Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function search($params)
     $query = MGh::find();
     $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => $query, 'sort' => ['defaultOrder' => ['create_time' => SORT_DESC]], 'pagination' => ['pageSize' => 20]]);
     if (!($this->load($params) && $this->validate())) {
         return $dataProvider;
     $this->addCondition($query, 'gh_id', true);
     return $dataProvider;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static function refreshAccessToken()
     $tableName = MGh::tableName();
     $gh_ids = Yii::$app->db->createCommand("SELECT gh_id FROM {$tableName}")->queryColumn();
     foreach ($gh_ids as $gh_id) {
         //U::W(['old', $gh_id, Yii::$app->wx->getAccessToken()]);
         //U::W(['new', $gh_id, Yii::$app->wx->getAccessToken()]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 protected function onTextOld()
     $openid = $this->getRequest('FromUserName');
     $gh_id = $this->getRequest('ToUserName');
     while (1) {
         $Content = $this->getRequest('Content');
         $msg = trim($Content);
         $state = $this->getState($gh_id, $openid);
         if ($msg == '0' && $state != self::STATE_NONE) {
             $this->deleteState($gh_id, $openid);
             return $this->responseText("谢谢,再见!");
         switch ($state) {
             case self::STATE_NONE:
                 //if ($msg !== 'Xy')
                 if ($msg == 'New') {
                     $url = Url::to(['wapx/staffsearch', 'gh_id' => $gh_id, 'openid' => $openid], true);
                     return $this->responseText("see my score? <a href=\"{$url}\">click me</a>");
                 } else {
                     if ($msg == '.debug') {
                         $url = Url::to(['wapx/staffsearch', 'gh_id' => $gh_id, 'openid' => $openid], true);
                         return $this->responseText("see my score? <a href=\"{$url}\">click me</a>");
                 if ($msg !== 'Xy') {
                     //return Wechat::NO_RESP;
                     $model = MUser::findOne(['gh_id' => $gh_id, 'openid' => $openid]);
                     $items = array(new RespNewsItem("{$model->nickname}, 欢迎进入襄阳联通官方微信营业厅", '猛戳进入首页!', Url::to('images/metro-intro.jpg', true), Url::to(['wap/home', 'gh_id' => $gh_id, 'openid' => $openid], true)));
                     return $this->responseNews($items);
                 $model = MStaff::findOne(['gh_id' => $gh_id, 'openid' => $openid]);
                 if ($model === null) {
                     $this->setState($gh_id, $openid, self::STATE_MOBILE);
                     return $this->responseText("请输入手机号, 0:退出");
                 } else {
                     if (empty($model->office_id)) {
                         $this->setState($gh_id, $openid, self::STATE_OFFICE);
                         return $this->responseText($this->getOfficePrompt($gh_id));
                     } else {
                         $this->setState($gh_id, $openid, self::STATE_MENU_ONE);
                         return $this->responseText(self::PROMPT_MENU_ONE);
             case self::STATE_MOBILE:
                 if (!is_numeric($msg) || substr($msg, 0, 1) !== '1' || strlen($msg) != 11) {
                     return $this->responseText("无效的手机号!\n\n" . "请重新输入手机号, 0:退出");
                 $model = MStaff::findOne(['mobile' => $msg]);
                 if ($model === null) {
                     return $this->responseText("非襄阳联通员工手机号!\n\n" . "请重新输入手机号, 0:退出");
                 $model->gh_id = $gh_id;
                 $model->openid = $openid;
                 if (empty($model->office_id)) {
                     $this->setState($gh_id, $openid, self::STATE_OFFICE);
                     $str = $this->getOfficePrompt($gh_id);
                     return $this->responseText("{$model->name},您好!\n,{$str}");
                 } else {
                     $this->setState($gh_id, $openid, self::STATE_MENU_ONE);
                     return $this->responseText(self::PROMPT_MENU_ONE);
             case self::STATE_OFFICE:
                 //$offices =MOffice::find()->where(['gh_id'=>$gh_id])->asArray()->all();
                 $offices = MOffice::find()->where("gh_id = '{$gh_id}' AND office_id <=25 ")->asArray()->all();
                 $office_ids = [];
                 foreach ($offices as $office) {
                     $office_ids[] = $office['office_id'];
                 if (!is_numeric($msg) || $msg < 0 || !in_array($msg, $office_ids)) {
                     return $this->responseText("无效的部门号!\n\n" . $this->getOfficePrompt($gh_id));
                 $model = MStaff::findOne(['gh_id' => $gh_id, 'openid' => $openid]);
                 $model->office_id = $msg;
                 $this->setState($gh_id, $openid, self::STATE_MENU_ONE);
                 return $this->responseText(self::PROMPT_MENU_ONE);
             case self::STATE_CHANGE_MOBILE:
                 if (!is_numeric($msg) || substr($msg, 0, 1) !== '1' || strlen($msg) != 11) {
                     return $this->responseText("无效的手机号!\n\n" . "请重新输入手机号, 0:退出");
                 $model = MStaff::findOne(['gh_id' => $gh_id, 'openid' => $openid]);
                 $model->mobile = $msg;
                 $this->setState($gh_id, $openid, self::STATE_MENU_ONE);
                 return $this->responseText(self::PROMPT_MENU_ONE);
             case self::STATE_MENU_ONE:
                 if (!is_numeric($msg) || $msg < 0 || $msg > 7) {
                     return $this->responseText("输入无效!\n\n" . self::PROMPT_MENU_ONE);
                 switch ($msg) {
                     case 1:
                         //U::W('enter 111111');
                         $model = MUser::findOne(['gh_id' => $gh_id, 'openid' => $openid]);
                         if (empty($model->scene_id)) {
                             $gh = MGh::findOne($gh_id);
                             $scene_id = $gh->newSceneId();
                             $model->scene_id = $scene_id;
                             //U::W("new a scene_id=$scene_id");
                         } else {
                             $scene_id = $model->scene_id;
                             //U::W("old scene_id=$scene_id");
                         $log_file_path = Yii::$app->getRuntimePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'qr' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "{$gh_id}_{$scene_id}.jpg";
                         if (!file_exists($log_file_path)) {
                             $arr = $this->WxgetQRCode($scene_id, true);
                             $url = $this->WxGetQRUrl($arr['ticket']);
                             Wechat::downloadFile($url, $log_file_path);
                         //$url = Url::to(['wap/aboutqr','name'=>$model->nickname, 'qrurl'=>Yii::$app->getRequest()->baseUrl."/../runtime/qr/{$gh_id}_{$scene_id}.jpg"],true);
                         $url = "http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA4ODkwOTYxMA==&mid=203659175&idx=1&sn=0efaf2269fb7ba6a022f5c31d0d5e255#rd";
                         $msg = ['touser' => $openid, 'msgtype' => 'text', 'text' => ['content' => "如何使用个人的二维码? <a href=\"{$url}\">点击这里...</a>"]];
                         $arr = $this->WxMessageCustomSend($msg);
                         return $this->responseLocalImage('image', $log_file_path);
                     case 2:
                         $model = MUser::findOne(['gh_id' => $gh_id, 'openid' => $openid]);
                         if ($model->scene_id == 0) {
                             $count = 0;
                         } else {
                             $count = MUser::find()->where(['gh_id' => $gh_id, 'scene_pid' => $model->scene_id])->count();
                         return $this->responseText("你的推广人数是:{$count}\n\n" . self::PROMPT_MENU_ONE);
                     case 3:
                         $staff = MStaff::findOne(['gh_id' => $gh_id, 'openid' => $openid]);
                         if (empty($staff->office_id)) {
                             $this->setState($gh_id, $openid, self::STATE_OFFICE);
                             return $this->responseText($this->getOfficePrompt($gh_id));
                         $model = MOffice::findOne($staff->office_id);
                         if ($model === null) {
                             $this->setState($gh_id, $openid, self::STATE_OFFICE);
                             $str = $this->getOfficePrompt($gh_id);
                             return $this->responseText("invalid office id\n,{$str}");
                         if (empty($model->scene_id)) {
                             $gh = MGh::findOne($gh_id);
                             $scene_id = $gh->newSceneId();
                             $model->scene_id = $scene_id;
                         } else {
                             $scene_id = $model->scene_id;
                         $log_file_path = Yii::$app->getRuntimePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'qr' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "{$gh_id}_{$scene_id}.jpg";
                         if (!file_exists($log_file_path)) {
                             $arr = $this->WxgetQRCode($scene_id, true);
                             $url = $this->WxGetQRUrl($arr['ticket']);
                             Wechat::downloadFile($url, $log_file_path);
                         //$msg = ['touser'=>$openid, 'msgtype'=>'text', 'text'=>['content'=>'如何使用部门的二维码? <a href="http://baidu.com">点击这里...</a>']];
                         //$url = Url::to(['wap/aboutqr','name'=>$model->title, 'qrurl'=>Yii::$app->getRequest()->baseUrl."/../runtime/qr/{$gh_id}_{$scene_id}.jpg"],true);
                         $url = "http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA4ODkwOTYxMA==&mid=203659175&idx=1&sn=0efaf2269fb7ba6a022f5c31d0d5e255#rd";
                         $msg = ['touser' => $openid, 'msgtype' => 'text', 'text' => ['content' => "如何使用部门的二维码? <a href=\"{$url}\">点击这里...</a>"]];
                         $arr = $this->WxMessageCustomSend($msg);
                         return $this->responseLocalImage('image', $log_file_path);
                     case 4:
                         $staff = MStaff::findOne(['gh_id' => $gh_id, 'openid' => $openid]);
                         if (empty($staff->office_id)) {
                             $this->setState($gh_id, $openid, self::STATE_OFFICE);
                             return $this->responseText($this->getOfficePrompt($gh_id));
                         $model = MOffice::findOne($staff->office_id);
                         if ($model === null) {
                             $this->setState($gh_id, $openid, self::STATE_OFFICE);
                             $str = $this->getOfficePrompt($gh_id);
                             return $this->responseText("invalid office id\n,{$str}");
                         if ($model->scene_id == 0) {
                             $count = 0;
                         } else {
                             $count = MUser::find()->where(['gh_id' => $gh_id, 'scene_pid' => $model->scene_id])->count();
                         $staffs = MStaff::find()->where(['gh_id' => $gh_id, 'office_id' => $staff->office_id])->asArray()->all();
                         $openids = [];
                         foreach ($staffs as $staff) {
                             if (!empty($staff['openid'])) {
                                 $openids[] = $staff['openid'];
                         if (empty($openids)) {
                             $staff_count = 0;
                         } else {
                             $users = MUser::find()->where(['gh_id' => $gh_id, 'openid' => $openids])->asArray()->all();
                             $scene_ids = [];
                             foreach ($users as $user) {
                                 if ($user['scene_id'] != 0) {
                                     $scene_ids[] = $user['scene_id'];
                             if (empty($scene_ids)) {
                                 $staff_count = 0;
                             } else {
                                 $staff_count = MUser::find()->where(['gh_id' => $gh_id, 'scene_pid' => $scene_ids])->count();
                         return $this->responseText("部门所属员工推广人数是:{$staff_count}\n部门推广人数是:{$count}\n\n" . self::PROMPT_MENU_ONE);
                     case 5:
                         $this->setState($gh_id, $openid, self::STATE_CHANGE_MOBILE);
                         return $this->responseText("请重新输入手机号, 0:退出");
                     case 6:
                         $staff = MStaff::findOne(['gh_id' => $gh_id, 'openid' => $openid]);
                         $current_office_id = empty($staff->office_id) ? '' : "当前所属部门号:{$staff->office_id}\n";
                         $this->setState($gh_id, $openid, self::STATE_OFFICE);
                         return $this->responseText($current_office_id . $this->getOfficePrompt($gh_id));
                     case 7:
                         $staff = MStaff::findOne(['gh_id' => $gh_id, 'openid' => $openid]);
                         if ($staff !== null) {
                             $staff->openid = '';
                             return $this->responseText("成功解除微信号与员工之间的绑定!\n\n" . self::PROMPT_MENU_ONE);
                         } else {
                             return $this->responseText("你不需要解除绑定\n\n" . self::PROMPT_MENU_ONE);
                         return $this->responseText("输入无效!\n\n" . self::PROMPT_MENU_ONE);
                 return $this->responseText(self::PROMPT_MENU_ONE);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function getGh()
     return $this->hasOne(MGh::className(), ['gh_id' => 'gh_id']);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static function addRecommendFanAmount($date_start, $date_end)
     U::W(__METHOD__ . " BEGIN from {$date_start}, {$date_end}");
     //        $tableName = MSceneDay::tableName();
     $ghs = MGh::find()->all();
     foreach ($ghs as $gh) {
         if ($gh->gh_id !== MGh::GH_XIANGYANGUNICOM) {
         foreach ($gh->staffs as $staff) {
             if ($staff->scene_id != 0 && ($staff->cat == MStaff::SCENE_CAT_OUT || $staff->cat == MStaff::SCENE_CAT_FAN) && !empty($staff->openid)) {
                 $real_score = MAccessLog::getRealScoreByRange($gh->gh_id, $staff->scene_id, $date_start, $date_end);
                 if ($real_score > 0) {
                     //$amount = intval($real_score) * 100;
                     //$amount = intval($real_score/3) * 500;
                     $amount = intval($real_score) * 500;
                     if ($amount > 0) {
                         $model = new MUserAccount();
                         $model->gh_id = $staff->gh_id;
                         $model->openid = $staff->openid;
                         $model->scene_id = $staff->scene_id;
                         $model->cat = MUserAccount::CAT_DEBIT_FAN;
                         $model->amount = $amount;
                         $model->memo = '推荐有礼';
                         //                            U::W("SAVE OK, scene_id={$staff->scene_id}, openid={$staff->openid}, amount={$model->amount}");
                 } else {
                     //                        U::W("scene_id={$staff->scene_id}, openid={$staff->openid}, realscore={$real_score}, ");
             } else {
                 //                    U::W("scene_id={$staff->scene_id}, openid={$staff->openid}");
     U::W(__METHOD__ . " END");
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function beforeDelete()
     if (parent::beforeDelete()) {
         if (!empty($this->scene_id)) {
             $gh = MGh::findOne($this->gh_id);
             return $gh->save(false);
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function actionGhdelete($id)
     $model = MGh::findOne($id);
     return $this->redirect(['ghlist']);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function getGh()
     if ($this->_gh !== null) {
         return $this->_gh;
     if (empty($this->_gh_id) && empty($this->_appid)) {
         U::D("gh_id and appid can can not be empty at the same time!");
     $db = \Yii::$app->db;
     $tableName = \app\models\MGh::tableName();
     if (!empty($this->_gh_id)) {
         $command = $db->createCommand("SELECT * FROM {$tableName} WHERE gh_id=:gh_id", [':gh_id' => $this->_gh_id]);
     } else {
         $command = $db->createCommand("SELECT * FROM {$tableName} WHERE appid=:appid", [':appid' => $this->_appid]);
     //$db->beginCache(YII_DEBUG ? 10 : 3600);
     $row = $command->queryOne();
     if ($row === false) {
         U::D("no exists in db!, gh_id={$this->_gh_id}, appid={$this->_appid}");
     $this->_gh = $row;
     return $row;
Ejemplo n.º 9
echo $form->field($model, 'digest')->textInput(['maxlength' => 256]);

    <iframe align=middle marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 src="./wosotech-edit/index.html" frameborder=no scrolling=yes width=960 height=600></iframe>

echo $form->field($model, 'content')->widget(Widget::className(), ['settings' => ['lang' => 'zh_cn', 'minHeight' => 200, 'maxHeight' => 400, 'buttonSource' => true, 'convertDivs' => false, 'removeEmptyTags' => false, 'plugins' => ['clips', 'fullscreen', 'fontcolor', 'fontfamily', 'fontsize', 'limiter', 'table', 'textexpander', 'textdirection', 'video', 'definedlinks', 'filemanager', 'imagemanager'], 'imageManagerJson' => Url::to(['/article/imagesget']), 'imageUpload' => Url::to(['/article/imageupload'])]]);

echo $form->field($model, 'content_source_url')->textInput(['maxlength' => 256]);

echo $form->field($model, 'show_cover_pic')->dropDownList(MGh::getNoYesOptionName());

    <div class="form-group">
echo Html::submitButton($model->isNewRecord ? Yii::t('app', 'Create') : Yii::t('app', 'Update'), ['class' => $model->isNewRecord ? 'btn btn-success' : 'btn btn-primary']);

