Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function configImprovementAction()
     $db = $this->container->getDBUtils();
     $whereClause = $this->filters->getWhereClause();
     $model_html = '';
     $model_info = $db->get_rows("SELECT id_learner, model, algorithm, dataslice FROM aloja_ml.learners");
     foreach ($model_info as $row) {
         $model_html = $model_html . "<li><b>" . $row['id_learner'] . "</b> => " . $row['algorithm'] . " : " . $row['model'] . " : " . $row['dataslice'] . "</li>";
     $rows_config = '';
     try {
         $concat_config = Utils::getConfig($this->filters->getGroupFilters());
         $filter_execs = DBUtils::getFilterExecs();
         $order_conf = 'LENGTH(conf), conf';
         $params = $this->filters->getFiltersSelectedChoices(array('prediction_model', 'upred', 'uobsr'));
         $whereClauseML = str_replace("exe_time", "pred_time", $whereClause);
         $whereClauseML = str_replace("start_time", "creation_time", $whereClauseML);
         $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS num, CONCAT({$concat_config}) conf\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM aloja2.execs AS e JOIN aloja2.clusters AS c USING (id_cluster)\n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN aloja_ml.predictions p USING (id_exec)\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE 1 {$filter_execs} {$whereClause}\n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY conf ORDER BY {$order_conf}";
         $queryPredicted = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS num, CONCAT({$concat_config}) conf\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM aloja_ml.predictions AS e\n\t\t\t\t\tJOIN clusters c USING (id_cluster)\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE 1 {$filter_execs} " . str_replace("p.", "e.", $whereClauseML) . " AND e.id_learner = '" . $params['prediction_model'] . "'\n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY conf ORDER BY {$order_conf}";
         //get configs first (categories)
         if ($params['uobsr'] == 1 && $params['upred'] == 1) {
             $query = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT SUM(u1.num) AS num, u1.conf as conf\n\t\t\t\tFROM (\n\t\t\t\t\t({$query})\n\t\t\t\t\tUNION\n\t\t\t\t\t({$queryPredicted})\n\t\t\t\t) AS u1\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY conf ORDER BY {$order_conf}\n\t\t\t";
         } else {
             if ($params['uobsr'] == 0 && $params['upred'] == 1) {
                 $query = $queryPredicted;
         $rows_config = $db->get_rows($query);
         $height = 600;
         if (count($rows_config) > 4) {
             $num_configs = count($rows_config);
             $height = round($height + 10 * ($num_configs - 4));
         $query = "SELECT e.id_exec,\n\t\t\t concat({$concat_config}) conf, e.bench as bench,\n\t\t\t avg(e.exe_time) AVG_exe_time,\n\t\t\t min(e.exe_time) MIN_exe_time,\n\t\t\t (select AVG(exe_time) FROM aloja2.execs WHERE bench = e.bench {$whereClause}) AVG_ALL_exe_time,\n\t\t\t 'none'\n\t\t\t from aloja2.execs e JOIN aloja2.clusters c USING (id_cluster)\n\t\t\t LEFT JOIN aloja_ml.predictions AS p USING (id_exec)\n\t\t\t WHERE 1 {$filter_execs} {$whereClause}\n\t\t\t GROUP BY conf, e.bench order by e.bench, {$order_conf}";
         $queryPredicted = "\n\t\t\t\tSELECT e.id_exec, CONCAT({$concat_config}) conf, CONCAT('pred_',e.bench) as bench, AVG(e.pred_time) AVG_exe_time, min(e.pred_time) MIN_exe_time,\n\t\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\t\tSELECT AVG(p.pred_time)\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM aloja_ml.predictions p\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE p.bench = e.bench " . str_replace("e.", "p.", $whereClauseML) . " AND p.id_learner = '" . $params['prediction_model'] . "'\n\t\t\t\t) AVG_ALL_exe_time, 'none'\n\t\t\t\tFROM aloja_ml.predictions AS e\n\t\t\t\tJOIN clusters c USING (id_cluster)\n\t\t\t\tWHERE 1 {$filter_execs} " . str_replace("p.", "e.", $whereClauseML) . " AND e.id_learner = '" . $params['prediction_model'] . "'\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY conf, e.bench ORDER BY e.bench, {$order_conf}\n\t\t\t";
         //get the result rows
         if ($params['uobsr'] == 1 && $params['upred'] == 1) {
             $query = "SELECT j.id_exec, j.conf, j.bench, j.AVG_exe_time, j.MIN_exe_time, j.AVG_ALL_exe_time, 'none' FROM (\n\t\t\t\t\t({$query}) UNION ({$queryPredicted})) AS j\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY j.conf, j.bench ORDER BY j.bench, {$order_conf}\n\t\t\t";
         } else {
             if ($params['uobsr'] == 0 && $params['upred'] == 1) {
                 $query = $queryPredicted;
             } else {
                 if ($params['uobsr'] == 0 && $params['upred'] == 0) {
                     $this->container->getTwig()->addGlobal('message', "Warning: No data selected (Predictions|Observations) from the ML Filters. Adding the Observed executions to the figure by default.\n");
         $rows = $db->get_rows($query);
         if (!$rows) {
             throw new \Exception("No results for query!");
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->container->getTwig()->addGlobal('message', $e->getMessage() . "\n");
     $categories = '';
     $count = 0;
     $confOrders = array();
     foreach ($rows_config as $row_config) {
         $categories .= "'{$row_config['conf']} #{$row_config['num']}',";
         $count += $row_config['num'];
         $confOrders[] = $row_config['conf'];
     $series = '';
     $bench = '';
     if ($rows) {
         $seriesIndex = 0;
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             //close previous serie if not first one
             if ($bench && $bench != strtolower($row['bench'])) {
                 $series .= "]\n                        }, ";
             //starts a new series
             if ($bench != strtolower($row['bench'])) {
                 $seriesIndex = 0;
                 $bench = strtolower($row['bench']);
                 $series .= "\n                        {\n                            name: '" . strtolower($row['bench']) . "',\n                                data: [";
             while ($row['conf'] != $confOrders[$seriesIndex]) {
                 $series .= "[null],";
             $series .= "['{$row['conf']}'," . round($row['AVG_ALL_exe_time'] / $row['AVG_exe_time'], 3) . "],";
         //close the last series
         $series .= "]\n                    }, ";
     return $this->render('configEvaluationViews/config_improvement.html.twig', array('title' => 'Improvement of Hadoop Execution by SW and HW Configurations', 'highcharts_js' => HighCharts::getHeader(), 'categories' => $categories, 'series' => $series, 'models' => $model_html));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function configImprovementAction()
     $db = $this->container->getDBUtils();
     $preset = null;
     if (sizeof($_GET) <= 1) {
         $preset = Utils::setDefaultPreset($db, 'Config Improvement');
     $selPreset = isset($_GET['presets']) ? $_GET['presets'] : "none";
     $rows_config = '';
     try {
         $where_configs = '';
         $concat_config = "";
         $datefrom = Utils::read_params('datefrom', $where_configs);
         $dateto = Utils::read_params('dateto', $where_configs);
         $benchs = Utils::read_params('benchs', $where_configs);
         $nets = Utils::read_params('nets', $where_configs);
         $disks = Utils::read_params('disks', $where_configs);
         $blk_sizes = Utils::read_params('blk_sizes', $where_configs);
         $comps = Utils::read_params('comps', $where_configs);
         $id_clusters = Utils::read_params('id_clusters', $where_configs);
         $mapss = Utils::read_params('mapss', $where_configs);
         $replications = Utils::read_params('replications', $where_configs);
         $iosfs = Utils::read_params('iosfs', $where_configs);
         $iofilebufs = Utils::read_params('iofilebufs', $where_configs);
         $money = Utils::read_params('money', $where_configs);
         $datanodes = Utils::read_params('datanodess', $where_configs, false);
         $benchtype = Utils::read_params('bench_types', $where_configs);
         $vm_sizes = Utils::read_params('vm_sizes', $where_configs, false);
         $vm_coress = Utils::read_params('vm_coress', $where_configs, false);
         $vm_RAMs = Utils::read_params('vm_RAMs', $where_configs, false);
         $hadoop_versions = Utils::read_params('hadoop_versions', $where_configs, false);
         $types = Utils::read_params('types', $where_configs, false);
         $filters = Utils::read_params('filters', $where_configs, false);
         $allunchecked = isset($_GET['allunchecked']) ? $_GET['allunchecked'] : '';
         $minexetime = Utils::read_params('minexetime', $where_configs, false);
         $maxexetime = Utils::read_params('maxexetime', $where_configs, false);
         $provider = Utils::read_params('providers', $where_configs, false);
         $vm_OS = Utils::read_params('vm_OSs', $where_configs, false);
         $selectedGroups = array();
         if (isset($_GET['selected-groups']) && $_GET['selected-groups'] != "") {
             $selectedGroups = explode(",", $_GET['selected-groups']);
             $concat_config = Utils::getConfig($selectedGroups);
         } else {
             $concat_config = 'disk';
             $selectedGroups = array('disk');
         $filter_execs = DBUtils::getFilterExecs();
         $order_conf = 'LENGTH(conf), conf';
         //get configs first (categories)
         $query = "SELECT count(*) num, concat({$concat_config}) conf from execs e\n                      JOIN clusters c USING (id_cluster) WHERE 1 {$filter_execs} {$where_configs}\n                      GROUP BY conf ORDER BY {$order_conf} #AVG(exe_time)\n                      ;";
         $rows_config = $db->get_rows($query);
         $height = 600;
         if (count($rows_config) > 4) {
             $num_configs = count($rows_config);
             $height = round($height + 10 * ($num_configs - 4));
         //get the result rows
         //#(select CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(exe_time ORDER BY exe_time SEPARATOR ','), ',', 50/100 * COUNT(*) + 1), ',', -1) AS DECIMAL) FROM execs e WHERE bench = e.bench $filter_execs $where_configs) P50_ALL_exe_time,
         $query = "SELECT #count(*),\n            \t\t  e.id_exec,\n                      concat({$concat_config}) conf, bench,\n                      avg(exe_time) AVG_exe_time,\n                      #max(exe_time) MAX_exe_time,\n                      min(exe_time) MIN_exe_time,\n                      #CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(exe_time ORDER BY exe_time SEPARATOR ','), ',', 50/100 * COUNT(*) + 1), ',', -1) AS DECIMAL) AS `P50_exe_time`,\n                      #CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(exe_time ORDER BY exe_time SEPARATOR ','), ',', 95/100 * COUNT(*) + 1), ',', -1) AS DECIMAL) AS `P95_exe_time`,\n                      #CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(exe_time ORDER BY exe_time SEPARATOR ','), ',', 05/100 * COUNT(*) + 1), ',', -1) AS DECIMAL) AS `P05_exe_time`,\n                      (select AVG(exe_time) FROM execs WHERE bench = e.bench {$where_configs}) AVG_ALL_exe_time,\n                      #(select MAX(exe_time) FROM execs WHERE bench = e.bench {$where_configs}) MAX_ALL_exe_time,\n                      #(select MIN(exe_time) FROM execs WHERE bench = e.bench {$where_configs}) MIN_ALL_exe_time,\n                      'none'\n                      from execs e JOIN clusters USING (id_cluster)\n                      WHERE 1 {$filter_execs} {$where_configs}\n                      GROUP BY conf, bench order by bench, {$order_conf};";
         $rows = $db->get_rows($query);
         if ($rows) {
         } else {
             throw new \Exception("No results for query!");
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->container->getTwig()->addGlobal('message', $e->getMessage() . "\n");
     $categories = '';
     $count = 0;
     $confOrders = array();
     foreach ($rows_config as $row_config) {
         $categories .= "'{$row_config['conf']} #{$row_config['num']}',";
         $count += $row_config['num'];
         $confOrders[] = $row_config['conf'];
     $series = '';
     $bench = '';
     if ($rows) {
         $seriesIndex = 0;
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             //close previous serie if not first one
             if ($bench && $bench != strtolower($row['bench'])) {
                 $series .= "]\n                        }, ";
             //starts a new series
             if ($bench != strtolower($row['bench'])) {
                 $seriesIndex = 0;
                 $bench = strtolower($row['bench']);
                 $series .= "\n                        {\n                            name: '" . strtolower($row['bench']) . "',\n                                data: [";
             while ($row['conf'] != $confOrders[$seriesIndex]) {
                 $series .= "[null],";
             $series .= "['{$row['conf']}'," . round($row['AVG_ALL_exe_time'] / $row['AVG_exe_time'], 3) . "],";
         //close the last series
         $series .= "]\n                    }, ";
     echo $this->container->getTwig()->render('config_improvement/config_improvement.html.twig', array('selected' => 'Config Improvement', 'title' => 'Improvement of Hadoop Execution by SW and HW Configurations', 'highcharts_js' => HighCharts::getHeader(), 'categories' => $categories, 'series' => $series, 'datefrom' => $datefrom, 'dateto' => $dateto, 'benchs' => $benchs, 'nets' => $nets, 'disks' => $disks, 'blk_sizes' => $blk_sizes, 'comps' => $comps, 'id_clusters' => $id_clusters, 'mapss' => $mapss, 'replications' => $replications, 'iosfs' => $iosfs, 'iofilebufs' => $iofilebufs, 'count' => $count, 'height' => $height, 'money' => $money, 'datanodess' => $datanodes, 'bench_types' => $benchtype, 'vm_sizes' => $vm_sizes, 'vm_coress' => $vm_coress, 'vm_RAMs' => $vm_RAMs, 'vm_OS' => $vm_OS, 'hadoop_versions' => $hadoop_versions, 'types' => $types, 'providers' => $provider, 'filters' => $filters, 'allunchecked' => $allunchecked, 'minexetime' => $minexetime, 'maxexetime' => $maxexetime, 'selectedGroups' => $selectedGroups, 'preset' => $preset, 'selPreset' => $selPreset, 'options' => Utils::getFilterOptions($db)));