/** * Execute the job. * * @return void */ public function handle(Mailer $mail) { $group = $this->ticket->group_id; $customers = Group::where('id', $group)->first()->customers()->get(); $_customers = []; foreach ($customers as $customer) { $_customers[] = $customer->id; } $sys_name = Settings::where('name', 'sys_name')->first(); $user = User::whereIn('customer_id', $_customers)->get(); foreach ($user as $_user) { $mail->send('emails.updateticket', ['user' => $_user, 'ticket' => $this->ticket, 'response' => $this->response, 'sys_name' => $sys_name], function ($m) use($_user) { $m->to($_user->email, $_user->first_name . ' ' . $_user->last_name)->subject('Ticket updated - ' . $this->ticket->track_id . ' [' . $this->ticket->status->name . ']'); if (count($this->response->attachments()->get()) > 0) { foreach ($this->response->attachments as $attachment) { $m->attach(storage_path() . '/attachments/' . $this->ticket->id . '/' . $attachment->name); } } }); } // Cleanup variables unset($this->ticket); unset($this->response); unset($group); unset($customers); unset($user); unset($sys_name); unset($_customers); }
/** * @param null $user * @param int $howMany * @return mixed */ public function groupsForUser($user = null, $howMany = 1) { if ($user != null) { return Group::where('user_id', $user->id)->simplePaginate($howMany); } return Group::where('user_id', $this->user()->id)->simplePaginate($howMany); }
public function getSeries($slug) { $group = Group::where('slug', 'like', $slug)->first(); if (is_null($group)) { return false; } return $group->toArray(); }
/** * @return string */ public static function buildGroupUsersCountStatistic() { $groups = Group::where('name', '!=', 'admin_group')->get(); $data = array(); foreach ($groups as $k => $group) { $data[$k]['group'] = $group->name; $data[$k]['staffCount'] = count($group->users); } return json_encode($data); }
public static function pagination($id) { $data = Group::where('challenge_id', '=', $id)->get()->toArray(); for ($i = 0; $i <= count($data) - 1; $i++) { $dr = Groupsta::where('group_id', '=', $data[$i]['id'])->join('rb_rounds', 'rb_rounds.id', '=', 'rb_group_stage.round_id')->join('rb_team', 'rb_team.id', '=', 'rb_rounds.team_id')->select('rb_rounds.*', 'rb_team.name as nombre_equipo', 'rb_team.name_altered as nombre_alterno', 'rb_team.gender as genero', 'rb_group_stage.id as id_g_s')->get()->toArray(); $data[$i]['data_team'] = []; $data[$i]['data_team'] += $dr; } return $data; }
/** * Show the application dashboard to the user. * * @return Response */ public function postSearch() { $query_term = \Request::input('search-term'); error_log('Search ' . json_encode($query_term)); //filter types $users = \App\User::where('last_name', 'LIKE', "%{$query_term}%")->get(); $groups = \App\Group::where('name', 'LIKE', "%{$query_term}%")->get(); error_log('>>> Le search users' . json_encode($groups)); $bodyclass = "app-search"; return view('site.search.index', compact('bodyclass', 'users', 'groups')); }
/** * Generates the group listing for the view. * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\View\View $view * @return void */ public function compose(View $view) { $active_group = null; $active_project = null; if (isset($view->project) && !$view->project->is_template) { $active_group = $view->project->group_id; $active_project = $view->project->id; } $groups = Group::where('id', '<>', Template::GROUP_ID)->orderBy('name')->get(); $view->with('active_group', $active_group); $view->with('active_project', $active_project); $view->with('groups', $groups); }
public function index(Request $request) { if ($request->has('query')) { $query = $request->get('query'); // build a list of public groups and groups the user has access to $my_groups = Auth::user()->groups()->orderBy('name')->get(); $my_groups_id = []; // using this array we can adjust the queries after to only include stuff the user has // might be a good idea to find a clever way to build this array of groups id : foreach ($my_groups as $the_group) { $my_groups_id[$the_group->id] = $the_group->id; } $public_groups = \App\Group::where('group_type', \App\Group::OPEN)->get(); $public_groups_id = []; // using this array we can adjust the queries after to only include stuff the user has // might be a good idea to find a clever way to build this array of groups id : foreach ($public_groups as $the_group) { $public_groups_id[$the_group->id] = $the_group->id; } $allowed_groups = array_merge($my_groups_id, $public_groups_id); $groups = \App\Group::where('name', 'like', '%' . $query . '%')->orWhere('body', 'like', '%' . $query . '%')->orderBy('name')->get(); $users = \App\User::where('name', 'like', '%' . $query . '%')->orWhere('body', 'like', '%' . $query . '%')->orderBy('name')->with('groups')->get(); $discussions = \App\Discussion::where('name', 'like', '%' . $query . '%')->orWhere('body', 'like', '%' . $query . '%')->whereIn('group_id', $allowed_groups)->orderBy('updated_at', 'desc')->with('group')->get(); $actions = \App\Action::where('name', 'like', '%' . $query . '%')->orWhere('body', 'like', '%' . $query . '%')->whereIn('group_id', $allowed_groups)->with('group')->orderBy('updated_at', 'desc')->get(); $files = \App\File::where('name', 'like', '%' . $query . '%')->whereIn('group_id', $allowed_groups)->with('group')->orderBy('updated_at', 'desc')->get(); $comments = \App\Comment::where('body', 'like', '%' . $query . '%')->with('discussion.group')->orderBy('updated_at', 'desc')->get(); // set in advance which tab will be active on the search results page $groups->class = ''; $discussions->class = ''; $actions->class = ''; $users->class = ''; $comments->class = ''; $files->class = ''; // the order of those ifs should match the order of the tabs on the results view :-) if ($groups->count() > 0) { $groups->class = 'active'; } elseif ($discussions->count() > 0) { $discussions->class = 'active'; } elseif ($actions->count() > 0) { $action->class = 'active'; } elseif ($users->count() > 0) { $users->class = 'active'; } elseif ($comments->count() > 0) { $comments->class = 'active'; } elseif ($files->count() > 0) { $files->class = 'active'; } return view('search.results')->with('groups', $groups)->with('users', $users)->with('discussions', $discussions)->with('files', $files)->with('comments', $comments)->with('actions', $actions)->with('query', $query); } }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { $group_id = \App\Group::where('name', '=', 'Flexibility')->pluck('id'); DB::table('activities')->insert(['created_at' => Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(), 'updated_at' => Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(), 'name' => 'Gentle Yoga', 'description' => 'Hatha Yoga, Gentle flow. 90 minutes.', 'days' => 'M W Sa', 'duration_minutes' => '90', 'default_time' => '1700', 'group_id' => $group_id]); $group_id = \App\Group::where('name', '=', 'Fitness')->pluck('id'); DB::table('activities')->insert(['created_at' => Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(), 'updated_at' => Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(), 'name' => 'Fun Run', 'description' => 'Run with Pacers group from Clarendon Starbucks.', 'days' => 'T Th', 'duration_minutes' => '60', 'default_time' => '0500', 'group_id' => $group_id]); $group_id = \App\Group::where('name', '=', 'Work')->pluck('id'); DB::table('activities')->insert(['created_at' => Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(), 'updated_at' => Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(), 'name' => 'Work Hours', 'description' => 'Normal work hours.', 'days' => 'M Tu W Th F', 'duration_minutes' => '480', 'default_time' => '0800', 'group_id' => $group_id]); $group_id = \App\Group::where('name', '=', 'Recreation')->pluck('id'); DB::table('activities')->insert(['created_at' => Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(), 'updated_at' => Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(), 'name' => 'Happy Hour', 'description' => 'Hang out with work folks.', 'days' => 'F', 'duration_minutes' => '120', 'default_time' => '1630', 'group_id' => $group_id]); $group_id = \App\Group::where('name', '=', 'Family')->pluck('id'); DB::table('activities')->insert(['created_at' => Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(), 'updated_at' => Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(), 'name' => 'Playground', 'description' => 'Take kids to park.', 'days' => 'Su', 'duration_minutes' => '120', 'default_time' => '1300', 'group_id' => $group_id]); $group_id = \App\Group::where('name', '=', 'Sleep')->pluck('id'); DB::table('activities')->insert(['created_at' => Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(), 'updated_at' => Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(), 'name' => 'Sleep 7 Hours', 'description' => 'Sleep.', 'days' => 'M Tu W Th F Sa Su', 'duration_minutes' => '420', 'default_time' => '2200', 'group_id' => $group_id]); }
public function joinGroup($group_id, Request $request) { $i_password = $request->input('password'); $group = \App\Group::where('id', '=', $group_id)->get()[0]; //--------------------- if ($i_password !== $group->password) { return redirect(url('/join-group/' . $group_id)); } else { $p_user_ids = $group->user_ids; $model = \App\Group::find($group_id); $model->user_ids = $p_user_ids . "[" . auth()->user()->id . "]"; $model->save(); // redirect to user's home page ................. return redirect('/home'); } }
public function removegroup() { $groupname = Input::get('selectgroup_name'); $groups = Group::where('group_name', $groupname)->get(); foreach ($groups as $group) { $offered_to = $group->group_code; $batchcourses = Course_detail::where('offered_to', $offered_to)->get(); foreach ($batchcourses as $batchcourse) { //delete schedules data Schedule::where('course_code', $batchcourse->id)->delete(); Time_table::where('course_code', $batchcourse->id)->delete(); } // delete class data Course_detail::where('offered_to', $offered_to)->delete(); } //delete the group Group::where('group_name', $groupname)->delete(); return view('layouts.removegroup')->with('deletemsg', 'group Deleted'); }
public function check(Request $request) { $code = trim($request->get('group-code')); $errors = new MessageBag(); $user = Auth::user(); if ($code == '') { $errors->add('error', "Syötä koodi!"); } elseif ($user->groups()->where('code', $code)->exists()) { $errors->add('error', "Olet jo liittynyt tähän ryhmään."); } else { $group = Group::where('code', $code)->first(); if ($group) { $user->groups()->attach($group->id); return view('groups.manage')->with(['groups' => $user->groups, 'success' => true, 'group' => $group]); } else { $errors->add('error', "Ryhmää ei löytynyt."); } } return redirect()->back()->with(['groups' => $user->groups])->withInput($request->all())->withErrors($errors); }
public function handle() { $groupname = $this->argument('groupname'); if ($groupname == '*') { $groups = Group::all(); } else { $groups = Group::where('name', '=', $groupname)->get(); } $pattern = $this->argument('pattern'); foreach ($groups as $group) { foreach ($group->users as $user) { $files = Cloud::getContents($user->username, false); foreach ($files as $file) { $filename = basename($file); if (preg_match($pattern, $filename)) { Cloud::deleteFile($user->username, $filename); echo "Rimosso {$file}\n"; } } } } }
/** * Renders a map of all users (curently) */ public function map() { $users = \App\User::where('latitude', '<>', 0)->get(); $actions = \App\Action::where('start', '>=', Carbon::now())->where('latitude', '<>', 0)->get(); $groups = \App\Group::where('latitude', '<>', 0)->get(); // randomize users geolocation by a few meters foreach ($users as $user) { $user->latitude = $user->latitude + mt_rand(0, 10) / 10000; $user->longitude = $user->longitude + mt_rand(0, 10) / 10000; } return view('dashboard.map')->with('users', $users)->with('actions', $actions)->with('groups', $groups)->with('latitude', 50.8503396)->with('longitude', 4.3517103); }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param Inscription $inscription * @return Response */ public function edit(Inscription $inscription) { $this->authorize('edit', $inscription); //$inscription = Inscription::findOrFail($id); $semesters = Semester::all()->lists('nombre', 'id'); $inscription->student['semester_id'] = $inscription->semester_id; //incrustar valor para vincularlo a formulario $inscription->student['group_id'] = $inscription->group_id; $groups = Group::where('semester_id', $inscription->semester_id)->lists('nombre', 'id'); return view('inscription.edit', compact('inscription', 'semesters', 'groups')); }
/** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * * @return Response */ public function form($type) { $requesters = Requester::all(); $allowances = Allowance::all(); $drivers = User::where('user_type_id', 4)->get(); $cars = Car::where('status', 3)->get(); if ($type == 1) { $uDts = User::where('user_type_id', 1)->get(); $match = ['user_type_id' => 1, 'subtype' => 3]; $uReport = User::where($match)->get(); $gDts = Group::where('type', 1)->get(); return view('admin.ots.formdt', compact('requesters', 'allowances', 'uDts', 'gDts', 'uReport', 'drivers', 'cars')); } elseif ($type == 2) { $gAsrs = Group::where('type', 2)->get(); $uAsrs = User::where('user_type_id', 2)->get(); return view('admin.ots.formAsr', compact('requesters', 'allowances', 'uAsrs', 'gAsrs', 'drivers', 'cars', 'jefe')); } elseif ($type == 3) { $uDts = User::where('user_type_id', 1)->get(); $match = ['user_type_id' => 1, 'subtype' => 3]; $uReport = User::where($match)->get(); $gDts = Group::where('type', 1)->get(); return view('admin.ots.formBch', compact('requesters', 'allowances', 'uDts', 'gDts', 'uReport', 'drivers', 'cars')); } }
public function trainerIndex() { $this->info['namespace'] = "trainerIndex"; $groups = Group::where('trainer_id', Auth::user()->id)->get(['training_id', 'count']); foreach ($groups as $group) { $this->info['group_count'] = $group->count; $this->info['trainings'] = Training::where('id', $group->training_id)->get(); } //$this->info['trainings'] = Training::where('area_id', $area_id)->where('subarea_id', $subarea_id)->get(); $this->info['title'] = "Trainer Panel | " . $this->info['title']; return view('trainerPages.home', ['info' => $this->info]); }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function edit(Request $request, $id) { $customer = Customer::where('id', $id)->first(); $groups = Group::where('active', '1')->get(); return view('layouts.customer.new', ['customer' => $customer, 'groups' => $groups, 'my_permissions' => $this->my_permissions]); }
<div class="span9"> {!! Form::open(array('class'=>'form-horizontal', 'action'=>'CourseDetailController@addclass', 'method'=>'post')) !!} @if ($errors->has()) <div class="alert alert-danger"> @foreach($errors->all() as $error) {{ $error }}<br> @endforeach </div> @endif <?php use App\Course; use App\Department; use App\Group; $courseinfo = Course::orderby('course_code')->lists('course_code', 'course_code'); $value = Department::where('code', $departcode)->orderby('code')->first()->code; $groupinfo = Group::where('department', $value)->orderby('group_code')->lists('group_code', 'group_code'); ?> <fieldset> <legend>Select Course</legend> <div class="control-group"> {!! Form::label('coursecode', 'Select Course:', array('class' => 'control-label')) !!} <div class="controls"> {!! Form::select('selectcoursecode', $courseinfo) !!} </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> {!! Form::label('classcode', 'Offer to:', array('class' => 'control-label')) !!} <div class="controls"> {!! Form::select('selectclass',$groupinfo, array('id' => 'selectclass')) !!} </div> </div>
public function changeAdmin($id) { $data = Group::where('id', '=', $id)->first(); if ($data != null) { $data->admin_id = Input::get('admin_id'); $data->save(); return redirect('/group/' . $id); } else { return 'some error occured.'; } }
public function removedepartment() { $departcode = Input::get('selectdepartmentcode'); //delete schedules data $departcourses = Course_detail::where('department_code', $departcode)->get(); foreach ($departcourses as $departcourse) { Schedule::where('course_code', $departcourse->id)->delete(); Time_table::where('course_code', $departcourse->id)->delete(); } //Delete course details data Course_detail::where('department_code', $departcode)->delete(); //Delete groups data Group::where('department', $departcode)->delete(); //Delete user data $departusers = User_detail::where('department', $departcode)->get(); foreach ($departusers as $departuser) { if (User::where('id', $departuser->id)->first()->utype == 0) { User_detail::where('id', $departuser->id)->delete(); User::where('id', $departuser->id)->delete(); } } Department::where('code', $departcode)->delete(); return view('layouts.removedepartment')->with('deletemsg', 'Department Deleted'); }
public function POST_createGroup(Request $request) { $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), ['group_name' => 'required', 'routes' => 'required|array']); $errors = array(); if ($validator->fails()) { foreach ($validator->errors()->all() as $message) { $errors[] = $message; } } if (!count($errors)) { $chk = Group::where('name', $request->input('group_name'))->count(); if ($chk) { $errors[] = 'Group `' . $request->input('group_name') . '` already exists.'; } } if (!count($errors)) { $ar_grps = $request->input('routes'); $ar_groups = array(); if (is_array($ar_grps)) { foreach ($ar_grps as $key => $grp) { $ar_groups[$grp] = 1; } } // $group = Group::create(array( $group = new Group(); $group->name = $request->input('group_name'); $group->permissions = json_encode($ar_groups); $group->save(); return redirect(route('group.assign'))->with('STATUS_OK', 'Group `' . $request->input('group_name') . '` successfully created.'); } else { $msg = Helper::arrayToList($errors); return redirect(route('group.create'))->with('STATUS_FAIL', $msg)->withInput(); } }
public static function getindex($id) { $challenge = Challenge::find($id); $challenge_name = $challenge->name; $dataGrouptwo = Group::where('challenge_id', '=', $id)->where('active', '=', 1)->get(); $dataGroup = Group::where('challenge_id', '=', $id)->where('active', '=', 1)->get()->toArray(); for ($i = 0; $i <= count($dataGroup) - 1; $i++) { CombatRoundController::functionTwo(['group_id' => $dataGroup[$i]['id'], 'stage_id' => $dataGroup[$i]['stage_id'], 'challenge_id' => $id]); } if (!ENV('DEVELOP')) { return view('combatround/round2', compact('dataGrouptwo', 'challenge_name')); } }
protected function _validate($data) { $errors = ['messages' => [], 'fields' => []]; $isNewEntry = !array_key_exists('id', $data); $codeHasChanged = false; if (!$isNewEntry) { $group = Group::find($data['id']); $codeHasChanged = trim($data['code']) != $group->code; } if (!@$data['title'] || strlen(trim($data['title'])) == 0) { $errors['messages'][] = "Ryhmän nimi puuttuu!"; $errors['fields']['group_title'] = true; } if (!@$data['code'] || strlen(trim($data['code'])) == 0) { $errors['messages'][] = "Ryhmän liittymiskoodi puuttuu!"; $errors['fields']['group_code'] = true; } elseif ($isNewEntry || $codeHasChanged) { if (Group::where('code', trim($data['code']))->exists()) { $errors['messages'][] = "Ryhmä samalla liittymiskoodilla on jo olemassa!"; $errors['fields']['group_code'] = true; } } return (object) ['data' => $data, 'errors' => $errors, 'passed' => count($errors['messages']) == 0]; }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy($id) { // $group = new Group(); $group->where('id', $id)->update(['is_active' => 0]); //return Redirect::route('groups.index')->with('flash_notice', 'You are successfully delete!'); }
@section('sidebar') @include('layouts.include.sidebar') @endsection @section('bodycontent') <div class = "span9"> {!! Form::open(array('action'=>'RoutineDisplayController@viewbatchschedule', 'method'=>'post')) !!} <?php use App\Department; use App\User; use App\User_detail; use App\Group; $id = User::where('username', $username)->first()->id; $department = User_detail::where('id', $id)->first()->department; $batch = Group::where('department', $department)->orderby('group_code')->lists('group_code', 'group_code'); ?> <fieldset> <legend>Department: {{ $department }}</legend> <div class="control-group"> {!! Form::label('batchcode', 'Select Batch:', array('class' => 'control-label')) !!} <div class="controls"> {!! Form::select('selectbatch', $batch) !!} </div> <div class="controls"> {!! Form::hidden('teacherdepart', $department) !!} </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> {!! Form::submit('Check Routine', ['class'=>'btn btn-primary','value'=>'showbatchschedule', 'name'=>'showbatchschedule']) !!}
public function checkForPages(Request $request) { $id = $request->gId; $return = array(); $pages = Group::where('id', '=', $id)->first()->getPages(); // echo '<pre>'.print_r($pages,true).'</pre>'; // exit(); $return['result'] = count($pages) > 0 ? false : true; return response()->json($return); }
/** * Gets the group the user belongs to * @param User $user * @return string */ public static function getUserGroup(User $user) { $group = Group::where('id', $user->groupId)->first(); return $group->name; }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function update(Request $request, $id) { $this->validate($request, ['group_name' => 'required|max:255', 'group_description' => 'required']); Group::where('id', $id)->update(['name' => $request->group_name, 'description' => $request->group_description, 'active' => isset($request->is_active) ? 1 : 0]); return redirect('/groups'); }
public function pagination($id) { $url_actual = "http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; $url_actual = explode('?', $url_actual); $pag = Group::where('rb_groups.challenge_id', '=', $id)->join('rb_challenges', 'rb_challenges.id', '=', 'rb_groups.challenge_id')->join('rb_stages', 'rb_stages.id', '=', 'rb_groups.stage_id')->select('rb_groups.*', 'rb_challenges.name as name_cha', 'rb_stages.name as name_sta')->orderBy('id', 'asc')->paginate(env('PAG')); $pag->setPath($url_actual[0]); return $pag; }