Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function saveScore(Request $request)
     if (!auth() || !auth()->user()) {
         echo 'Kết quả chưa được lưu.';
     $UserID = auth()->user()->getAuthIdentifier();
     $data = $request->all();
     $token = $data['token'];
     // day by day, no. of record will increase
     // => maybe there are multiple record with the same value of UserID and token
     // => pick the newest record
     $record = Doexams::where('token', 'LIKE', $token)->where('UserID', '=', $UserID)->get()->last();
     if (count($record->toArray()) < 1) {
         echo 'Kết quả chưa được lưu.';
     $record->Score = $request['Score'] . '/' . $request['MaxScore'];
     $oldDateTime = $record->created_at->getTimestamp();
     $newDateTime = $record->updated_at->getTimestamp();
     $diff = ($newDateTime - $oldDateTime) / 3600.0;
     $record->Time = $diff;
     if ($diff > 0) {
         $course = Courses::find(Posts::find($record->PostID)->CourseID);
         $course->TotalHours += $diff;
     echo 'Kết quả đã được lưu lại.';
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function viewPost($postID)
     if (!auth() || !auth()->user()) {
         $browser = get_browser(null, true);
         // Allow crawler && Facebook Bot view post without logging in.
         if ($browser['crawler'] != 1 && stripos($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], 'facebook') === false && stripos($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], 'face') === false && stripos($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], 'google') === false) {
             $redirectPath = '/post/' . $postID;
             return redirect('/auth/login')->with('redirectPath', $redirectPath);
         $token = md5(rand(), false);
         $DisplayedQuestions = ConstsAndFuncs::$FreeQuestionsForCrawler;
     $post = Posts::find($postID);
     if (count($post) < 1) {
         return view('errors.404');
     $courseID = $post['CourseID'];
     $course = Courses::find($courseID);
     $post = $post->toArray();
     if (auth() && auth()->user()) {
         $userID = auth()->user()->getAuthIdentifier();
         if (User::find($userID)['admin'] < ConstsAndFuncs::PERM_ADMIN) {
             if ($course['Hidden'] == 1 || $post['Hidden'] == 1) {
                 return view('errors.404');
         $tmp = Learnings::where('UserID', '=', $userID)->where('CourseID', '=', $courseID)->get()->toArray();
         if (count($tmp) < 1) {
             $learnings = new Learnings();
             $learnings->UserID = $userID;
             $learnings->CourseID = $courseID;
         // Insert a new record into DoExams Table to mark the time user start answering questions in post.
         $exam = new Doexams();
         $exam->UserID = $userID;
         $exam->PostID = $postID;
         $token = md5($userID . rand(), false) . md5($postID . rand(), false);
         $exam->token = $token;
         // Check if user is vip or not
         $user = User::find(auth()->user()->getAuthIdentifier());
         if ($user['vip'] == 0) {
             $DisplayedQuestions = $post['NoOfFreeQuestions'];
         } else {
             $DisplayedQuestions = new \DateTime($user['expire_at']) >= new \DateTime() ? -1 : $post['NoOfFreeQuestions'];
         if ($user['admin'] >= ConstsAndFuncs::PERM_ADMIN) {
             $DisplayedQuestions = -1;
         // If web hasn't provide some VIP package
         // every user will be able to see full post
         if (ConstsAndFuncs::IS_PAID == 0) {
             $DisplayedQuestions = -1;
     $photo = $post['Photo'];
     if ($DisplayedQuestions > 0) {
         $questions = Questions::where('PostID', '=', $postID)->take($DisplayedQuestions)->get()->toArray();
     } else {
         $questions = Questions::where('PostID', '=', $postID)->get()->toArray();
     $AnswersFor1 = array();
     $TrueAnswersFor1 = array();
     $AnswersFor2 = array();
     $Spaces = array();
     $SetOfSpaceIDs = array();
     $Subquestions = array();
     $AnswersFor5 = array();
     $QuestionFor5IDs = array();
     $AnswersFor6 = array();
     $DragDropIDs = array();
     $CompleteAnswersFor6 = array();
     $AnswersFor3 = array();
     $AnswersFor4 = array();
     $FillCharacterIDs = array();
     $ArrangedIDs = array();
     $maxscore = 0;
     foreach ($questions as $q) {
         switch ($q['FormatID']) {
             case 1:
                 // Trắc nghiệm
                 $answers = Answers::where('QuestionID', '=', $q['id'])->get()->toArray();
                 foreach ($answers as $a) {
                     if ($a['Logical'] == 1) {
                         $TrueAnswersFor1 += [$q['id'] => $a['id']];
                 $info = [$q['id'] => $answers];
                 if (count($answers) > 0) {
                 $AnswersFor1 += $info;
             case 2:
                 // Điền từ
                 $spaces = Spaces::where('QuestionID', '=', $q['id'])->get()->toArray();
                 $Spaces += [$q['id'] => $spaces];
                 foreach ($spaces as $s) {
                     $SetOfSpaceIDs = array_merge($SetOfSpaceIDs, [$s['id']]);
                     $a = Answers::where('SpaceID', '=', $s['id'])->get()->toArray();
                     $AnswersFor2 += [$s['id'] => $a];
                 $maxscore += count($spaces);
             case 3:
                 $answer = Answers::where('QuestionID', '=', $q['id'])->get()->toArray();
                 $AnswersFor3 += [$q['id'] => $answer[0]];
                 $ArrangedIDs = array_merge($ArrangedIDs, [$q['id']]);
             case 4:
                 $answer = Answers::where('QuestionID', '=', $q['id'])->get()->toArray();
                 $AnswersFor4 += [$q['id'] => $answer[0]];
                 $FillCharacterIDs = array_merge($FillCharacterIDs, [$q['id']]);
             case 5:
                 // Nối
                 $subquestions = Subquestions::where('QuestionID', '=', $q['id'])->get()->toArray();
                 $answer = array();
                 foreach ($subquestions as $s) {
                     $a = Answers::where('SubQuestionID', '=', $s['id'])->get()->toArray();
                     $answer += [$s['id'] => $a[0]];
                 $AnswersFor5 += [$q['id'] => $answer];
                 $maxscore += count($subquestions);
                 $Subquestions += [$q['id'] => $subquestions];
                 $QuestionFor5IDs = array_merge($QuestionFor5IDs, [$q['id']]);
             case 6:
                 // Kéo thả
                 $DragDropIDs = array_merge($DragDropIDs, [$q['id']]);
                 $answers = Answers::where('QuestionID', '=', $q['id'])->get()->toArray();
                 $AnswersFor6 += [$q['id'] => $answers];
                 $s = '';
                 foreach ($answers as $a) {
                     $s .= $a['Detail'] . ' ';
                 $CompleteAnswersFor6 += [$q['id'] => $s];
                 // $CompleteAnswersFor6 = array_merge($CompleteAnswersFor6, [$s]);
     $Comments = Comments::all()->toArray();
     $result = array('Comments' => json_encode($Comments), 'Questions' => $questions, 'Post' => $post, 'MaxScore' => $maxscore, 'NumOfQuestions' => count($questions = Questions::where('PostID', '=', $postID)->get()->toArray()), 'Token' => $token, 'DisplayedQuestions' => $DisplayedQuestions);
     if (auth() && auth()->user() && User::find(auth()->user()->getAuthIdentifier())['admin'] >= ConstsAndFuncs::PERM_ADMIN) {
         $nextPost = Posts::where('CourseID', '=', $post['CourseID'])->where('id', '>=', $post['id'])->get()->toArray();
         $previousPost = Posts::where('CourseID', '=', $post['CourseID'])->where('id', '<', $post['id'])->get()->toArray();
         $result += ['NextPost' => count($nextPost) > 1 ? $nextPost[1]['id'] : Posts::where('CourseID', '=', $post['CourseID'])->first()->toArray()['id']];
         $result += ['PreviousPost' => count($previousPost) > 0 ? $previousPost[count($previousPost) - 1]['id'] : Posts::where('CourseID', '=', $post['CourseID'])->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->first()->toArray()['id']];
     } else {
         $nextPost = Posts::where('CourseID', '=', $post['CourseID'])->where('id', '>=', $post['id'])->where('Hidden', '=', 0)->get()->toArray();
         $previousPost = Posts::where('CourseID', '=', $post['CourseID'])->where('id', '<', $post['id'])->where('Hidden', '=', 0)->get()->toArray();
         $result += ['NextPost' => count($nextPost) > 1 ? $nextPost[1]['id'] : Posts::where('CourseID', '=', $post['CourseID'])->where('Hidden', '=', 0)->first()->toArray()['id']];
         $result += ['PreviousPost' => count($previousPost) > 0 ? $previousPost[count($previousPost) - 1]['id'] : Posts::where('CourseID', '=', $post['CourseID'])->where('Hidden', '=', 0)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->first()->toArray()['id']];
     $newpost = array_merge($nextPost, $previousPost);
     $result += ['newpost' => $newpost];
     // dd($newpost);
     $ahtk = Tags::where('PostID', '=', $postID)->get()->toArray();
     $Hashtag = array();
     foreach ($ahtk as $k) {
         $ht = Hashtags::find($k['HashtagID'])['Hashtag'];
         if (strlen($ht) > 0) {
             $Hashtag = array_merge($Hashtag, [$ht]);
     // highest score.
     $doexams = Doexams::where('PostID', '=', $postID)->where('Score', 'NOT LIKE', '-1')->get()->toArray();
     // dd($doexams);
     $max_score_saved = -1;
     foreach ($doexams as $v) {
         // ignore admins' score
         $u = User::find($v['UserID']);
         if ($u['admin'] >= ConstsAndFuncs::PERM_SUBADMIN) {
         preg_match_all('/([0-9]+)\\/.*/', $v['Score'], $matches);
         if (count($matches) >= 2 && count($matches[1]) >= 1) {
             $s = $matches[1][0];
         } else {
             $s = $v['Score'];
         $max_score_saved = $max_score_saved < $s ? $s : $max_score_saved;
     $best_users = [];
     foreach ($doexams as $v) {
         // ignore admins' score
         $u = User::find($v['UserID']);
         if ($u['admin'] >= ConstsAndFuncs::PERM_SUBADMIN) {
         preg_match_all('/([0-9]+)\\/.*/', $v['Score'], $matches);
         // if $v['Score'] is in format: '9/10'
         if (count($matches) >= 2 && count($matches[1]) >= 1) {
             $s = $matches[1][0];
         } else {
             $s = $v['Score'];
         if ($max_score_saved == $s) {
             $best_users[$v['UserID']] = [];
             $best_users[$v['UserID']]['Time'] = $v['Time'];
             $best_users[$v['UserID']]['Name'] = User::find($v['UserID'])['name'];
     $BestUsers = $best_users;
     // dd($best_users);
     $MaxScoreSaved = $max_score_saved;
     // dd($MaxScoreSaved);
     return view('viewpost')->with($result)->with(compact(['result', 'newpost', 'Hashtag', 'AnswersFor1', 'TrueAnswersFor1', 'AnswersFor3', 'ArrangedIDs', 'Spaces', 'AnswersFor2', 'SetOfSpaceIDs', 'AnswersFor4', 'FillCharacterIDs', 'subquestions', 'AnswersFor5', 'Subquestions', 'QuestionFor5IDs', 'AnswersFor6', 'DragDropIDs', 'CompleteAnswersFor6', 'BestUsers', 'MaxScoreSaved']));