public function index(\App\Gameweek $gameweek = null, \App\Month $month = null) { $user = null; $users = \App\User::ranked()->orderBy('rank')->get(); $lastFixture = \App\Fixture::over()->orderBy('kickoff', 'desc')->first(); $activeTabs = ['active', '', '']; if (!$month or !$month->hasStarted()) { $month = $lastFixture->gameweek->month; } else { $activeTabs = ['', 'active', '']; } if (!$gameweek or !$gameweek->hasCompletedFixture()) { $gameweek = $lastFixture->gameweek; } else { $activeTabs = ['', '', 'active']; } if (\Auth::check()) { $user = \Auth::user(); } $months = \App\Month::orderBy('id', 'desc')->get()->filter(function ($month) { return $month->hasStarted(); }); $gameweeks = \App\Gameweek::orderBy('id', 'desc')->get()->filter(function ($gw) { return $gw->hasCompletedFixture(); }); $gameweekUsers = $gameweek->predictors()->orderBy('gameweek_user.rank', 'asc')->get(); $monthUsers = $month->users()->orderBy('month_user.rank', 'asc')->get(); $nameOfPage = 'standings'; return view('pages.standings', compact('gameweeks', 'months', 'users', 'gameweekUsers', 'monthUsers', 'month', 'gameweek', 'user', 'activeTabs', 'nameOfPage')); }
public function index() { $usersData = []; $usersData['count'] = User::all()->count(); $usersData['incompleteCount'] = User::where('status', 0)->count(); $picsData = []; $picsData['count'] = Pic::all()->count(); $clubsData = []; $clubsData['count'] = Club::all()->count(); $badgesData = []; $badgesData['count'] = Badge::all()->count(); $fixtures = Fixture::all(); $fixturesData = []; $fixturesData['count'] = $fixtures->count(); $fixturesData['overCount'] = $fixtures->filter(function ($fxt) { return $fxt->isOver(); })->count(); $fixturesData['closedNotOverCount'] = $fixtures->filter(function ($fxt) { return $fxt->isClosed() and !$fxt->isOver(); })->count(); $gameweeks = Gameweek::all(); $gameweeksData = []; $gameweeksData['count'] = $gameweeks->count(); $gameweeksData['completeCount'] = Gameweek::complete()->get()->count(); $gameweeksData['pendingCount'] = Gameweek::incomplete()->get()->filter(function ($gw) { return $gw->hasCompletedFixture(); })->count(); $adminsData = []; $adminsData['count'] = Admin::all()->count(); return view('admin.dashboard.index', compact('usersData', 'picsData', 'clubsData', 'badgesData', 'fixturesData', 'gameweeksData', 'adminsData')); }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function update(Request $request, $id) { $this->validate($request, ['team_1_score' => 'required', 'team_2_score' => 'required']); $fixture = Fixture::find($id); $fixture->team_1_score = $request->get('team_1_score'); $fixture->team_2_score = $request->get('team_2_score'); $fixture->save(); flash()->success('', 'Rezultatas redaguotas!'); return redirect()->back(); }
public function show(\App\User $user, \App\Gameweek $gameweekInFocus = null) { //Get the last "over" fixture $lastFixture = \App\Fixture::over()->orderBy('kickoff', 'desc')->first(); if (!$gameweekInFocus or !$gameweekInFocus->hasCompletedFixture()) { //Get the corresponding gameweek and eager load its fixtures $gameweekInFocus = $lastFixture->gameweek()->with(['fixtures' => function ($query) { $query->over(); }])->first(); } else { $gameweekInFocus->load(['fixtures' => function ($query) { $query->over(); }]); } $gameweeks = \App\Gameweek::orderBy('id', 'desc')->get()->filter(function ($gw) { return $gw->hasCompletedFixture(); }); $badges = $user->badges()->orderBy('badge_user.gameweek_id', 'asc')->get(); return view('', compact('user', 'gameweekInFocus', 'gameweeks', 'lastFixture', 'badges')); }
/** * Show the application home (predict) page to the user * * @return Response */ public function index() { $user = \Auth::user(); $gws = \App\Gameweek::incomplete()->take(2)->with('fixtures')->with(['fixtures.predictions' => function ($query) use($user) { $query->where('user_id', $user->id); }])->get(); foreach ($gws as $gw) { $userGameweek = $user->gameweeks()->where('gameweek_id', $gw->id)->first(); $boostId = null; $boostedClosed = false; if ($userGameweek) { $boostId = $userGameweek->pivot->boost_id; if ($boostId) { $boostedClosed = \App\Fixture::find($boostId)->isClosed(); } } $gw->boostId = $boostId; $gw->boostedClosed = $boostedClosed; } $nameOfPage = 'home'; return view('pages.home', compact('gws', 'user', 'nameOfPage')); }
public function store(Request $request) { $input = $request->all(); $predictions = []; foreach ($input['home_score'] as $key => $score) { $predictions[$key]['home_score'] = $score; } foreach ($input['away_score'] as $key => $score) { $predictions[$key]['away_score'] = $score; } foreach ($input['fix_id'] as $key => $id) { $predictions[$key]['fixture_id'] = $id; $predictions[$key]['user_id'] = $this->user->id; } foreach ($predictions as $prediction) { $fxt = \App\Fixture::findOrFail($prediction['fixture_id']); if ($fxt->isClosed()) { continue; } $pred = \App\Prediction::firstOrNew(['user_id' => $prediction['user_id'], 'fixture_id' => $prediction['fixture_id']]); $pred->home_score = $prediction['home_score']; $pred->away_score = $prediction['away_score']; if ($pred->valid()) { $user = \App\User::find($prediction['user_id']); $gameweek = $pred->fixture->gameweek; $exists = $user->gameweeks->contains($gameweek->id); if (!$exists) { $user->gameweeks()->attach($gameweek->id, ['score' => 0, 'rank' => null, 'boost_id' => null]); } if (isset($input['boost_id']) and $pred->fixture_id == $input['boost_id']) { $user->gameweeks()->updateExistingPivot($gameweek->id, ['boost_id' => $input['boost_id']], false); } $pred->save(); } } return redirect('/'); }
public function compute($id) { $fixture = Fixture::findOrFail($id); $gameweek = $fixture->gameweek; if ($fixture->home_score === null or $fixture->away_score === null) { return redirect('/admin/gameweek/' . $gameweek->id); } $allPredictions = Prediction::where('fixture_id', $fixture->id)->get(); foreach ($allPredictions as $prediction) { $prediction->grade = $prediction->grading($fixture); $boostId = $prediction->user->gameweeks()->where('gameweek_id', $gameweek->id)->first()->pivot->boost_id; if ($boostId == $prediction->fixture->id) { $prediction->grade += 6; } $prediction->save(); } if (!$fixture->isOver()) { $fixture->over = true; $fixture->save(); } return redirect('/admin/gameweek/' . $gameweek->id); }