public function renderDesignerModeHtml(RenderAssetHtmlEvent $event, $eventName, EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher)
     if (!$event->getHtml() && $event->isDesignerMode()) {
         $asset = $event->getAsset();
         if (!$asset instanceof ExtendedAssetInterface || !$asset->isInline()) {
             $page = $this->pageProvider->getPage();
             $html = '';
             // html mode
             $xhtml = $page->outputFormat == 'xhtml';
             $tagEnding = $xhtml ? ' />' : '>';
             // session id
             $id = substr(md5($asset->getSourceRoot() . '/' . $asset->getSourcePath()), 0, 8);
             // get the session object
             $session = unserialize($_SESSION['THEME_PLUS_ASSETS'][$id]);
             if (!$session || $asset->getLastModified() > $session->asset->getLastModified()) {
                 $session = new \stdClass();
                 $session->page = $page->id;
                 $session->asset = $asset;
                 $_SESSION['THEME_PLUS_ASSETS'][$id] = serialize($session);
             $realAssets = $asset;
             while ($realAssets instanceof DelegatorAssetInterface) {
                 $realAssets = $realAssets->getAsset();
             if ($realAssets instanceof FileAsset) {
                 $name = basename($realAssets->getSourcePath());
             } else {
                 if ($realAssets instanceof HttpAsset) {
                     $class = new \ReflectionClass($realAssets);
                     $property = $class->getProperty('sourceUrl');
                     $url = $property->getValue($realAssets);
                     $name = 'url_' . basename(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH));
                 } else {
                     $name = 'asset_' . $id;
             // generate the proxy url
             $url = sprintf('assets/theme-plus/proxy.php/css/%s/%s', $id, $name);
             // overwrite the target path
             // remember asset for debug tool
             $this->developerTool->registerFile($id, (object) ['asset' => $realAssets, 'type' => 'css', 'url' => $url]);
             // generate html
             $linkHtml = '<link';
             $linkHtml .= sprintf(' id="%s"', $id);
             $linkHtml .= sprintf(' href="%s"', $url);
             if ($xhtml) {
                 $linkHtml .= ' type="text/css"';
             $linkHtml .= ' rel="stylesheet"';
             if ($asset instanceof ExtendedAssetInterface && $asset->getMediaQuery()) {
                 $linkHtml .= sprintf(' media="%s"', $asset->getMediaQuery());
             $linkHtml .= $tagEnding;
             // wrap cc around
             if ($asset instanceof ExtendedAssetInterface && $asset->getConditionalComment()) {
                 $linkHtml = ThemePlusUtils::wrapCc($linkHtml, $asset->getConditionalComment());
             // add debug information
             $html .= $this->developerTool->getDebugComment($asset);
             $html .= $linkHtml . PHP_EOL;
 public function renderDesignerModeHtml(RenderAssetHtmlEvent $event, $eventName, EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher)
     if (!$event->getHtml() && $event->isDesignerMode()) {
         $asset = $event->getAsset();
         if (!$asset instanceof ExtendedAssetInterface || !$asset->isInline()) {
             $page = $this->pageProvider->getPage();
             $html = '';
             // html mode
             $xhtml = $page->outputFormat == 'xhtml';
             // session id
             $id = substr(md5($asset->getSourceRoot() . '/' . $asset->getSourcePath()), 0, 8);
             // get the session object
             $session = unserialize($_SESSION['THEME_PLUS_ASSETS'][$id]);
             if (!$session || $asset->getLastModified() > $session->asset->getLastModified()) {
                 $session = new \stdClass();
                 $session->page = $page->id;
                 $session->asset = $asset;
                 $_SESSION['THEME_PLUS_ASSETS'][$id] = serialize($session);
             $realAssets = $asset;
             while ($realAssets instanceof DelegatorAssetInterface) {
                 $realAssets = $realAssets->getAsset();
             if ($realAssets instanceof FileAsset) {
                 $name = basename($realAssets->getSourcePath());
             } else {
                 if ($realAssets instanceof HttpAsset) {
                     $class = new \ReflectionClass($realAssets);
                     $property = $class->getProperty('sourceUrl');
                     $url = $property->getValue($realAssets);
                     $name = 'url_' . basename(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH));
                 } else {
                     $name = 'asset_' . $id;
             // generate the proxy url
             $url = sprintf('assets/theme-plus/proxy.php/js/%s/%s', $id, $name);
             // overwrite the target path
             // remember asset for debug tool
             $this->developerTool->registerFile($id, (object) ['asset' => $realAssets, 'type' => 'js', 'url' => $url]);
             // generate html
             if ($event->getLayout()->theme_plus_javascript_lazy_load) {
                 $scriptHtml = '<script';
                 $scriptHtml .= sprintf(' id="%s"', $id);
                 if ($xhtml) {
                     $scriptHtml .= ' type="text/javascript"';
                 $scriptHtml .= '>';
                 $scriptHtml .= sprintf('window.loadAsync(%s, %s)', json_encode($url), json_encode($id));
                 $scriptHtml .= '</script>';
             } else {
                 $scriptHtml = '<script';
                 $scriptHtml .= sprintf(' id="%s"', $id);
                 $scriptHtml .= sprintf(' src="%s"', $url);
                 if ($xhtml) {
                     $scriptHtml .= ' type="text/javascript"';
                 $scriptHtml .= sprintf(' onload="window.themePlusDevTool && window.themePlusDevTool.triggerAsyncLoad(this, \'%s\');"', $id);
                 $scriptHtml .= '></script>';
             // wrap cc around
             if ($asset instanceof ExtendedAssetInterface && $asset->getConditionalComment()) {
                 $scriptHtml = ThemePlusUtils::wrapCc($scriptHtml, $asset->getConditionalComment());
             // add debug information
             $html .= $this->developerTool->getDebugComment($asset);
             $html .= $scriptHtml . PHP_EOL;