Ejemplo n.º 1
  * save state for grid view of the browser
  * @return Ext.Direct responce
 public function saveGridViewState($p)
     $rez = array('success' => true);
     $guid = false;
     /* incomming params example
        p: {params:{id:251, view:grid, path:1/114/101/251, query:null, start:0},…}
            params: {id:251, view:grid, path:1/114/101/251, query:null, start:0}
                id: 251
                path: "1/114/101/251"
                query: null
                start: 0
                view: "grid"
            state: {columns:{nid:{id:0, width:80, hidden:true, sortable:true}, name:{id:1, width:160, sortable:true},…}}
                columns: {nid:{id:0, width:80, hidden:true, sortable:true}, name:{id:1, width:160, sortable:true},…}
                case: {id:3, width:150, sortable:true}
                cdate: {id:8, width:120, hidden:true, sortable:true}
                cid: {id:6, width:200, hidden:true, sortable:true}
                date: {id:4, width:120, sortable:true}
                name: {id:1, width:160, sortable:true}
                nid: {id:0, width:80, hidden:true, sortable:true}
                oid: {id:7, width:200, sortable:true}
                path: {id:2, width:150, hidden:true, sortable:true}
                size: {id:5, width:80, sortable:true}
                udate: {id:9, width:120, hidden:true, sortable:true}
     if (!empty($p['params']['search']['template_id'])) {
         $guid = 'template_' . $p['params']['search']['template_id'];
     } else {
         $path = empty($p['params']['path']) ? $p['params']['id'] : $p['params']['path'];
         if (!empty($path)) {
             $treeNodeConfigs = Config::get('treeNodes', array('Dbnode' => array()));
             $treeNodeClasses = Path::getNodeClasses($treeNodeConfigs);
             $treeNodeGUIDConfigs = array();
             foreach ($treeNodeClasses as $nodeClass) {
                 $cfg = $nodeClass->getConfig();
                 $treeNodeGUIDConfigs[$cfg['guid']] = $cfg;
             $nodesPath = Path::createNodesPath($path, $treeNodeGUIDConfigs);
             if (!empty($nodesPath)) {
                 $lastNode = array_pop($nodesPath);
                 $DCConfig = $lastNode->getNodeParam('DC');
                 $guid = empty($DCConfig['from']) ? 'default' : $DCConfig['from'];
     if ($guid) {
         DB\dbQuery('INSERT INTO tree_user_config
             (guid, user_id, cfg)
             VALUES($1, $2, $3)
             ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cfg = $3', array($guid, $_SESSION['user']['id'], Util\jsonEncode($p['state']))) or die(DB\dbQueryError());
     return $rez;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * create an object
  * @param  array $p params
  * @return json  responce
 public function create($p)
     $pid = empty($p['pid']) ? @$p['path'] : $p['pid'];
     if (empty($pid)) {
         throw new \Exception(L\get('Access_denied'));
     if (empty($p['pid']) || !is_numeric($p['pid'])) {
         $p['pid'] = Path::detectRealTargetId($pid);
     //security check moved inside objects class
     $template = \CB\Templates\SingletonCollection::getInstance()->getTemplate($p['template_id']);
     $templateData = $template->getData();
     $object = $this->getCustomClassByType($templateData['type']);
     //prepare params
     if (empty($p['name'])) {
         $p['name'] = $template->getName();
     $p['name'] = $this->getAvailableName($p['pid'], $p['name']);
     $id = $object->create($p);
     $rez = $this->load(array('id' => $id));
     $rez['data']['isNew'] = true;
     return $rez;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * get the menu config for a given path or id
  * @param  varchar | int $path path string or node id
  * @return [type]        [description]
 public static function getMenuForPath($path)
     $rez = '';
     //get item path if id specified
     if (is_numeric($path)) {
         $tmp = \CB\Path::getPath($path);
         $path = '/' . $tmp['path'];
     if (is_string($path)) {
         $path = explode('/', $path);
     $path = array_reverse(array_filter($path, 'is_numeric'));
     $path = Util\toNumericArray($path);
     // get templates for each path elements
     $nodeTemplate = array();
     $recs = DM\Tree::readByIds($path);
     foreach ($recs as $r) {
         $nodeTemplate[$r['id']] = $r['template_id'];
     //get db menu into variable
     $menu = static::getMenuRules();
     $ugids = isset($_SESSION['user']['groups']) ? $_SESSION['user']['groups'] : array();
     $ugids[] = $_SESSION['user']['id'];
     // we have 3 main criterias for detecting needed menu:
     //  - user_group_ids - records for specific users or groups
     //  - node_ids
     //  - template_ids
     // we'll iterate the path from the end and detect the menu
     $lastWeight = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($path); $i++) {
         //firstly we'll check if we find a menu row with id or template of the node
         foreach ($menu as $m) {
             $weight = 0;
             if (in_array($path[$i], $m['nids'])) {
                 $weight += 50;
             } elseif (empty($m['nids'])) {
                 $weight += 1;
             } else {
                 //skip this record because it contain nids and not contain this node id
             if (in_array($nodeTemplate[$path[$i]], $m['ntids'])) {
                 $weight += 50;
             } elseif (empty($m['ntids'])) {
                 $weight += 1;
             } else {
                 //skip this record because it has ntids specified and not contain this node template id
             if (empty($m['ugids'])) {
                 $weight += 1;
             } else {
                 $int = array_intersect($ugids, $m['ugids']);
                 if (empty($int)) {
                 } else {
                     $weight += 10;
             if ($weight > $lastWeight) {
                 $lastWeight = $weight;
                 $rez = $m['menu'];
         //if nid matched or template matched then dont iterate further
         if ($lastWeight > 50) {
             return $rez;
     return $rez;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public function load($p)
        $rez = array('success' => true, 'data' => array('html' => '<div class="msg">Please select a case ...</div>'));
        if (empty($p['path'])) {
            return $rez;
        $this->params = $p;
        $this->pathProperties = Path::getPathProperties($p['path']);
        $pp =& $this->pathProperties;
        if (empty($pp['case_id'])) {
            return $rez;
        /* define graph title */
        $graphTitle = empty($pp['name']) ? 'Graph' : $pp['name'];
        $graphTitle = str_replace(array(' ', '.', '\'', '"', '-', '/', '\\', '~'), '_', $graphTitle);
        /* end of define graph title */
        $solrNodes = $this->getGraphNodes($pp['case_id']);
        if (empty($solrNodes)) {
            return array('success' => true, 'data' => array('html' => '<div class="msg">Nothing to display.</div>'));
        $graphNodes = $solrNodes;
        $rez = '';
        /* print graph timeline nodes */
        $rez .= "{\n node [shape=plaintext, fontsize=7, fontcolor=\"gray\", tooltip=\"timeline\"];\n /* the time-line graph */ \n";
        $rez .= 't' . implode(' -> t', array_keys($this->timeline)) . " [dir=none, color=\"gray\"];\n}\n";
        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->timeline); $i++) {
            $rez .= 't' . $i . '[label="' . $this->timeline[$i] . '"];' . "\n";
        /* end of print graph timeline nodes */
        /* align graph nodes to corresponding timeline node */
        foreach ($graphNodes as $node) {
            $rez .= "\n{rank=same; " . $node['t'] . "; n" . $node['id'] . "; }";
        /* end of align graph nodes to corresponding timeline node */
        /* defining nodes */
        foreach ($graphNodes as $node) {
            /* check if its a composite node with left and/or right sides
               and replace it's label with corresponding nodes table */
            $leftSide = '';
            if (!empty($node['leftSideNodes'])) {
                foreach ($node['leftSideNodes'] as $subnode) {
                    $leftSide .= '<td href="#' . $subnode['id'] . '"' . ' bgcolor="' . $subnode['bgcolor'] . '"' . ' PORT="n' . $subnode['id'] . '_' . $node['id'] . '"' . (empty($subnode[$this->hintField]) ? '' : ' tooltip="' . $subnode[$this->hintField] . '"') . ' valign="middle">' . $subnode[$this->labelField] . '</td>';
            $rightSide = '';
            if (!empty($node['rightSideNodes'])) {
                foreach ($node['rightSideNodes'] as $subnode) {
                    $rightSide .= '<td href="#' . $subnode['id'] . '"' . ' bgcolor="' . $subnode['bgcolor'] . '"' . ' PORT="n' . $subnode['id'] . '_' . $node['id'] . '"' . (empty($subnode[$this->hintField]) ? '' : ' tooltip="' . $subnode[$this->hintField] . '"') . ' valign="middle">' . $subnode[$this->labelField] . '</td>';
            if (!empty($leftSide) || !empty($rightSide)) {
                $node[$this->labelField] = '< <table border="0" cellborder="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" ' . 'style="border: 0 !important; border-collapse: collapse !important"><tr>' . $leftSide . '<td bgcolor="' . $this->colors['yellow'] . '"' . ' PORT="n' . $node['id'] . '"' . ' valign="middle"' . (empty($node[$this->hintField]) ?: ' tooltip="' . addslashes($node[$this->hintField]) . '"') . '>' . $node[$this->labelField] . '</td>' . $rightSide . '</tr></table> >';
            } else {
                $node[$this->labelField] = '"' . addslashes($node[$this->labelField]) . '"';
            /* end of check if its a composite node with left and/or right sides
               and replace it's label with corresponding nodes table */
            $rez .= "\n n" . $node['id'] . ' [shape="' . ($node['shape'] ? $node['shape'] : 'ellipse') . '"' . (empty($node['style']) ? '' : ', style="' . $node['style'] . '"') . (empty($node['fillcolor']) ? '' : ', fillcolor="' . $node['fillcolor'] . '"') . (isset($node['margin']) ? ', margin="' . $node['margin'] . '"' : '') . (isset($node['penwidth']) ? ', penwidth="' . $node['penwidth'] . '"' : '') . (empty($node[$this->hintField]) ? '' : ', tooltip="' . addslashes($node[$this->hintField]) . '"') . ', label=' . $node[$this->labelField] . ', URL="#' . $node['id'] . '"];';
            $linkedNodeIds = $this->getNodeLinks($node['id']);
            foreach ($linkedNodeIds as $ln) {
                $rez .= "\n" . 'n' . $ln . ' -> n' . $node['id'] . ';';
        // enclosing all nodes data in header and footer
        $rez = 'digraph "' . $graphTitle . '" {
            node [margin="0.05,0.05", shape=plaintext, fontname="tahoma", fontsize=8, height=0.2, width=0.2];
            edge [arrowsize=0.5, fontsize=7];

            ' . $rez . "\n}";
        /* save result to a temporary file for passing it to graphviz */
        $t = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'gv');
        file_put_contents($t, $rez);
        //also store gv file in core files path for any case
        /* if parametter "d" is passed in GET, then save graph is requested.
           Generate png file and write it directly to output */
        if (@$_GET['d'] == 1) {
            $cmd = "dot  -Tpng -o" . $t . ".png " . $t;
            header('Content-Type: image/png');
            header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . date('Y-m-d') . ' - Граф дела ' . addslashes($graphTitle) . '.png"');
            echo file_get_contents($t . '.png');
        } else {
            //generate and return svg
            $cmd = "dot  -Tsvg -o" . $t . ".svg " . $t;
            $rez = file_get_contents($t . '.svg');
        /* delete temporary files */
        unlink($t . '.svg');
        /* end of delete temporary files */
        return array('success' => true, 'data' => array('html' => $rez, 'nodes' => $solrNodes));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function saveFile($p)
     $incommingFilesDir = Config::get('incomming_files_dir');
     $files = new Files();
     /* clean previous unhandled uploads if any */
     $a = $files->getUploadParams();
     if ($a !== false && !empty($a['files'])) {
         @unlink($incommingFilesDir . $_SESSION['key']);
     /* end of clean previous unhandled uploads if any */
     $F =& $_FILES;
     if (empty($p['pid'])) {
         return array('success' => false, 'msg' => L\get('Error_uploading_file'));
     $p['pid'] = Path::detectRealTargetId($p['pid']);
     if (empty($F)) {
         //update only file properties (no files were uploaded)
         return $files->updateFileProperties($p);
     } else {
         foreach ($F as $k => $v) {
             $F[$k]['name'] = Purify::filename(@$F[$k]['name']);
     if (!Objects::idExists($p['pid'])) {
         return array('success' => false, 'msg' => L\get('TargetFolderDoesNotExist'));
     /*checking if there is no upload error (for any type of upload: single, multiple, archive) */
     foreach ($F as $fn => $f) {
         if (!in_array($f['error'], array(UPLOAD_ERR_OK, UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE))) {
             return array('success' => false, 'msg' => L\get('Error_uploading_file') . ': ' . $f['error']);
     /* retreiving files list  */
     switch (@$p['uploadType']) {
         case 'archive':
             $archiveFiles = array();
             foreach ($F as $fk => $f) {
                 $archiveFiles = array_merge($archiveFiles, $F[$fk]);
             $F = $archiveFiles;
             $files->moveUploadedFilesToIncomming($F) or die('cannot move file to incomming dir');
     $p['existentFilenames'] = $files->getExistentFilenames($F, $p['pid']);
     $p['files'] =& $F;
     if (!empty($p['existentFilenames'])) {
         //check if can write target file
         if (!Security::canWrite($p['existentFilenames'][0]['existentFileId'])) {
             return array('success' => false, 'msg' => L\get('Access_denied'));
         // store current state serialized in a local file in incomming folder
         if (!empty($p['response'])) {
             //it is supposed to work only for single files upload
             return $this->confirmUploadRequest($p);
         $allow_new_version = false;
         foreach ($p['existentFilenames'] as $f) {
             $mfvc = Files::getMFVC($f['name']);
             if ($mfvc > 0) {
                 $allow_new_version = true;
         $rez = array('success' => false, 'type' => 'filesexist', 'allow_new_version' => $allow_new_version, 'count' => sizeof($p['existentFilenames']));
         if ($rez['count'] == 1) {
             $rez['msg'] = empty($p['existentFilenames'][0]['msg']) ? str_replace('{filename}', '"' . $p['existentFilenames'][0]['name'] . '"', L\get('FilenameExistsInTarget')) : $p['existentFilenames'][0]['msg'];
             //$rez['filename'] = $p['existentFilenames'][0]['name'];
             $rez['suggestedFilename'] = $p['existentFilenames'][0]['suggestedFilename'];
         } else {
             $rez['msg'] = L\get('SomeFilenamesExistsInTarget');
         return $rez;
     } else {
         //check if can write in target folder
         if (!Security::canWrite($p['pid'])) {
             return array('success' => false, 'msg' => L\get('Access_denied'));
     //if everithing is ok then store files
     $rez = array('success' => true, 'data' => array('pid' => $p['pid']));
     $files->attachPostUploadInfo($F, $rez);
     return $rez;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * get the menu config for a given path or id
  * @param  varchar | int $path path string or node id
  * @return [type]        [description]
 public static function getMenuForPath($path)
     $rez = '';
     //get item path if id specified
     if (is_numeric($path)) {
         $tmp = \CB\Path::getPath($path);
         $path = '/' . $tmp['path'];
     if (is_string($path)) {
         $path = explode('/', $path);
     $path = array_reverse(array_filter($path, 'is_numeric'));
     $path = Util\toNumericArray($path);
     // get templates for each path elements
     $nodeTemplate = array();
     $res = DB\dbQuery('SELECT id, template_id
         FROM tree
         WHERE id in (0' . implode(',', $path) . ')') or die(DB\dbQueryError());
     while ($r = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
         $nodeTemplate[$r['id']] = $r['template_id'];
     //get db menu into variable
     $menu = array();
     $res = DB\dbQuery('SELECT
             node_ids `nids`
             ,node_template_ids `ntids`
             ,user_group_ids `ugids`
         FROM menu') or die(DB\dbQueryError());
     while ($r = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
         $r['nids'] = Util\toNumericArray($r['nids']);
         $r['ntids'] = Util\toNumericArray($r['ntids']);
         $r['ugids'] = Util\toNumericArray($r['ugids']);
         $menu[] = $r;
     $ugids = $_SESSION['user']['groups'];
     $ugids[] = $_SESSION['user']['id'];
     // we have 3 main criterias for detecting needed menu:
     //  - user_group_ids - records for specific users or groups
     //  - node_ids
     //  - template_ids
     // we'll iterate the path from the end and detect the menu
     $lastWeight = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($path); $i++) {
         //firstly we'll check if we find a menu row with id or template of the node
         foreach ($menu as $m) {
             $weight = 0;
             if (in_array($path[$i], $m['nids'])) {
                 $weight += 50;
             } elseif (empty($m['nids'])) {
                 $weight += 1;
             } else {
                 //skip this record because it contain nids and not contain this node id
             if (in_array($nodeTemplate[$path[$i]], $m['ntids'])) {
                 $weight += 50;
             } elseif (empty($m['ntids'])) {
                 $weight += 1;
             } else {
                 //skip this record because it has ntids specified and not contain this node template id
             if (empty($m['ugids'])) {
                 $weight += 1;
             } else {
                 $int = array_intersect($ugids, $m['ugids']);
                 if (empty($int)) {
                 } else {
                     $weight += 10;
             if ($weight > $lastWeight) {
                 $lastWeight = $weight;
                 $rez = $m['menu'];
         //if nid matched or template matched then dont iterate further
         if ($lastWeight > 50) {
             return $rez;
     return $rez;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * analize and adjust view config if needed
  * @param  array $viewConfig
  * @param  array $rp
  * @return array
 public function adjustViewConfig($viewConfig, &$rp)
     if (empty($viewConfig)) {
         return array();
     $rez = $viewConfig;
     $cfg =& $this->config;
     if (!empty($cfg['views'][$rez['type']])) {
         $rez = array_merge($rez, $cfg['views'][$rez['type']]);
     } elseif ($rez['type'] == 'activityStream' && !empty($cfg['views']['stream'])) {
         $rez = array_merge($rez, $cfg['views']['stream']);
     //dashboards extention check
     if (!empty($rez['extends'])) {
         $rez = Config::extend('dashboards', $rez);
     switch ($rez['type']) {
         //backward compatibility check
         case 'pivot':
         case 'charts':
             if (!empty($cfg['stats'])) {
                 $stats = array();
                 foreach ($cfg['stats'] as $item) {
                     $stats[] = array('title' => Util\detectTitle($item), 'field' => $item['field']);
                 $rez['stats'] = $stats;
             $rez['sort'] = null;
             //check renamed options
             if (isset($rez['chart_type']) && empty($rez['chartType'])) {
                 $rez['chartType'] = $rez['chart_type'];
             if (isset($rez['pivot_type']) && empty($rez['pivotType'])) {
                 $rez['pivotType'] = $rez['pivot_type'];
         case 'dashboard':
             //analize dashboard items and merge referenced config if any
             if (empty($rez['items'])) {
                 $rez['items'] = array();
             $this->subClasses = array();
             $copyConfigProperties = ['title', 'cellCls', 'rowspan', 'colspan', 'width', 'height', 'minWidth', 'minHeight', 'maxWidth', 'maxHeight'];
             foreach ($rez['items'] as $k => $v) {
                 if (!empty($v['extends'])) {
                     $rez['items'][$k] = Config::extend('treeNodes', $v);
                 $clsArr = Path::getNodeClasses($rez['items']);
                 if (!empty($clsArr)) {
                     $class = current($clsArr);
                     if (isset($v['pid'])) {
                         $class->id = $v['pid'];
                     $this->subClasses[$k] = $class;
                     $path = array($class);
                     $customRp = $rp;
                     $vc = $class->getViewConfig($path, $customRp);
                     $rez['items'][$k] = array_merge($vc, array_intersect_key($v, array_flip($copyConfigProperties)));
             // grid
             // if (!empty($cfg['view']['group'])) {
             //     $rez['group'] = $cfg['view']['group'];
             // }
     return $rez;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * get objects acl list
  * @param  $p       client side request params with field config
  * @param  boolean $inherited flag to include inherited rules also
  * @return array   json responce
 public function getObjectAcl($p, $inherited = true)
     $rez = array('success' => true, 'data' => array(), 'name' => '');
     if (!is_numeric($p['id'])) {
         return $rez;
     if (empty($this->internalAccessing) && !Security::canRead($p['id'])) {
         throw new \Exception(L\get('Access_denied'));
     /* set object title, path and inheriting access ids path*/
     $obj_ids = array();
     $res = DB\dbQuery('SELECT
             ,ts.`set` `obj_ids`
         FROM tree t
         JOIN tree_info ti ON t.id = ti.id
         LEFT JOIN tree_acl_security_sets ts ON ti.security_set_id = ts.id
         WHERE t.id = $1', $p['id']) or die(DB\dbQueryError());
     if ($r = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
         $rez['path'] = Path::replaceCustomNames($r['path']);
         $rez['name'] = Path::replaceCustomNames($r['name']);
         $rez['inherit_acl'] = $r['inherit_acl'];
         $obj_ids = explode(',', $r['obj_ids']);
     /* end of set object title and path*/
     /* get the full set of access credentials(users and/or groups) including inherited from parents */
     $lid = Config::get('user_language_index', 1);
     $res = DB\dbQuery('SELECT DISTINCT u.id
             FROM tree_acl a
             JOIN users_groups u ON a.user_group_id = u.id
             WHERE a.node_id ' . ($inherited ? ' in (0' . implode(',', $obj_ids) . ')' : ' = $1 ') . ' ORDER BY u.`type`, 2', $p['id']) or die(DB\dbQueryError());
     while ($r = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
         $r['user_group_id'] = $r['id'];
         $r['name'] = User::getDisplayName($r);
         $r['iconCls'] = $r['type'] == 1 ? 'icon-users' : 'icon-user-' . $r['sex'];
         $access = $this->getUserGroupAccessForObject($p['id'], $r['id']);
         $r['allow'] = implode(',', $access[0]);
         $r['deny'] = implode(',', $access[1]);
         $rez['data'][] = $r;
     /* end of get the full set of access credentials(users and/or groups) including inherited from parents */
     return $rez;