/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param StoreGameRequest $validationRequest * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(StoreGameRequest $request) { $game = new Game($request->all()); $game->save(); Session::flash('message', 'Game created'); return redirect('/game'); }
public function create($request) { $game = new Game(); $game->name = $request->name; $game->short_name = $request->short_name; $game->logo = "https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=47&txt=500%C3%97500&w=500&h=500"; $game->save(); return $game; }
public function store(Request $request) { $this->validate($request, ['name' => 'required|max:255|unique:games', 'description' => 'required', 'bgg_id' => 'required']); $game = new Game(); $game->name = $request->name; $game->description = $request->description; $game->bgg_id = $request->bgg_id; if ($request->has('scorable')) { $game->scorable = 1; } $game->save(); $bgg = new \App\Bgg(); $url = 'http:' . $bgg->getGameImage($request->input('bgg_id')); $uploadr = new \App\Uploadr(); $path = $uploadr->uploadFromUrl($url, $game->id, 'game'); $game->photo = $path; $game->save(); return redirect()->route('game'); }
/** *儲存資料 */ public function store(Request $request) { $input = $request->all(); $game = new Game(); //game 是model 名稱 $game->title = $input['title']; $game->content = $input['content']; $game->save(); Game::create(['title' => $input['title']], ['content' => $input['content']]); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { $_games = [['name' => 'Halo 5', 'short_name' => 'H5', 'logo' => 'img/game_logos/halo_5.png'], ['name' => 'Halo 4', 'short_name' => 'H4', 'logo' => 'img/game_logos/halo_4.png'], ['name' => 'Halo 3', 'short_name' => 'H3', 'logo' => 'img/game_logos/halo_3.png'], ['name' => 'Halo 2', 'short_name' => 'H2', 'logo' => 'img/game_logos/halo_2.png'], ['name' => 'Halo CE', 'short_name' => 'HCE', 'logo' => 'img/game_logos/halo_ce.png'], ['name' => 'Halo 3: ODST', 'short_name' => 'H3:ODST', 'logo' => 'img/game_logos/halo_odst.png'], ['name' => 'Halo Reach', 'short_name' => 'HR', 'logo' => 'img/game_logos/halo_reach.png']]; foreach ($_games as $game) { $g = new Game(); $g->name = $game['name']; $g->short_name = $game['short_name']; $g->logo = $game['logo']; $g->save(); } }
public function postCreate(Request $request) { $this->validate($request, ['title' => 'required|max:100']); $item = new Game(); $item->title = $request->title; $item->description = $request->description; $item->duration = $request->duration; $item->participants = $request->participants; $item->type = $request->type; $item->save(); return redirect('/category/games'); }
public function createGame($name) { $game = new Game(); $game->name = $name; $distributionService = new DistributionService(); $words = $distributionService->getRandom25Words(); $dist = new Distribution(); $dist->words = json_encode($words); $dist->save(); $game->distribution_id = $dist->id; $game->save(); return $dist->words; }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $game = new Game(); $game->score = $request->score; $series = Series::find($request->series); if (!$series) { $series = new Series(); $series->save(); } $game->series_id = $series->id; $game->save(); return Redirect::route('games.index')->with('message', 'Game added'); }
public function start() { $game = null; $game_token = session('game_token'); if ($game_token) { $game = Game::where('token', $game_token)->whereNull('finish_at')->latest()->first(); } if (!$game) { $game = new Game(); $game->token = str_random(10); $game->save(); session(['game_token' => $game->token]); } return response()->json(['game_token' => $game->token, 'numbers' => $game->numbers]); }
public function store() { $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $this->rules); if ($validator->fails()) { return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); } else { // store $game = new Game(); $game->name = Input::get('name'); $game->description = Input::get('description'); $game->download_url = Input::get('download_url'); $game->save(); // redirect Session::flash('message', 'Successfully '); return Redirect::to(route('game.show', ['id' => $game->id])); } }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { $now = Carbon::now(); $offset = 0; $limit = 100; $game = new Game(); $summary = new GameSummary(); $client = new Client(['base_uri' => 'https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/', 'headers' => ['Accept' => 'application/vnd.twitchtv.v3+json'], 'timeout' => 5.0]); do { $summaryArray = []; $res = $client->request('GET', 'games/top', ['query' => ['offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit]]); $body = json_decode($res->getBody(), true); // dd($body); foreach ($body['top'] as $top) { // attempt to find game id $game = $game->where('twitch_id', $top['game']['_id'])->first(); // add game to games table if doesn't exist if (!$game) { $game = new Game(); $game->twitch_id = $top['game']['_id']; $game->giantbomb_id = $top['game']['giantbomb_id']; $game->name = $top['game']['name']; $game->box_small = $top['game']['box']['small']; $game->box_medium = $top['game']['box']['medium']; $game->box_large = $top['game']['box']['large']; $game->logo_small = $top['game']['logo']['small']; $game->logo_medium = $top['game']['logo']['medium']; $game->logo_large = $top['game']['logo']['large']; $game->save(); } // add game summary data $summaryArray[] = ['game_id' => $game->id, 'channels' => $top['channels'], 'viewers' => $top['viewers'], 'created_at' => $now]; } // insert game summary data $summary->insert($summaryArray); // dd($summaryArray); // increment offset $offset = $offset + $limit; } while (count($body['top']) > 0); // insert game summaries // $summary->insert($summaryArray); echo 'Done'; }
/** * Add game to db * * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function add() { $data = \Input::all(); if ($data) { $users = explode(',', $data['users']); $scores = $data['score']; $game = new Game(); $game->save(); $game_id = $game->id; foreach ($scores as $score_id => $score) { foreach ($users as $user_id) { $t_user_id = intval($user_id, 10); $t_score = intval($score[$t_user_id], 10); Score::create(['game_id' => $game_id, 'player_id' => $t_user_id, 'party_id' => $score_id, 'score' => $t_score]); } } return \Redirect::route('meet', $game->id); } return \Redirect::route('meets'); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $series = new Series(); $series->label = $request->label; $series->save(); $game1 = new Game(); $game1->score = $request->game1score; $game1->series_id = $series->id; $game1->series_game_number = 1; $game1->save(); $game2 = new Game(); $game2->score = $request->game2score; $game2->series_id = $series->id; $game2->series_game_number = 2; $game2->save(); $game3 = new Game(); $game3->score = $request->game3score; $game3->series_id = $series->id; $game3->series_game_number = 3; $game3->save(); return Redirect::route('series.index')->with('message', 'Series added'); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { $lien = $this->argument('lien'); $id = $this->argument('id'); if (is_array($lien)) { $lien = $lien[0]; } $game = xml_chp_renc($lien); foreach ($game->joueur as $joueur) { $compo = Composition::where('round_id', $id)->where('xja', $joueur->xja)->where('xjb', $joueur->xjb)->first(); if ($compo == null) { $compo = new Composition(); } $compo->round_id = $id; $compo->xja = $joueur->xja; $compo->xca = $joueur->xca; $compo->xjb = $joueur->xjb; $compo->xcb = $joueur->xcb; $compo->save(); } Game::where('round_id', $id)->update(['active' => 0]); $i = 1; foreach ($game->partie as $partie) { $game = Game::where('round_id', $id)->where('game', $i)->first(); if ($game == null) { $game = new Game(); } $game->round_id = $id; $game->game = $i; $game->ja = $partie->ja; $game->scorea = $partie->scorea; $game->jb = $partie->jb; $game->scoreb = $partie->scoreb; $game->active = 1; $game->save(); $i++; } }
/** * @return bool * * Track all round record into Database. */ public function track() { /** * @var Game */ $game = new Game(); $game->tag = $this->roundTag; $game->server_time = $this->serverTime; $game->round_time = $this->timePlayed; $game->round_index = $this->roundIndex + 1 . " / " . $this->roundLimit; $game->gametype = $this->gameType; $game->outcome = $this->roundOutcome; $game->map_id = $this->gameMap; $game->total_players = $this->totalPlayers; $game->swat_score = $this->swatScore; $game->suspects_score = $this->suspectsScore; $game->swat_vict = $this->swatVictory; $game->suspects_vict = $this->suspectsVictory; if (!$game->save()) { return false; } /** * Iterate over each player array */ foreach ($this->players as $p) { /** * @var Player */ $player = new Player(); $player->ingame_id = $p[0]; $player->ip_address = $p[1]; $player->name = str_replace('(VIEW)', '', $p[5]); $player->name = str_replace('(SPEC)', '', $player->name); $player->team = array_key_exists(6, $p) ? $p[6] : 0; $player->is_admin = array_key_exists(3, $p) ? $p[3] : 0; $player->is_dropped = array_key_exists(2, $p) ? $p[2] : 0; $player->score = array_key_exists(8, $p) ? $p[8] : 0; $player->time_played = array_key_exists(7, $p) ? $p[7] : 0; $player->kills = array_key_exists(9, $p) ? $p[9] : 0; $player->team_kills = array_key_exists(10, $p) ? $p[10] : 0; $player->deaths = array_key_exists(11, $p) ? $p[11] : 0; $player->suicides = array_key_exists(12, $p) ? $p[12] : 0; $player->arrests = array_key_exists(13, $p) ? $p[13] : 0; $player->arrested = array_key_exists(14, $p) ? $p[14] : 0; $player->kill_streak = array_key_exists(15, $p) ? $p[15] : 0; $player->arrest_streak = array_key_exists(16, $p) ? $p[16] : 0; $player->death_streak = array_key_exists(17, $p) ? $p[17] : 0; $player->game_id = $game->id; $player_ip_trim = substr($p[1], 0, strrpos($p[1], ".")); $player_country_id = 0; $geoip = App::make('geoip'); try { if ($player_geoip = $geoip->city($player->ip_address)) { $player_isoCode = $player_geoip->country->isoCode; $country = Country::where('countryCode', 'LIKE', $player_isoCode)->first(); /** * Country returned is not in Countrie table */ if ($country == null) { $player_country_id = 0; } else { $player_country_id = $country->id; } } } catch (\Exception $e) { switch ($e) { case $e instanceof \InvalidArgumentException: $player_country_id = 0; break; case $e instanceof \GeoIp2\Exception\AddressNotFoundException: $player_country_id = 0; break; default: $player_country_id = 0; break; } } $loadout_array = array_key_exists(39, $p) ? $p[39] : [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; /** * @var Loadout * * Create or find and return instance of Loadout and save to database. */ $loadout = Loadout::firstOrCreate(['primary_weapon' => array_key_exists(0, $loadout_array) ? $loadout_array[0] : 0, 'primary_ammo' => array_key_exists(1, $loadout_array) ? $loadout_array[1] : 0, 'secondary_weapon' => array_key_exists(2, $loadout_array) ? $loadout_array[2] : 0, 'secondary_ammo' => array_key_exists(3, $loadout_array) ? $loadout_array[3] : 0, 'equip_one' => array_key_exists(4, $loadout_array) ? $loadout_array[4] : 0, 'equip_two' => array_key_exists(5, $loadout_array) ? $loadout_array[5] : 0, 'equip_three' => array_key_exists(6, $loadout_array) ? $loadout_array[6] : 0, 'equip_four' => array_key_exists(7, $loadout_array) ? $loadout_array[7] : 0, 'equip_five' => array_key_exists(8, $loadout_array) ? $loadout_array[8] : 0, 'breacher' => array_key_exists(9, $loadout_array) ? $loadout_array[9] : 0, 'body' => array_key_exists(10, $loadout_array) ? $loadout_array[10] : 0, 'head' => array_key_exists(11, $loadout_array) ? $loadout_array[11] : 0]); /** * Create or find and return instance of Alias. */ $alias = Alias::firstOrNew(['name' => $player->name]); /** * If Alias is not present then new instance is created. */ if ($alias->id == null) { //$profile = Profile::firstOrNew(['ip_address' => $player_ip_trim.'%']); $profile = Profile::where('ip_address', 'LIKE', $player_ip_trim . '%')->first(); // If no profile present create new else ignore. if (!$profile) { $profile = new Profile(); } /** * Neither Alias not Profile is present. * * So it will create both new Alias and Profile. */ if ($profile->id == null) { $profile->name = $player->name; $profile->team = $player->team; $profile->country_id = $player_country_id; $profile->loadout_id = $loadout->id; $profile->game_first = $game->id; $profile->game_last = $game->id; $profile->ip_address = $player->ip_address; $profile->save(); $alias->name = $player->name; $alias->profile_id = $profile->id; $alias->ip_address = $player->ip_address; $alias->save(); } else { $alias->name = $player->name; $alias->profile_id = $profile->id; $alias->ip_address = $player->ip_address; $alias->save(); $profile->team = $player->team; $profile->game_last = $game->id; $profile->loadout_id = $loadout->id; $profile->ip_address = $player->ip_address; $profile->country_id = $player_country_id; $profile->save(); } } else { $profile = Profile::find($alias->profile_id); $profile->team = $player->team; $profile->game_last = $game->id; $profile->loadout_id = $loadout->id; $profile->ip_address = $player->ip_address; $profile->country_id = $player_country_id; $profile->save(); $alias->ip_address = $player->ip_address; $alias->save(); } $player->alias_id = $alias->id; $player->loadout_id = $loadout->id; $player->country_id = $player_country_id; $player->save(); /** * Iterate over all Weapon of each Player if exists */ if (array_key_exists(40, $p)) { foreach ($p[40] as $w) { $weapon = new Weapon(); $weapon->name = $w[0]; $weapon->player_id = $player->id; $weapon->seconds_used = array_key_exists(1, $w) ? $w[1] : 0; $weapon->shots_fired = array_key_exists(2, $w) ? $w[2] : 0; $weapon->shots_hit = array_key_exists(3, $w) ? $w[3] : 0; $weapon->shots_teamhit = array_key_exists(4, $w) ? $w[4] : 0; $weapon->kills = array_key_exists(5, $w) ? $w[5] : 0; $weapon->teamkills = array_key_exists(6, $w) ? $w[6] : 0; $weapon->distance = array_key_exists(7, $w) ? $w[7] : 0; $weapon->save(); } } } //$pt = new App\Server\Repositories\PlayerTotalRepository(); //$pt->calculate(); //$response = Response::make("0\\nStats has been successfully tracked",200); printf("%s", "0\nRound report tracked."); exit(0); }
/** * Create a new match * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function storeMatch(Request $request) { $league_id = Input::get('league_id'); $match_date = Input::get('match_date'); $player1_id = Input::get('player1_id'); $player2_id = Input::get('player2_id'); $p1_score = Input::get('p1_score'); $p2_score = Input::get('p2_score'); $match_date = new \DateTime($match_date); $match_date = $match_date->format("Y-m-d h:m:s"); if (!is_null($player1_id) && !is_null($player2_id)) { //create a new match $match = new Match(); $match->player1_id = $player1_id; $match->player2_id = $player2_id; $match->match_date = $match_date; if ($p1_score > $p2_score) { $match->winner_id = $player1_id; } else { $match->winner_id = $player2_id; } $match->save(); //Add match to the current league $league_match = new LeagueMatch(); $league_match->league_id = $league_id; $league_match->match_id = $match->match_id; $league_match->save(); //Create a game and add to the Match if (!is_null($p1_score) && !is_null($p2_score)) { $game = new Game(); $game->score1 = $p1_score; $game->score2 = $p2_score; $game->save(); $match_game = new MatchGame(); $match_game->match_id = $match->match_id; $match_game->game_id = $game->id; $match_game->game_num = 1; //will be based on league format $match_game->save(); } } //Redirect to add more matches; add Save Message return \Redirect::route('tools.league.match.create', array($league_id))->with('success', 'Match created Successfully'); }
/** * Handles an attack * * @param Game $game * * @return RedirectResponse */ private function actionAttack(Game $game) { // Get game's players $players = $game->players; // Assign an attacker and a defender from the game's players foreach ($players as $player) { if ((int) $player->user_id === Auth::id()) { $attacker = $player; } else { $defender = $player; } } // Decide randomly who wins and who loses $loser = rand(0, 1) === 0 ? $defender : $attacker; // Reduce by one the troops of the losing player $loser->troops = $loser->troops - 1; $loser->save(); // If losing player now has 0 troops, Game ends: if ($loser->troops === 0) { $game->state = Game::STATE_CLOSED; $game->user_winner = $attacker->user_id; // @todo Game->winner_id = $winner->id; $game->save(); } session()->flash('success', sprintf(self::MESSAGE_ACTION_ATTACK)); return redirect()->route(self::ROUTE_SHOW_GAME, $game->id); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response * * @param \App\Http\Requests\GameCreateRequest $request * * GameCreateRequest -> Validator * * Usage of GiantBombApi to get the name */ public function store(GameCreateRequest $request, Game $game) { $games = new GiantBombApi(); $game->id = $request->input('id'); $game->game_name = $games->getGameNameFromApi($request->input('id'))['name']; // if($request->hasFile('game_background_video')){ // $game->game_background_video = $request->file('game_background_video')->getClientOriginalName(); //// dd($request->file('game_background_video')->getFilename()); // $fileNew = $request->file('game_background_video')->getFilename(); // $fileOld = $request->file('game_background_video')->getClientOriginalName(); // Storage::disk('local')->put($fileOld, $fileNew); // // } $game->game_background_video = $request->input('game_background_video'); // dd($game->game_background_video); $game->game_background_img = $request->input('game_background_img'); $game->custom_payment_link = $request->input('custom_payment_link'); $game->steam_payment_link = $request->input('steam_payment_link'); $game->ios_payment_link = $request->input('ios_payment_link'); $game->psn_payment_link = $request->input('psn_payment_link'); $game->android_payment_link = $request->input('android_payment_link'); $game->save(); return redirect('/admin/games')->with('message', 'Successfully created a new game'); }
public function store(Request $request) { $game = new Game(array('pgn' => $request->get('pgn'), 'fritz' => $request->get('fritz'))); $game->save(); $data = array('pgn' => $request->get('pgn'), 'fritz' => $request->get('fritz')); Mail::send('emails.import', $data, function ($message) { $message->from(env('EMAIL_ADDRESS'), 'Chess Games'); $message->to('*****@*****.**')->subject('PGN Imported'); }); Toastr::success('Game created.'); return redirect('/games'); }
/** * init une nouvelle partie */ public function replay(Request $request) { if ($request->ajax()) { $quizz = Quizz::where('status', 1)->first(); $idQuizz = $quizz->id; if (\Auth::check()) { $fbMe = \Auth::user(); $array = array(); $array = serialize($array); $gameMe = new Game(); $gameMe->date_begin = new \DateTime('now'); $gameMe->id_facebook = $fbMe['id_facebook']; $gameMe->id_quizz = $idQuizz; $gameMe->score = 0; $gameMe->response = $array; $gameMe->date_end = new \DateTime('now'); $gameMe->save(); Session::put('start', null); Session::put('pause', null); } } return 'ok'; }
public function addNewGame(Request $request) { if (Auth::guest()) { flash()->error("You need to be logged in to add a game"); return redirect()->back(); } $game = new Game(); $game->popularity = 0; // ! // Check if console exists $console = Console::where('name', $request->console)->first(); if (!$console) { flash("Something went wrong."); return redirect()->back(); } // Check if game is already in the database $alreadyThereGame = Game::where('title', $request->input('title'))->where('console_id', $console->id)->first(); if ($alreadyThereGame) { // Redirect users to the game page that's already theree return redirect()->route('game', ['slug' => $alreadyThereGame->slug]); } $game->console_id = (int) $console->id; // ! $game->title = $request->input('title'); // ! $slug = $request->input('title'); $slug = str_limit($slug, 40) . "-" . $console->short_name; $slug = str_slug($slug); $slug = strtolower($slug); $game->slug = $slug; // ! // Stores the boxart in S3 servers if ($request->input('boxart_url')) { $boxart = Image::make($request->input('boxart_url'))->resize(350, null, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); })->encode(pathinfo($request->input('boxart_url'), PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $filename = $slug . "-" . str_random(5) . "." . pathinfo($request->input('boxart_url'), PATHINFO_EXTENSION); Storage::put($filename, (string) $boxart); $game->boxart = $filename; // ! } $game->save(); return redirect()->route('game', ['slug' => $slug]); }
/** * Create a room, given the name of the room. Only unique * @param Request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function create_room(Request $request) { // Make sure that the name only has letters and is unique $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), ['name' => 'required|alpha|max:60|unique:games']); if ($validator->fails()) { return $validator->errors()->all(); } else { // If the name is ok, then create the game $game = new Game(); $game->name = $request->input('name'); $game->player1 = null; $game->player2 = null; $game->nextturn = 1; $game->save(); return response()->json(['success' => 'created_room'], 401); } }