  * @return Form
 public function create($kat = null, $page = null, $id_user = null)
     // nastaveni paginatoru
     $paginator = new Nette\Utils\Paginator();
     // def počtu položek na stránce
     // def stranky
     // selekce upozorneni
     $alerts = $this->database->findAll('alert')->where('id_user', $id_user);
     if ($kat == 'read') {
         // prectene
         $alerts = $alerts->where('visited', 1);
     } else {
         // neprectene
         $alerts = $alerts->where('visited', 0);
     $alerts = $alerts->order('added DESC')->order('id DESC');
     // prideleni produktu na stranku
     $this->alerts = $alerts->limit($paginator->getLength(), $paginator->getOffset());
     $this->kat = $kat;
     // form
     $form = new Form();
     $form->getElementPrototype()->class('ajax form');
     foreach ($this->alerts as $alert) {
     $form->addSubmit('btndel', 'Smazat upozornění')->setAttribute('class', 'btn btn-primary');
     $form->addSubmit('btnvis', 'Označit jako přečtené')->setAttribute('class', 'btn btn-default');
     $form->onSuccess[] = array($this, 'formSucceeded');
     $form->onError[] = array($this, 'formNotSucceeded');
     return $form;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function add($values)
     $values['added'] = $this->now;
     // potreba zjistit na kolik dni ma byt aukce spustena
     $duration = $this->database->findById('duration_auction', $values['id_duration_auction']);
     $values['expire'] = date('Y-m-d H', strtotime($this->now . ' + ' . $duration->duration_days . ' day'));
     return $this->database->findAll('product')->insert($values);
 public function renderDefault($idkat = 0, $page = 1)
     $this->template->paginator = new Nette\Utils\Paginator();
     // počet položek na stránce
     if ($idkat == 0) {
         $this->template->paginator->setItemCount($this->database->findAll('inzeraty')->where('NOW() <= expire')->count("*"));
         $this->template->inzeraty = $this->database->findAll('inzeraty')->where('NOW() <= expire')->order('added DESC')->limit($this->template->paginator->getLength(), $this->template->paginator->getOffset());
     } elseif ($idkat == 10) {
         $this->template->paginator->setItemCount($this->database->findAll('inzeraty')->where('NOW() <= expire AND id_user = ?', $this->user->id)->count("*"));
         $this->template->inzeraty = $this->database->findAll('inzeraty')->where('NOW() <= expire AND id_user = ?', $this->user->id)->order('added DESC')->limit($this->template->paginator->getLength(), $this->template->paginator->getOffset());
     } else {
         $this->template->paginator->setItemCount($this->database->findAll('inzeraty')->where('NOW() <= expire AND id_kategorie = ?', $idkat)->count("*"));
         $this->template->inzeraty = $this->database->findAll('inzeraty')->where('NOW() <= expire AND id_kategorie = ?', $idkat)->order('added DESC')->limit($this->template->paginator->getLength(), $this->template->paginator->getOffset());
     $this->template->kategorie = $this->database->findAll('kategorie');
     $this->template->vybranakat = $this->database->findById('kategorie', $idkat);
     $this->template->dbUser = $this->database->findById('user', 1);
     // vytvorim objekt pomoci me modelove tridy v app/model
     $mujZooObjekt = new Model\TestModelClass();
     // do promenne pro template nactu pole zvirat
     $this->template->zviratka = $mujZooObjekt->vratPole();
     if ($this->template->vybranakat == null and $idkat == 10) {
         $this->template->vybranakat = (object) array('nazev' => 'Moje inzeráty', 'id' => $idkat);
     $this->template->pictures = $this->database->findAll('image');
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function renderDefault()
     // posledni 4 nemovitosti
     $this->template->nemovitosti = $this->database->findAll('nemovitost')->where('is_public', 1)->order('public_date DESC')->order('id DESC')->limit(4);
     $contact = $this->database->findById('contact', 1);
     if (!$contact) {
         $this->template->about_us = null;
     } else {
         $this->template->about_us = $contact->about_us;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function renderVypis($id = null)
     // nejdriv si overim ze nemovitost opravdu existuje
     $this->template->nemovitost = $this->database->findById('nemovitost', $id);
     if (!$this->template->nemovitost) {
         $this->flashMessage('Tato nemovitost neexistuje. Je možné, že ji někdo smazal.');
     // pokud existuje vyhleam prilozene soubory a zjistim nastaveni
     $this->template->files = $this->database->findAll('file')->where('id_property', $id);
     $this->template->status = $this->drazba->vratStatus();
  * @return Form
 public function create()
     // nahrani kategorii
     $this->categories = $this->database->findAll('category');
     // form
     $form = new Form();
     $form->getElementPrototype()->class('ajax form');
     foreach ($this->categories as $c) {
     $form->addSubmit('send', 'Smazat vybrané')->setAttribute('class', 'btn btn-primary');
     $form->onSuccess[] = array($this, 'formSucceeded');
     $form->onError[] = array($this, 'formNotSucceeded');
     return $form;
 public function renderDetailNemovitosti($id = null)
     $this->template->nemovitost = $this->database->findById('nemovitost', $id);
     if (!$this->template->nemovitost) {
         $this->flashMessage('Tato nemovitost neexistuje. Je možné, že ji někdo smazal.');
     // vyberu fotky k dane nemovitosti
     $this->template->fotky = $this->database->findall('photo')->where('id_property', $id)->order("order DESC");
     // jako hlavni fotku vemu prvni z vyberu
     $this->template->hlavni_fotka = $this->template->fotky->fetch();
     // vyberu soubory k dane nemovitosti
     $this->template->files = $this->database->findall('file')->where('id_property', $id);
     // resim aukci
     $prihozy = $this->database->findAll('drazba')->where('id_nemovitost', $id);
     $this->template->drazba = $this->drazba->vyhodnotDrazbu($id, $prihozy);
     $this->template->status = $this->drazba->vratStatus();
  * @return Form
 public function create($id_product = null)
     // nacteni id nemovitosti
     $this->id_product = $id_product;
     // form
     $form = new Form();
     $form->getElementPrototype()->class('ajax form');
     // uchovani kvuli pozdejsimu presmerovani
     $this->photos = $this->database->findAll('image')->where('id_product', $this->id_product);
     foreach ($this->photos as $photo) {
     $form->addSubmit('send', 'Odeslat formulář')->setAttribute('class', 'btn btn-primary');
     $form->onSuccess[] = array($this, 'formSucceeded');
     $form->onError[] = array($this, 'formNotSucceeded');
     return $form;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function bidClasicAuction($product, $id_user, $deposit)
     // aukce "kup hned"
     if ($this->now > $product->expire) {
         // dosel cas pro aukci -> chyba
         $this->error = 'Je nám líto, ale čas určený pro aukci vypršel.';
     } elseif ($id_user == $product->id_user) {
         // nelze koupit svuj produkt -> chyba
         $this->error = 'Je nám líto, ale produkt nelze koupit.';
     } else {
         // uprava prihozu
         $values['id_product'] = $product->id;
         $values['id_user'] = $id_user;
         $values['added'] = $this->now;
         $values['deposit'] = $deposit;
     return $this->error;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function deleteAllProductPhotos($id_product)
     $photos = $this->database->findAll('image')->where('id_product', $id_product);
     foreach ($photos as $p) {
         unlink($this->root_img_dir . 'products/' . $p->id_product . '_' . $p->id . '_' . $p->name . '.' . $p->extension);
         // smazu ve slozce
         // smazu v db
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function beforeRender()
     /* --- --- promenne --- --- */
     $this->template->systemName = $this->database->findAll('setings')->where('id_parameter', 1)->fetch();
     $this->template->categories = $this->database->findAll('category');
     $this->template->alerts = $this->database->findAll('alert')->where('id_user', $this->user->id)->where('visited', 0)->order('added DESC')->order('id DESC');
     $this->template->id_category = (int) $this->getParameter('kat');
     /* --- --- vlastni helpery --- --- */
     // filtr na tvorbu "hezkeho" datumu
     $this->template->addFilter('mydate', function ($date) {
         if ($date >= date('Y-m-d', strtotime('today'))) {
             return 'Dnes';
         } elseif ($date >= date('Y-m-d', strtotime('yesterday'))) {
             return 'Včera';
         } else {
             $months = array(1 => 'leden', 'únor', 'březen', 'duben', 'květen', 'červen', 'červenec', 'srpen', 'září', 'říjen', 'listopad', 'prosinec');
             return date('j', strtotime($date)) . '. ' . $months[date('n', strtotime($date))];
  * @return Form
 public function create($id_product = null)
     // nacteni id nemovitosti
     $this->id_product = $id_product;
     // form
     $form = new Form();
     $form->getElementPrototype()->class('ajax form');
     // uchovani kvuli pozdejsimu presmerovani
     $this->photos = $this->database->findAll('image')->where('id_product', $this->id_product);
     $i = 0;
     $first_checkbox = null;
     $is_set_any_main_photo = false;
     // pridam tolik checkboxu kolik je fotek
     foreach ($this->photos as $photo) {
         if ($i == 0) {
             // ulozim si id prvniho checkboxu
             $first_checkbox = $photo->id;
         if ($photo->order == 1) {
             // pokud mam v db nastavenou hlavni fotku
             // nastavim checkbox zaskrtnuty
             $is_set_any_main_photo = true;
             // a dam si vedet ze nastaveno j*z mam
         } else {
     // pokud uzivatel nenastavil doposud hlavni fotku
     if ($first_checkbox != null && $is_set_any_main_photo == false) {
     // defaultne je brana prvni jako hlavni
     $form->addSubmit('send', 'Odeslat formulář')->setAttribute('class', 'btn btn-primary');
     $form->onSuccess[] = array($this, 'formSucceeded');
     $form->onError[] = array($this, 'formNotSucceeded');
     return $form;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public function endOfAuction($product)
     // priprava na posilani emailu
     $email_manager = new Model\Email($this->database);
     // celkova cena
     $cost = $product->cost + $product->related('bid.id_product')->sum('deposit');
     /* --- vyrozumneni pro vyherce aukce --- */
     $winners_bid = $this->database->findAll('bid')->where('id_product', $product->id)->order('id DESC')->fetch();
     // priprava alertu pro viteze aukce
     $val['id_user'] = $winners_bid->id_user;
     $val['id_type_alert'] = 1;
     $val['added'] = $this->now;
     $val['visited'] = 0;
     $val['body'] = 'Vyhráli jste aukci produktu ' . $product->name . ' (id ' . $product->id . '). Cena produktu činí ' . number_format($cost) . ' Kč. Pro další informace k předání produktu kontaktujte ' . $product->user->name . ' (tel: ' . $product->user->phone . ', email: ' . $product->user->email . ').';
     // vlozeni alertu pro viteze do db
     $row = $this->database->insert('alert', $val);
     // a poslani emailu vitezi aukce
     $email_manager->sendEmail($winners_bid->user->email, 'end_auction_winner', $product, $winners_bid, $cost, $row->type_alert->name);
     /* --- vyrozumneni pro zbyle ucastniky aukce --- */
     $bids = $this->database->findAll('bid')->where('id_product', $product->id)->group('id_user');
     foreach ($bids as $bid) {
         if ($bid->id_user != $winners_bid->id_user) {
             // vitez aukce uz informovan byl
             // uprava alertu
             $val['id_user'] = $bid->id_user;
             $val['body'] = 'Aukci produktu ' . $product->name . ' (id ' . $product->id . '), do které jste zasáhli, vyhrál jiný účastník.';
             // vlozeni do db
             $row = $this->database->insert('alert', $val);
             // a poslani emailu porazenym
             $email_manager->sendEmail($bid->user->email, 'end_auction_others', $product, $bid, $cost, $row->type_alert->name);
     /* --- vyrozumneni pro zadavatele aukce --- */
     $val['id_user'] = $product->id_user;
     $val['body'] = 'Aukce produktu ' . $product->name . ' (id ' . $product->id . ') je u konce. Výherce aukce je ' . $winners_bid->user->name . ' (tel: ' . $winners_bid->user->phone . ', email: ' . $winners_bid->user->email . '), který produkt koupil za ' . number_format($cost) . ' Kč.';
     // vlozeni do db
     $row = $this->database->insert('alert', $val);
     // a poslani emailu zadavateli
     $email_manager->sendEmail($product->user->email, 'end_auction_seller', $product, $winners_bid, $cost, $row->type_alert->name);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public function prvniPrihozFormSucceeded($button)
     $values = $button->getForm()->getValues(true);
     $values['datum_vkladu'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $values['vkladana_castka'] = 0;
     // prvni prihoz je nulovy, pouze se potvrdi zadana castka
     if ($values['pocet'] == $this->database->findAll('drazba')->where('id_nemovitost', $values['id_nemovitost'])->count('*')) {
         // pokud se shoduji pocty prihozu pri nacteni a tesne pred prihozenim, pak vse ok
         $this->database->insert('drazba', $values);
         $this->flashMessage('Podal(a) jste první nabídku.');
         $this->redirect('Nemovitosti:detailNemovitosti', $values['id_nemovitost']);
     } else {
         $this->flashMessage('Znovu zvažte přihození, někdo před Vámi ještě navýšil cenu.');
         $this->redirect('Aukce:prihodit', $values['id_nemovitost']);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public function setMainPhotoFormSucceeded($button)
     $values = $button->getForm()->getValues(true);
     // priprava pomocnyh prom
     $id = (int) $this->getParameter('id');
     $photos = $this->database->findAll('photo')->where('id_property', $id);
     $selected_main_photo = null;
     $prev_main_photo = null;
     // projdu vsechny fotky k dane udalosti
     foreach ($photos as $photo) {
         // najdu predchozi hlavni a nastavim ji na 0
         if ($photo->order == 1) {
             $prev_main_photo = $photo->id;
         // vyberu kterou vybral uzivatel a nastavim ji jako hlavni (1)
         if ($values["{$photo->id}"] == true) {
             $selected_main_photo = $photo->id;
     // uprava stare hlavni fotky
     if ($prev_main_photo != null) {
         // pokud vubec mame nejakou vybranou starou fotku
         $photo = $this->database->findById('photo', $prev_main_photo);
         if ($photo && $photo->id_property == $id) {
             // pokud ji tedy mam v db
             // tak ji odoznacime jako hlavni fotku
             $upArr["order"] = 0;
     // uprava nove hlavni fotky
     if ($selected_main_photo != null) {
         // pokud vubec mame nejakou vybranou novou fotku
         $photo = $this->database->findById('photo', $selected_main_photo);
         if ($photo && $photo->id_property == $id) {
             // pokud ji tedy mam v db
             // tak ji oznacime jako hlavni fotku
             $upArr["order"] = 1;
     // informace pro uzivatele + presmerovani
     $this->flashMessage('Hlavni fotografie byla upravena.');
     $this->redirect('Nemovitosti:detailNemovitosti', $id);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public function renderRozsireneVyhledavani($id = null, $q = null)
     $this->template->id = $id;
     $min = 0;
     $max = 0;
     $t1 = $t2 = $t3 = $t4 = 1;
     $this->template->n_nemovitosti = $this->template->p_nemovitosti = $this->template->i_nemovitosti = $this->template->a_nemovitosti = array();
     $this->template->is_q = false;
     // aby nemizel vyhledavany text ze search baru
     $form = $this['searchForm'];
     $form['search']->defaultValue = $q;
     // vycteni informaci z id
     $info = explode("-", $id);
     $id = intval($info[0]);
     // ziskam id
     if (isset($info[1])) {
         $min = intval($info[1]);
     // ziskam min
     if (isset($info[2])) {
         $max = intval($info[2]);
     // ziskam max
     if (isset($info[3])) {
         $t1 = intval($info[3]);
     // vyhledavam v bytech
     if (isset($info[4])) {
         $t2 = intval($info[4]);
     // vyhledavam v domech
     if (isset($info[5])) {
         $t3 = intval($info[5]);
     // vyhledavam v pozemcich
     if (isset($info[6])) {
         $t4 = intval($info[6]);
     // vyhledavam v ostatnich
     $form['t1']->defaultValue = $t1;
     $form['t2']->defaultValue = $t2;
     $form['t3']->defaultValue = $t3;
     $form['t4']->defaultValue = $t4;
     // pokud uzivatel zadal kladne cislo tak to opet nahraji do formu
     if ($min > 0) {
         $form['min']->defaultValue = $min;
     if ($max > 0) {
         $form['max']->defaultValue = $max;
     if ($q != null || $q != "" || $min > 0 || $max > 0) {
         // obsazeno v nazvech
         $this->template->n_nemovitosti = $this->database->findAll('nemovitost')->where('nazev LIKE ?', '%' . $q . '%')->where('is_public', 1)->order('public_date DESC')->order('id DESC');
         if ($q != null || $q != "") {
             // hledany retezec je zadan
             $this->template->is_q = true;
             switch ($id) {
                 case 1:
                     // vyhledavani v popisu
                     $this->template->p_nemovitosti = $this->database->findAll('nemovitost')->where('popis LIKE ?', '%' . $q . '%')->where('is_public', 1)->order('public_date DESC')->order('id DESC');
                     $form['s1']->defaultValue = 1;
                 case 2:
                     // hledano v adrese
                     $this->template->a_nemovitosti = $this->database->findAll('nemovitost')->where('adresa LIKE ?', '%' . $q . '%')->where('is_public', 1)->order('public_date DESC')->order('id DESC');
                     $form['s2']->defaultValue = 1;
                 case 3:
                     // hledano v idn
                     $this->template->i_nemovitosti = $this->database->findAll('nemovitost')->where('idn LIKE ?', '%' . $q . '%')->where('is_public', 1)->order('public_date DESC')->order('id DESC');
                     $form['s3']->defaultValue = 1;
                 case 12:
                     // hledano v popisu a adrese
                     $this->template->p_nemovitosti = $this->database->findAll('nemovitost')->where('popis LIKE ?', '%' . $q . '%')->where('is_public', 1)->order('public_date DESC')->order('id DESC');
                     $this->template->a_nemovitosti = $this->database->findAll('nemovitost')->where('adresa LIKE ?', '%' . $q . '%')->where('is_public', 1)->order('public_date DESC')->order('id DESC');
                     $form['s1']->defaultValue = 1;
                     $form['s2']->defaultValue = 1;
                 case 13:
                     // hledano v popisu a idn
                     $this->template->p_nemovitosti = $this->database->findAll('nemovitost')->where('popis LIKE ?', '%' . $q . '%')->where('is_public', 1)->order('public_date DESC')->order('id DESC');
                     $this->template->i_nemovitosti = $this->database->findAll('nemovitost')->where('idn LIKE ?', '%' . $q . '%')->where('is_public', 1)->order('public_date DESC')->order('id DESC');
                     $form['s1']->defaultValue = 1;
                     $form['s3']->defaultValue = 1;
                 case 23:
                     // hledano v adrese a idn
                     $this->template->a_nemovitosti = $this->database->findAll('nemovitost')->where('adresa LIKE ?', '%' . $q . '%')->where('is_public', 1)->order('public_date DESC')->order('id DESC');
                     $this->template->i_nemovitosti = $this->database->findAll('nemovitost')->where('idn LIKE ?', '%' . $q . '%')->where('is_public', 1)->order('public_date DESC')->order('id DESC');
                     $form['s2']->defaultValue = 1;
                     $form['s3']->defaultValue = 1;
                 case 123:
                     // hledano v popisu, adrese i idn
                     $this->template->p_nemovitosti = $this->database->findAll('nemovitost')->where('popis LIKE ?', '%' . $q . '%')->where('is_public', 1)->order('public_date DESC')->order('id DESC');
                     $this->template->a_nemovitosti = $this->database->findAll('nemovitost')->where('adresa LIKE ?', '%' . $q . '%')->where('is_public', 1)->order('public_date DESC')->order('id DESC');
                     $this->template->i_nemovitosti = $this->database->findAll('nemovitost')->where('idn LIKE ?', '%' . $q . '%')->where('is_public', 1)->order('public_date DESC')->order('id DESC');
                     $form['s1']->defaultValue = 1;
                     $form['s2']->defaultValue = 1;
                     $form['s3']->defaultValue = 1;
         if ($min > 0 && $max > 0) {
             // jestli uzivatel vyhledava i min a max
             $this->template->n_nemovitosti = $this->template->n_nemovitosti->where('pocatecni_cena >= ?', $min)->where('pocatecni_cena <= ?', $max);
             if (!is_array($this->template->p_nemovitosti)) {
                 $this->template->p_nemovitosti = $this->template->p_nemovitosti->where('pocatecni_cena >= ?', $min)->where('pocatecni_cena <= ?', $max);
             if (!is_array($this->template->a_nemovitosti)) {
                 $this->template->a_nemovitosti = $this->template->a_nemovitosti->where('pocatecni_cena >= ?', $min)->where('pocatecni_cena <= ?', $max);
             if (!is_array($this->template->i_nemovitosti)) {
                 $this->template->i_nemovitosti = $this->template->i_nemovitosti->where('pocatecni_cena >= ?', $min)->where('pocatecni_cena <= ?', $max);
         } elseif ($min > 0) {
             // jestli uzivatel vyhledava jen dle min
             $this->template->n_nemovitosti = $this->template->n_nemovitosti->where('pocatecni_cena >= ?', $min);
             if (!is_array($this->template->p_nemovitosti)) {
                 $this->template->p_nemovitosti = $this->template->p_nemovitosti->where('pocatecni_cena >= ?', $min);
             if (!is_array($this->template->a_nemovitosti)) {
                 $this->template->a_nemovitosti = $this->template->a_nemovitosti->where('pocatecni_cena >= ?', $min);
             if (!is_array($this->template->i_nemovitosti)) {
                 $this->template->i_nemovitosti = $this->template->i_nemovitosti->where('pocatecni_cena >= ?', $min);
         } elseif ($max > 0) {
             // jestli uzivatel vyhledava jen v max
             $this->template->n_nemovitosti = $this->template->n_nemovitosti->where('pocatecni_cena <= ?', $max);
             if (!is_array($this->template->p_nemovitosti)) {
                 $this->template->p_nemovitosti = $this->template->p_nemovitosti->where('pocatecni_cena <= ?', $max);
             if (!is_array($this->template->a_nemovitosti)) {
                 $this->template->a_nemovitosti = $this->template->a_nemovitosti->where('pocatecni_cena <= ?', $max);
             if (!is_array($this->template->i_nemovitosti)) {
                 $this->template->i_nemovitosti = $this->template->i_nemovitosti->where('pocatecni_cena <= ?', $max);
         // nette sql where id_typ = $arr[0] OR id_typ = $arr[1] OR ...
         $where = "";
         $whereArr = array();
         if ($t1 == 1) {
             $where = $where . "id_typ = ?";
             $whereArr[0] = 1;
         if ($t2 == 1) {
             if ($t1 == 1) {
                 $where = $where . " OR ";
             $where = $where . "id_typ = ?";
             $i = count($whereArr);
             $whereArr[$i] = 2;
         if ($t3 == 1) {
             if ($t2 == 1) {
                 $where = $where . " OR ";
             } elseif ($t1 == 1) {
                 $where = $where . " OR ";
             $where = $where . "id_typ = ?";
             $i = count($whereArr);
             $whereArr[$i] = 3;
         if ($t4 == 1) {
             if ($t3 == 1) {
                 $where = $where . " OR ";
             } elseif ($t2 == 1) {
                 $where = $where . " OR ";
             } elseif ($t1 == 1) {
                 $where = $where . " OR ";
             $where = $where . "id_typ = ?";
             $i = count($whereArr);
             $whereArr[$i] = 4;
         if ($where != "") {
             if (count($whereArr) > 1) {
                 $this->template->n_nemovitosti = $this->template->n_nemovitosti->where($where, $whereArr);
                 if (!is_array($this->template->p_nemovitosti)) {
                     $this->template->p_nemovitosti = $this->template->p_nemovitosti->where($where, $whereArr);
                 if (!is_array($this->template->a_nemovitosti)) {
                     $this->template->a_nemovitosti = $this->template->a_nemovitosti->where($where, $whereArr);
                 if (!is_array($this->template->i_nemovitosti)) {
                     $this->template->i_nemovitosti = $this->template->i_nemovitosti->where($where, $whereArr);
             } else {
                 // osetreni chyby aby to nepadalo kvuli 1 prvkovemu poli
                 $this->template->n_nemovitosti = $this->template->n_nemovitosti->where($where, $whereArr[0]);
                 if (!is_array($this->template->p_nemovitosti)) {
                     $this->template->p_nemovitosti = $this->template->p_nemovitosti->where($where, $whereArr[0]);
                 if (!is_array($this->template->a_nemovitosti)) {
                     $this->template->a_nemovitosti = $this->template->a_nemovitosti->where($where, $whereArr[0]);
                 if (!is_array($this->template->i_nemovitosti)) {
                     $this->template->i_nemovitosti = $this->template->i_nemovitosti->where($where, $whereArr[0]);
         } else {
             // pokud jsou vsechny typy ve formu uzivatelem vykliknuty, tak nema cenu nic vracet
             $this->template->n_nemovitosti = $this->template->p_nemovitosti = $this->template->i_nemovitosti = $this->template->a_nemovitosti = array();
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function renderZajemci()
     $this->template->zajemci = $this->database->findAll('uzivatel')->where('id_typ_uzivatele', 3)->order('nick');