function assetTreeConvertToOneRegionTemplate(aohs\AssetOperationHandlerService $service, p\Child $child, $params = NULL, &$results = NULL)
    if (!isset($params['site-storage']) || !isset($params['global-link-script']) || !isset($params['page-title']) || !isset($params['search-form']) || !isset($params['content-type'])) {
        throw new \Exception("Some of the parameters are missing.");
    $type = $child->getType();
    if ($type != a\Page::TYPE) {
    // skip entire folder
    if (strpos($child->getPathPath(), "_extra/") !== false) {
    if (strpos($child->getPathPath(), "_cascade/") !== false) {
    $site_storage_block = $params['site-storage'];
    $global_link_script_block = $params['global-link-script'];
    $page_title_block = $params['page-title'];
    $search_form_block = $params['search-form'];
    $one_region_ct = $params['content-type'];
    $page = $service->getAsset($child->getType(), $child->getId());
    try {
        $cur_sd = $page->getStructuredData();
        $new_sd = $cur_sd->mapData();
        $page->setBlock("site-config-group;site-storage", $site_storage_block)->setBlock("site-config-group;global-link-script", $global_link_script_block)->setBlock("site-config-group;page-title", $page_title_block)->setBlock("site-config-group;search-form", $search_form_block)->edit();
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo $page->getId(), BR;
        throw $e;
function assetTreeRemoveUnwantedPage(aohs\AssetOperationHandlerService $service, p\Child $child, array $params = NULL, array &$results = NULL)
    if ($child->getType() != a\Page::TYPE) {
    $page_path = $child->getPathPath();
    // junk page names
    if (u\StringUtility::endsWith($page_path, "/pdf") || u\StringUtility::endsWith($page_path, "/word") || u\StringUtility::endsWith($page_path, "/externallink") || u\StringUtility::endsWith($page_path, "/keytiny") || u\StringUtility::endsWith($page_path, "/index-2")) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Construct an asset object
  * @param AssetOperationHandlerService $service    The service object
  * @param stdClass                     $identifier The identifier of the asset
  * @throws NullServiceException        if the service object is NULL
  * @throws NullIdentifierException     if the identifier object is NULL
  * @throws NullAssetException          if the asset cannot be retrieved
 public function __construct(aohs\AssetOperationHandlerService $service, \stdClass $identifier)
     if ($service == NULL) {
         throw new e\NullServiceException(c\M::NULL_SERVICE);
     if ($identifier == NULL) {
         throw new e\NullIdentifierException(c\M::NULL_IDENTIFIER);
     if (self::DEBUG && self::DUMP) {
     // get the property
     $property = $service->retrieve($identifier, c\T::$type_property_name_map[$identifier->type]);
     if ($property == NULL) {
         if (isset($identifier->id)) {
             $id = $identifier->id;
         if (isset($identifier->path)) {
             $path = $identifier->path->path;
             if (isset($identifier->path->siteName)) {
                 $site_name = $identifier->path->siteName;
         if (!isset($id)) {
             $id = $path;
         throw new e\NullAssetException(S_SPAN . "The " . c\T::$type_property_name_map[$identifier->type] . " cannot be retrieved. ID/Path: " . $id . ". " . (isset($site_name) ? "Site: " . $site_name . ". " : "") . E_SPAN . BR . $service->getMessage());
     // store information
     $this->service = $service;
     $this->identifier = $identifier;
     $this->type = $identifier->type;
     $this->property_name = c\T::$type_property_name_map[$this->type];
     $this->property = $property;
     if (isset($property->id)) {
         $this->id = $property->id;
     if (isset($property->name)) {
         $this->name = $property->name;
     if (isset($property->path)) {
         $this->path = $property->path;
     if (isset($property->siteId)) {
         $this->site_id = $property->siteId;
     if (isset($property->siteName)) {
         $this->site_name = $property->siteName;
 public function __construct(\stdClass $sd = NULL, aohs\AssetOperationHandlerService $service = NULL, $data_definition_id = NULL, $data2 = NULL, $data3 = NULL)
     // a data definition block will have a data definition id in the sd object
     // a page will need to pass into the data definition id
     if (isset($sd)) {
         // store the data
         if (isset($sd->definitionId)) {
             $this->definition_id = $sd->definitionId;
             $this->type = a\DataDefinitionBlock::TYPE;
         } else {
             if (isset($data_definition_id)) {
                 $this->definition_id = $data_definition_id;
                 $this->type = a\Page::TYPE;
         if (isset($sd->definitionPath)) {
             $this->definition_path = $sd->definitionPath;
         // initialize the arrays
         $this->children = array();
         $this->node_map = array();
         // store the data definition
         $this->data_definition = new a\DataDefinition($service, $service->createId(a\DataDefinition::TYPE, $this->definition_id));
         // turn structuredDataNode into an array
         if (isset($sd->structuredDataNodes->structuredDataNode) && !is_array($sd->structuredDataNodes->structuredDataNode)) {
             $child_nodes = array($sd->structuredDataNodes->structuredDataNode);
         } elseif (isset($sd->structuredDataNodes->structuredDataNode)) {
             $child_nodes = $sd->structuredDataNodes->structuredDataNode;
             if (self::DEBUG) {
                 u\DebugUtility::out("Number of nodes in std: " . count($child_nodes));
         // convert stdClass to objects
         StructuredDataNodePhantom::processStructuredDataNodePhantom('', $this->children, $child_nodes, $this->data_definition);
     $this->node_map = $this->getIdentifierNodeMap();
     $this->identifiers = array_keys($this->node_map);
     $this->host_asset = $data2;
     $this->service = $service;
     if (self::DEBUG) {
         u\DebugUtility::out("First node ID: " . $first_node_id);
 public static function getLinkableType(aohs\AssetOperationHandlerService $service, $id_string)
     $types = array(Page::TYPE, File::TYPE, Symlink::TYPE);
     $type_count = count($types);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $type_count; $i++) {
         $id = $service->createId($types[$i], $id_string);
         $operation = new \stdClass();
         $read_op = new \stdClass();
         $read_op->identifier = $id;
         $operation->read = $read_op;
         $operations[] = $operation;
     $reply_array = $service->getReply()->batchReturn;
     for ($j = 0; $j < $type_count; $j++) {
         if ($reply_array[$j]->readResult->success == 'true') {
             foreach (c\T::$type_property_name_map as $type => $property) {
                 if (isset($reply_array[$j]->readResult->asset->{$property})) {
                     return $type;
     return "The id does not match any asset type.";
 public static function initialize(aohs\AssetOperationHandlerService $service)
     try {
         if ($service->isSuccessful()) {
             $messages = $service->getListedMessages();
             $temp_msg = array();
             if (!($messages->message == NULL)) {
                 if (!is_array($messages->message)) {
                     $temp_msg[] = $messages->message;
                 } else {
                     $temp_msg = $messages->message;
                 foreach ($temp_msg as $message) {
                     $id = $message->id;
                     $to = $message->to;
                     $from = $message->from;
                     $date = $message->date;
                     $subject = trim($message->subject);
                     $body = $message->body;
                     self::$all_message_ids[] = $id;
                     $message_obj = new Message($message);
                     // store all messages
                     self::$all_messages[] = $message_obj;
                     self::$id_obj_map[$id] = $message_obj;
                     // from whom?
                     if (!isset($message_ids_from[$from])) {
                         self::$message_ids_from[$from] = array();
                     self::$message_ids_from[$from][] = $id;
                     if ($from != 'system') {
                         self::$non_system_messages[] = $message_obj;
                     if (self::DEBUG) {
                     if ($message_obj->getType() == Message::TYPE_EXPIRATION) {
                         self::$asset_expiration_message[] = $message_obj;
                         self::$asset_expiration_message_ids[] = $id;
                     } else {
                         if ($message_obj->getType() == Message::TYPE_PUBLISH) {
                             self::$publish_messages[] = $message_obj;
                             self::$publish_message_ids[] = $id;
                             // no issues
                             if (strpos($subject, "(0 issue(s))") !== false) {
                                 if (self::DEBUG) {
                                     echo "L::121 " . $id . BR;
                                 self::$publish_message_ids_without_issues[] = $id;
                                 self::$publish_messages_without_issues[] = $message_obj;
                             } else {
                                 if (self::DEBUG) {
                                     echo "L::124 " . $id . BR;
                                 self::$publish_message_ids_with_issues[] = $id;
                                 self::$publish_messages_with_issues[] = $message_obj;
                         } else {
                             if ($message_obj->getType() == Message::TYPE_UNPUBLISH) {
                                 self::$unpublish_messages[] = $message_obj;
                                 self::$unpublish_message_ids[] = $id;
                                 // no issues
                                 if (strpos($subject, "(0 issue(s))") !== false) {
                                     self::$unpublish_message_ids_without_issues[] = $id;
                                     self::$unpublish_messages_without_issues[] = $message_obj;
                                 } else {
                                     self::$unpublish_message_ids_with_issues[] = $id;
                                     self::$unpublish_messages_with_issues[] = $message_obj;
                             } else {
                                 if ($message_obj->getType() == Message::TYPE_SUMMARY) {
                                     self::$summary_messages[] = $message_obj;
                                     self::$summary_message_ids[] = $id;
                                     // 0 failures
                                     if (strpos($subject, "(0 failures)") !== false) {
                                         self::$summary_message_ids_no_failures[] = $id;
                                         self::$summary_messages_no_failures[] = $message_obj;
                                     } else {
                                         self::$summary_message_ids_with_failures[] = $id;
                                         self::$summary_messages_with_failures[] = $message_obj;
                                 } else {
                                     if ($message_obj->getType() == Message::TYPE_WORKFLOW) {
                                         self::$workflow_messages[] = $message_obj;
                                         self::$workflow_message_ids[] = $id;
                                         // is complete
                                         if (strpos($subject, "is complete") !== false) {
                                             self::$workflow_message_ids_is_complete[] = $id;
                                             self::$workflow_messages_complete[] = $message_obj;
                                         } else {
                                             self::$workflow_message_ids_other[] = $id;
                                             self::$workflow_messages_other[] = $message_obj;
                                     } else {
                                         self::$other_messages[] = $message_obj;
                                         self::$other_message_ids[] = $id;
                     // date
                 usort(self::$all_messages, self::NAME_SPACE . "\\" . 'Message::compare');
                 usort(self::$publish_messages, self::NAME_SPACE . "\\" . 'Message::compare');
                 usort(self::$unpublish_messages, self::NAME_SPACE . "\\" . 'Message::compare');
                 usort(self::$workflow_messages, self::NAME_SPACE . "\\" . 'Message::compare');
                 usort(self::$other_messages, self::NAME_SPACE . "\\" . 'Message::compare');
                 usort(self::$publish_messages_with_issues, self::NAME_SPACE . "\\" . 'Message::compare');
                 usort(self::$unpublish_messages_with_issues, self::NAME_SPACE . "\\" . 'Message::compare');
                 usort(self::$workflow_messages_other, self::NAME_SPACE . "\\" . 'Message::compare');
                 usort(self::$non_system_messages, self::NAME_SPACE . "\\" . 'Message::compare');
             //var_dump( $workflow_message_ids_is_complete );
         } else {
             echo "Failed to list messages. " . $service->getMessage();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         echo S_PRE . $e . E_PRE;
function assetTreeRemoveAsset(aohs\AssetOperationHandlerService $service, p\Child $child, $params = NULL, &$results = NULL)
    if (is_array($results) && is_array($results[c\F::REPORT_ORPHANS]) && in_array($child->getPathPath(), $results[c\F::REPORT_ORPHANS][$child->getType()])) {
        if (isset($params[c\F::REMOVE_ASSET][c\F::UNCONDITIONAL_REMOVAL]) && $params[c\F::REMOVE_ASSET][c\F::UNCONDITIONAL_REMOVAL] == true) {
        } else {
            if (!in_array($child->getId(), $params[c\F::REMOVE_ASSET][$child->getType()]) && !in_array($child->getPathPath(), $params[c\F::REMOVE_ASSET][$child->getType()])) {