/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { DB::table('facilities')->delete(); Facility::create(['name' => 'Air Conditioning', 'slug' => str_slug('Air Conditioning')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Bath Towel', 'slug' => str_slug('Bath Towel')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Alarm Radio', 'slug' => str_slug('Alarm Radio')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Cable TV', 'slug' => str_slug('Cable TV')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Coffee Maker', 'slug' => str_slug('Coffee Maker')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Coffee Set', 'slug' => str_slug('Coffee Set')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Complimentary Bottled Water', 'slug' => str_slug('Complimentary Bottled Water')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Directory of Service', 'slug' => str_slug('Directory of Service')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Guest Amenities', 'slug' => str_slug('Guest Amenities')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Hair Dryer', 'slug' => str_slug('Hair Dryer')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Hand Towel', 'slug' => str_slug('Hand Towel')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Hot & Cold Shower', 'slug' => str_slug('Hot & Cold Shower')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Iron/Ironing Board', 'slug' => str_slug('Iron/Ironing Board')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'LED TV', 'slug' => str_slug('LED TV')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Mini Bar', 'slug' => str_slug('Mini Bar')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Non-Smoking', 'slug' => str_slug('Non-Smoking')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Refrigerator', 'slug' => str_slug('Refrigerator')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Safe Deposit Box', 'slug' => str_slug('Safe Deposit Box')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Shower', 'slug' => str_slug('Shower')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Slippers', 'slug' => str_slug('Slippers')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Sofa', 'slug' => str_slug('Sofa')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Bathtub', 'slug' => str_slug('Bathtub')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Bath Robe', 'slug' => str_slug('Bath Robe')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Face Towel', 'slug' => str_slug('Face Towel')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Kitchen Equipment', 'slug' => str_slug('Kitchen Equipment')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Daily Newspaper', 'slug' => str_slug('Daily Newspaper')]); Facility::create(['name' => 'Ergonomic Desk Chair', 'slug' => str_slug('Ergonomic Desk Chair')]); }
/** * [readFile description] * @param [type] $file [description] * @param [type] $connection [description] * @return [type] [description] */ public function readFile($file, $connection) { // if($file['extension']=='csv'||$file['extension']=='xls'){ $path = Config::get('flysystem.connections.' . $connection . '.path'); Excel::filter('chunk')->load($path . '/' . $file['path'])->chunk(50, function ($results) { // return $results; $results->each(function ($row) { $facility = Facility::create($row->toArray()); }); }); // return $data; // } }
/** * Define your route model bindings, pattern filters, etc. * * @param \Illuminate\Routing\Router $router * @return void */ public function boot(Router $router) { $router->bind('facility', function ($slug) { return \App\Facility::where('slug', $slug)->first(); }); $router->bind('type', function ($slug) { return \App\RoomType::where('slug', $slug)->first(); }); $router->bind('room', function ($room_no) { return \App\Room::where('room_no', $room_no)->first(); }); $router->model('reservation', 'App\\Reservation'); parent::boot($router); }
public function store() { $input = Request::all(); Facility::create($input); return redirect('regions'); }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param App\RoomType $roomType * @return Response */ public function edit(RoomType $roomType) { $facilities = Facility::orderBy('name', 'asc')->get(); $room_facilities = $roomType->facilities()->lists('facility_id'); return view('type.edit', compact('roomType', 'facilities', 'room_facilities')); }
public function processFacilityFile() { ini_set('max_execution_time', 300); $filePath = storage_path('exports') . '/eHealthKenyaFacilities.xlsx'; \Excel::load($filePath, function ($reader) { $provinces = []; $counties = []; $subcounties = []; $facilities = []; $results = $reader->get(); foreach ($results as $sheet) { foreach ($sheet as $row) { $mfl = $row->facility_code; $fname = $row->facility_name; $province = $row->province; $county = $row->county; $subcounty = $row->district; $facilityarr = ['mfl' => $mfl, 'facilityname' => $fname, 'subcounty' => $subcounty]; $subcountyarr = ['subcounty' => $subcounty, 'county' => $county]; if (!in_array($county, $counties)) { $counties[] = $county; } if (!in_array($subcountyarr, $subcounties)) { $subcounties[] = $subcountyarr; } if (!in_array($facilityarr, $facilities)) { $facilities[] = $facilityarr; } } } //insert counties //alter table county auto_increment=1; foreach ($counties as $county) { $countyModel = new County(); $countyModel->name = $county; $countyModel->save(); } $dbCounties = County::all(); foreach ($subcounties as $sc) { $scname = $sc['subcounty']; $countyName = $sc['county']; $countyId = 0; foreach ($dbCounties as $dbs) { if ($countyName == $dbs->name) { $countyId = $dbs->id; break; } //echo $dbs->id.' '. $dbs->name.'<br/>'; } $newSubCounty = new SubCounty(); $newSubCounty->name = $scname; $newSubCounty->county_id = $countyId; $newSubCounty->save(); } $dbSubCounties = SubCounty::all(); $facilityarr = ['mfl' => $mfl, 'facilityname' => $fname, 'subcounty' => $subcounty]; foreach ($facilities as $f) { $mfl = $f['mfl']; $fname = $f['facilityname']; $scName = $f['subcounty']; $scountyId = 0; foreach ($dbSubCounties as $dbsc) { if ($scName == $dbsc->name) { $scountyId = $dbsc->id; break; } } $newFacility = new Facility(); $newFacility->mfl_code = $mfl; $newFacility->subcounty_id = $scountyId; $newFacility->name = $fname; $newFacility->save(); } }); Session::flash('success', 'uploaded file is not valid'); return redirect('/facility-upload'); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param App\Facility $facility * @return Response */ public function destroy(Facility $facility) { $facility->delete(); return redirect('/facility'); }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function update(Request $request, $id) { // $validator = \Validator::make($request->all(), ['title' => 'required', 'city' => 'required']); if ($validator->fails()) { return response()->json(array('status' => 500, 'monolog' => array('title' => 'errors', 'message' => implode($validator->errors()->all(), '<br>')))); } DB::beginTransaction(); $user_id = \Auth::user()->get()->id; $property = Property::find($id); $property->user_id = $user_id; // $property->customer_id = $request->customer_id; $property->category_id = $request->category_id; $property->currency = $request->currency; $property->price = $request->price; // $property->discount = $request->discount; $property->type = $request->type; // $property->publish = $request->publish; $property->building_size = $request->building_size; $property->land_size = $request->land_size; // $property->sold = $request->sold; $property->code = $request->code; $property->status = $request->status; $property->year = $request->year; // $property->map_latitude = $request->map_latitude; // $property->map_longitude = $request->map_longitude; $property->city = $request->city; $property->province = $request->province; $property->country = $request->country; $property->slug = $request->slug; // $property->view = $request->view; $property->view_north = $request->view_north; $property->view_east = $request->view_east; $property->view_west = $request->view_west; $property->view_south = $request->view_south; $property->is_price_request = $request->is_price_request; $property->is_exclusive = $request->is_exclusive; $property->owner_name = $request->owner_name; $property->owner_email = $request->owner_email; $property->owner_phone = $request->owner_phone; $property->agent_commission = $request->agent_commission; $property->agent_contact = $request->agent_contact; $property->agent_meet_date = $request->agent_meet_date; $property->agent_inspector = $request->agent_inspector; $property->sell_reason = $request->sell_reason; $property->sell_note = $request->sell_note; $property->other_agent = $request->other_agent; // $property->display = $request->display; $property->orientation = $request->orientation; $property->sell_in_furnish = $request->sell_in_furnish; $property->lease_period = $request->lease_period; $property->lease_year = $request->lease_year; // find province, country $city = \App\City::where('city_name', $request->city)->first(); $property->city = $request->city; $property->province = $city->province->province_name; $property->country = $city->province->country->nicename; $property->save(); Model::unguard(); // lang $language = $property->propertyLanguages()->where('locale', 'en')->first(); if ($language) { $language->title = $request->title; $language->description = $request->description; } else { $language = new \App\PropertyLanguage(); $language->title = $request->title; $language->description = $request->description; $language->locale = 'en'; $language->property_id = $property->id; } $language->save(); // distances if ($request->distance_value) { foreach ($request->distance_value as $key => $value) { $distance = \App\Distance::find($request->distance_id[$key]); $distance->from = $key; $distance->value = $value; $distance->unit = $request->distance_unit[$key]; $distance->save(); } } // documents // if ($request->documents) { // foreach ($request->documents as $key => $value) { // $document = new \App\Document; // $document->property_id = $property->id; // $document->name = $key; // $document->is_included = $value; // $document->save(); // } // } // facilities if ($request->facilities) { foreach ($request->facilities as $key => $value) { $facility = \App\Facility::find($request->facility_id[$key]); $facility->name = $key; $facility->description = $value; $facility->save(); } } // files if ($request->hasFile('files')) { foreach ($request->file('files') as $key => $value) { $destinationPath = 'uploads/property'; $extension = $value->getClientOriginalExtension(); $fileName = date('YmdHis') . '_' . $key . '_kibarer_property' . '.' . $extension; $value->move($destinationPath, $fileName); $propertyFile = new \App\PropertyFile(); $propertyFile->property_id = $property->id; $propertyFile->file = $fileName; $propertyFile->save(); } } Model::reguard(); DB::commit(); return response()->json(array('status' => 200, 'monolog' => array('title' => 'update success', 'message' => 'Property has been updated'))); }
/** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * * @return Response */ public function create($property_id) { // $facilities = Facility::all(); return view('propertyfacility.create')->with('property_id', $property_id)->with('facilities', $facilities); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $facilities = Facility::all()->toArray(); return Response::json(['data' => $this->facilityTransformer->transformCollection($facilities)], 200, array(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function show($id) { $facility = Facility::find($id); return view('facility')->with('facility', $facility); }