Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Create a new Route. 
  * @param string $pattern The pattern (TODO: explain patterns)
  * @param array $options Associative array containging the route configuration.
  * Possible options are:
  * option 			| type 			| default 	| description
  * ---------------- | ------------- | --------- | -------------------------
  * controller       | string 		| 			| The controller for this route
  * action 			| string 		| "Index" 	| The controller-action to use
  * model 			| string 		| ""		| The model for this route. This can be used to auto-generate urls for models, using Route::editPath($modelInstance), Route::newPath(ModelClass), etc.
  * method 			| string 		| "" 		| HTTP method filter (POST or GET). When no method is passed, all methods are accepted
  * protocol			| string		| ""		| Server protocol filter ("https" or "http"). By default all protocols are accepted
  * domains			| array			| 			| An array of domains this route is active for. By default this is empty, meaning all domains will match. You can use regular expressions in this array.
  * formats 			| array			| 			| The list of accepted formats. See ..........
 public function __construct($pattern, $options)
     // No controller given?
     if (!array_key_exists("controller", $options) || empty($options['controller'])) {
         throw new \Exception("You cannot create a Route without specifying a controller.", 1);
     // Default options
     $options = ArrayUtil::Defaults($options, array("action" => "Index", "model" => "", "method" => "", "protocol" => "", "controllerPath" => "", "domains" => null, "formats" => null));
     // Localize
     $this->pattern = $pattern;
     $this->controller = $options['controller'];
     $this->action = $options['action'];
     $this->model = $options['model'];
     $this->method = $options['method'];
     $this->protocol = $options['protocol'];
     $this->controllerPath = $options['controllerPath'];
     $this->domains = $options['domains'];
     $this->formats = $options['formats'];
     // Is there a variable in pattern?
     if (strstr($this->pattern, "{") !== false) {
         // Find all { }'s
         preg_match_all("/({([^}]*)})/", $this->pattern, $matches);
         $this->_regExVars = $matches[2];
         // Create regular expression to match this pattern
         $regex = "/" . preg_replace(array("/({#([^}]*)})/", "/({([^}]*)})/"), array("([0-9]+)", "([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)"), str_replace("/", "\\/", $this->pattern)) . "+\$/";
         $this->_regExPattern = $regex;
     } else {
         $this->_regExPattern = '/' . str_replace("/", "\\/", $this->pattern) . "\$/";
         $this->_regExVars = array();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 protected function optionsToSQL(array $options)
     // Check table (either options['from'] or me-self)
     $table = array_key_exists("from", $options) ? $options['from'] : $this->getFullyQualifiedName();
     // Create new SQL query
     $sql = new SQL($this->connection, $table);
     // Any table joins?
     if (array_key_exists("joins", $options)) {
         //@TODO Join tables
         throw new Exception("Table JOINS not yet implemented.", 1);
     // Select fields?
     if (array_key_exists("select", $options)) {
         // Apply select
     // Conditions given?
     if (array_key_exists("conditions", $options)) {
         // Is it a field hash?
         if (ArrayUtil::IsHash($options['conditions'])) {
             // Do a where with the hash
         } else {
             // Is it a single string?
             if (is_string($options['conditions'])) {
                 // Wrap in array
                 $options['conditions'] = array($options['conditions']);
             // Do a where with the string(s) as arguments
             call_user_func_array(array($sql, "Where"), $options['conditions']);
     // Order.
     if (array_key_exists("order", $options)) {
     // Limit
     if (array_key_exists("limit", $options)) {
     // Offset
     if (array_key_exists("offset", $options)) {
     // Grouping
     if (array_key_exists("group", $options)) {
     // Having
     if (array_key_exists("having", $options)) {
     // Done
     return $sql;
 public function Stylesheet($filename, array $options = null)
     // No options?
     if (is_null($options)) {
         $options = array();
     // Check filename's extension
     if (pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == "") {
         $filename .= ".css";
     // Add static path and create URL
     if (strstr($filename, "://")) {
         $link = $filename;
     } else {
         $link = Url::Create(Path::Construct(ChickenWire::get("pathCSS")) . $filename);
     // Create the tag
     return $this->SingleTag("link", ArrayUtil::Defaults($options, array("src" => $link, "rel" => "stylesheet", "type" => "text/css")));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static function FromHTTPAcceptHeader()
     // Get the header
     $accept = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'];
     // Split on ,
     $types = explode(",", $accept);
     // Loop through types
     $foundFormatNames = array();
     $foundFormats = array();
     foreach ($types as $type) {
         // Create format from it
         $format = Format::FromContentType($type);
         // Not yet found?
         if (!is_null($format) && !in_array($format->format, $foundFormatNames)) {
             array_push($foundFormats, $format);
             array_push($foundFormatNames, $format->format);
     // Sort on preference
     ArrayUtil::SortOn($foundFormats, "preference", false);
     // Done.
     return $foundFormats;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Check whether given array was a search options hash
  * @param  array  $array  The hash to validate
  * @return boolean        True is valid, otherwise false
 protected static function isOptionsHash($array)
     // Hash at all?
     if (ArrayUtil::IsHash($array)) {
         // Check difference with valid-options array
         $keys = array_keys($array);
         $diff = array_diff($keys, self::$VALID_OPTIONS);
         // Difference found?
         if (!empty($diff)) {
             throw new ActiveRecordException("Unkown key(s): " . explode(', ', $diff));
         // Is there a resemblance then? (Not an empty array, or something..?)
         $intersect = array_intersect($keys, self::$VALID_OPTIONS);
         if (!empty($intersect)) {
             return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 protected function applyWhereConditions($args)
     // A hash given?
     if (count($args) == 1 && ArrayUtil::IsHash($args[0])) {
         // More than 1 table used? => Use table names in fields
         $hash = $this->quoteFields($args[0], is_null($this->joins));
         // Create where expressions
         $clauses = array();
         foreach ($hash as $key => &$value) {
             // Array?
             if (is_array($value)) {
                 $clauses[] = $key .= ' IN (?)';
             } else {
                 $clauses[] = $key .= ' = ?';
             // Simplify value
             $value = $this->valueToString($value);
         // Store it
         $this->where = implode(", ", $clauses);
         $this->where_values = array_values($hash);
     } elseif (count($args) > 0) {
         throw new Exception("Not yet implemented.", 1);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Use an abstract location to find an actual file
  * @param string $file Abstract filename, as used in views, layout, etc. E.g.: "views/news/index", or "layout/main", or "views/news/index.txt"
  * @param boolean &$php If you pass a variable, this will be set to true, when the extension is a PHP extension, and should be parsed.
  * @return string The file location, or false when not found
 private function lookForFile($file, &$php = null)
     //TODO: The Request should have a FORMAT that it requests, based on the extension in the URL or the HTTP-accept header. This should be linked to an extension of a file to look for (.html, .txt, .json, etc.)
     // Split up in parts on /
     $dirparts = explode("/", $file);
     // Check filename for extensions
     $filename = array_pop($dirparts);
     // Loop through the request format's extensions
     $extensions = $this->request->format->extensions;
     foreach ($extensions as $extension) {
         // No extension at all?
         $fileparts = explode(".", $filename);
         if (count($fileparts) == 1) {
             // Add format's extensions
             array_push($fileparts, $extension);
         // Look for file now
         $completeFilename = APPLICATION_DIR . implode($dirparts, "/") . "/" . implode($fileparts, ".");
         if (file_exists($completeFilename)) {
             // PHP?
             $php = ArrayUtil::LastItem($fileparts) == ChickenWire::get("phpExtension");
             // Found it!
             return $completeFilename;
         // Should we look for the PHP variant?
         if (ArrayUtil::LastItem($fileparts) != ChickenWire::get("phpExtension")) {
             // Add php too
             array_push($fileparts, ChickenWire::get("phpExtension"));
             $completeFilename = APPLICATION_DIR . implode($dirparts, "/") . "/" . implode($fileparts, ".");
             if (file_exists($completeFilename)) {
                 // PHP!
                 $php = true;
                 // Found it!
                 return $completeFilename;
     // Nothing :(
     return false;