Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Process form request to create report
  * This will generate report for distribution
  * realization.
  * @param Request $request
  * @return Response
 public function postDistRealization(Request $request)
     $this->validate($request, ['edition_id' => 'required|numeric']);
             // Prepare data for report
             $DistPlan = DistPlan::with('details.agent')
        ->where('edition_id', '=', $request->edition_id)
             $DistReal = DistRealization::with('details.agent')
        ->where('edition_id', '=', $request->edition_id)
     $DistPlan = DistPlan::where('edition_id', '=', $request->edition_id)->first();
     $DistReal = DistRealization::with('edition.magazine')->where('edition_id', '=', $request->edition_id)->first();
     // if empty, don't render any result
     if (!$DistPlan or !$DistReal) {
         $msg = "Tidak ditemukan perencanaan atau realisasi";
         return redirect('report/create-dist-realization')->with('errMsg', $msg);
     $DistPlanDet = DistPlanDet::with('agent.agent_category')->where('distribution_plan_id', '=', $DistPlan->id)->get();
     $DistRealDet = DistRealDet::with('agent.agent_category')->where('distribution_realization_id', '=', $DistReal->id)->get();
     // Change structure so that $DistPlanDet
     // and $DistRealDet are keyed by agent_id
     $agent_DistPlanDet = $DistPlanDet->keyBy('agent_id');
     $agent_DistRealDet = $DistRealDet->keyBy('agent_id');
     // Get agent details
     $keys = $agent_DistPlanDet->keys();
     $agents = Agent::with('agent_category')->whereIn('id', $keys->all())->orderBy('agent_category_id', 'asc')->get();
     // Now, return agents aggregat
     return view('report/preview-dist-realization', ['distReal' => $DistReal, 'distPlanDet' => $agent_DistPlanDet, 'distRealDet' => $agent_DistRealDet, 'agents' => $agents]);
  * Show the form for creating a new resource.
  * @return Response
 public function create($distPlanID)
     //To remove duplicate, get agent NOT listed in $distPlanID
     $addedAgents = DistPlanDet::with('agent')->where('distribution_plan_id', '=', $distPlanID)->get();
     //Convert to array
     $agents = [];
     foreach ($addedAgents as $detail) {
         $agents[] = $detail->agent->id;
     $unAssignedAgent = Agent::select('id', 'name')->whereNotIn('id', $agents)->get();
     return view('circulation/distribution-plan-details-form', ['agents' => $unAssignedAgent, 'distPlanID' => $distPlanID, 'form_action' => action("DistributionPlanDetController@store", [$distPlanID])]);
  * Show the form for creating a new resource.
  * @return Response
 public function create()
     $agents = Agent::all();
     $editions = Edition::with('magazine')->get();
     return view('invoice/invoice-form', ['invType' => 'Quota', 'agents' => $agents, 'eds' => $editions]);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Show the form for creating a new resource.
  * @return Response
 public function create()
     $agents = Agent::all();
     $editions = Edition::with('magazine')->get();
     return view('circulation/return-form', ['agents' => $agents, 'editions' => $editions, 'edition_detail_action' => action('ReturnController@postAddEditionDetail'), 'form_action' => action('ReturnController@store'), 'return_item_count' => 1]);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Process request to create new relationship
  * @param Request request
  * @return Response
 public function postCreateRelationship(Request $request)
     $this->validate($request, ['magazine_id' => 'required|numeric', 'agent_id' => 'required|numeric']);
     $agent_id = $request->agent_id;
     $magazine_id = $request->magazine_id;
     // Get current agent
     try {
         $agent = Agent::findOrFail($agent_id);
         $magazine = Magazine::findOrFail($magazine_id);
     } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) {
         $errMsg = "Cannot find agent/magazine! Error on `CreateRelationship` with agent ID={$agent_id} and magazine ID={$magazine_id}";
         return redirect('masterdata/agent')->with('errMsg', $errMsg);
     $agent = $agent->magazine()->save($magazine);
     // Add new entry
     return redirect("masterdata/agent/relationship/{$agent_id}")->with('message', 'Added new relationship!');