Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function testBuildAlternate()
     $client = ClientBuilder::factory('Aws\\DynamoDb')->setConfigDefaults(array('scheme' => 'https', 'region' => 'us-west-1', 'service' => 'dynamodb', 'service.description' => $this->dynamoDbDescription))->setCredentialsResolver(new CredentialsOptionResolver(function (Collection $config) {
         return Credentials::factory($config->getAll(array_keys(Credentials::getConfigDefaults())));
     }))->addClientResolver(new BackoffOptionResolver(function () {
         return BackoffPlugin::getExponentialBackoff();
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Aws\\DynamoDb\\DynamoDbClient', $client);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Default method to execute when credentials are not specified
  * @param Collection $config Config options
  * @return CredentialsInterface
 protected function defaultMissingFunction(Collection $config)
     if ($config->get(Options::KEY) && $config->get(Options::SECRET)) {
         // Credentials were not provided, so create them using keys
         return Credentials::factory($config->getAll());
     // Attempt to get credentials from the EC2 instance profile server
     return new RefreshableInstanceProfileCredentials(new Credentials('', '', '', 1));
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Factory method to create a new Amazon STS client using an array of configuration options:
  * Credential options (`key`, `secret`, and optional `token` OR `credentials` is required)
  * - key: AWS Access Key ID
  * - secret: AWS secret access key
  * - credentials: You can optionally provide a custom `Aws\Common\Credentials\CredentialsInterface` object
  * - token: Custom AWS security token to use with request authentication
  * - token.ttd: UNIX timestamp for when the custom credentials expire
  * - credentials.cache: Used to cache credentials when using providers that require HTTP requests. Set the true
  *   to use the default APC cache or provide a `Guzzle\Cache\CacheAdapterInterface` object.
  * - credentials.cache.key: Optional custom cache key to use with the credentials
  * - credentials.client: Pass this option to specify a custom `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface` to use if your
  *   credentials require a HTTP request (e.g. RefreshableInstanceProfileCredentials)
  * Region and Endpoint options (a `region` and optional `scheme` OR a `base_url` is required)
  * - region: Region name (e.g. 'us-east-1', 'us-west-1', 'us-west-2', 'eu-west-1', etc...)
  * - scheme: URI Scheme of the base URL (e.g. 'https', 'http').
  * - base_url: Instead of using a `region` and `scheme`, you can specify a custom base URL for the client
  * - endpoint_provider: Optional `Aws\Common\Region\EndpointProviderInterface` used to provide region endpoints
  * Generic client options
  * - ssl.certificate_authority: Set to true to use the bundled CA cert (default), system to use the certificate
  *   bundled with your system, or pass the full path to an SSL certificate bundle. This option should be used when
  *   you encounter curl error code 60.
  * - curl.options: Array of cURL options to apply to every request.
  *   See http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.curl-setopt.php for a list of available options
  * - signature: You can optionally provide a custom signature implementation used to sign requests
  * - signature.service: Set to explicitly override the service name used in signatures
  * - signature.region:  Set to explicitly override the region name used in signatures
  * - client.backoff.logger: `Guzzle\Log\LogAdapterInterface` object used to log backoff retries. Use
  *   'debug' to emit PHP warnings when a retry is issued.
  * - client.backoff.logger.template: Optional template to use for exponential backoff log messages. See
  *   `Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\BackoffLogger` for formatting information.
  * @param array|Collection $config Client configuration data
  * @return self
 public static function factory($config = array())
     // Construct the STS client with the client builder
     return ClientBuilder::factory(__NAMESPACE__)->setConfig($config)->setConfigDefaults(array(Options::SERVICE_DESCRIPTION => __DIR__ . '/Resources/sts-2011-06-15.php'))->setCredentialsResolver(new CredentialsOptionResolver(function (Collection $config) {
         // Always need long term credentials
         if ($config->get(Options::KEY) && $config->get(Options::SECRET) && !$config->get(Options::TOKEN)) {
             return Credentials::factory($config->getAll(array_keys(Credentials::getConfigDefaults())));
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Factory method to create a new Amazon STS client using an array of configuration options:
  * Credential options (`key`, `secret`, and optional `token` OR `credentials` is required)
  * - key: AWS Access Key ID
  * - secret: AWS secret access key
  * - credentials: You can optionally provide a custom `Aws\Common\Credentials\CredentialsInterface` object
  * - token: Custom AWS security token to use with request authentication
  * - token.ttd: UNIX timestamp for when the custom credentials expire
  * - credentials.cache: Used to cache credentials when using providers that require HTTP requests. Set the true
  *   to use the default APC cache or provide a `Guzzle\Cache\CacheAdapterInterface` object.
  * - credentials.cache.key: Optional custom cache key to use with the credentials
  * - credentials.client: Pass this option to specify a custom `Guzzle\Http\ClientInterface` to use if your
  *   credentials require a HTTP request (e.g. RefreshableInstanceProfileCredentials)
  * Region and Endpoint options (a `region` and optional `scheme` OR a `base_url` is required)
  * - region: Region name (e.g. 'us-east-1', 'us-west-1', 'us-west-2', 'eu-west-1', etc...)
  * - scheme: URI Scheme of the base URL (e.g. 'https', 'http').
  * - base_url: Instead of using a `region` and `scheme`, you can specify a custom base URL for the client
  * - endpoint_provider: Optional `Aws\Common\Region\EndpointProviderInterface` used to provide region endpoints
  * Generic client options
  * - ssl.cert: Set to true to use the bundled CA cert or pass the full path to an SSL certificate bundle. This
  *   option should be used when you encounter curl error code 60.
  * - curl.options: Array of cURL options to apply to every request.
  *   See http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.curl-setopt.php for a list of available options
  * - signature: You can optionally provide a custom signature implementation used to sign requests
  * - signature.service: Set to explicitly override the service name used in signatures
  * - signature.region:  Set to explicitly override the region name used in signatures
  * - client.backoff.logger: `Guzzle\Log\LogAdapterInterface` object used to log backoff retries. Use
  *   'debug' to emit PHP warnings when a retry is issued.
  * - client.backoff.logger.template: Optional template to use for exponential backoff log messages. See
  *   `Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\BackoffLogger` for formatting information.
  * @param array|Collection $config Client configuration data
  * @return self
 public static function factory($config = array())
     // Construct the STS client with the client builder
     return ClientBuilder::factory(__NAMESPACE__)->setConfig($config)->setConfigDefaults(array(Options::SERVICE => 'sts', Options::SCHEME => 'https', Options::REGION => 'us-east-1'))->setCredentialsResolver(new CredentialsOptionResolver(function (Collection $config) {
         // Always need long term credentials
         if ($config->get(Options::KEY) && $config->get(Options::SECRET) && !$config->get(Options::TOKEN)) {
             return Credentials::factory($config->getAll(array_keys(Credentials::getConfigDefaults())));
     }))->setSignature(new SignatureV4())->build();
 public function testProxiesToWrappedObject()
     $credentials = new Credentials('a', 'b', 'c', 1000);
     $c = new AbstractCredentialsDecorator($credentials);
     $this->assertEquals('a', $c->getAccessKeyId());
     $this->assertEquals('b', $c->getSecretKey());
     $this->assertEquals('c', $c->getSecurityToken());
     $this->assertEquals(1000, $c->getExpiration());
     $this->assertSame($c, $c->setAccessKeyId('foo'));
     $this->assertSame($c, $c->setSecretKey('baz'));
     $this->assertSame($c, $c->setSecurityToken('bar'));
     $this->assertSame($c, $c->setExpiration(500));
     $this->assertEquals('foo', $c->getAccessKeyId());
     $this->assertEquals('baz', $c->getSecretKey());
     $this->assertEquals('bar', $c->getSecurityToken());
     $this->assertEquals(500, $c->getExpiration());
     $this->assertSame($c->serialize(), $credentials->serialize());
     $this->assertEquals(unserialize(serialize($c)), $c);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 protected function getCredentials(Collection $config)
     $credentials = $config->get(Options::CREDENTIALS);
     if (is_array($credentials)) {
         $credentials = Credentials::factory($credentials);
     } elseif ($credentials === false) {
         $credentials = new NullCredentials();
     } elseif (!$credentials instanceof CredentialsInterface) {
         $credentials = Credentials::factory($config);
     return $credentials;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Performs the building logic using all of the parameters that have been
  * set and falling back to default values. Returns an instantiate service
  * client with credentials prepared and plugins attached.
  * @return AwsClientInterface
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function build()
     // Resolve configuration
     $config = Collection::fromConfig($this->config, array_merge(self::$commonConfigDefaults, $this->configDefaults), self::$commonConfigRequirements + $this->configRequirements);
     // Resolve endpoint and signature from the config and service description
     $description = $this->updateConfigFromDescription($config);
     $signature = $this->getSignature($description, $config);
     // Resolve credentials
     if (!($credentials = $config->get('credentials'))) {
         $credentials = Credentials::factory($config);
     // Resolve exception parser
     if (!$this->exceptionParser) {
         $this->exceptionParser = new DefaultXmlExceptionParser();
     // Resolve backoff strategy
     $backoff = $config->get(Options::BACKOFF);
     if ($backoff === null) {
         $backoff = new BackoffPlugin(new TruncatedBackoffStrategy(3, new ThrottlingErrorChecker($this->exceptionParser, new HttpBackoffStrategy(array(500, 503, 509), new CurlBackoffStrategy(null, new ExpiredCredentialsChecker($this->exceptionParser, new ExponentialBackoffStrategy()))))));
         $config->set(Options::BACKOFF, $backoff);
     if ($backoff) {
         $this->addBackoffLogger($backoff, $config);
     // Determine service and class name
     $clientClass = 'Aws\\Common\\Client\\DefaultClient';
     if ($this->clientNamespace) {
         $serviceName = substr($this->clientNamespace, strrpos($this->clientNamespace, '\\') + 1);
         $clientClass = $this->clientNamespace . '\\' . $serviceName . 'Client';
     /** @var $client AwsClientInterface */
     $client = new $clientClass($credentials, $signature, $config);
     // Add exception marshaling so that more descriptive exception are thrown
     if ($this->clientNamespace) {
         $exceptionFactory = new NamespaceExceptionFactory($this->exceptionParser, "{$this->clientNamespace}\\Exception", "{$this->clientNamespace}\\Exception\\{$serviceName}Exception");
         $client->addSubscriber(new ExceptionListener($exceptionFactory));
     // Add the UserAgentPlugin to append to the User-Agent header of requests
     $client->addSubscriber(new UserAgentListener());
     // Filters used for the cache plugin
     $client->getConfig()->set('params.cache.key_filter', 'header=date,x-amz-date,x-amz-security-token,x-amzn-authorization');
     // Set the iterator resource factory based on the provided iterators config
     $client->setResourceIteratorFactory(new AwsResourceIteratorFactory($this->iteratorsConfig, new ResourceIteratorClassFactory($this->clientNamespace . '\\Iterator')));
     // Disable parameter validation if needed
     if ($config->get(Options::VALIDATION) === false) {
         $params = $config->get('command.params') ?: array();
         $params['command.disable_validation'] = true;
         $config->set('command.params', $params);
     return $client;
 public function testCredentialsCanInjectCacheAndUsesHostnameBasedKey()
     $cache = new DoctrineCacheAdapter(new ArrayCache());
     $cache->save('credentials_' . crc32(gethostname()), new Credentials('ABC', '123', 'Listen to me', time() + 10000));
     $credentials = Credentials::factory(array('credentials.cache' => $cache));
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Aws\\Common\\Credentials\\CacheableCredentials', $credentials);
     $this->assertSame($cache, $this->readAttribute($credentials, 'cache'));
     $this->assertEquals('ABC', $credentials->getAccessKeyId());
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function testAddsDefaultCredentials()
     $_SERVER['HOME'] = '/tmp';
     $creds = Credentials::factory(array('key' => 'foo', 'secret' => 'bar'));
     $config = array('service' => 'dynamodb', 'region' => 'us-east-1', 'credentials' => $creds, 'service.description' => array('signatureVersion' => 'v2', 'regions' => array('us-east-1' => array('https' => true, 'hostname' => 'foo.com'))));
     // Ensure that specific credentials can be used
     $client1 = ClientBuilder::factory('Aws\\DynamoDb')->setConfig($config)->build();
     $this->assertSame($creds, $client1->getCredentials());
     // Ensure that the instance metadata service is called when no credentials are supplied
     $client2 = ClientBuilder::factory('Aws\\DynamoDb')->setConfig($config)->build();
     try {
         $this->fail('An InstanceProfileCredentialsException should have been thrown.');
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->assertInstanceOf('Aws\\Common\\Exception\\InstanceProfileCredentialsException', $e);
     // Ensure that environment credentials are picked up if supplied via $_SERVER
     $_SERVER[Credentials::ENV_KEY] = 'server-key';
     $_SERVER[Credentials::ENV_SECRET] = 'server-secret';
     $client3 = ClientBuilder::factory('Aws\\DynamoDb')->setConfig($config)->build();
     $this->assertEquals('server-key', $client3->getCredentials()->getAccessKeyId());
     $this->assertEquals('server-secret', $client3->getCredentials()->getSecretKey());
     unset($_SERVER[Credentials::ENV_KEY], $_SERVER[Credentials::ENV_SECRET]);
     // Ensure that environment credentials are picked up if supplied via AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
     $_SERVER[Credentials::ENV_KEY] = 'server-key';
     // Remove the old key name
     $_SERVER[Credentials::ENV_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY] = 'server-secret';
     $client4 = ClientBuilder::factory('Aws\\DynamoDb')->setConfig($config)->build();
     $this->assertEquals('server-key', $client4->getCredentials()->getAccessKeyId());
     $this->assertEquals('server-secret', $client4->getCredentials()->getSecretKey());
     unset($_SERVER[Credentials::ENV_KEY], $_SERVER[Credentials::ENV_SECRET]);
     // Ensure that environment credentials are picked up if supplied via putenv
     putenv(Credentials::ENV_KEY . '=env-key');
     putenv(Credentials::ENV_SECRET . '=env-secret');
     $client5 = ClientBuilder::factory('Aws\\DynamoDb')->setConfig($config)->build();
     $this->assertEquals('env-key', $client5->getCredentials()->getAccessKeyId());
     $this->assertEquals('env-secret', $client5->getCredentials()->getSecretKey());
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * @covers Aws\Common\Credentials\Credentials::fromIni
  * @covers Aws\Common\Credentials\Credentials::getHomeDir
  * @dataProvider getDataForCredentialFileTest
 public function testFactoryCreatesCredentialsFromCredentialFile(array $envVars = array(), $expKey = null, $expSecret = null, $profile = null)
     foreach ($envVars as $key => $value) {
         $_SERVER[$key] = $value;
     if (!$expKey && !$expSecret) {
     $credentials = Credentials::fromIni($profile);
     $this->assertEquals($expKey, $credentials->getAccessKeyId());
     $this->assertEquals($expSecret, $credentials->getSecretKey());
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Returns the default credential resolver for a client
  * @return CredentialsOptionResolver
 protected function getDefaultCredentialsResolver()
     return new CredentialsOptionResolver(function (Collection $config) {
         return Credentials::factory($config->getAll(array_keys(Credentials::getConfigDefaults())));
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * @covers Aws\Common\Credentials\Credentials::factory
  * @expectedException Aws\Common\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  * @expectedExceptionMessage Unable to utilize caching with the specified options
 public function testFactoryBailsWhenCacheCannotBeDetermined()
     Credentials::factory(array('credentials.cache' => 'foo'));