Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Loads and parses the XML setup file
  * @return boolean  True on success, False on error
 function readInstallFile()
     if ($this->installFilename() == '') {
         $this->setError(1, 'No filename specified');
         return false;
     if (file_exists($this->installFilename())) {
         $xmlString = trim(file_get_contents($this->installFilename()));
         $this->i_xmldocument = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlString);
         if (count($this->i_xmldocument->children()) == 0) {
             return false;
     $main_element = $this->i_xmldocument;
     // Check that it's am installation file
     if ($main_element->getName() != 'cbinstall') {
         $this->setError(1, 'File :"' . $this->installFilename() . '" is not a valid Joomla installation file');
         return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Converts a XML description of a SQL index into a full SQL type
  *	<index name="PRIMARY" type="primary">
  *		<column name="id"	/>
  *	</index>
  *	<index name="rate_chars">
  *		<column name="rate" />
  *		<column name="_mychars" nametype="namesuffix" size="8" ordering="DESC" />
  *	</index>
  *	<index name="myrate" type="unique" using="btree">
  *		<column name="rate" />
  *	</index>
  * Returns: $fulltype: 'decimal(16,8) unsigned NULL DEFAULT NULL'
  * @param  SimpleXMLElement    $index
  * @param  string              $colNamePrefix    Prefix to add to all column names
  * @return string|boolean                        Full SQL creation type or NULL in case of no index/error
 protected function fullIndexType(SimpleXMLElement $index, $colNamePrefix)
     $sqlIndexText = null;
     if ($index->getName() == 'index') {
         // first collect all columns of this index:
         $indexColumns = array();
         foreach ($index->children() as $column) {
             if ($column->getName() == 'column') {
                 $colNamePrefixed = $this->prefixedName($column, $colNamePrefix);
                 $indexColText = $this->_db->NameQuote($colNamePrefixed);
                 if ($column->attributes('size')) {
                     $indexColText .= ' (' . (int) $column->attributes('size') . ')';
                 if ($column->attributes('ordering')) {
                     $indexColText .= ' ' . $this->_db->getEscaped($column->attributes('ordering'));
                 $indexColumns[] = $indexColText;
         if (count($indexColumns) > 0) {
             // then build the index creation SQL:
             if ($index->attributes('type')) {
                 $sqlIndexText .= $this->_db->getEscaped(strtoupper($index->attributes('type'))) . ' ';
             $sqlIndexText .= 'KEY ';
             if ($index->attributes('type') !== 'primary') {
                 $sqlIndexText .= $this->_db->NameQuote($this->prefixedName($index, $colNamePrefix)) . ' ';
             if ($index->attributes('using')) {
                 // BTREE, HASH, RTREE:
                 $sqlIndexText .= 'USING ' . $this->_db->getEscaped($index->attributes('using')) . ' ';
             $sqlIndexText .= '(' . implode(', ', $indexColumns) . ')';
     return $sqlIndexText;
Ejemplo n.º 3
	 * Transforms XML to Array
	 * @param  SimpleXMLElement  $el
	 * @param  string              $callBacks
	 * @return array
	protected function & xml2arr( &$el, &$callBacks ) {
		$names_values					=	array();

		if ( $el ) {
			$nam						=	$el->getName();
			if ( array_key_exists( $nam, $callBacks ) ) {
				$names_values[$nam]		=	call_user_func_array( $callBacks[$nam], array( &$el, &$callBacks ) );
			} else {
				$names_values[$nam]		=	$el->attributes();
				foreach ( $el->children() as $elChild ) {
					$names_values		=	array_merge_recursive( $names_values, array( $nam => $this->xml2arr( $elChild, $callBacks ) ) );

		return $names_values;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Draws a list of a SQL table
  * @param  string   $viewType   ( 'view', 'param', 'depends': means: <param> tag => param, <field> tag => view )
  * @return string   HTML of table
 public function draw($viewType = 'view')
     global $_CB_Backend_Menu;
     if (!$this->name) {
         // get List scheme
     if ($this->limit < 1) {
         $this->limit = 10;
     if (!$this->rows) {
         // get List content
     $controller = new DrawController($this->input, $this->_tableBrowserModel, $this->_actions, $this->_options);
     if ($this->listFieldsRows) {
         $controller->createPageNvigator($this->total, $this->limitstart, $this->limit, $this->limits);
     $controller->setSearch($this->search, $this->quicksearchfields && count($this->quicksearchfields->children()) > 0);
     if ($this->toolbarmenu && count($this->toolbarmenu->children()) > 0) {
         $toolBarMenu = new SimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><cbxml></cbxml>');
         foreach ($this->toolbarmenu->children() as $menu) {
             $menuLink = $menu->attributes('link');
             $menuAccess = true;
             $link = null;
             if ($menuLink) {
                 $data = null;
                 $link = $controller->drawUrl($menuLink, $menu, $data, null);
                 if (!$link) {
                     $menuAccess = false;
             if ($menuAccess) {
                 /** @var $menu SimpleXMLElement */
                 $child = $toolBarMenu->addChildWithAttr('menu', null, null, $menu->attributes());
                 if ($link) {
                     $child->addAttribute('urllink', $link);
         $_CB_Backend_Menu->menuItems[] = $toolBarMenu;
     $this->renderList($this->_tableBrowserModel, $this->rows, $controller, $this->_options, $viewType);
     $html = ob_get_contents();
     return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Renders as ECHO HTML code
  * @param  SimpleXMLElement  $modelView
  * @param  array             $modelRows
  * @param  DrawController    $controllerView
  * @param  array             $options
  * @return void
 protected function renderMenuGroup(&$modelView, &$modelRows, &$controllerView, $options)
     global $_PLUGINS;
     $htmlFormatting = 'span';
     if (count($this->_controllerModel->children()) > 0) {
         //TBD: not needed yet, but kept if needed    $this->_applyStylingToMeAndChildren( $this->_controllerModel, $this->styling );
         echo $this->renderMenuGroupHeader($this->_controllerModel, $htmlFormatting);
         foreach ($this->_controllerModel->children() as $child) {
             /** @var $child SimpleXMLElement */
             // Check if ACL authorizes to view and to use that menu:
             if (!Access::authorised($child)) {
             if ($child->getName() == 'menu') {
                 // Check if ACL authorizes to use the action linked by that menu:
                 if (!$this->authorised($child)) {
                 $menuName = $child->attributes('name');
                 echo $this->renderMenu($child, $modelRows[$menuName], $controllerView, $options, $htmlFormatting);
             } elseif ($child->getName() == 'showview') {
                 $showviewType = $child->attributes('type');
                 if ($showviewType == 'plugins') {
                     $groups = explode(',', $child->attributes('groups'));
                     $action = $child->attributes('action');
                     $path = $child->attributes('path');
                     foreach ($groups as $group) {
                         $matches = null;
                         if (preg_match('/^([^\\[]+)\\[(.+)\\]$/', $group, $matches)) {
                             $classId = $matches[2];
                             $group = $matches[1];
                         } else {
                             $classId = null;
                         $_PLUGINS->loadPluginGroup($group, $classId, 0);
                         $loadedPlugins = $_PLUGINS->getLoadedPluginGroup($group);
                         foreach ($loadedPlugins as $plugin) {
                             $element = $_PLUGINS->loadPluginXML('action', $action, $plugin->id);
                             $viewModel = $element->getElementByPath($path);
                             if ($viewModel) {
                                 foreach ($viewModel->children() as $extChild) {
                                     /** @var $extChild SimpleXMLElement */
                                     if ($extChild->getName() == 'menu') {
                                         // Check if ACL authorizes to use the action linked by that menu:
                                         if (!$this->authorised($extChild)) {
                                         $menuName = $extChild->attributes('name');
                                         echo $this->renderMenu($extChild, $modelRows[$menuName], $controllerView, $options, $htmlFormatting);
                 } elseif ($showviewType == 'xml') {
                     // e.g.: <showview name="gateway_paymentstatus_information" mode="view" type="xml" file="processors/{payment_method}/edit.gateway" path="/*/views/view[@name=&quot;paymentstatusinformation&quot;]" mandatory="false" />
                     $fromNode = $child->attributes('path');
                     $fromFile = $child->attributes('file');
                     $mandatory = $child->attributes('mandatory');
                     if ($fromNode && $fromFile !== null) {
                         // $this->substituteName( $fromFile, true );
                         // $this->substituteName( $fromNode, false );
                         if ($fromFile !== '') {
                             $fromFile = RegistryEditView::pathFromXML($fromFile . '.xml', $child, $this->_pluginObject);
                         if (strpos($fromFile, '/*/') !== false) {
                             $parts = explode('/*/', $fromFile);
                             $fromFiles = cbReadDirectory($parts[0], '.', false, true);
                             // '^' . preg_quote( $subparts[0], '/' ) . '$'
                         } else {
                             $parts = null;
                             $fromFiles = array($fromFile);
                         foreach ($fromFiles as $fromDirOrFile) {
                             $viewModel = null;
                             if ($fromDirOrFile === '') {
                                 $viewModel = $this->_views->xpath($fromNode);
                             } else {
                                 if (!isset($parts) || is_dir($fromDirOrFile)) {
                                     $fromDirOrFile = $fromDirOrFile . (isset($parts[1]) ? '/' . $parts[1] : '');
                                     if (file_exists($fromDirOrFile)) {
                                         $fromRoot = new SimpleXMLElement($fromDirOrFile, LIBXML_NONET | (defined('LIBXML_COMPACT') ? LIBXML_COMPACT : 0), true);
                                         $viewModel = $fromRoot->xpath($fromNode);
                                 } else {
                             if ($viewModel && count($viewModel)) {
                                 foreach ($viewModel[0]->children() as $extChild) {
                                     /** @var $extChild SimpleXMLElement */
                                     if ($extChild->getName() == 'menu') {
                                         // Check if ACL authorizes to use the action linked by that menu:
                                         if (!$this->authorised($extChild)) {
                                         $menuName = $extChild->attributes('name');
                                         echo $this->renderMenu($extChild, $modelRows[$menuName], $controllerView, $options, $htmlFormatting);
                             } elseif ($mandatory == 'false') {
                             } else {
                                 trigger_error('MenuController:showview: View file ' . $fromDirOrFile . ', path: ' . $fromNode . ' does not exist or is empty.', E_USER_NOTICE);
         echo $this->renderMenuGroupFooter($this->_controllerModel, $htmlFormatting);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Deletes <files>
  * @param  SimpleXMLElement   $files_element
  * @param  cbAdminFileSystem  $adminFS
  * @param  string|null        $installFileName
  * @return void
 protected function deleteFiles(SimpleXMLElement $files_element, cbAdminFileSystem $adminFS, $installFileName)
     foreach ($files_element->children() as $file) {
         // delete the files
         $filename = $file->data();
         if ($adminFS->file_exists($this->i_elementdir . $filename)) {
             $parts = pathinfo($filename);
             $subpath = $parts['dirname'];
             if ($subpath != '' && $subpath != '.' && $subpath != '..') {
                 $adminFS->deldir(_cbPathName($this->i_elementdir . $subpath . '/'));
             } else {
                 if ($file->getName() == 'foldername') {
                     $adminFS->deldir(_cbPathName($this->i_elementdir . $filename . '/'));
                 } elseif ($installFileName != $filename) {
                     $adminFS->unlink(_cbPathName($this->i_elementdir . $filename, false));