public function retrieve(Request $request, Weather $weather) { if (!$request->has('lat') || !$request->has('lon')) { return response('Please provide a lat and lon', 400); } $input = $request->all(); // We grab the lat and lon $lat = $input['lat']; $lon = $input['lon']; // We grab the latest data from this lat and long $rawData = file_get_contents('' . $lat . '&lon=' . $lon); if (!$rawData) { // We failed to retrieve data from the webservice // Just return the stuff we have return $weather->where('lat', $lat)->where('lon', $lon)->limit(10)->get(); } $jsonData = json_decode($rawData, true); // We transform this data $data = ['dt' => $jsonData['dt'], 'lat' => $lat, 'lon' => $lon, 'type' => $jsonData['weather'][0]['main'], 'temp' => $jsonData['main']['temp'] - 273.15]; // Check if we already have a record with same lat/lon and dt in our database $weatherCheck = $weather->where('lat', $lat)->where('lon', $lon)->where('dt', Carbon::createFromTimeStamp($data['dt']))->limit(1)->get(); // Record isn't in our db yet if ($weatherCheck->isEmpty()) { // We store the data in our database $weather->create($data); } // We grab the last 10 weather report from given lat/lon and return it return $weather->where('lat', $lat)->where('lon', $lon)->limit(10)->get(); }
public function CaiyunGetNow(Request $request) { header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin:*'); header("content-type:application/json"); $lon = $request->input('lon'); //经纬度数据需保留4位小数,例如:104.2569,30.6463 $lat = $request->input('lat'); if (!is_numeric($lon) || !is_numeric($lat)) { $this->throwError(501, '参数违法'); } // $url_now = '' . $lon . ',' . $lat . '/realtime.json'; // $data_now = $this->Curlget($url_now, '', 'get'); // $data_now = json_decode($data_now); // $result = $data_now->result; $weatherData = Weather::all(); $weatherData = $weatherData->toArray(); $key = rand(0, count($weatherData) - 1); unset($weatherData[$key]['id']); $caiyunNow = $weatherData[$key]; // $caiyunNow = array( // 'temperature'=>$result->temperature, // 'humidity'=>$result->humidity, // 'precipitation'=>$result->precipitation->local->intensity, // 'wind'=>array( // 'direction'=>$result->wind->direction, // 'speed'=>$result->wind->speed // ) // ); $this->show($caiyunNow); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show($id) { $location = Location::findOrFail($id); $weathers = Weather::get($location->name); $hospitals = Hospital::where('address', 'LIKE', "%{$location->name}%")->get(); $request = ['weathers' => $weathers, 'hospitals' => $hospitals]; return json_encode($request); }
private function update_weather($list, $town_id) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($list); $i++) { $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $list[$i]['dt']); $temp_min = $list[$i]['main']['temp_min']; $temp_max = $list[$i]['main']['temp_max']; $temp_min = round($temp_min - 273.15); $temp_max = round($temp_max - 273.15); $weather_icon = $list[$i]['weather'][0]['icon']; $wind_icon = $list[$i]['wind']['deg']; $weather = new Weather(); $weather->town_id = $town_id; $weather->temp_min = $temp_min; $weather->temp_max = $temp_max; $weather->kuupaev = $date; $weather->weather_icon = $weather_icon; $weather->wind_icon = $wind_icon; $weather->save(); } }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function getWeather() { $key = env('FORECAST_IO_API_KEY'); $forecast = new Forecast($key); $weather = $forecast->get('34.101655', '-117.707591'); for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { if ($i == 0) { $current = $weather->currently->temperature; } else { $current = -1; } $date = Carbon::createFromTimeStamp($weather->daily->data[$i]->time)->toDateTimeString(); $dateId = substr($date, 0, 10); $id = DB::table('email_articles')->where('post_date', $dateId)->value('article_id'); $icon = $weather->daily->data[$i]->icon; if (strpos($icon, 'night') !== false) { $icon = 'clear-day'; } $max = $weather->daily->data[$i]->temperatureMax; $min = $weather->daily->data[$i]->temperatureMin; $sunset = Carbon::createFromTimeStamp($weather->daily->data[$i]->sunsetTime)->toDateTimeString(); $sunrise = Carbon::createFromTimeStamp($weather->daily->data[$i]->sunriseTime)->toDateTimeString(); echo strpos($icon, 'night'); if (Weather::where('article_id', '=', $id)->exists()) { DB::table('weather')->where('article_id', $id)->update(array('icon' => $icon, 'current_temp' => $current, 'max' => $max, 'min' => $min, 'sunriseTime' => $sunrise, 'sunsetTime' => $sunset, 'updated_at' => Carbon::now())); echo "Updated " . $date; } else { $entry = new Weather(); $entry->article_id = $id; $entry->icon = $icon; $entry->current_temp = $current; $entry->max = $max; $entry->min = $min; $entry->sunsetTime = $sunset; $entry->sunriseTime = $sunrise; $entry->save(); echo "Stored " . $date . "!"; } } }
public function cronWeather() { Weather::truncate(); $hoteluri = Hoteluri::all(); foreach ($hoteluri as $hotel) { $file = "{$hotel->Latitude};lon={$hotel->Longitude};msl=70"; $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($file, null, TRUE); $temp = $xml->product->time; foreach ($temp as $xml_time) { foreach ($xml_time->location as $xml_loc) { if ($xml_loc->minTemperature && $xml_loc->maxTemperature && $xml_loc->symbol) { $mintemp = $xml_loc->minTemperature->attributes()->value; $maxtemp = $xml_loc->maxTemperature->attributes()->value; $array_min = array_filter(preg_split("(T|Z)", $xml_time->attributes()->from)) + ['2' => (string) $mintemp]; $array_max = array_filter(preg_split("(T|Z)", $xml_time->attributes()->to)) + ['2' => (string) $maxtemp]; $icon = "" . $xml_loc->symbol->attributes()->number . ";is_night=1;content_type=image/png"; $array = ['HotelID' => $hotel->id, 'FromDate' => $array_min[0], 'FromHour' => $array_min[1], 'MinDegrees' => $array_min[2], 'ToDate' => $array_max[0], 'ToHour' => $array_max[1], 'MaxDegrees' => $array_max[2], 'Logo' => $xml_loc->symbol->attributes()->number]; Weather::create($array); } } } } }
public function refresh($town) { $town_id = DB::table('towns')->where('town', $town)->first(); $town_id = $town_id->id; //получить id города $response = json_decode(file_get_contents('' . $town . '&mode=json&appid=f84ba1064b0ae65792326548686f361c'), true); // print_r($response); $id = $response['city']['id']; $date_today = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+0 day")); DB::table('weather')->where('kuupaev', '>=', $date_today)->where('town_id', $town_id)->delete(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($response['list']); $i++) { $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $response['list'][$i]['dt']); $temp_min = $response['list'][$i]['main']['temp_min']; $temp_max = $response['list'][$i]['main']['temp_max']; $temp_min = round($temp_min - 273.15); $temp_max = round($temp_max - 273.15); $weather = new Weather(); $weather->town_id = $id; $weather->temp_min = $temp_min; $weather->temp_max = $temp_max; $weather->kuupaev = $date; $weather->save(); } return redirect('weather/' . $town); }
public function ListareDetaliiHotel($tara, $oras, $slughotel) { $hotel = Hoteluri::findBySlug($slughotel); $oras = Orase::findbyslug($oras); $hotel_id = Hoteluri::findOrFail($hotel->id); $weather = Weather::where('HotelID', $hotel->id)->get(); $hoteluriSimilare = Hoteluri::where('AidaID', '<>', $hotel->AidaID)->where('City', $oras->AidaID)->take(3)->get(); return view('frontend.detalii-hotel')->with('hotel', $hotel)->with('weather', $weather)->with('hoteluriSimilare', $hoteluriSimilare)->with('hotel_id', $hotel_id); }