  * @param BlueprintModsUsed $blueprintModsUsed
  * @param Filesystem        $file
  * @param Guard             $guard
  * @param Repository        $repository
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
 public function postUpload(NbtParser $parser, ImageManipulate $manipulator, Zipper $zipper, PathBuilder $pathBuilder, PostUploadRequest $request, Blueprint $blueprint, BlueprintModsUsed $blueprintModsUsed, Filesystem $file, Guard $guard, Repository $repository)
     $input = $request->get('upload');
     // Make sure that the blueprint is valid
     // ...well sort of, it can't be checked for sure
     if (!array_key_exists(0, $parser->root) || empty($parser->root) || !array_key_exists('type', $parser->root[0])) {
         return redirect()->back()->with('blueprintNotValid', true)->withInput();
     // Arrays to be inserted into the database
     // Blueprint things
     $blueprintInsert = [];
     // Process the blueprint
     foreach ($parser->root[0]['value'] as $key => $value) {
         $value['name'] != 'version' ?: ($blueprintInsert['bc_version'] = $value['value']);
         $value['name'] != 'sizeY' ?: ($blueprintInsert['sizeY'] = $value['value']);
         $value['name'] != 'sizeZ' ?: ($blueprintInsert['sizeZ'] = $value['value']);
         $value['name'] != 'sizeX' ?: ($blueprintInsert['sizeX'] = $value['value']);
     // Set some fields that are easy to set, just to get it out of the way
     $blueprintInsert['name'] = trim($input['name']);
     $blueprintInsert['version'] = trim($input['version']);
     $blueprintInsert['author_name'] = trim($input['author_name']);
     $blueprintInsert['survival_creative'] = $input['play_mode'];
     $blueprintInsert['description'] = trim($input['description']);
     $blueprintInsert['user_id'] = $guard->user()->getAuthIdentifier();
     $blueprintInsert['uploaded_at'] = Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString();
     $blueprintInsert['archive_name'] = str_replace(' ', '', $input['name']) . '_' . getRandomId() . '.zip';
     // Get the buildcraft image storage path
     $buildcraftImagesStoragePath = $pathBuilder->create()->fromPublicPath($repository->get(''));
     // Get the buildcraft archives storage path
     $buildcraftArchivesStoragePath = $pathBuilder->create()->fromPublicPath($repository->get(''));
     // Get the buildcraft temp storage path
     $buildcraftTempStoragePath = $pathBuilder->create()->fromPublicPath($repository->get(''));
     // Compress and move the required screenshot
     //Might as well add it to the insert array
     $blueprintInsert['screenshot'] = $manipulator->getFileName();
     // Get a temporary name for the blueprint
     $temporary_name = getRandomId() . '.' . $request->file('upload.blueprint')->getClientOriginalExtension();
     // Move the blueprint to a temporary folder in order to archive it.
     $request->file('upload.blueprint')->move($buildcraftTempStoragePath, $temporary_name);
     // Add blueprint to the archive
     $zipper->make($buildcraftArchivesStoragePath . $blueprintInsert['archive_name'])->add($buildcraftTempStoragePath . $temporary_name)->add($buildcraftImagesStoragePath . $blueprintInsert['screenshot']);
     // Compress and move the first optional screenshot
     // Get the file name, create a thumb
     // Also add the file to the archive
     if (null !== $request->file('upload.optional_screenshot_0')) {
         $blueprintInsert['screenshot_optional_0'] = $manipulator->getFileName();
         $zipper->add($buildcraftImagesStoragePath . $blueprintInsert['screenshot_optional_0']);
     } else {
         $blueprintInsert['screenshot_optional_0'] = null;
     // Compress and move the second optional screenshot
     // Get the file name, create a thumb
     // Also add the file to the archive
     if (null !== $request->file('upload.optional_screenshot_1')) {
         $blueprintInsert['screenshot_optional_1'] = $manipulator->getFileName();
         $zipper->add($buildcraftImagesStoragePath . $blueprintInsert['screenshot_optional_1']);
     } else {
         $blueprintInsert['screenshot_optional_1'] = null;
     //Clean up
     if ($file->exists($buildcraftTempStoragePath . $temporary_name)) {
         $file->delete($buildcraftTempStoragePath . $temporary_name);
     // Insert the blueprint data
     // Get the last inserted id
     $blueprint_id = $blueprint->id;
     $modsUsedInsert = [];
     // Get a list of the mods used
     $mods_used = $this->getModsUsed($parser->root[0]);
     if (null !== $mods_used) {
         // Make a valid array to insert
         foreach ($mods_used as $key => $value) {
             $modsUsedInsert[] = ['blueprint_id' => $blueprint_id, 'mod_name' => $value];
         // Insert into mods used too
     // Welp, that's that
     return redirect()->route('buildcraft::user::getUpload', ['user_id' => Auth::user()->id])->with('blueprintUploadSuccess', true);
 public function add(Zipper $zipper, PathBuilder $pathBuilder, Request $request, BlueprintCollection $blueprintCollection, Filesystem $file, Repository $repository, Collection $collection)
     $input = $request->get('collection');
     // Check if the blueprint already belongs to this collection
     $search = $blueprintCollection->where(['collection_id' => $input['id'], 'blueprint_id' => $input['blueprint_id']])->get()->toArray();
     if (!empty($search)) {
         return redirect()->back()->with('blueprintAlreadyInCollection', true);
     // Insert the blueprint in the collection
     $insert = $blueprintCollection->insert(['collection_id' => $input['id'], 'blueprint_id' => $input['blueprint_id']]);
     if ($insert) {
         // Create an archive to server to the user rather than creating it when it's downloaded
         // Get all the collection current archives first
         $collection = $collection->select('id', 'archive_name', 'name')->where(['id' => $input['id']])->with(['blueprints' => function ($query) {
         $buildcraftArchiveStoragePath = $pathBuilder->create()->fromPublicPath($repository->get(''));
         // Delete the previous archive(if any)
         if (null !== $collection->archive_name) {
             $file->delete($buildcraftArchiveStoragePath . $collection->archive_name);
         // Create a random name for the collection archive
         $collectionArchiveName = str_replace(' ', '', $collection->name) . '_' . getRandomId() . '_collection' . '.zip';
         // Start creating the archive
         $zipper->make($buildcraftArchiveStoragePath . $collectionArchiveName);
         foreach ($collection->blueprints as $key => $value) {
             // Add each archive to the the newly created archive
             $zipper->add($buildcraftArchiveStoragePath . $value->archive_name);
         //Clean up
         // Update the archive name in the collections table
         $collection->archive_name = $collectionArchiveName;
         // Welp, that's that
         return redirect()->back()->with('blueprintAddedToCollection', true);
     // Or not
     return redirect()->back()->with('blueprintNotAddedToCollection', true);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function getJust(Request $request)
     try {
         $contr = $request->cont;
         $desde = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $request->desde)->startOfDay();
         $hasta = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $request->hasta)->endOfDay();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return view('vacio');
     $sat = ArchivoSat::whereBetween('fecha', array($desde, $hasta))->where(function ($q) use($contr) {
         $q->where('rfc_emisor', '=', $contr)->orWhere('rfc_receptor', '=', $contr);
     $empresa = ArchivoEmpresa::whereBetween('fecha', array($desde, $hasta))->where(function ($q) use($contr) {
         $q->where('rfc_emisor', '=', $contr)->orWhere('rfc_receptor', '=', $contr);
     $todos = $sat->count() + $empresa->count();
     if ($todos == 0) {
         return view('vacio');
     $diff = new DiferenciasCFID($sat, $empresa, $contr);
     $just_emitidos = $diff->get_justificados_emitidos();
     $just_recibidos = $diff->get_justificados_recibidos();
     $contr = Contribuyente::where('rfc', '=', $contr)->first();
     $array = ['nombre' => $contr->nombre, 'rfc' => $contr->rfc, 'justEm' => $just_emitidos, 'justRec' => $just_recibidos];
     $namePdf = $contr->rfc . "_" . time() . ".pdf";
     \PDF::loadView('descargas.reporte-justificados', $array)->save(storage_path('temp') . "/{$namePdf}");
     $nameZip = "just_" . time() . ".zip";
     $zipper = new Zipper();
     $zipper->make(storage_path("temp/{$nameZip}"))->add(storage_path('temp') . "/{$namePdf}");
     $anexos = $diff->getAnexos();
     foreach ($anexos as $anexo) {
         foreach ($anexo['anexos'] as $file) {
     return response()->download(storage_path("temp/{$nameZip}"), $nameZip);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function postExportPdf(Request $request)
     $ids = null;
     if ($request->exists("checkall")) {
         $filter = !is_null($request->input('search')) ? $this->buildSearch() : '';
         $args["params"] = $filter;
         $rows = $this->model->getRows($args);
         foreach ($rows["rows"] as $row) {
             $ids[] = $row->id;
     if (!$ids) {
         $ids = $request->input('ids');
     if (count($ids) > 0) {
         $uid = uniqid();
         $zip = new \Chumper\Zipper\Zipper();
         $zip->make(storage_path() . "/app/tmp/{$uid}/");
         foreach ($ids as $id) {
             $view = $this->getHtmlContent($id);
             $nombreFact = "factura-{$this->data['row']->serfac}-{$this->data['row']->ejefac}-{$this->data['row']->numfac}.pdf";
             $pdfContents = \PDF::loadHTML($view)->setPaper('a4')->setOption('margin-right', 0)->setOption('margin-bottom', 0)->setOption('margin-left', 0)->setOption('margin-top', 0)->output();
             $zip->addString($nombreFact, $pdfContents);
             $this->data['subgrid'] = isset($this->info['config']['subgrid']) ? $this->info['config']['subgrid'][0] : array();
         $response = \Response::make(file_get_contents(storage_path() . "/app/tmp/{$uid}/"));
         $size = \Storage::drive("local")->size("tmp/{$uid}/");
         $response->header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=""');
         $response->header('Content-Length', '$size');
         return $response;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function download(Request $request)
     $digits = 5;
     $build_string = 'milligram_custom_' . str_pad(rand(0, pow(10, $digits) - 1), $digits, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
     $temp_path = 'temp/' . $build_string . '.css';
     $temp = fopen($temp_path, 'a');
     $base = file_get_contents('milligram/Base.css');
     $blockquote = file_get_contents('milligram/Blockquote.css');
     $button = file_get_contents('milligram/Button.css');
     $code = file_get_contents('milligram/Code.css');
     $form = file_get_contents('milligram/Form.css');
     $grid = file_get_contents('milligram/Grid.css');
     $link = file_get_contents('milligram/Link.css');
     $list = file_get_contents('milligram/List.css');
     $misc = file_get_contents('milligram/Misc.css');
     $spacing = file_get_contents('milligram/Spacing.css');
     $table = file_get_contents('milligram/Table.css');
     $typography = file_get_contents('milligram/Typography.css');
     $utility = file_get_contents('milligram/Utility.css');
     if ($request->has('base')) {
         file_put_contents($temp_path, $base, FILE_APPEND);
     if ($request->has('blockquote')) {
         file_put_contents($temp_path, $blockquote, FILE_APPEND);
     if ($request->has('button')) {
         file_put_contents($temp_path, $button, FILE_APPEND);
     if ($request->has('code')) {
         file_put_contents($temp_path, $code, FILE_APPEND);
     if ($request->has('form')) {
         file_put_contents($temp_path, $form, FILE_APPEND);
     if ($request->has('grid')) {
         file_put_contents($temp_path, $grid, FILE_APPEND);
     if ($request->has('link')) {
         file_put_contents($temp_path, $link, FILE_APPEND);
     if ($request->has('list')) {
         file_put_contents($temp_path, $list, FILE_APPEND);
     if ($request->has('misc')) {
         file_put_contents($temp_path, $misc, FILE_APPEND);
     if ($request->has('spacing')) {
         file_put_contents($temp_path, $spacing, FILE_APPEND);
     if ($request->has('table')) {
         file_put_contents($temp_path, $table, FILE_APPEND);
     if ($request->has('typography')) {
         file_put_contents($temp_path, $typography, FILE_APPEND);
     if ($request->has('utility')) {
         file_put_contents($temp_path, $utility, FILE_APPEND);
     $zipper = new Zipper();
     $zipper->make('download/' . $build_string . '.zip')->add([$temp_path, 'temp/normalize.css']);
     $download_path = rtrim(app()->basePath('public/'), '/') . "/download/" . $build_string . '.zip';
     return response()->download($download_path, $build_string . '.zip', ['Content-type' => 'application/zip']);