Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function userInit()
     $user = null;
     $email = $this->userValues["contact"]["email"];
     try {
         $user = $this->userService->getUserEmail($email);
     } catch (Exceptions\NoResultException $ex) {
     if ($user === null) {
         $this->logger->addInfo("Users module initializer - User - no user with email {$email} found. New one is gonna be created.");
         $addrValues = $this->userValues["contact"]["address"];
         $address = new Address((array) $addrValues);
         $contValues = $this->userValues["contact"];
         $contact = new Contact((array) $contValues);
         $userValues = $this->userValues;
         $user = new User((array) $userValues);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function testAuthenticateSuccess()
     $role = new Role('customer', null);
     $user = new User('*****@*****.**', 'john', 'John', 'Smith', 'password');
     $identity = $this->authenticator->authenticate(['authenticator' => Authenticator::AUTH_EMAIL, 'user' => $user, 'password' => 'password']);
     $this->assertEquals(new Identity(null, ['customer']), $identity);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Hydrate User entity from UserForm
  * @param \Nette\ArrayHash $values
  * @return \App\Model\Entities\User
 public static function hydrateUserFromHash(ArrayHash $values)
     $nu = new User();
     $nu->fromArray((array) $values);
     $na = new Address();
     $na->fromArray((array) $values);
     $nc = new Contact();
     $nc->fromArray((array) $values);
     return $nu;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * @param User|int $recipient
 private function setRecipient($recipient)
     if ($recipient instanceof User and !$recipient->isDetached()) {
         $this->assignEntityToProperty($recipient, 'recipient');
     } else {
         if (Validators::is($recipient, 'numericint')) {
             $this->row->recipient = $recipient;
             $this->row->cleanReferencedRowsCache('user', 'recipient');
         } else {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('Argument $recipient can by only instance of App\\Entities\\User or
              integer number.');
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * @param \App\Model\Entities\User|int $user
  * @return int
 protected function getUserID($user)
     $id = null;
     if ($user instanceof User and !$user->isDetached()) {
         $id = $user->userID;
     } else {
         if (Validators::is($user, 'numericint')) {
             $id = $user;
         } else {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('Argument $user must be instance of ' . User::class . '
              or integer number.');
     return $id;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function processChangePassword(Form $form)
     $values = $form->getValues();
     if ($this->user->email != $values['email']) {
         $this->flashMessage('<strong>Chyba!</strong> Vámi zadaný E-mail nesouhlasí s E-mailem, na který byl zaslán požadavek o změnu hesla!', 'error');
     try {
         $this->user->password = $values['password'];
     } catch (\DibiException $e) {
         $this->flashMessage('<strong>Chyba!</strong> Při pokusu o změnu hesla došlo k chybě. Na nápravě se pracuje. Zkuste to prosím později.', 'error');
     $this->flashMessage('<strong>Úspěch!</strong> Heslo bylo změněno. Nyní se můžete přihlásit.', 'success');
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function getUserRoles(User $user, $useCache = true)
     if ($user === null) {
         throw new NullPointerException("Argument User cannot be null");
     try {
         if (!$useCache) {
             return $this->positionDao->findBy(array("owner" => $user->getId()));
         $id = User::getClassName() . "-" . $user->getId();
         $cache = $this->getEntityCache();
         $data = $cache->load($id);
         if ($data === null) {
             $coll = $this->positionDao->findBy(array("owner" => $user->getId()));
             foreach ($coll as $p) {
                 $data[] = $p->getRole()->getName();
             $opts = [Cache::TAGS => [self::ENTITY_COLLECTION, $id], Cache::SLIDING => true];
             $cache->save($id, $data, $opts);
         return $data;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new Exceptions\DataErrorException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e->getPrevious());
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * @param User $user
  * @param Invitation $invitation
  * @return void
  * @throws Runtime\DuplicateUsernameException
  * @throws Runtime\DuplicateEmailException
  * @throws Runtime\InvitationNotFoundException
  * @throws Runtime\InvitationExpiredException
  * @throws Runtime\InvitationTokenMatchException
  * @throws \DibiException
 public function registerNewUser(User $user, Invitation $invitation)
     if (!$user->isDetached()) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Only detached instances of Entity ' . User::class . ' can pass.');
     $this->checkInvitation($user->email, $invitation->token);
     try {
     } catch (\DibiException $e) {
         if ($e->getCode() == 1062) {
             try {
             } catch (Runtime\UserAlreadyExistsException $usernameException) {
                 throw new Runtime\DuplicateUsernameException();
             try {
             } catch (Runtime\UserAlreadyExistsException $emailException) {
                 throw new Runtime\DuplicateEmailException();
         Debugger::log($e, Debugger::ERROR);
         throw $e;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function getUsersApplication(User $u, Season $s)
     try {
         $id = "{$this->getEntityClassName()}/{$u->getId()}-{$s->getId()}";
         $cache = $this->getEntityCache();
         $data = $cache->load($id);
         if ($data === null) {
             $data = $this->seasonApplicationDao->createQueryBuilder("a")->where("a.owner = :owner")->setParameter("owner", $u->getId())->andWhere("a.season = :season")->setParameter("season", $s->getId())->getQuery()->getSingleResult();
             $opts = [Cache::TAGS => [self::ENTITY_COLLECTION, $id]];
             $cache->save($id, $data, $opts);
         return $data;
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         throw new Exceptions\DataErrorException($ex->getMessage(), $ex->getCode(), $ex->getPrevious());
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function changeWebProfile(User $u)
     try {
         $wp = $u->getWebProfile();
         $user = $this->userDao->find($u->getId());
         if ($wp->getPicture() instanceof \Nette\Http\FileUpload && $wp->getPicture()->isOk()) {
             $oldImgId = $wp->provideOldImgId();
             $identifier = $this->imageService->storeNetteFile($wp->getPicture());
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         throw new Exceptions\DataErrorException($ex->getMessage(), $ex->getCode(), $ex->getPrevious());
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function getUserEventsDatasource(User $u)
     $model = new Doctrine($this->participationDao->createQueryBuilder()->select("ep, ev.title AS title, ev.takePlaceSince as takePlaceSince, ev.takePlaceTill AS takePlaceTill, ev.eventType AS eventType")->add("from", EventParticipation::getClassName() . " ep LEFT JOIN ep.event ev")->where("ep.owner = :owner")->setParameter("owner", $u->getId()));
     return $model;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function testActivate()
     $this->assertEquals('*****@*****.**', $this->user->getEmail());
     $this->assertEquals('john', $this->user->getUsername());
     $this->assertEquals('John', $this->user->getName());
     $this->assertEquals('Smith', $this->user->getSurname());
     $this->assertInstanceOf(DateTime::class, $this->user->getCreatedAt());
     $this->assertInstanceOf(ReadOnlyCollectionWrapper::class, $this->user->getRoles());
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public function notifyNewPassword(User $u)
     $subjKey = "systemModule.notification.newPassword.subject";
     $bodyKey = "systemModule.notification.newPassword.body";
     $subject = $this->translator->translate($subjKey, null, ["host" => $this->getHostName()]);
     $body = $this->translator->translate($bodyKey, null, ["name" => $u->getName(), "surname" => $u->getSurname(), "pass" => $u->provideRawPassword()]);
     $mail = new Message();
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * @param User $user
  * @return array Vychozi hodnoty pro formular
 protected function getDefaults($user)
     $result = [];
     $result['id'] = $user->getId();
     $result['user']['login'] = $user->getLogin();
     $result['user']['role'] = $user->getRole();
     $person = $user->person;
     if ($person) {
         $result['person']['name'] = $person->name;
         $result['person']['surname'] = $person->surname;
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public function getPositionsWithinGroup(SportGroup $g, $useCache = true)
     try {
         $qb = $this->positionDao->createQueryBuilder();
         $qb->select("p")->from("App\\Model\\Entities\\Position", "p")->where("p.group = :group")->setParameter("group", $g);
         $q = $qb->getQuery();
         if (!$useCache) {
             return $q->getResult();
         $id = User::getClassName() . "in" . SportGroup::getClassName() . "-" . $g->getId();
         $cache = $this->getEntityCache();
         $data = $cache->load($id);
         if ($data == null) {
             $data = $q->getResult();
             $opts = [Cache::TAGS => [self::ENTITY_COLLECTION, self::STRANGER_COLLECTION, $id], Cache::SLIDING => true];
             $cache->save($id, $data, $opts);
         return $data;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new Exceptions\DataErrorException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e->getPrevious());
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Checks if specified email is free
  * @param User $user
  * @param string $email
  * @return boolean
 public function isEmailFree(User $user, $email)
     return $this->createQuery('SELECT COUNT(u) FROM ' . User::class . ' u WHERE u.id != ?0 AND u.email = ?1')->setParameters([(string) $user->getId(), $email])->getSingleScalarResult() == 0;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function getPaymentsDatasource(User $u = null)
     $model = $this->paymentDao->createQueryBuilder('pa');
     if ($u !== null) {
         $model->where("pa.owner = :id")->setParameter("id", $u->getId());
     return new Doctrine($model);