Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function __construct(Database $database, Collection $collection, Container $container, User $user)
     parent::__construct($database, $container);
     $this->collection = $collection;
     $this->input = $container->input;
     $this->user = $user->getCurrentUser();
     //"label"=>"","datatype"=>"","charsize"=>"" , "default"=>"", "index"=>TRUE, "allowempty"=>FALSE
     $this->definePropertyModel(array("media_published" => array("Published", "datetime", 50), "media_content" => array("Content", "varchar", 1000), "media_title" => array("Title", "mediumtext", 50, NULL), "media_summary" => array("Summary", "mediumtext", 50, NULL), "media_comment_status" => array("Allow Comments", "tinyint", 1, 0), "media_parent" => array("Parent", "smallint", 10, 0), "media_generator" => array("Generator", "mediumtext", 100), "media_template" => array("Template", "mediumtext", 100), "media_provider" => array("Provider", "mediumtext", 100, "budkit"), "media_mentions" => array("Mentions", "varchar", 1000), "media_owner" => array("Owner", "varchar", 1000), "media_verb" => array("Verb", "mediumtext", 20, "post"), "media_geotags" => array("Geotags", "varchar", 1000), "media_object" => array("Object", "varchar", 1000), "media_target" => array("Target", "varchar", 1000), "media_permissions" => array("Permissions", "mediumtext", 50)), "media");
     $this->setListOrderBy(array("o.object_updated_on"), "DESC");
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Registers a superadministrator at installation
  * @return boolean
 public function superadmin(User $account, Container $application, Database $database)
     //@TODO create master user account
     //1. Load the model
     $config = $this->config;
     //$database   = \Library\Database::getInstance();
     //2. Prevalidate passwords and other stuff;
     $username = $application->input->getString("user_first_name", "", "post", FALSE, array());
     $usernameid = $application->input->getString("user_name_id", "", "post", FALSE, array());
     $userpass = $application->input->getString("user_password", "", "post", FALSE, array());
     $userpass2 = $application->input->getString("user_password_2", "", "post", FALSE, array());
     $useremail = $application->input->getString("user_email", "", "post", FALSE, array());
     //3. Encrypt validated password if new users!
     //4. If not new user, check user has update permission on this user
     //5. MailOut
     if (empty($userpass) || empty($username) || empty($usernameid) || empty($useremail)) {
         //Display a message telling them what can't be empty
         throw new Exception(t('Please provide at least a Name, Username, E-mail and Password'));
         return false;
     //Validate the passwords
     if ($userpass != $userpass2) {
         throw new Exception(t('The user passwords do not match'));
         return false;
     //6. Store the user
     if (!$account->store($application->input->data("post"), true)) {
         //Display a message telling them what can't be empty
         throw new Exception(t('Could not store the admin user account'));
         return false;
     //Add this user to the superadministrators group!
     //$adminObject    = $account->getObjectByURI( $usernameid );
     $adminAuthority = $this->config->get("setup.site.superadmin-authority", NULL);
     //Default Permission Group?
     if (!empty($adminAuthority)) {
         $query = "INSERT INTO ?objects_authority( authority_id, object_id ) SELECT {$database->quote((int) $adminAuthority)}, object_id FROM ?objects WHERE object_uri={$database->quote($usernameid)}";
     //@TODO Empty the setup/sessions folder
     // \Library\Folder::deleteContents( APPPATH."setup".DS."sessions" ); //No need to through an error
     //Completes installation
     //set session handler to database if database is connectable
     $config->set("setup.session.store", "database");
     $config->set("setup.database.installed", TRUE);
     if (!$config->saveParams()) {
         throw new Exception("could not save config");
         return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function update($uri, $format = 'html')
     //1. check this uer has permission to execute /page/create
     //2. are we patching or updating an existing?
     $input = $this->application->input;
     $user = new User($this->application, $this->application->database, $this->application->session);
     if ($input->methodIs("PATCH")) {
         //because we are updating;
         //3. load the page;
         $page = $this->application->createInstance(Model\Page::class);
         // $page = $page->defineValueGroup("page");
         $page = $page->loadObjectByURI($uri);
         //4. Is this a valid page?
         if ($page->getObjectId()) {
             //if we have a page;
             //Checks if the current user is the owner of this page or has special permissions to edit pages
             if ($page->getPropertyValue("media_owner") == $user->getCurrentUser()->getPropertyValue("user_name_id") || $this->checkPermission("special", "/page/edit")) {
                 //we will save the content as HTML
                 $page = $this->bindData($page);
                 //binds input data;
                 $page->setPropertyValue("media_published", Time::stamp());
                 if ($page->saveObject($page->getObjectURI(), $page->getObjectType())) {
                     $this->response->addAlert(t("Your page content has been updated successfully"), "success");
                     //Redirect to dashboard or to last url?
                     return $this->application->dispatcher->redirect("/page/{$page->getObjectURI()}/edit", HTTP_FOUND, null, $this->response->getAlerts());
     $this->response->addAlert(t("The page content was not updated"), "warning");
     //Redirect to dashboard or to last url?
     return $this->application->dispatcher->redirect("/page/{$page->getObjectURI()}/edit", HTTP_FOUND, null, $this->response->getAlerts());