/** * The constructor * @param string $dir The directory where the application is located * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ function __construct($dir) { if (!is_string($dir)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(''); } parent::__construct($dir); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $this->validate($request, StockMovement::$rules); // Has Combination? if ($request->has('group')) { $groups = $request->input('group'); $q = ''; foreach ($groups as $option) { $q .= ' (co.option_id = ' . $option . ') or'; } $q = substr($q, 0, -2); $q = 'SELECT combination_id, COUNT(combination_id) tot FROM `combinations` as c left join combination_option as co on co.combination_id = c.id WHERE c.product_id = ' . $request->input('product_id') . ' AND ( ' . $q . ' ) GROUP BY combination_id ORDER BY tot DESC LIMIT 1'; $result = DB::select(DB::raw($q)); // echo $q.'<br>';echo_r($result); die(); $combination_id = $result[0]->combination_id; } else { $combination_id = 0; } $extradata = ['date' => \Carbon\Carbon::createFromFormat(\App\Context::getContext()->language->date_format_lite, $request->input('date')), 'model_name' => '', 'document_id' => 0, 'document_line_id' => 0, 'combination_id' => $combination_id, 'user_id' => \Auth::id()]; $stockmovement = $this->stockmovement->create(array_merge($request->all(), $extradata)); // Stock movement fulfillment (perform stock movements) $stockmovement->fulfill(); return redirect('stockmovements')->with('info', l('This record has been successfully created :: (:id) ', ['id' => $stockmovement->id], 'layouts') . $request->get('document_reference') . ' - ' . $request->input('date')); }
function l($string = NULL, $data = [], $langfile = NULL) { if ($langfile == NULL) { $langfile = \App\Context::getContext()->controller; } if (Lang::has($langfile . '.' . $string)) { return Lang::get($langfile . '.' . $string, $data); } else { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $string = str_replace(':' . $key, $value, $string); } return $string; } }
/** * Handle an incoming request. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param \Closure $next * @return mixed */ public function handle($request, Closure $next) { /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Application Configuration |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Load Configuration Keys. | */ Configuration::loadConfiguration(); if (Auth::check()) { $user = User::with('language')->find(Auth::id()); // $email = Auth::user()->email; $language = $user->language; } else { $user = NULL; $language = Language::find(intval(Request::cookie('user_language'))); if (!$language) { $language = Language::findOrFail(intval(Configuration::get('DEF_LANGUAGE'))); } } $company = Company::with('currency')->findOrFail(intval(Configuration::get('DEF_COMPANY'))); Context::getContext()->user = $user; Context::getContext()->language = $language; Context::getContext()->company = $company; Context::getContext()->currency = $company->currency; Context::getContext()->controller = $request->segment(1); if ($request->segment(3) == 'attributes') { Context::getContext()->controller = $request->segment(3); } Context::getContext()->action = NULL; //$action; /* * / // echo_r($request->route()->getAction()); // http://laravel.io/forum/10-15-2014-laravel-5-passing-parameters-to-middleware-handlers // http://www.codeheaps.com/php-programming/laravel-5-middleware-stack-decoded/ // http://blog.elliothesp.co.uk/coding/passing-parameters-middleware-laravel-5/ // https://gist.github.com/dwightwatson/6200599 // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26840278/laravel-5-how-to-get-route-action-name $action = $request->route()->getAction(); $routeArray = Str::parseCallback($action['controller'], null); if (last($routeArray) != null) { // Remove 'controller' from the controller name. $controller = str_replace('Controller', '', class_basename(head($routeArray))); // Take out the method from the action. $action = str_replace(['get', 'post', 'patch', 'put', 'delete'], '', last($routeArray)); // return Str::slug($controller . '-' . $action); } else { // return 'closure'; $controller = 'closure'; $action = ''; } // gist ENDS Context::getContext()->controller = $controller; Context::getContext()->action = $action; echo Str::slug($controller . '-' . $action); / * */ // Changing Timezone At Runtime. But this change does not seem to be taken by Carbon... Why? Config::set('app.timezone', Configuration::get('TIMEZONE')); // Changing The Default Language At Runtime App::setLocale(Context::getContext()->language->iso_code); return $next($request); }