public function __construct() { date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Manila"); $accessibles = accountaccessiblelinks::where("department_id", Auth::user()->department_id)->get(); $collection = array(); foreach ($accessibles as $accessible) { array_push($collection, $accessible->link_id); } $this->countries = countries::all(); if (Auth::user()->province) { $this->region = Auth::user()->region; } else { //user is not lgu/dilg ro } $this->chooseProvince = "<select name = 'province'>"; if (Auth::user()->province) { foreach (provinces::where("region_id", accountsStrategy::findRegionIdByName(Auth::user()->region))->get() as $province) { $this->chooseProvince .= "<option value = '{$province->province}'>{$province->province}</option>"; } } $this->chooseProvince .= "</select>"; $this->provinces = Auth::user()->province ? Auth::user()->province : $this->chooseProvince; $this->department = accountsStrategy::determineDepartment(Auth::user()->department_id); $this->links = links::whereIn('id', $collection)->orderBy("id", "desc")->get(); $matchThese = []; if (Auth::user()->province) { $matchThese["province"] = Auth::user()->province; } if (Auth::user()->region) { $matchThese["region"] = Auth::user()->region; } switch (Auth::user()->department_id) { case 1: //lgu. see all. because lgu needs to see status and remarks break; case 2: //blgs //see only 'ON PROCESS (BLGS)' for correcting/giving remarks switch (Auth::user()->accountType_id) { case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: $matchThese["applicationstatus_id"] = 1; break; case 8: $matchThese["applicationstatus_id"] = 2; break; case 9: $matchThese["applicationstatus_id"] = 3; break; } break; case 3: //DILGRO //same as lgu. break; case 4: //USEC $matchThese["applicationstatus"] = "ON PROCESS USEC"; break; case 5: //OSEC $matchThese["applicationstatus"] = "ON PROCESS OSEC"; $matchThese["position"] = "GOVERNOR"; break; case 6: //IMMIGRATION $matchThese["applicationstatus"] = "ON PROCESS IMMIGRATION"; break; } $travelApplications = travelApplication::where($matchThese)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get(); $this->data['municipalities'] = ""; foreach (refcitymun::get() as $municipality) { $this->data['municipalities'] .= "<option value = '" . $municipality->citymunDesc . "''>" . $municipality->citymunDesc . "</option>"; } $this->data = ['links' => $this->links, 'travelApplications' => $travelApplications, 'department' => $this->department, 'countries' => $this->countries, 'region' => $this->region, 'provinces' => $this->provinces]; }
public static function getAllProvincesOptions() { $provinces = provinces::all(); $output = "<option value = ''>Any province/City</option>"; foreach ($provinces as $province) { $selected = ""; if (isset($_POST['province'])) { if ($_POST['province'] == $province->province) { $selected = " selected "; } } $output .= "<option {$selected} value = '{$province->province}'>{$province->province}</option>"; } return $output; }