Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function gc($maxlifetime)
     // Memcached deals with it's own GC, but we have to do it for the DB.
     $query = new Query($this->dbconnection);
     $query->sql("\n            Delete from `" . static::$tablename . "` where expiry < '" . time() . "'\n        ");
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function resolveState()
     $key = 'join_' . $this->joinCount;
     $select = 'Select distinct ' . $key . '.id as id from `' . $this->sourceSchema['table_name'] . '` as join_0 ';
     $where = 'Where join_0.id = ' . $this->source->id;
     array_unshift($this->route, $select);
     array_push($this->route, $where);
     $query = new Query($this->database);
     $query->sql(implode(' ', $this->route));
     list($ids) = $query->execute();
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         $return[] = $id['id'];
     return $return;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static final function factoryDataCount($where, $table, $dbconnection, array $options = null)
     // Select * from $table where $where
     $build = QueryBuilder::count($table)->where($where);
     if (is_array($options)) {
         // Limit
         if (key_exists('limit', $options) && key_exists('offset', $options)) {
             $build->limit($options['limit'], $options['offset']);
         } elseif (key_exists('limit', $options)) {
     $query = new Query($dbconnection);
     list($data) = $query->sql($build)->execute();
     return $data;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function gc($maxlifetime)
     if (!$this->session_broken) {
         try {
             $query = new Query($this->dbconnection);
             $query->sql("\n                    Delete from `" . static::$tablename . "` where expiry < '" . time() . "'\n                ");
             return true;
         } catch (\Automatorm\Exception\Database $e) {
             $this->session_broken = true;
             throw new Exception\Session('GC', $e);
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function getChildren()
     // Find all direct child/parent relationships
     $query = new Query(static::getConnection());
     $query->sql(QueryBuilder::select($this->closureTable, ['child_id'])->where(['parent_id' => $this->id, 'depth' => 1]));
     list($results) = $query->execute();
     $children = [];
     foreach ($results as $row) {
         $children[] = $row['child_id'];
     return static::findAll(['id' => $children]);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static function generateSchema($dbconnection)
     $model = [];
     // Get a list of all foreign keys in this database
     $query = new Query($dbconnection);
     $query->sql("\n            SELECT b.table_name, b.column_name, b.referenced_table_name, b.referenced_column_name\n            FROM information_schema.table_constraints a \n            JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage b\n            ON a.table_schema = b.table_schema AND a.constraint_name = b.constraint_name\n            WHERE a.table_schema = database() AND a.constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY'\n            ORDER BY b.table_name, b.constraint_name;");
     $query->sql("\n            SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns where table_schema = database();\n        ");
     list($keys, $schema) = $query->execute();
     // Assemble list of table columns by table
     foreach ($schema as $row) {
         $table_name = self::normaliseCase($row['table_name']);
         $model[$table_name]['table_name'] = $row['table_name'];
         // All tables default to type 'table' - can also be 'pivot' or 'foreign' as detected later
         $model[$table_name]['type'] = 'table';
         // List all columns for this table
         $model[$table_name]['columns'][$row['column_name']] = $row['data_type'];
     // Loop over every foreign key definition
     foreach ($keys as $row) {
         $table_name = self::normaliseCase($row['table_name']);
         $ref_table_name = self::normaliseCase($row['referenced_table_name']);
         if ($row['referenced_column_name'] == 'id' and $row['column_name'] == 'id') {
             // If both columns in the key are 'id' then this is a 1 to 1 relationship.
             // Create a link in both objects to each other
             $model[$ref_table_name]['one-to-one'][self::underscoreCase($table_name)] = $table_name;
             $model[$table_name]['one-to-one'][self::underscoreCase($ref_table_name)] = $ref_table_name;
             $model[$table_name]['type'] = 'foreign';
         } elseif ($row['referenced_column_name'] == 'id') {
             // if this foreign key points at one 'id' column then this is a usable foreign 'key'
             if (substr($row['column_name'], -3) == '_id') {
                 $column_root = substr($row['column_name'], 0, -3);
                 $model[$table_name]['many-to-one'][$column_root] = $ref_table_name;
                 // Add the key constraint in reverse, trying to make a sensible name.
                 // If the column name was derived from the table name, just use the table name.
                 // (e.g "my_account" table and "my_account_id" -> my_account)
                 // Otherwise, append the column name to the table name to make sure it is unique.
                 // (e.g "your_account" table and "my_account_id" -> your_account_my_account)
                 if ($column_root == $row['referenced_table_name']) {
                     $property_name = self::underscoreCase($table_name);
                 } else {
                     $property_name = self::underscoreCase($table_name) . '_' . $column_root;
                 $model[$ref_table_name]['one-to-many'][$property_name] = array('table' => $table_name, 'column_name' => $row['column_name']);
     // Now look for pivot tables
     foreach ($model as $pivottablename => $pivot) {
         // If we have found a table with only foreign keys then this must be a pivot table
         if (count($pivot['many-to-one']) > 1 and count($pivot['columns']) == count($pivot['many-to-one'])) {
             // Grab all foreign keys and rearrange them into arrays.
             $tableinfo = array();
             foreach ($pivot['many-to-one'] as $column => $tablename) {
                 $tableinfo[] = array('column' => $column . '_id', 'column_raw' => $column, 'table' => $tablename);
             // For each foreign key, store details in the table it point to on how to get to the OTHER table in the "Many to Many" relationship
             foreach ($tableinfo as $i => $table) {
                 // If the column name is named based on the foreign table name, then use the pivot table name as the property name
                 // This is the normal/usual case
                 if ($table['column'] == self::underscoreCase($table['table']) . '_id') {
                     $property_name = self::underscoreCase($pivottablename);
                 } else {
                     // Else append the column name to the pivot table name.
                     // This is mostly for when a pivot table references the same table twice, and so
                     // needs to have a unique name for at least one of the columns (which is not based on the table name)
                     $property_name = self::underscoreCase($pivottablename) . '_' . $table['column_raw'];
                 // Outersect of tables to create an array of all OTHER foreign keys in this table, for this foreign key.
                 $othertables = array_values(array_diff_assoc($tableinfo, array($i => $table)));
                 $model[$table['table']]['many-to-many'][$property_name] = array('pivot' => $pivottablename, 'connections' => $othertables, 'id' => $table['column']);
             $model[$pivottablename]['type'] = 'pivot';
             // Remove the M-1 keys for these tables to fully encapsulate the M-M scheme.
             foreach ($tableinfo as $table) {
                 foreach ((array) $model[$table['table']]['one-to-many'] as $key => $val) {
                     if ($val['table'] == $pivottablename) {
     return $model;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function joinCount($var, $where = [])
     if (!is_null($this->__external[$var]) && !$this->__external[$var] instanceof Collection) {
         return 1;
     if ($this->__external[$var]) {
         return $this->__external[$var]->filter($where)->count();
     // If this Model_Data isn't linked to the db yet, then linked values cannot exist
     if (!($id = $this->__data['id'])) {
         return 0;
     /* FOREIGN KEYS */
     // 1-1, just grab the object - not worth optimising
     if (key_exists($var, (array) $this->__model['one-to-one'])) {
         /* Call Tablename::factory(foreign key id) to get the object we want */
         $table = $this->__model['one-to-one'][$var];
         $this->__external[$var] = Model::factoryObjectCache($id, $table, $this->__database);
         return $this->__external[$var] ? 1 : 0;
     // M-1, just grab the object - not worth optimising
     if (key_exists($var, (array) $this->__model['many-to-one'])) {
         /* Call Tablename::factory(foreign key id) to get the object we want */
         $table = $this->__model['many-to-one'][$var];
         $this->__external[$var] = Model::factoryObjectCache($this->__data[$var . '_id'], $table, $this->__database);
         return $this->__external[$var] ? 1 : 0;
     /* Look for lists of objects in other tables referencing this one */
     if (key_exists($var, (array) $this->__model['one-to-many'])) {
         $table = $this->__model['one-to-many'][$var]['table'];
         $column = $this->__model['one-to-many'][$var]['column_name'];
         // Use the model factory to find the relevant items
         list($data) = Model::factoryDataCount($where + [$column => $id], $table, $this->__database);
         return $data['count'];
     if (key_exists($var, (array) $this->__model['many-to-many'])) {
         // Get pivot schema
         $pivot = $this->__model['many-to-many'][$var];
         // We can only support simple connection access for 2 key pivots.
         if (count($pivot['connections']) != 1) {
             throw new Exception\Model('MODEL_DATA:CANNOT_CALL_MULTIPIVOT_AS_PROPERTY', array($var));
         // Get a list of ids linked to this object (i.e. the tablename_id stored in the pivot table)
         $pivot_schema = $this->__schema->getTable($pivot['pivot']);
         $pivot_tablename = $pivot_schema['table_name'];
         $clauses = [];
         if ($where) {
             foreach ($where as $clause_column => $clause_value) {
                 // Rewrite $where clauses to insert `pivotjoin` table in column name
                 preg_match('/^([!=<>%]*)(.+?)([!=<>%]*)$/', $clause_column, $parts);
                 $prefix = $parts[1] ?: $parts[3];
                 $clause_column = $parts[2];
                 $clauses['`pivotjoin`.`' . $clause_column . '`' . $prefix] = $clause_value;
         // Build Query
         $q = QueryBuilder::select([$pivot_tablename => 'pivot'], ['pivot.*'])->where(['`pivot`.' . $pivot['id'] => $this->__data['id']])->join([Schema::underscoreCase($pivot['connections'][0]['table']) => 'pivotjoin'])->joinOn(['pivotjoin.id' => "`pivot`.`{$pivot['connections'][0]['column']}`"])->where($clauses);
         $query = new Query($this->__database);
         list($raw) = $query->sql($q)->execute();
         // Rearrange the list of ids into a flat array
         $id = array();
         foreach ($raw as $raw_id) {
             $id[] = $raw_id[$pivot['connections'][0]['column']];
         $dedup = array_unique($id);
         return count($dedup);
     throw new Exception\Model("MODEL_DATA:UNKNOWN_FOREIGN_PROPERTY", ['property' => $var, 'data' => $this]);