Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Return statements for invoking the test.
  * @param bool   $shouldVerifyResult
  * @param string $argumentsString
  * @param string $targetObjectName
  * @return string
 public function genExecutionStatements($shouldVerifyResult, $argumentsString, $targetObjectName)
     if ($shouldVerifyResult) {
         // The space character has to be included here
         // instead of the place where string concatenation happens
         // because when the string is empty, we don't want to
         // include an extra space character.
         $assignmentStr = '$executionResult = ';
     } else {
         // If the return value type of the method under test is void
         // don't assign the return value to a local variable.
         // Otherwise intellij will warn you about using such a value.
         $assignmentStr = '';
     $isPublic = $this->globalComputedConfig->isMethodPublic();
     $isStatic = $this->globalComputedConfig->isMethodStatic();
     $fullClassName = $this->globalComputedConfig->getFullClassName();
     $methodName = $this->globalComputedConfig->getMethodName();
     if ($isPublic) {
         if ($isStatic) {
             $invocationStatement = "{$assignmentStr}{$fullClassName}::{$methodName}({$argumentsString});";
         } else {
             $invocationStatement = "{$assignmentStr}\${$targetObjectName}->{$methodName}({$argumentsString});";
     } else {
         $invocationStatement = $this->nonPublicMethodExecutionRenderer->genNonPublicExecutionStatements($assignmentStr, $isStatic, $fullClassName, $methodName, $argumentsString, $targetObjectName);
     return $invocationStatement;
  * @param string $dataString
  * @return void
 private function writeDataStringToFile($dataString)
     $historyFilePath = $this->globalComputedConfig->getHistoryFile();
     if (!$this->globalFunction->file_exists($historyFilePath)) {
     $this->globalFunction->file_put_contents($historyFilePath, $dataString);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * @param \Box\TestScribe\Execution\ExecutionResult $executionResult
  * @return void
 public function genSpec(ExecutionResult $executionResult)
     // This method assumes that the saved specs have been loaded.
     $specsPerClass = $this->savedSpecs->getSpecPerClass();
     $oneSpec = $this->specDetailRenderer->genSpecDetail($executionResult);
     $methodName = $this->globalComputedConfig->getMethodName();
     $newSpecsPerClass = $this->specsPerClassService->addOneSpec($specsPerClass, $methodName, $oneSpec);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * @return \Box\TestScribe\Execution\ExecutionResult
  * @throws \Box\TestScribe\Exception\AbortException
  * @throws \Box\TestScribe\Exception\TestScribeException
 public function runMethod()
     $isStatic = $this->globalComputedConfig->isMethodStatic();
     if ($isStatic) {
         $executionResult = $this->staticMethodExecutor->runStaticMethod();
     } else {
         $executionResult = $this->instanceMethodExecutor->runInstanceMethod();
     return $executionResult;
  * Generate an OneSpec instance from the execution result.
  * @param \Box\TestScribe\Execution\ExecutionResult $executionResult
  * @return \Box\TestScribe\Spec\OneSpec
 public function genSpecDetail(ExecutionResult $executionResult)
     $testName = $this->globalComputedConfig->getTestMethodName();
     $result = $executionResult->getResultValue();
     $methodArguments = $executionResult->getMethodArguments();
     $methodParameters = $methodArguments->getValues();
     $constructorArguments = $executionResult->getConstructorArguments();
     $constructorParameters = $constructorArguments->getValues();
     $mockSpecs = $this->allMockSpecs->getAllMockSpecs();
     $oneSpec = new OneSpec($testName, $result, $constructorParameters, $methodParameters, $mockSpecs);
     return $oneSpec;
  * Return statements for invoking the test and verifying the result.
  * @param \Box\TestScribe\Execution\ExecutionResult $executionResult
  * @param string                                    $targetObjectName
  * @return string
 public function genExecutionAndVerification(ExecutionResult $executionResult, $targetObjectName)
     $exception = $executionResult->getException();
     $isReturnTypeVoid = $this->globalComputedConfig->isReturnTypeVoid();
     $shouldVerifyResult = $exception === null && !$isReturnTypeVoid;
     $methodArguments = $executionResult->getMethodArguments();
     $argumentsString = $this->argumentsRenderer->renderArgumentsAsStringInCode($methodArguments);
     $executionStatements = $this->executionRenderer->genExecutionStatements($shouldVerifyResult, $argumentsString, $targetObjectName);
     $resultValidationStatements = $this->resultValidationRenderer->genResultValidation($shouldVerifyResult, $executionResult);
     $result = ArrayUtil::joinNonEmptyStringsWithNewLine([$executionStatements, $resultValidationStatements], 2);
     return $result;
  * If the call of the given frame index is a call from the class being tested.
  * @param int $distanceFromThisCall
  *   e.g.
  *   bar calls foo, foo calls this method
  *   To check about foo, specify 1.
  *   To check about bar, specify 2.
  * @return bool
  * @throws \Box\TestScribe\Exception\TestScribeException
 public function isCallFromTheClassBeingTested($distanceFromThisCall)
     // The file path should be an absolute path.
     $inputSourceFilePath = $this->globalComputedConfig->getInSourceFile();
     // Add one to the distance to take into consideration of the
     // additional frame between this call and
     // $this->callInformationCollector->getCallerInfoAt
     $callInfo = $this->callInformationCollector->getCallerInfoAt($distanceFromThisCall + 1);
     $filePathOfTheCaller = $callInfo->getFileName();
     $isImmediateCall = $inputSourceFilePath === $filePathOfTheCaller;
     return $isImmediateCall;
  * Collect values of the arguments to the given method.
  * @param \Box\TestScribe\MethodInfo\Method $method
  * @return \Box\TestScribe\ArgumentInfo\Arguments
 public function collect(Method $method)
     $reflectionMethod = $method->getReflectionMethod();
     $args = $reflectionMethod->getParameters();
     $argumentsCount = count($args);
     if (!$argumentsCount) {
         return new Arguments([]);
     $methodName = $reflectionMethod->getName();
     $className = $reflectionMethod->getDeclaringClass()->getName();
     $message = "\nPrepare to get arguments to the method ( {$methodName} ) of the class ( {$className} ).\n";
     $methodParams = null;
     $testName = $this->globalComputedConfig->getTestMethodName();
     $savedSpec = $this->savedSpecs->getSpecForTest($testName);
     if ($savedSpec) {
         if ($method->isConstructor()) {
             $methodParams = $savedSpec->getConstructorParameters();
         } else {
             $methodParams = $savedSpec->getMethodParameters();
     $argsArray = [];
     $index = 0;
     foreach ($args as $arg) {
         $argumentName = $arg->getName();
         $argPromptSubject = "parameter ( {$argumentName} )";
         $isOptional = $arg->isOptional();
         if ($isOptional) {
             $argPromptSubject = "optional {$argPromptSubject}";
         if ($methodParams) {
             // @TODO (Ray Yang 9/30/15) : error checking
             $value = $methodParams[$index];
             $this->output->writeln("Get ( {$value} ) from the saved test for {$argPromptSubject}");
             $inputValue = $this->inputValueFactory->createPrimitiveValue($value);
         } else {
             $typeInfo = $method->getParamTypeString($argumentName);
             $inputValue = $this->inputValueGetter->get($typeInfo, $argPromptSubject, '', $methodName, $argumentName);
         if ($inputValue->isVoid()) {
             // @TODO (ryang 1/9/15) : double check if the parameter is optional.
             // Assume the parameters after this one will all have to be void.
         $argsArray[] = $inputValue;
     // Add an empty line for improved readability.
     $args = new Arguments($argsArray);
     return $args;
  * Generate statements for setting up the mocks of the classes
  * injected by the dependency management system.
  * Static methods are expected to be invoked on these mocks.
  * @return string
  * @throws \Box\TestScribe\Exception\TestScribeException
 public function genMockedClassesStatements()
     $mocks = $this->injectedMockClassMgr->getInjectedMockedClass();
     if (empty($mocks)) {
         return '';
     $injectMockedClassMethodName = $this->globalComputedConfig->getInjectMockedClassMethodName();
     if (!$injectMockedClassMethodName) {
         throw new TestScribeException('Method name to generate statements for setting up mocked classes is not set.');
     $statements = $this->multipleInjectedMocksRenderer->genInjectionStatements($mocks, $injectMockedClassMethodName);
     return $statements;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Execute the method under test and generate a test for it.
  * @return void
 public function start()
     try {
         $executionResult = $this->runner->run();
     } catch (AbortException $ex) {
     if ($this->globalComputedConfig->isGenerateSpec()) {
  * @param callable $func
  * @param array $params
  * @return \Box\TestScribe\Execution\ExecutionResultWithExceptionValue
  * @throws \Box\TestScribe\Exception\AbortException
  * @throws \Box\TestScribe\Exception\TestScribeException
  * @throws \Exception
 public function execute(callable $func, array $params)
     $result = null;
     $exceptionFromExecution = null;
     try {
         $result = call_user_func_array($func, $params);
     } catch (AbortException $abortException) {
         throw $abortException;
     } catch (TestScribeException $testScribeException) {
         if ($this->globalComputedConfig->isTheTestRunAgainstTheToolItself()) {
             $exceptionFromExecution = $testScribeException;
         } else {
             // Chain the original exception to provide details on the original exception.
     } catch (\Exception $exception) {
         $exceptionFromExecution = $exception;
     $returnValue = new ExecutionResultWithExceptionValue($result, $exceptionFromExecution);
     return $returnValue;
Ejemplo n.º 12
     * @param PhpClassName $outPhpClassName
     * @return string
    public function renderClassHeader(PhpClassName $outPhpClassName)
        $classNamespace = $outPhpClassName->getNameSpace();
        if ($classNamespace != '') {
            $namespaceStatement = "namespace {$classNamespace};";
        } else {
            $namespaceStatement = '';
        $testClassName = $outPhpClassName->getClassName();
        $testBaseClassName = $this->globalComputedConfig->getTestBaseClassName();
        $headerStatements = <<<TAG

 * Generated by TestScribe.
class {$testClassName} extends {$testBaseClassName}

        return $headerStatements;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Delete the existing destination file if it exists
  * and the command line option is specified to overwrite it.
  * @param string $file
 private function deleteExistingDestinationFileWhenNeeded($file)
     if (file_exists($file) && $this->globalComputedConfig->isOverwriteExistingDestinationFile()) {