Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Helper method which allows to execute a callable as the super user the server got started by.
  * @param callable $callable  The callable to run
  * @param array    $arguments Arguments to pass to the callable
  * @return mixed The callables result
 public static function sudo(callable $callable, array $arguments = array())
     // don't do anything under Windows
     if (FileSystem::getOsIdentifier() === FileSystem::OS_IDENTIFIER_WIN) {
         return call_user_func_array($callable, $arguments);
     // get the current user user pair (super user and effective user)
     $currentUserId = (int) posix_geteuid();
     $superUserId = (int) posix_getuid();
     // temporarily switch to the super user
     // execute the callable
     $result = call_user_func_array($callable, $arguments);
     // switch back to the effective user
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Handle an event.
  * @param \League\Event\EventInterface $event The triggering event
  * @return void
  * @see \League\Event\ListenerInterface::handle()
 public function handle(EventInterface $event)
     try {
         // load the application server instance
         /** @var \AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Interfaces\ApplicationServerInterface $applicationServer */
         $applicationServer = $this->getApplicationServer();
         // write a log message that the event has been invoked
         // don't do anything under Windows
         if (FileSystem::getOsIdentifier() === 'WIN') {
             $applicationServer->getSystemLogger()->info('Don\'t switch UID to \'%s\' because OS is Windows');
         // initialize the variable for user/group
         $uid = 0;
         $gid = 0;
         // throw an exception if the POSIX extension is not available
         if (extension_loaded('posix') === false) {
             throw new \Exception('Can\'t switch user, because POSIX extension is not available');
         // print a message with the old UID/EUID
         $applicationServer->getSystemLogger()->info("Running as " . posix_getuid() . "/" . posix_geteuid());
         // extract the user and group name as variables
         // switch the effective GID to the passed group
         if (posix_setegid($gid) === false) {
             $applicationServer->getSystemLogger()->error(sprintf('Can\'t switch GID to \'%s\'', $gid));
         // print a message with the new GID/EGID
         $applicationServer->getSystemLogger()->info("Running as group" . posix_getgid() . "/" . posix_getegid());
         // switch the effective UID to the passed user
         if (posix_seteuid($uid) === false) {
             $applicationServer->getSystemLogger()->error(sprintf('Can\'t switch UID to \'%s\'', $uid));
         // print a message with the new UID/EUID
         $applicationServer->getSystemLogger()->info("Running as user " . posix_getuid() . "/" . posix_geteuid());
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Switches the setup mode to the passed value.
  * @param string $newMode               The mode to switch to
  * @param string $configurationFilename The path of the configuration filename
  * @param string $user                  The name of the user who started the application server
  * @return void
  * @throws \Exception Is thrown for an invalid setup mode passed
 public function switchSetupMode($newMode, $configurationFilename, $user)
     // log a message that we switch setup mode now
     $this->getInitialContext()->getSystemLogger()->info(sprintf('Now switch mode to %s!!!', $newMode));
     // init setup context
     // init variable for the group
     $group = null;
     // pattern to replace the user in the etc/appserver/appserver.xml file
     $configurationUserReplacePattern = '/(<appserver[^>]+>[^<]+<params>.*<param name="user[^>]+>)([^<]+)/s';
     // check setup modes
     switch ($newMode) {
         // prepares everything for developer mode
         case ContainerService::SETUP_MODE_DEV:
             // get defined group from configuration
             $group = Setup::getValue(SetupKeys::GROUP);
             // replace user in configuration file
             file_put_contents($configurationFilename, preg_replace($configurationUserReplacePattern, '${1}' . $user, file_get_contents($configurationFilename)));
             // add everyone write access to configuration files for dev mode
             FileSystem::recursiveChmod($this->getEtcDir(), 0777, 0777);
             // prepares everything for production mode
         // prepares everything for production mode
         case ContainerService::SETUP_MODE_PROD:
             // get defined user and group from configuration
             $user = Setup::getValue(SetupKeys::USER);
             $group = Setup::getValue(SetupKeys::GROUP);
             // replace user to be same as user in configuration file
             file_put_contents($configurationFilename, preg_replace($configurationUserReplacePattern, '${1}' . $user, file_get_contents($configurationFilename)));
             // set correct file permissions for configurations
             // prepares everything for first installation which is default mode
         // prepares everything for first installation which is default mode
         case ContainerService::SETUP_MODE_INSTALL:
             // load the flag marked the server as installed
             $isInstalledFlag = $this->getIsInstalledFlag();
             // first check if it is a fresh installation
             if ($isInstalledFlag->isReadable() === false) {
                 // set example app dodeploy flag to be deployed for a fresh installation
             // create is installed flag for prevent further setup install mode calls
             // get defined user and group from configuration
             $user = Setup::getValue(SetupKeys::USER);
             $group = Setup::getValue(SetupKeys::GROUP);
             // set correct file permissions for configurations
             throw new \Exception(sprintf('Invalid setup mode %s given', $newMode));
     // check if user and group is set
     if (!is_null($user) && !is_null($group)) {
         // get needed files as accessable for all root files remove "." and ".." from the list
         $rootFiles = scandir($this->getBaseDirectory());
         // iterate all files
         foreach ($rootFiles as $rootFile) {
             // we want just files on root dir
             if (is_file($rootFile) && !in_array($rootFile, array('.', '..'))) {
                 FileSystem::chmod($rootFile, 0644);
                 FileSystem::chown($rootFile, $user, $group);
         // ... and change own and mod of following directories
         FileSystem::chown($this->getBaseDirectory(), $user, $group);
         FileSystem::chown($this->getWebappsDir(), $user, $group);
         FileSystem::recursiveChown($this->getTmpDir(), $user, $group);
         FileSystem::recursiveChown($this->getDeployDir(), $user, $group);
         FileSystem::recursiveChown($this->getBaseDirectory('resources'), $user, $group);
         FileSystem::recursiveChown($this->getBaseDirectory('src'), $user, $group);
         FileSystem::recursiveChown($this->getBaseDirectory('var'), $user, $group);
         FileSystem::recursiveChown($this->getBaseDirectory('tests'), $user, $group);
         FileSystem::recursiveChown($this->getBaseDirectory('vendor'), $user, $group);
         // make server.php executable
         FileSystem::chmod($this->getBaseDirectory('server.php'), 0755);
         // log a message that we successfully switched to the new setup mode
         $this->getInitialContext()->getSystemLogger()->info(sprintf("Setup for mode '%s' done successfully!", $newMode));
     } else {
         throw new \Exception('No user or group given');
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @param \AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\Api\Node\ContainerNodeInterface $containerNode The container the archive belongs to
  * @param \SplFileInfo                                                $archive       The archive file to be deployed
  * @return void
  * @see \AppserverIo\Appserver\Core\AbstractExtractor::deployArchive()
 public function deployArchive(ContainerNodeInterface $containerNode, \SplFileInfo $archive)
     try {
         // create folder names based on the archive's basename
         $tmpFolderName = new \SplFileInfo($this->getTmpDir($containerNode) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $archive->getFilename());
         $webappFolderName = new \SplFileInfo($this->getWebappsDir($containerNode) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($archive->getFilename(), $this->getExtensionSuffix()));
         // check if archive has not been deployed yet or failed sometime
         if ($this->isDeployable($archive)) {
             // flag webapp as deploying
             $this->flagArchive($archive, ExtractorInterface::FLAG_DEPLOYING);
             // backup actual webapp folder, if available
             if ($webappFolderName->isDir()) {
                 // backup files that are NOT part of the archive
                 $this->backupArchive($containerNode, $archive);
                 // delete directories previously backed up
             // remove old temporary directory
             // initialize a \Phar instance
             $p = new \Phar($archive);
             // create a recursive directory iterator
             $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($p);
             // unify the archive filename, because Windows uses a \ instead of /
             $archiveFilename = sprintf('phar://%s', str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $archive->getPathname()));
             // iterate over all files
             foreach ($iterator as $file) {
                 // prepare the temporary filename
                 $target = $tmpFolderName . str_replace($archiveFilename, '', $file->getPathname());
                 // create the directory if necessary
                 if (file_exists($directory = dirname($target)) === false) {
                     if (mkdir($directory, 0755, true) === false) {
                         throw new \Exception(sprintf('Can\'t create directory %s', $directory));
                 // finally copy the file
                 if (copy($file, $target) === false) {
                     throw new \Exception(sprintf('Can\'t copy %s file to %s', $file, $target));
             // move extracted content to webapps folder and remove temporary directory
             FileSystem::copyDir($tmpFolderName->getPathname(), $webappFolderName->getPathname());
             // we need to set the user/rights for the extracted folder
             // restore backup if available
             $this->restoreBackup($containerNode, $archive);
             // flag webapp as deployed
             $this->flagArchive($archive, ExtractorInterface::FLAG_DEPLOYED);
             // log a message that the application has successfully been deployed
             $this->getInitialContext()->getSystemLogger()->info(sprintf('Application archive %s has succussfully been deployed', $archive->getBasename($this->getExtensionSuffix())));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         // log error
         // flag webapp as failed
         $this->flagArchive($archive, ExtractorInterface::FLAG_FAILED);
  * Parses and returns the directories and files that matches
  * the passed glob pattern in a recursive way (if wanted).
  * @param string  $pattern   The glob pattern used to parse the directories
  * @param integer $flags     The flags passed to the glob function
  * @param boolean $recursive Whether or not to parse directories recursively
  * @return array The directories matches the passed glob pattern
  * @link http://php.net/glob
 protected static function globDir($pattern, $flags = 0, $recursive = true)
     return FileSystem::globDir($pattern, $flags, $recursive);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Recursively parses and returns the directories that matches the passed
  * glob pattern.
  * @param string  $pattern The glob pattern used to parse the directories
  * @param integer $flags   The flags passed to the glob function
  * @return array The directories matches the passed glob pattern
  * @link http://php.net/glob
 public function globDir($pattern, $flags = 0)
     return FileSystem::globDir($pattern, $flags);
  * Copies a directory recursively.
  * @param string $src The source directory to copy
  * @param string $dst The target directory
  * @return void
 public function copyDir($src, $dst)
     FileSystem::copyDir($src, $dst);