  * Handles PRE_SAVE storage event
  * @param StorageEvent $event
 public function onPreSave(StorageEvent $event)
     $contenttype = $event->getContentType();
     // record contenttype
     $record = $event->getContent();
     // record itself
     $created = $event->isCreate();
     // if record was created, updated or deleted, for more information see the page in the documentation
     // Do whatever you want with this data
     // See page in the documentation for a logging example
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function testSetupWithRecord()
     $app = $this->getApp();
     $content = new Content($app, 'pages');
     $content->setValue('id', 5);
     $event = new StorageEvent($content);
     $this->assertEquals(5, $event->getId());
     $this->assertEquals('pages', $event->getContentType());
  * Handles POST_SAVE storage event
  * @param StorageEvent $event
 public function onPostSave(StorageEvent $event)
     $id = $event->getId();
     // record id
     $contenttype = $event->getContentType();
     // record contenttype
     $record = $event->getContent();
     // record itself
     $created = $event->isCreate();
     // if record was created, updated or deleted, for more information look here: https://docs.bolt.cm/extensions/essentials#adding-storage-events
  * Handles PRE_SAVE storage event
  * @param StorageEvent $event
 public function onPreSave(StorageEvent $event)
     // The ContentType of the record being saved
     $contenttype = $event->getContentType();
     // The record being saved
     $record = $event->getContent();
     // A flag to tell if the record was created, updated or deleted,
     // for more information see the page in the documentation
     $created = $event->isCreate();
     // Do whatever you want with this data
     // See page in the documentation for a logging example
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Post-save testing event.
  * @param StorageEvent $event
 public function eventPostSave(StorageEvent $event)
     $contenttype = $event->getContentType();
     if ($contenttype === 'pages') {
         $repo = $this->app['storage']->getRepository($contenttype);
         $record = $event->getContent();
         $values = $record->serialize();
         if ($event->isCreate()) {
             // Add a unique paragraph to the end of the body
             $record->setBody($values['body'] . '<p>Snuck in to body during POST_SAVE on create: ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '</p>');
         } else {
             // Add a unique paragraph to the end of the body
             $record->setBody($values['body'] . '<p>Added to body during POST_SAVE on save: ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '</p>');
         // Save the changes to the database
         $repo->save($record, true);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * preSaveCallback.
  * This callback is used to store the content of translated fields
  * on content type update. It is called by the event dispatcher.
 public function preSaveCallback(StorageEvent $event)
     $default_locale = $this->app['config']->get('general/locale', 'en_GB');
     $prefix = $this->app['config']->get('general/database/prefix', 'bolt_');
     $content_type = $event->getContentType();
     $content_type_id = $event->getId();
     $content = $event->getContent()->getValues();
     $content_type_config = $this->app['config']->get('contenttypes/' . $content_type);
     $locale_field = null;
     foreach ($content_type_config['fields'] as $name => $field) {
         if ($field['type'] == 'locale') {
             $locale_field = $name;
     if (!$content_type_id || !$locale_field || $content[$locale_field] === $default_locale) {
     $translatable_fields = $this->getTranslatableFields($content_type_config['fields']);
     $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $prefix . $content_type . ' WHERE id = :content_type_id';
     $default_content = $this->app['db']->fetchAssoc($query, array(':content_type_id' => $content_type_id));
     foreach ($translatable_fields as $translatable_field) {
         $fieldtype = $content_type_config['fields'][$translatable_field]['type'];
         if (is_a($content[$translatable_field], 'Bolt\\Content')) {
             $content[$translatable_field] = json_encode($content[$translatable_field]->getValues(true, true));
         if ($fieldtype === "video") {
             $content[$translatable_field]['html'] = (string) $content[$translatable_field]['html'];
             $content[$translatable_field]['responsive'] = (string) $content[$translatable_field]['responsive'];
         if (in_array($fieldtype, $this->serializedFieldTypes) && !is_string($content[$translatable_field])) {
             $content[$translatable_field] = json_encode($content[$translatable_field]);
         // Create/update translation entries
         $query = 'REPLACE INTO ' . $prefix . 'translation (locale, field, content_type_id, content_type, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)';
         $this->app['db']->executeQuery($query, array($content[$locale_field], $translatable_field, $content_type_id, $content_type, (string) $content[$translatable_field]));
         // Reset values to english
         $content[$translatable_field] = $default_content[$translatable_field];
     $content[$locale_field] = $default_locale;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Dispatch the event to IFTTT channel
  * Only control if the content belongs to allowed content-types to broadcast.
 public function dispatchToChannel(\Bolt\Events\StorageEvent $event)
     $id = $event->getId();
     $contenttype = $event->getContentType();
     $content = $event->getContent();
     // Only allowed content types in published state.
     if (!in_array($contenttype, $this->config['content_types'])) {
     // Payload
     $payload = array('value1' => $content->get('title'), 'value2' => $this->app['resources']->getUrl('hosturl') . $content->link());
     $event_name = $this->config['event_name'];
     try {
         $this->sendRequest($event_name, $payload);
         $this->log("Channel notified with event '{$event_name}' for {$contenttype}#{$id}");
     } catch (\Guzzle\Http\Exception\BadResponseException $e) {
         $code = $e->getResponse()->getStatusCode();
         $message = $e->getMessage();
         $this->log("Error : HTTP/{$code} - {$message}", "error");
  * StorageEvents::PRE_SAVE event callback.
  * @param StorageEvent $event
 public function preSave(StorageEvent $event)
     $request = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest();
     if ($request === null) {
     $contentType = $this->boltConfig->get('contenttypes/' . $event->getContentType());
     $translatableFields = $this->getTranslatableFields($contentType['fields']);
     /** @var Content $record */
     $record = $event->getContent();
     $values = $record->serialize();
     $localeValues = [];
     if (empty($translatableFields)) {
     $localeSlug = $request->get('_locale');
     $record->set($localeSlug . 'slug', $values['slug']);
     $locales = $this->config->getLocales();
     if ($values['_locale'] == reset($locales)->getSlug()) {
         $record->set($localeSlug . 'data', '[]');
     if ($values['id']) {
         /** @var Content $defaultContent */
         $defaultContent = $this->query->getContent($event->getContentType(), ['id' => $values['id'], 'returnsingle' => true]);
     if (in_array('templatefields', $translatableFields)) {
         $templateFields = $this->boltConfig->get('theme/templatefields/' . $values['template'] . '/fields');
         foreach ($templateFields as $key => $field) {
             if ($field['type'] === 'repeater') {
                 $values['templatefields'][$key] = json_encode($values['templatefields'][$key]);
     foreach ($translatableFields as $field) {
         $localeValues[$field] = $values[$field];
         if ($values['id']) {
             $record->set($field, $defaultContent->get($field));
         } else {
             $record->set($field, '');
     $localeJson = json_encode($localeValues);
     $record->set($localeSlug . 'data', $localeJson);