Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @dataProvider providerToString
  * @param integer $seconds
  * @param integer $nanos
  * @param string  $expected
 public function testToString($seconds, $nanos, $expected)
     $this->assertSame($expected, (string) Duration::ofSeconds($seconds, $nanos));
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * @dataProvider providerPlus
  * @param integer $second         The base second.
  * @param integer $nano           The base nano-of-second.
  * @param integer $plusSeconds    The seconds of the duration to add.
  * @param integer $plusNanos      The nanos of the duration to add.
  * @param integer $expectedSecond The expected second of the result.
  * @param integer $expectedNano   The expected nano of the result.
 public function testMinus($second, $nano, $plusSeconds, $plusNanos, $expectedSecond, $expectedNano)
     $result = Instant::of($second, $nano)->minus(Duration::ofSeconds(-$plusSeconds, -$plusNanos));
     $this->assertReadableInstantIs($expectedSecond, $expectedNano, $result);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * @dataProvider providerDuration
  * @param integer $ds The seconds of the duration.
  * @param integer $dn The nano adjustment of the duration.
  * @param integer $y  The expected year.
  * @param integer $m  The expected month.
  * @param integer $d  The expected day.
  * @param integer $h  The exepected hour.
  * @param integer $i  The expected minute.
  * @param integer $s  The expected second.
  * @param integer $n  The expected nano.
 public function testMinusDuration($ds, $dn, $y, $m, $d, $h, $i, $s, $n)
     $localDateTime = LocalDate::of(2001, 2, 3)->atTime(LocalTime::of(4, 5, 6, 123456789));
     $duration = Duration::ofSeconds(-$ds, -$dn);
     $this->assertLocalDateTimeIs($y, $m, $d, $h, $i, $s, $n, $localDateTime->minusDuration($duration));
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * @dataProvider providerDuration
  * @param integer $h  The base hour.
  * @param integer $m  The base minute.
  * @param integer $s  The base second.
  * @param integer $n  The base nano.
  * @param integer $ds The number of seconds in the duration.
  * @param integer $dn The nano adjustment of the duration.
  * @param integer $eh The expected hour of the result time.
  * @param integer $em The expected minute of the result time.
  * @param integer $es The expected second of the result time.
  * @param integer $en The expected nano of the result time.
 public function testMinusDuration($h, $m, $s, $n, $ds, $dn, $eh, $em, $es, $en)
     $localTime = LocalTime::of($h, $m, $s, $n);
     $duration = Duration::ofSeconds(-$ds, -$dn);
     $this->assertLocalTimeIs($eh, $em, $es, $en, $localTime->MinusDuration($duration));
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Returns a Duration representing the time elapsed between two instants.
  * A Duration represents a directed distance between two points on the time-line.
  * As such, this method will return a negative duration if the end is before the start.
  * @param \Brick\DateTime\ReadableInstant $startInclusive The start instant, inclusive.
  * @param \Brick\DateTime\ReadableInstant $endExclusive   The end instant, exclusive.
  * @return \Brick\DateTime\Duration
 public static function between(ReadableInstant $startInclusive, ReadableInstant $endExclusive)
     $startInclusive = $startInclusive->getInstant();
     $endExclusive = $endExclusive->getInstant();
     $seconds = $endExclusive->getEpochSecond() - $startInclusive->getEpochSecond();
     $nanos = $endExclusive->getNano() - $startInclusive->getNano();
     return Duration::ofSeconds($seconds, $nanos);