Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function testRealConfig()
     $webRoot = \asm\core\Config::get('roots', 'web');
     // hack
     \asm\core\Config::init(\asm\utils\Filesystem::combinePaths($webRoot, "core/config.ini"), \asm\utils\Filesystem::combinePaths($webRoot, "core/internal.ini"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function testRealPath()
     $this->assertNotFalse(Filesystem::realPath(self::TEST_DIRECTORY . "/a.txt"));
     $this->assertNotFalse(Filesystem::realPath(self::TEST_DIRECTORY . "/nonexistent.txt"));
     $this->assertFalse(Filesystem::realPath(self::TEST_DIRECTORY . "/nonexistent/nonexistent.txt"));
     $this->assertSame(Filesystem::combinePaths(realpath('.'), 'text'), Filesystem::realPath('text'));
 protected function body()
     $plugins = Repositories::getRepository(Repositories::Plugin)->findAll();
     $errors = [];
     foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
         /** @var $plugin \Plugin */
         $dbPhpFile = $plugin->getMainfile();
         $dbDescription = $plugin->getDescription();
         $dbIdentifier = $plugin->getIdentifier();
         $pluginDirectory = $this->getMainDirectory($dbPhpFile);
         if ($pluginDirectory === false) {
             $errors[] = $plugin->getName() . ": " . Language::get(StringID::ReloadManifests_InvalidFolder);
         $manifestFile = Filesystem::combinePaths(Config::get('paths', 'plugins'), $pluginDirectory, "manifest.xml");
         $xml = new \DOMDocument();
         $success = $xml->load(realpath($manifestFile));
         if ($success === false) {
             $errors[] = $plugin->getName() . ": " . Language::get(StringID::ReloadManifests_MalformedXmlOrFileMissing);
         $fileDescription = $xml->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0);
         $fileArguments = $xml->getElementsByTagName('argument');
         $fileIdentifier = $xml->getElementsByTagName('identifier')->item(0);
         $fileArgumentsArray = [];
         for ($i = 0; $i < $fileArguments->length; $i++) {
             $fileArgumentsArray[] = trim($fileArguments->item($i)->nodeValue);
         $fileArgumentsString = implode(';', $fileArgumentsArray);
         if ($dbDescription !== trim($fileDescription->nodeValue)) {
             $errors[] = $plugin->getName() . ": " . Language::get(StringID::ReloadManifests_DescriptionMismatch);
         if ($dbIdentifier !== trim($fileIdentifier->nodeValue)) {
             $errors[] = $plugin->getName() . ": " . Language::get(StringID::ReloadManifests_IdentifierMismatch);
         if ($plugin->getConfig() !== $fileArgumentsString) {
             $errors[] = $plugin->getName() . ": " . Language::get(StringID::ReloadManifests_ArgumentsMismatch);
     if (count($errors) === 0) {
         $this->addOutput("text", Language::get(StringID::ReloadManifests_DatabaseCorrespondsToManifests));
     } else {
         $this->addOutput("text", implode('<br>', $errors));
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 protected function body()
     if (!$this->userHasPrivileges(User::pluginsRemove)) {
         return false;
     if (!$this->isInputValid(array('id' => 'isIndex'))) {
         return false;
     $id = $this->getParams('id');
      * @var $plugin \Plugin
     $plugin = Repositories::findEntity(Repositories::Plugin, $id);
     $pluginFolder = Filesystem::combinePaths(Config::get('paths', 'plugins'), $plugin->getName());
     if (!Filesystem::removeDir($pluginFolder)) {
         return $this->death(StringID::FileSystemError);
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 function run($array)
     $zipFile = $array[0];
     if (count($array) !== 2) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("This must receive 2 parameters in the array exactly.");
     $launcher = new \asm\core\JavaLauncher();
     $pluginResults = "";
     $response = null;
     $error = $launcher->launch(Filesystem::combinePaths(CheckerRunner::$xmlCheckRoot, "/files/plugins/XML XQuery/XQueryPlugin.jar"), array($zipFile, $array[1]), $responseString);
     if (!$error) {
         if (isset($responseString)) {
             try {
                 $response = \asm\plugin\PluginResponse::fromXmlString($responseString);
             } catch (Exception $ex) {
                 $response = \asm\plugin\PluginResponse::createError('Internal error. Plugin did not supply valid response XML and this error occured: ' . $ex->getMessage() . '. Plugin instead supplied this response string: ' . $responseString);
     } else {
         $response = \asm\plugin\PluginResponse::createError('Plugin cannot be launched (' . $error . ').');
     return $response;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Unpack ZIP archive to specified folder.
  * If it contains only a single directory and nothing else, its contents are extracted instead of the entire ZIP file. This also happens if the only other directory is the "__MACOSX" metadata folder that Macintosh operating systems add to generated ZIP files.
  * This function is a security vulnerability. Possible attacks include a very large ZIP file, such as a ZIP bomb, or putting in a file with a relative path such as '../etc/passwd'.
  * @param string $archive source archive path
  * @param string $destination destination folder path
  * @param [out]string $errorMessage why did the extraction fail?
  * @return true on success
 public static function unzip($archive, $destination, &$errorMessage = null)
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     $errorCode = $zip->open($archive);
     if ($errorCode !== true) {
         $errorMessage = "could not open ZIP file (error code " . $errorCode . ")";
         return false;
     // Otherwise, this is a normal ZIP file.
     if (!$zip->extractTo($destination)) {
         $errorMessage = "extraction failed";
         return false;
     // Now, we'll check if the ZIP file contains only a single folder. If so,
     // then we'll copy its contests to the root temporary folder, then remove the original folder.
     $files = scandir($destination);
     if ($files === false) {
         $errorMessage = "scanning the temporary directory failed";
         return false;
     // On Linux, scandir returns the "." and ".." pseudofolders we are not interested in
     $files = array_diff($files, [".", ".."]);
     // For ZIP files generated on Mac OS X, we are not interested in the metadata folder.
     $files = array_diff($files, ["__MACOSX"]);
     if (count($files) === 0) {
         $errorMessage = "the ZIP file is empty";
         return false;
     } elseif (count($files) === 1) {
         // We renumber the remaining file/directory so that it is at index 0. It might not have been because of the subtraction of "." and ".."
         $files = array_values($files);
         $soleDirectory = Filesystem::combinePaths($destination, $files[0]);
         if (is_dir($soleDirectory)) {
             if (Filesystem::copyIntoDirectory($soleDirectory, $destination)) {
                 return true;
             } else {
                 $errorMessage = "the ZIP file contained a single directory, but copying its contents to temporary directory failed";
                 return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Resolves supplied partial path using supplied base.
  * @param string $parent base for @c $child
  * @param string $child partial path to be resolved
  * @return string absolute path of @c $child appended to @c $parent with
  *        OS-dependent directory separators replaced by UNIX-style slashes (or
  * @throws Exception when the combined paths don't point to an actual file on the filesystem
 private function resolvePath($parent, $child)
     $realPath = realpath(Filesystem::combinePaths($parent, $child));
     if ($realPath !== false) {
         $realPath = str_replace('\\', '/', $realPath);
         return is_dir($realPath) ? $realPath . '/' : $realPath;
     } else {
         throw new Exception("The parent path '{$parent}' and the child path '{$child}' combined do not point to any file on the filesystem. Perhaps your internal.ini file is wrong?'");
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Attempts to find an XML and an XSL filename in the given folder and adds an error if it cannot find them.
  * @param $fromWhere string directory from where to load the files
  * @param $xmlFile string The found XML filename.
  * @param $xslFile string The found XSL filename.
 private function loadFiles($fromWhere, &$xmlFile, &$xslFile)
     $xmlFile = false;
     $xslFile = false;
     $files = \asm\utils\Filesystem::getFiles($fromWhere);
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if (Utils::endsWith(strtolower($file), ".xml")) {
             if ($xmlFile === false) {
                 $xmlFile = \asm\utils\Filesystem::combinePaths($fromWhere, $file);
             } else {
                 $this->addError("There are two or more .xml files in your submission. There must only be one.");
         if (Utils::endsWith(strtolower($file), ".xsl")) {
             if ($xslFile === false) {
                 $xslFile = \asm\utils\Filesystem::combinePaths($fromWhere, $file);
             } else {
                 $this->addError("There are two or more .xsl files in your submission. There must only be one.");
     if ($xmlFile === false) {
         $this->addError("Your submission must contain an XML file ending with '.xml'.");
     if ($xslFile === false) {
         $this->addError("Your submission must contain an XSL file ending with '.xsl'.");
Ejemplo n.º 9
 private function runSchemaTest($zipFile, $fulfillment = null, $details = "")
     $result = CheckerRunner::runChecker(new XmlSchemaChecker(), Filesystem::combinePaths(CheckerRunner::$testCasesRoot, "SCHEMA", $zipFile), []);
     CheckerRunner::assert($this, $zipFile, $result, $fulfillment, $details);
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Deletes test with supplied ID (with input & output files).
  * @param int $id test ID
  * @return array error properties provided by removalError() or retrievalError(),
  * or false in case of success
 public static function deleteTestById($id)
      * @var $test \PluginTest
     $test = Repositories::findEntity(Repositories::PluginTest, $id);
     $testFolder = Config::get('paths', 'tests');
     // Delete input solution file
     if (is_file(Filesystem::combinePaths($testFolder, $test->getInput()))) {
         Filesystem::removeFile(Filesystem::combinePaths($testFolder, $test->getInput()));
     // Delete plugin test output
     if (is_file(Filesystem::combinePaths($testFolder, $test->getOutput()))) {
         Filesystem::removeFile(Filesystem::combinePaths($testFolder, $test->getOutput()));
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 private function runDtdTest($zipFile, $fulfillment = null, $details = "")
     $result = CheckerRunner::runChecker(new Dtd2014Checker(), Filesystem::combinePaths(CheckerRunner::$testCasesRoot, "DTD", $zipFile), [0, 0]);
     CheckerRunner::assert($this, $zipFile, $result, $fulfillment, $details);
Ejemplo n.º 12

namespace asm\unittests;

use asm\core\Config;
use asm\utils\Filesystem;
$xmlcheckRoot = "../../www";
require_once $xmlcheckRoot . "/vendor/autoload.php";
Config::init(Filesystem::combinePaths($xmlcheckRoot, "core/config.ini"), Filesystem::combinePaths($xmlcheckRoot, "core/internal.ini"));
class CheckerRunner
    public static $xmlCheckRoot = "../../www";
    public static $testCasesRoot = "../plugins/cases";
     * @param $checker mixed A class with a run() method
     * @param $zipFile string The path to the zip file with the test case
     * @param $arguments array Configuration of the plugin
     * @return \asm\plugin\PluginResponse
    public static function runChecker($checker, $zipFile, $arguments)
        $testResult = $checker->run(array_merge([$zipFile], $arguments));
        return $testResult;
     * @param $testCase PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
     * @param $result \asm\plugin\PluginResponse
     * @param $fulfillment int
     * @param $details string
    public static function assert($testCase, $filename, $result, $fulfillment = null, $details = "")
Ejemplo n.º 13
 private function runXsltTest($zipFile, $templateCount, $fulfillment = null, $details = "")
     $result = CheckerRunner::runChecker(new XsltChecker(), Filesystem::combinePaths(CheckerRunner::$testCasesRoot, "XSLT", $zipFile), [$templateCount]);
     CheckerRunner::assert($this, $zipFile, $result, $fulfillment, $details);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 private function runXPathTest($zipFile, $fulfillment = null, $details = "")
     $result = CheckerRunner::runChecker(new XpathChecker(), Filesystem::combinePaths(CheckerRunner::$testCasesRoot, "XPATH", $zipFile), [5]);
     CheckerRunner::assert($this, $zipFile, $result, $fulfillment, $details);