Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Test plugin settings setter.
  * @covers \Cassava\Options::get
  * @covers \Cassava\Options::set
 function test_set()
     \Cassava\Options::set('zero', 0);
     $this->assertSame(0, \Cassava\Options::get('zero'), 'Set 0 integer.');
     \Cassava\Options::set('integer', 99);
     $this->assertSame(99, \Cassava\Options::get('integer'), 'Set non-zero integer.');
     \Cassava\Options::set('float', 99.98999999999999);
     $this->assertSame(99.98999999999999, \Cassava\Options::get('float'), 'Set float.');
     \Cassava\Options::set('string', 'test');
     $this->assertSame('test', \Cassava\Options::get('string'), 'Set string.');
     \Cassava\Options::set('array', array(1, 2, 3));
     $this->assertSame(array(1, 2, 3), \Cassava\Options::get('array'), 'Set array.');
     \Cassava\Options::set('object', (object) array(1, 2, 3));
     $this->assertEquals((object) array(1, 2, 3), \Cassava\Options::get('object'), 'Set object.');
  * @covers ::prepare
  * @covers ::setTicket
  * @covers ::setUserAttributes
  * @dataProvider data_setUserAttributes
 function test_setUserAttributes($attributes)
     Options::set('attributes', $attributes);
     $xml = $this->response->prepare();
     $this->assertXPathMatch(count($attributes), 'count(//cas:attributes/*)', $xml, 'Response contains the expected number of attributes.');
     foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
         $expected = $this->user->get($attribute);
         $this->assertXPathMatch($expected, "string(//cas:attributes/cas:{$attribute}/text())", $xml, 'Response contains the expected attribute value.');
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Test the rewrite rules set by the plugin.
  * @todo Test rewrite rules.
  * @todo Test that the endpoint_slug reverts to the default when empty.
 function test_rewrite_rules()
     $path = \Cassava\Options::get('endpoint_slug');
     $this->assertNotEmpty($path, 'Plugin sets default URI path root.');
     $rule = '^' . $path . '/(.*)?';
     // TODO: Look for endpoints
     // - Force SSL option OFF --> OK
     // - Force SSL option ON and...
     //     - SSL ON           --> OK
     //     - SSL OFF          --> Error
     // Plugin forces default endpoint slug
     \Cassava\Options::set('endpoint_slug', '');