Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @param string           $order
  * @param \App\Model\Build $build
 private function send($order, Build $build, $vars = [])
     $this->logger->info('sending scheduler order', ['order' => $order, 'build_id' => $build->getId(), 'routingKey' => $build->getRoutingKey()]);
     $vars = array_merge(['build_id' => $build->getId()], $vars);
     $routingKey = $build->getRoutingKey();
     $this->producers[$order]->publish(json_encode($vars), $routingKey);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function __construct(Build $build, $cmd = null)
     $config = ['Memory' => 256 * 1024 * 1204, 'Image' => $build->getImageName(), 'Env' => ['SYMFONY_ENV=prod']];
     if (null !== $cmd) {
         $config['Cmd'] = $cmd;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function execute(AMQPMessage $message)
     $logger = $this->logger;
     $redis = $this->redis;
     $body = json_decode($message->body, true);
     if (!array_key_exists('BUILD_ID', $body['env'])) {
         $logger->warn('no build information', ['container' => $body['container'], 'message' => $body]);
         return true;
     $buildId = $body['env']['BUILD_ID'];
     $logger->debug('processing log fragment', ['build' => $buildId, 'container' => isset($body['container']) ? $body['container'] : null, 'keys' => array_keys($body)]);
     $build = new Build();
     $redis->rpush($build->getLogsList(), json_encode(['type' => Build::LOG_OUTPUT, 'message' => $body['content'], 'stream' => $this->getStreamType($body['type']), 'microtime' => $body['timestamp'], 'fragment_id' => $body['fragment_id'], 'build_id' => $buildId]));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private function getBuildEnv(Build $build)
     $env = ['BUILD_ID=' . $build->getId(), 'PROJECT_ID=' . $build->getProject()->getId(), 'CHANNEL=' . $build->getChannel(), 'SSH_URL=' . $build->getProject()->getGitUrl(), 'REF=' . $build->getRef(), 'HASH=' . $build->getHash(), 'IS_PULL_REQUEST=' . ($build->isPullRequest() ? 1 : 0), 'SYMFONY_ENV=prod'];
     $user = $build->getProject()->getUsers()->first();
     if ($user->hasProviderAccessToken('github')) {
          * @todo there must be a way to avoid requiring a valid access token
          *       I think the token is only used to avoid hitting github's
          *       API limit through composer, so maybe there's a way to use a
          *       stage1 specific token instead
         $env[] = 'GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=' . $user->getProviderAccessToken('github');
     return $env;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Schedules a build
  * @see App\CoreBundle\EventListener\BuildBranchRelationSubscriber for automatic creation of non-existing branches
 public function schedule(Project $project, $ref, $hash, PayloadInterface $payload = null, $options = [])
     $logger = $this->logger;
     $logger->info('scheduling build', ['project' => $project->getId(), 'ref' => $ref, 'hash' => $hash]);
     $em = $this->doctrine->getManager();
     // @todo I guess this should be in a build.scheduled event listener
     $alreadyRunningBuilds = $em->getRepository('Model:Build')->findPendingByRef($project, $ref);
     foreach ($alreadyRunningBuilds as $build) {
         // @todo instead of retrieving then updating builds to be canceled, directly issue an UPDATE
         //       it should avoid most race conditions
         if ($build->isScheduled()) {
             $logger->info('canceling same ref build', ['ref' => $ref, 'canceled_build' => $build->getId()]);
         } else {
             $logger->info('killing same ref build', ['ref' => $ref, 'canceled_build' => $build->getId()]);
     $build = new Build();
     $build->setCommitUrl(sprintf('https://github.com/%s/commit/%s', $project->getFullName(), $hash));
     if (null !== $payload) {
     } else {
     if (isset($options['force_local_build_yml']) && $options['force_local_build_yml']) {
     $builderHost = null;
     $logger->info('electing builder', ['builder_host_allow' => $this->getOption('builder_host_allow')]);
     if (count($builderHostAllow = $this->getOption('builder_host_allow')) > 0) {
         $builderHost = $builderHostAllow[array_rand($builderHostAllow)];
      * @todo move this outside, it belongs in a controller
      *       this will allow to remove the $options argument
     $this->logger->info('sending build order', ['build' => $build->getId(), 'builder_host' => $builderHost]);
     $this->buildProducer->publish(json_encode(['build_id' => $build->getId()]), $build->getRoutingKey());
     $message = $this->messageFactory->createBuildScheduled($build);
     return $build;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * @param Build $build
  * @return Docker\Container
 public function run(Build $build, $timeout = null)
     $producer = $this->websocketProducer;
     $logger = $this->logger;
     $docker = $this->docker;
     $em = $this->doctrine->getManager();
     $publish = function ($content) use($build, $producer) {
         $message = new BuildMessage($build, $content);
         $producer->publish((string) $message);
     // $publish('  build started ('.date('r').')');
     if ($this->getOption('dummy')) {
         $logger->info('dummy build, sleeping', ['duration' => $this->getOption('dummy_duration')]);
         return true;
     $project = $build->getProject();
     $logger->info('starting build', ['build' => $build->getId(), 'project' => $project->getFullName(), 'project_id' => $project->getId(), 'ref' => $build->getRef(), 'hash' => $build->getHash(), 'timeout' => $timeout, 'force_local_build_yml' => $build->getForceLocalBuildYml()]);
     /** Generate build script using Yuhao */
     $logger->info('generating build script');
     // $publish('  generating build script'.PHP_EOL);
     $builder = $project->getDockerContextBuilder();
     $docker->build($builder->getContext(), $build->getImageName('yuhao'), false, true, true);
     $prepareContainer = new PrepareContainer($build);
     // @todo move inside PrepareContainer
     if ($build->getForceLocalBuildYml()) {
     $manager = $docker->getContainerManager();
     $manager->create($prepareContainer)->start($prepareContainer)->wait($prepareContainer, $timeout);
     if ($prepareContainer->getExitCode() != 0) {
         $exitCode = $prepareContainer->getExitCode();
         if (isset(Process::$exitCodes[$exitCode])) {
             $exitCodeLabel = Process::$exitCodes[$exitCode];
         } else {
             $exitCodeLabel = '';
         $message = sprintf('failed to generate build scripts (exit code %d (%s))', $exitCode, $exitCodeLabel);
         $publish($message . PHP_EOL);
         $logger->error($message, ['build' => $build->getId(), 'container' => $prepareContainer->getId(), 'container_name' => $prepareContainer->getName(), 'exit_code' => $exitCode, 'exit_code_label' => $exitCodeLabel]);
         $docker->commit($prepareContainer, ['repo' => $build->getImageName('yuhao'), 'tag' => 'failed']);
         throw new Exception($message, $prepareContainer->getExitCode());
     // @todo remove yuhao container
     // $manager->remove($prepareContainer); => 406 ?!
     $logger->info('yuhao finished executing, retrieving build script', ['build' => $build->getId()]);
     $output = '';
     $manager->attach($prepareContainer, true, false, false, true, true)->readAttach(function ($type, $chunk) use(&$output) {
         $output .= $chunk;
     $logger->info('got response from yuhao', ['build' => $build->getId(), 'response' => $output, 'parsed_response' => json_decode($output, true)]);
     $script = BuildScript::fromJson($output);
     $options = $project->getDefaultBuildOptions();
     $options = $options->resolve($script->getConfig());
     $logger->info('resolved options', ['options' => $options]);
     $strategy = array_key_exists('path', $options['dockerfile']) ? new DockerfileStrategy($logger, $docker, $em, $this->websocketProducer, $this->redis, $this->options) : new DefaultStrategy($logger, $docker, $em, $this->websocketProducer, $this->options);
     $logger->info('elected strategy', ['strategy' => get_class($strategy)]);
     $logger->info('starting build');
     $strategy->build($build, $script, $timeout);
     $logger->info('finished build');
      * Launch App container
     $logger->info('starting app container', ['project' => $build->getProject()->getFullName(), 'image' => $build->getImageName()]);
     $ports = new PortCollection(80);
     # @todo DefaultStrategy containers should have an entrypoint
     #       so we don't need to provide an actual command
     $appContainer = new AppContainer($build, $strategy->getCmd());
     if ($build->getForceLocalBuildYml()) {
     try {
         $manager->create($appContainer)->start($appContainer, ['PortBindings' => $ports->toSpec()]);
         $logger->info('running app container', ['build' => $build->getId(), 'container' => $appContainer->getId()]);
     } catch (\Docker\Exception\UnexpectedStatusCodeException $e) {
         if ($e->getCode() === 404) {
             throw new \RuntimeException('Could not start app container (' . $e->getMessage() . ')', 404, $e);
         throw $e;
     // $publish('  build finished ('.date('r').')'.PHP_EOL);
     return $appContainer;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function build(Build $build, BuildScript $script, $timeout)
     $logger = $this->logger;
     $docker = $this->docker;
     $objectManager = $this->objectManager;
     $websocketProducer = $this->websocketProducer;
     $publish = function ($content) use($build, $websocketProducer) {
         $message = new BuildMessage($build, $content);
         $websocketProducer->publish((string) $message);
     $options = $build->getOptions();
     $project = $build->getProject();
      * Launch actual build
     $logger->info('building base build container', ['build' => $build->getId(), 'image_name' => $build->getImageName()]);
     // $publish('  building base container'.PHP_EOL);
     $baseImage = strpos($options['image'], 'stage1/') !== 0 ? 'stage1/' . $options['image'] : $options['image'];
     $builder = $project->getDockerContextBuilder();
     $builder->add('/usr/local/bin/yuhao_build', $script->getBuildScript());
     $builder->add('/usr/local/bin/yuhao_run', $script->getRunScript());
     $builder->run('chmod -R +x /usr/local/bin/');
     $response = $docker->build($builder->getContext(), $build->getImageName(), false, true, true);
     $buildContainer = new BuildContainer($build);
     if ($build->getForceLocalBuildYml()) {
     $manager = $docker->getContainerManager();
     $logger->info('starting actual build', ['build' => $build->getId(), 'timeout' => $timeout]);
     // $publish('  starting actual build'.PHP_EOL);
     $hostConfig = [];
     if ($this->getOption('composer_enable_global_cache')) {
         $logger->info('enabling composer global cache', ['build' => $build->getId()]);
         $hostConfig['Binds'] = [$this->getOption('composer_cache_path') . '/global:/.composer/cache'];
     } elseif ($this->getOption('composer_enable_project_cache')) {
         $cachePath = $this->getOption('composer_cache_path') . '/' . $project->getFullName();
         $logger->info('enabling composer project cache', ['build' => $build->getId(), 'project' => $project->getFullName(), 'cache_path' => $cachePath]);
         if (!is_dir($cachePath)) {
             mkdir($cachePath, 0777, true);
         $hostConfig['Binds'] = [realpath($cachePath) . ':/.composer/cache'];
     $manager->start($buildContainer, $hostConfig);
     $manager->wait($buildContainer, $timeout);
     if ($buildContainer->getExitCode() !== 0) {
         $exitCode = $buildContainer->getExitCode();
         $exitCodeLabel = isset(Process::$exitCodes[$exitCode]) ? Process::$exitCodes[$exitCode] : '';
         $message = sprintf('build container stopped with exit code %d (%s)', $exitCode, $exitCodeLabel);
         $logger->error($message, ['build' => $build->getId(), 'container' => $buildContainer->getId(), 'container_name' => $buildContainer->getName(), 'exit_code' => $exitCode, 'exit_code_label' => $exitCodeLabel]);
         $docker->commit($buildContainer, ['repo' => $build->getImageName(), 'tag' => 'failed']);
         throw new Exception($message, $buildContainer->getExitCode());
      * Build successful!
      * @todo the commit can timeout for no obvious reason, while actually committing
      *       catch the timeout and check if the image has been committed
      *          if yes, proceed
      *          if not, retry (3 times ?)
     $logger->info('build successful, committing', ['build' => $build->getId(), 'container' => $buildContainer->getId()]);
     // $publish('  committing app container'.PHP_EOL);
     $docker->commit($buildContainer, ['repo' => $build->getImageName()]);
     $logger->info('removing build container', ['build' => $build->getId(), 'container' => $buildContainer->getId()]);
     // $publish('  removing build container'.PHP_EOL);
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * @param Build $build
  * @return null|App\Model\Build
 public function findPreviousDemoBuild(Build $build)
     $query = $this->createQueryBuilder('b')->select()->where('b.host = ?1')->andWhere('b.status IN(?2)')->setParameters([1 => $build->getHost(), 2 => [Build::STATUS_RUNNING, Build::STATUS_OBSOLETE]])->setMaxResults(1)->orderBy('b.createdAt', 'DESC')->getQuery();
     try {
         return $query->getSingleResult();
     } catch (NoResultException $e) {
         return null;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * @param Project $project
  * @param Build   $build
  * @param string  $status
 public function setCommitStatus(Project $project, Build $build, $status)
     $client = $this->configureClientForProject($project);
     $client->setDefaultOption('headers/Accept', 'application/vnd.github.she-hulk-preview+json');
     $request = $client->post(['/repos/' . $project->getFullName() . '/statuses/{sha}', ['sha' => $build->getHash()]]);
     $request->setBody(json_encode(['state' => 'success', 'target_url' => $build->getUrl(), 'description' => 'Stage1 instance ready', 'context' => 'stage1']));
     $this->logger->info('sending commit status', ['build' => $build->getId(), 'project' => $project->getGithubFullNAme(), 'sha' => $build->getHash()]);
     try {
     } catch (\Guzzle\Http\Exception\ClientErrorResponseException $e) {
         $this->logger->error('error sending commit status', ['exception_class' => get_class($e), 'exception_message' => $e->getMessage(), 'url' => $e->getRequest()->getUrl(), 'response' => (string) $e->getResponse()->getBody()]);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 protected function setCurrentBuild(Build $build)
     $this->get('request')->attributes->set('current_build_id', (int) $build->getId());
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function __construct(Build $build)
     parent::__construct(['Image' => $build->getImageName('yuhao'), 'Cmd' => ['yuhao.sh'], 'Env' => ['SSH_URL=' . $build->getProject()->getGitUrl(), 'REF=' . $build->getRef(), 'IS_PULL_REQUEST=' . ($build->isPullRequest() ? 1 : 0)]]);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function build(Build $build, BuildScript $script, $timeout)
     $logger = $this->logger;
     $docker = $this->docker;
     $websocketProducer = $this->websocketProducer;
     $redis = $this->redis;
     $publish = function ($content) use($build, $websocketProducer, $redis) {
         static $fragment = 0;
         $message = new BuildMessage($build, $content);
         $websocketProducer->publish((string) $message);
         $redis->rpush($build->getLogsList(), json_encode(['type' => Build::LOG_OUTPUT, 'message' => $content, 'stream' => 'stdout', 'microtime' => microtime(true), 'fragment_id' => $fragment++, 'build_id' => $build->getId()]));
     $project = $build->getProject();
     $options = $build->getOptions();
     $workdir = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/stage1/workdir/' . $build->getId();
     if (is_dir($workdir)) {
         $fs = new Filesystem();
     mkdir($workdir, 0777, true);
     $logger->info('using workdir', ['workdir' => $workdir]);
     mkdir($workdir . '/ssh', 0755, true);
     $project->dumpSshKeys($workdir . '/ssh', 'root');
     file_put_contents($workdir . '/ssh/config', $project->getSshConfig($workdir . '/ssh'));
     file_put_contents($workdir . '/git_ssh', "#!/bin/bash\nexec /usr/bin/ssh -F {$workdir}/ssh/config \"\$@\"");
     chmod($workdir . '/git_ssh', 0777);
     $GIT_SSH = $workdir . '/git_ssh';
     if ($build->isPullRequest()) {
         $clone = ProcessBuilder::create(['git', 'clone', '--quiet', '--depth', '1', $project->getGitUrl(), $workdir . '/source'])->setEnv('GIT_SSH', $GIT_SSH)->getProcess();
         $commandLine = $clone->getCommandLine();
         $logger->info('cloning repository', ['command_line' => $commandLine]);
         $publish('$ ' . substr($commandLine, 0, strrpos($commandLine, ' ')) . PHP_EOL);
         $fetch = ProcessBuilder::create(['git', 'fetch', '--quiet', 'origin', 'refs/' . $build->getRef()])->setEnv('GIT_SSH', $GIT_SSH)->setWorkingDirectory($workdir . '/source')->getProcess();
         $logger->info('fecthing pull request', ['command_line' => $fetch->getCommandLine()]);
         $publish('$ ' . $fetch->getCommandLine() . PHP_EOL);
         $checkout = ProcessBuilder::create(['git', 'checkout', '--quiet', '-b', 'pull_request', 'FETCH_HEAD'])->setEnv('GIT_SSH', $GIT_SSH)->setWorkingDirectory($workdir . '/source')->getProcess();
         $logger->info('checkouting pull request', ['command_line' => $checkout->getCommandLine()]);
         $publish('$ ' . $checkout->getCommandLine() . PHP_EOL);
     } else {
         $clone = ProcessBuilder::create(['git', 'clone', '--quiet', '--depth', '1', '--branch', $build->getRef(), $project->getGitUrl(), $workdir . '/source'])->setEnv('GIT_SSH', $GIT_SSH)->getProcess();
         $commandLine = $clone->getCommandLine();
         $logger->info('cloning repository', ['command_line' => $commandLine]);
         $publish('$ ' . substr($commandLine, 0, strrpos($commandLine, ' ')) . PHP_EOL);
     $contextPath = $workdir . '/source/' . $options['dockerfile']['path'];
     $logger->info('creating docker build context from path', ['context_path' => $contextPath]);
     $context = new Context($contextPath);
     $logger->info('starting actual build', ['build' => $build->getId(), 'timeout' => $timeout]);
     $response = $docker->build($context, $build->getImageName(), false, false, true, false);
     $error = false;
     $response->read(function ($output) use($logger, $response, $publish, &$error) {
         if ($response->headers->get('content-type') === 'application/json') {
             $output = json_decode($output, true);
             $logger->info('got data chunk', ['output' => $output]);
             if (isset($output['stream'])) {
         } else {
             $message = $output;