Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static function calculateBeforeUpdateOrCreate(array &$attributes, array $values = [])
     if (array_key_exists(config("constants.flowPhase"), $attributes) && array_key_exists(config("constants.euIdColumn"), $attributes) && array_key_exists("OCCUR_DATE", $attributes)) {
         $fdcValues = EnergyUnitDataFdcValue::where($attributes)->first();
         $active_hrs = $fdcValues["ACTIVE_HRS"];
         $flow_phase = $attributes[config("constants.flowPhase")];
         $object_id = $attributes[config("constants.euIdColumn")];
         $occur_date = $attributes['OCCUR_DATE'];
         $rowTest = static::getEUTest($object_id, $occur_date);
         $theoFields = CfgFieldProps::getConfigFields(static::getTableName())->get();
         $theoFieldArray = array_column($theoFields->toArray(), 'COLUMN_NAME');
         if ($rowTest && is_numeric($active_hrs)) {
             $rat = $active_hrs / 24;
             foreach ($theoFieldArray as $field) {
                 $_v = null;
                 if ($flow_phase == 1) {
                     if ($field == 'EU_DATA_GRS_VOL') {
                         $_v = $rat * $rowTest->EU_TEST_LIQ_HC_VOL;
                     if ($field == 'EU_DATA_GRS_MASS') {
                         $_v = $rat * $rowTest->EU_TEST_LIQ_HC_MASS;
                 } else {
                     if ($flow_phase == 2) {
                         if ($field == 'EU_DATA_GRS_VOL') {
                             $_v = $rat * $rowTest->EU_TEST_GAS_HC_VOL;
                         if ($field == 'EU_DATA_GRS_MASS') {
                             $_v = $rat * $rowTest->EU_TEST_GAS_HC_MASS;
                     } else {
                         if ($flow_phase == 21) {
                             if ($field == 'EU_DATA_GRS_VOL') {
                                 $_v = $rat * $rowTest->EU_TEST_GAS_LIFT_VOL;
                         } else {
                             if ($flow_phase == 5) {
                                 if ($field == 'EU_DATA_GRS_VOL') {
                                     $_v = $rat * $rowTest->EU_TEST_LIQ_1_VOL;
                             } else {
                                 if ($flow_phase == 3) {
                                     if ($field == 'EU_DATA_GRS_VOL') {
                                         $_v = $rat * $rowTest->EU_TEST_WTR_VOL;
                                     if ($field == 'EU_DATA_GRS_MASS') {
                                         $_v = $rat * $rowTest->EU_WTR_MASS;
                 $values[$field] = $_v;
     return $values;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static function calculateBeforeUpdateOrCreate(array &$attributes, array $values = [])
     if (array_key_exists("FLOW_ID", $attributes) && array_key_exists("OCCUR_DATE", $attributes)) {
         $object_id = $attributes["FLOW_ID"];
         $occur_date = $attributes["OCCUR_DATE"];
         $fields = CfgFieldProps::getConfigFields(FlowDataFdcValue::getTableName())->where('COLUMN_NAME', '!=', 'CTV')->get();
         $theoFields = CfgFieldProps::getConfigFields(FlowDataTheor::getTableName())->get();
         $fieldArray = array_column($fields->toArray(), 'COLUMN_NAME');
         $theoFieldArray = array_column($theoFields->toArray(), 'COLUMN_NAME');
         $fdcValues = FlowDataFdcValue::where(array(['FLOW_ID', $object_id], ['OCCUR_DATE', $occur_date]))->select($fieldArray)->first();
         if ($fdcValues) {
             foreach ($theoFieldArray as $field) {
                 if (!array_key_exists($field, $values)) {
                     $values[$field] = $fdcValues->{$field};
     return $values;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function getField($tablename)
     $cfgFieldProps = CfgFieldProps::where('TABLE_NAME', '=', [$tablename])->where('USE_FDC', '=', '1')->orderBy('FIELD_ORDER', 'asc')->select('COLUMN_NAME', 'LABEL', 'FDC_WIDTH')->get();
     $column = "";
     $label = "";
     $totalWidth = 0;
     foreach ($cfgFieldProps as $str) {
         $width = $str->FDC_WIDTH;
         $column .= "," . $str->COLUMN_NAME;
         $label .= "," . ($str->LABEL ? $str->LABEL : $str->COLUMN_NAME);
         if ($width > 0) {
             $width = $width + 18;
         } else {
             $width = $width + 118;
         $totalWidth = $totalWidth + $width;
     $column = substr($column, 1, strlen($column));
     $listColumn = explode(',', $column);
     $label = substr($label, 1, strlen($label));
     $listLabel = explode(',', $label);
     $obj = array(['listColumn' => $listColumn, 'listLabel' => $cfgFieldProps, 'totalWidth' => $totalWidth]);
     return $obj;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function getValueSurveillance(Request $request)
     $data = $request->all();
     $flow_phase = $data['flow_phase'];
     $vparam = $data['vparam'];
     $occur_date = Carbon::createFromFormat('m/d/Y', $data['occur_date'])->format('Y-m-d');
     $ret = "";
     $date_begin = $occur_date;
     $date_end = $occur_date;
     foreach ($vparam as $v) {
         $cell_id = $v['ID'];
         $object_type = $v['OBJECT_TYPE'];
         $object_id = $v['OBJECT_ID'];
         $conn_id = $v['CONN_ID'];
         $phase_config = $v['SUR_PHASE_CONFIG'];
         $su = $v['SU'];
         if ($object_type == 'ENERGY_UNIT') {
             $phase_configs = explode("!!", $phase_config);
             $phase0 = explode("@@", $phase_configs[0]);
             $phase1 = explode("/", $phase_configs[1]);
             $table = $phase1[0];
             $field = $phase1[1];
             if (!$field) {
                 $field = "EU_DATA_GRS_VOL";
             if (!$table) {
                 $table = "ENERGY_UNIT_DATA_VALUE";
             if (count($phase0) > 0) {
                 $flow_phases = "-1";
                 $datas = array();
                 foreach ($phase0 as $a1) {
                     $as2 = explode("^^", $a1);
                     if ($as2[0]) {
                         $flow_phases .= "," . $as2[0];
                         $datas[$as2[0]] = $as2;
                 $table = strtolower($table);
                 $table = str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $table)));
                 $model = 'App\\Models\\' . $table;
                 $conditions = explode(',', $flow_phases);
                 $tmps = $model::where(['EU_ID' => $object_id])->whereDate('OCCUR_DATE', '=', $occur_date)->whereIn('FLOW_PHASE', $conditions)->get([$field . ' AS FIELD_VALUE', 'FLOW_PHASE']);
                 $arr = array();
                 foreach ($tmps as $tmp) {
                     $value = $tmp->FIELD_VALUE;
                     if (is_numeric($value)) {
                         $arr[$tmp->FLOW_PHASE] = number_format($value, 2);
                     } else {
                         $arr[$tmp->FLOW_PHASE] = "--";
                 $cells_data["{$cell_id}"]["%SF"] = $arr;
         $field_tables = explode("@", $su);
         $label = "";
         foreach ($field_tables as $field_table) {
             if (strpos($field_table, "TAG:") !== FALSE) {
                 if ($conn_id > 0) {
                     $conn_objs["{$conn_id}"][] = "{$cell_id}~{$field_table}";
             } else {
                 if ($field_table) {
                     $f = explode("/", $field_table);
                     $table = $f[0];
                     $field = $f[1];
                     $label = CfgFieldProps::where(['TABLE_NAME' => $table, 'COLUMN_NAME' => $field])->select('LABEL')->first();
                     if (count($label) > 0) {
                         $xlabel = $label->LABEL;
                     } else {
                         $xlabel = "{$table}/{$field}";
                     $table = strtolower($table);
                     $table = str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $table)));
                     $model = 'App\\Models\\' . $table;
                     $condition = array();
                     if ($object_type == 'FLOW') {
                         $value = "--";
                         $condition['FLOW_ID'] = $object_id;
                     } else {
                         if ($object_type == 'TANK') {
                             $value = "--";
                             $condition['TANK_ID'] = $object_id;
                         } else {
                             if ($object_type == 'STORAGE') {
                                 $value = "--";
                                 $condition['STORAGE_ID'] = $object_id;
                             } else {
                                 if ($object_type == 'EQUIPMENT') {
                                     $value = "--";
                                     $condition['EQUIPMENT_ID'] = $object_id;
                                 } else {
                                     if ($object_type == 'ENERGY_UNIT') {
                                         $value = "--";
                                         $condition['EU_ID'] = $object_id;
                                         $condition['FLOW_PHASE'] = $flow_phase;
                                     } else {
                                         $value = "--";
                     $values = $model::where($condition)->whereDate('OCCUR_DATE', '=', $occur_date)->SELECT([$field . ' AS FIELD_VALUE'])->first();
                     if (count($values) > 0) {
                         $value = $values->FIELD_VALUE;
                     $cells_data["{$cell_id}"]["{$xlabel}"] = is_numeric($value) ? number_format($value, 2) : $value;
      * if(count($conn_objs)>0){
      * //include("../interface/adodb/adodb.inc.php");
      * foreach ($conn_objs as $conn_id => $objinfos){
      * $cell_ids=array();
      * $tagcondition="";
      * foreach($objinfos as $objinfo){
      * $os=explode("~", $objinfo);
      * $cell_id=$os[0];
      * $tag=str_replace("@TAG:","",$os[1]);
      * $cells_data["$cell_id"]["$tag"]="--";
      * if($cell_id && $tag){
      * $cell_ids["$tag"]=$cell_id;
      * $tagcondition.=($tagcondition?" or ":"")."tag='$tag'";
      * }
      * }
      * $sql="SELECT tt.tag,tt.TIME,tt.value
      * FROM [piarchive].[picomp] tt
      * inner join
      * (
      * SELECT tag tagx,max(time) mtime
      * FROM [piarchive].[picomp]
      * WHERE ($tagcondition)
      * AND time BETWEEN '$date_begin' AND '$date_end' group by tag
      * ) grouped on tt.tag=grouped.tagx and tt.time=grouped.mtime
      * WHERE ($tagcondition)
      * AND value is not null
      * AND time BETWEEN '$date_begin' AND '$date_end'";
      * $connection = new \COM("ADODB.Connection") or die("Cannot start ADO");
      * $row=getOneRow("select SERVER,USER_NAME,PASSWORD,`TYPE` from int_connection where id=$conn_id");
      * $connection->Open("Provider=ihOLEDB.iHistorian.1;Initial Catalog=piarchive;Data Source=$row[SERVER];User ID =$row[USER_NAME];Password=$row[PASSWORD];");
      * $result_set = $connection->Execute($sql);
      * while (!$result_set->EOF)
      * {
      * $tagID=$result_set->fields[0]->value;
      * $tagValue=$result_set->fields[2]->value;
      * $cell_id=$cell_ids["$tagID"];
      * if($cell_id) $cells_data["$cell_id"]["$tagID"]=$tagValue;
      * $result_set->MoveNext();
      * }
      * $result_set->Close();
      * $connection->Close();
      * }
      * }
     foreach ($cells_data as $cell_id => $cell_data) {
         $ret .= ($ret == "" ? "" : "#") . "{$cell_id}^";
         foreach ($cell_data as $data_label => $data_value) {
             if ($data_label == "%SF") {
                 $sv = "";
                 foreach ($data_value as $flow_phase => $phase_value) {
                     $sv .= ($sv == "" ? "" : "%SV") . $flow_phase . "%SV" . $phase_value;
                 $ret .= "%SF^{$sv}" . "#" . "{$cell_id}^";
             } else {
                 $ret .= "{$data_label}: {$data_value}\n";
     return response()->json("ok{$ret}");
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function saveprop(Request $request)
     $data = $request->all();
     $vfield = $data['field'];
     $fields = explode(",", $vfield);
     $table = $data['table'];
     $param = [];
     if (isset($data['data_method'])) {
         $param['DATA_METHOD'] = $data['data_method'];
         $param['INPUT_ENABLE'] = $data['data_method'];
     if (isset($data['formula'])) {
         $param['FORMULA'] = $data['formula'];
     if (isset($data['input_type'])) {
         $param['INPUT_TYPE'] = $data['input_type'];
     if (isset($data['data_format'])) {
         $param['VALUE_FORMAT'] = $data['data_format'];
     if (isset($data['max_value'])) {
         $param['VALUE_MAX'] = $data['max_value'];
     if (isset($data['min_value'])) {
         $param['VALUE_MIN'] = $data['min_value'];
     if (isset($data['fdc_width'])) {
         $param['FDC_WIDTH'] = $data['fdc_width'];
     if (isset($data['friendly_name']) && count($fields) == 1) {
         $param['LABEL'] = $data['friendly_name'];
     $objectExtension = isset($data['objectExtension']) && count($data['objectExtension']) > 0 ? json_encode($data['objectExtension']) : null;
     $param['USE_FDC'] = $data['us_data'];
     $param['USE_DIAGRAM'] = $data['us_sr'];
     $param['USE_GRAPH'] = $data['us_gr'];
     $param['IS_MANDATORY'] = $data['is_mandatory'];
     $param['OBJECT_EXTENSION'] = $objectExtension;
     //\DB::enableQueryLog ();
     CfgFieldProps::where(['TABLE_NAME' => $table])->whereIn('COLUMN_NAME', $fields)->update($param);
     //\Log::info ( \DB::getQueryLog () );
     return response()->json('OK');
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function getOriginProperties($dcTable)
     $properties = CfgFieldProps::where('TABLE_NAME', '=', $dcTable)->where('USE_FDC', '=', 1)->orderBy('FIELD_ORDER')->get(['COLUMN_NAME as data', 'COLUMN_NAME as name', 'FDC_WIDTH as width', 'LABEL as title', "DATA_METHOD", "INPUT_ENABLE", 'INPUT_TYPE', 'VALUE_MIN', 'VALUE_FORMAT', 'ID', 'FIELD_ORDER', 'VALUE_MAX', 'OBJECT_EXTENSION']);
     return $properties;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function getProperty(Request $request)
     $data = $request->all();
     $result = array();
     $model = 'App\\Models\\' . $data['table'];
     $tableName = $model::getTableName();
     $tmp = CfgFieldProps::where(['USE_FDC' => 1, 'TABLE_NAME' => $tableName])->get(['COLUMN_NAME AS CODE', 'LABEL AS NAME']);
     if (count($tmp) > 0) {
         foreach ($tmp as $t) {
             if ($t->NAME == '' || is_null($t->NAME)) {
                 $t->NAME = $t->CODE;
             array_push($result, $t);
     return response()->json($result);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public static function doFormula($tName, $keyfield, $keyvalues, $echo_only = false)
     if (!$keyfield || !$keyvalues) {
         return false;
     $mdl = "App\\Models\\{$tName}";
     $tablename = $mdl::getTableName();
     $formulas = CfgFieldProps::where('table_name', $tablename)->whereNotNull('FORMULA')->where('FORMULA', '<>', '')->select("COLUMN_NAME", "FORMULA")->get();
     //     	$sSet="";
     $values = [];
     foreach ($formulas as $row) {
         if ($row->FORMULA) {
             $ss = trim($row->FORMULA);
             $sWhere = "";
             if (strpos($ss, '{') !== false) {
                 $k1 = strpos($ss, '{');
                 $k2 = strpos($ss, '}', $k1);
                 if ($k2 > $k1 + 1) {
                     $sWhere = substr($ss, $k1 + 1, $k2 - $k1 - 1);
             if (strpos(strtoupper($ss), "HOURS") !== false && strpos(strtoupper($ss), "HOURS") == 0) {
                 $ss = "time_to_sec(timediff" . substr($ss, 5) . ") / 3600";
             } else {
                 if (substr($ss, 0, 1) === "[") {
                     $k2 = 0;
                     $x_ss = "";
                     $i = 0;
                     while (true) {
                         if ($i > 100) {
                         $k1 = strpos($ss, '[', $k2);
                         if ($k1 === false) {
                         $kx = $k2;
                         $k2 = strpos($ss, ']', $k1);
                         if ($k2 === false) {
                         if ($kx > 0 && $k1 > $kx) {
                             $x_ss .= substr($ss, $kx + 1, $k1 - $kx - 1);
                         $i1 = strpos($ss, '(', $k1);
                         if ($i1 === false) {
                         $i2 = strpos($ss, ')', $i1);
                         if ($i2 === false) {
                         $s_table = substr($ss, $k1 + 1, $i1 - $k1 - 1);
                         $x_where_fields = explode(',', substr($ss, $i1 + 1, $i2 - $i1 - 1));
                         $s_where = "";
                         foreach ($x_where_fields as $x_where_field) {
                             $x_where_field_parts = explode('=', trim($x_where_field));
                             $is_raw_value = false;
                             if (count($x_where_field_parts) > 1) {
                                 $v_val = $x_where_field_parts[1];
                                 if (is_numeric($v_val) || substr($v_val, 0, 1) == "'") {
                                     $is_raw_value = true;
                             if ($is_raw_value) {
                                 $s_where .= ($s_where ? " and " : "") . "`{$x_where_field_parts['0']}`={$v_val}";
                             } else {
                                 $s_where .= ($s_where ? " and " : "") . "`{$x_where_field_parts['0']}`=`{$tablename}`.`" . $x_where_field_parts[count($x_where_field_parts) - 1] . "`";
                         $s_select = substr($ss, $i2 + 1, $k2 - $i2 - 1);
                         $x_ss .= "(select {$s_select} from {$s_table} where {$s_where} limit 1)";
                     $ss = $x_ss;
             if ($sWhere) {
                 //     				$sSet.=($sSet?",":"")."`$row->COLUMN_NAME`=(case when $sWhere then $ss else `$row->COLUMN_NAME` end)";
                 $values[$row->COLUMN_NAME] = \DB::raw("(case when {$sWhere} then {$ss} else `{$row->COLUMN_NAME}` end)");
             } else {
                 //     				$sSet.=($sSet?",":"")."`$row->COLUMN_NAME`=$ss";
                 $values[$row->COLUMN_NAME] = \DB::raw($ss);
     //     	if($sSet)
     if (count($values) > 0) {
         if ($echo_only) {
             echo "SQL formular: {$values}";
         } else {
             /* $ids = implode("','",$keyvalues);
             			$sSQL="update $tablename set $sSet where `$keyfield` in ($ids)";
              			$result = \DB::update($sSQL); */
             //     		$result = \DB::update('update ? set ? where ? in ?', [$tablename,$sSet,$keyfield,$keyvalues]);
             //     		error_log("<br>sSQL: $sSQL</br>", 3, "C:/xampp/htdocs/eb/log/hung.log");
             //      			$result=mysql_query($sSQL) or die("fail: ".$sSQL."-> error:".mysql_error());
             // 		      	\DB::enableQueryLog();
             $updateRecords = $mdl::whereIn($keyfield, $keyvalues)->update($values);
             // 				\Log::info(\DB::getQueryLog());
             if ($updateRecords) {
                 return array_keys($values);
     return true;