Ejemplo n.º 1
    public function home()
        if (Auth::check()) {
            $title = 'home';
            if (Auth::user()->identifier == 1) {
                $sort_by = " ";
                $sort_by_skill = " ";
                $searchskill = ["css", "php"];
                // $searchskill = implode(',', $searchskill);
                // $searchskill = explode(',', $searchskill);
                $skills = Skills::lists('name', 'name');
                $submitFilter = " ";
                $filter = Filter::where('post_type', '=', 'job')->where('from_user', '=', Auth::user()->id)->first();
                $skillfilter = Filter::where('post_type', '=', 'skill')->where('from_user', '=', Auth::user()->id)->first();
                // $mobileReg = User::where('induser_id', '=', Auth::user()->induser_id)
                // 						 ->where('mobile', '=', '9686458736')
                // 						 ->first(['mobile']);
                // return $mobileReg;
                $jobPosts = Postjob::orderBy('id', 'desc')->with('indUser', 'corpUser', 'postActivity', 'taggedUser', 'taggedGroup', 'preferLocations')->where('post_type', '=', 'job')->where('individual_id', '!=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->where('inactive', '=', 0)->whereRaw('postjobs.id in (select  pm.id from postjobs pm where pm.id in (
													select p.id 
														from postjobs p
														LEFT JOIN post_group_taggings pgt on pgt.post_id = p.id
														left join groups_users gu on gu.group_id = pgt.group_id
														left join indusers ind on ind.id = gu.user_id 
														left join indusers indg on indg.id = pgt.tag_share_by
														where ind.id = ' . Auth::user()->induser_id . '
													select  p.id
														from postjobs p
														left join post_user_taggings put on put.post_id = p.id 
														left join indusers ind on ind.id = put.user_id
														left join indusers inds on inds.id = put.tag_share_by
														where ind.id = ' . Auth::user()->induser_id . '					
												) union 
												select pm.id from postjobs pm where pm.id not in (
													select distinct pgt.post_id
														from post_group_taggings pgt
													select distinct put.post_id
														from post_user_taggings put
												)) ')->orWhere('corporate_id', '>', 0)->paginate(5);
                $groups = Group::leftjoin('groups_users', 'groups_users.group_id', '=', 'groups.id')->where('groups.admin_id', '=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->orWhere('groups_users.user_id', '=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->groupBy('groups.id')->get(['groups.id as id'])->lists('id');
                $skillPosts = Postjob::orderBy('id', 'desc')->with('indUser', 'corpUser', 'postActivity', 'taggedUser', 'taggedGroup', 'preferLocations')->where('post_type', '=', 'skill')->where('individual_id', '!=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->where('inactive', '=', 0)->whereRaw('postjobs.id in (select  pm.id from postjobs pm where pm.id in (
													select p.id 
														from postjobs p
														LEFT JOIN post_group_taggings pgt on pgt.post_id = p.id
														left join groups_users gu on gu.group_id = pgt.group_id
														left join indusers ind on ind.id = gu.user_id 
														left join indusers indg on indg.id = pgt.tag_share_by
														where ind.id = ' . Auth::user()->induser_id . '
													select  p.id
														from postjobs p
														left join post_user_taggings put on put.post_id = p.id 
														left join indusers ind on ind.id = put.user_id
														left join indusers inds on inds.id = put.tag_share_by
														where ind.id = ' . Auth::user()->induser_id . '
												) union 
												select pm.id from postjobs pm where pm.id not in (
													select distinct pgt.post_id
														from post_group_taggings pgt
													select distinct put.post_id
														from post_user_taggings put
												)) ')->paginate(5);
                $links = DB::select('select id from indusers
										where indusers.id in (
												select connections.user_id as id from connections
												where connections.connection_user_id=?
												 and connections.status=1
												select connections.connection_user_id as id from connections
												where connections.user_id=?
												 and connections.status=1
									)', [Auth::user()->induser_id, Auth::user()->induser_id]);
                $links = collect($links);
                $linksApproval = DB::select('select id from indusers
											where indusers.id in (
													select connections.user_id as id from connections
													where connections.connection_user_id=?
													 and connections.status=0
											)', [Auth::user()->induser_id]);
                $linksApproval = collect($linksApproval);
                $linksPending = DB::select('select id from indusers
											where indusers.id in (
													select connections.connection_user_id as id from connections
													where connections.user_id=?
													 and connections.status=0
											)', [Auth::user()->induser_id]);
                $linksPending = collect($linksPending);
                if (Auth::user()->induser_id != null) {
                    $following = DB::select('select id from corpusers 
											 where corpusers.id in (
												select follows.corporate_id as id from follows
												where follows.individual_id=?
										)', [Auth::user()->induser_id]);
                    $following = collect($following);
                if (Auth::user()->corpuser_id != null) {
                    $following = DB::select('select id from indusers
											 where indusers.id in (
												select follows.individual_id as id from follows
												where follows.corporate_id=?
										)', [Auth::user()->corpuser_id]);
                    $following = collect($following);
                if (Auth::user()->identifier == 1) {
                    $userSkills = Induser::where('id', '=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->first(['linked_skill']);
                    $userSkills = array_map('trim', explode(',', $userSkills->linked_skill));
                    unset($userSkills[count($userSkills) - 1]);
                if (Auth::user()->identifier == 1) {
                    $share_links = Induser::whereRaw('indusers.id in (
													select connections.user_id as id from connections
													where connections.connection_user_id=?
													 and connections.status=1
													select connections.connection_user_id as id from connections
													where connections.user_id=?
													 and connections.status=1
										)', [Auth::user()->induser_id, Auth::user()->induser_id])->get(['id', 'fname'])->lists('fname', 'id');
                    $share_groups = Group::leftjoin('groups_users', 'groups_users.group_id', '=', 'groups.id')->where('groups.admin_id', '=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->orWhere('groups_users.user_id', '=', Auth::user()->induser_id)->groupBy('groups.id')->get(['groups.id as id', 'groups.group_name as name'])->lists('name', 'id');
                // return $searchskill;
                return view('pages.home', compact('jobPosts', 'skillPosts', 'groups', 'title', 'links', 'following', 'userSkills', 'skills', 'linksApproval', 'linksPending', 'share_links', 'share_groups', 'sort_by', 'sort_by_skill', 'filter', 'skillfilter', 'submitFilter'));
                // return $skillPosts;
            } elseif (Auth::user()->identifier == 2) {
                $sort_by = " ";
                $sort_by_skill = " ";
                $skills = Skills::lists('name', 'name');
                $filter = Filter::where('post_type', '=', 'job')->where('from_user', '=', Auth::user()->id)->first();
                $skillfilter = Filter::where('post_type', '=', 'skill')->where('from_user', '=', Auth::user()->id)->first();
                $skillPosts = Postjob::orderBy('id', 'desc')->with('indUser', 'corpUser', 'postActivity', 'taggedUser', 'taggedGroup')->where('post_type', '=', 'skill')->where('inactive', '=', 0)->paginate(5);
                if (Auth::user()->corpuser_id != null) {
                    $following = DB::select('select id from indusers
											 where indusers.id in (
												select follows.individual_id as id from follows
												where follows.corporate_id=?
										)', [Auth::user()->corpuser_id]);
                    $following = collect($following);
                return view('pages.home_corporate', compact('jobPosts', 'skillPosts', 'title', 'following', 'skills', 'sort_by', 'sort_by_skill', 'filter', 'skillfilter'));
            } elseif (Auth::user()->identifier == 3) {
                $reportAbuseCount = ReportAbuse::count();
                $feedbackCount = Feedback::count();
                $expFeedCounts = DB::select(DB::raw('
											(select count(experience) from feedbacks f where f.experience = 5) as five, 
											(select count(experience) from feedbacks f where f.experience = 4) as four,
											(select count(experience) from feedbacks f where f.experience = 3) as three,
											(select count(experience) from feedbacks f where f.experience = 2) as two,
											(select count(experience) from feedbacks f where f.experience = 1) as one
										from dual;
                $useFeedCounts = DB::select(DB::raw('
											(select count(usability) from feedbacks f where f.usability = "Hard") as hard, 
											(select count(usability) from feedbacks f where f.usability = "Okay") as okay,
											(select count(usability) from feedbacks f where f.usability = "Easy") as easy
										from dual;
                return view('pages.dashboard', compact('title', 'reportAbuseCount', 'feedbackCount', 'expFeedCounts', 'useFeedCounts'));
        } else {
            return redirect('login');