Ejemplo n.º 1
     * 额外材料提交处理.
     * @access public
     * @return void
     * @author Liuping <*****@*****.**>
    public function extraFilesAction()
        $extraId = intval(I('post.extraStatus', ''));
        // 额外材料主键ID
        if (empty($extraId)) {
            $this->error('Invalid parameters');
        // 实例化额外信息
        $modelExtra = M('member_upload_extra');
        $extraInfo = $modelExtra->find($extraId);
        if (NULL === $extraInfo || FALSE === $extraInfo) {
            $this->error('Invalid parameters');
        $stuId = $extraInfo['s_id'];
        // 学生 id
        $ano = $extraInfo['a_no'];
        // 申请编号
        $postExtraDetail = I('post.detail', '');
        if (empty($postExtraDetail)) {
            $this->error('Please provide valid files');
        // 去掉为空的数据
        $data = [];
        $_detailSrcs = isset($postExtraDetail['src']) ? $postExtraDetail['src'] : [];
        $_detailIds = isset($postExtraDetail['id']) ? $postExtraDetail['id'] : [];
        foreach ($_detailSrcs as $k => $v) {
            if (!empty($v)) {
                $data[] = ['id' => $_detailIds[$k], 'src' => $v];
        if (empty($data)) {
            $this->error('Please provide valid files');
        $uid = session('uid');
        // 组装数据
        foreach ($data as &$row) {
            $row['fid'] = $extraId;
            $row['uid'] = $uid;
            $row['a_no'] = $ano;
            $_id = $row['id'];
            if (empty($_id)) {
                $row['reason'] = '';
                $row['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
                $row['update_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
                $row['is_del'] = 0;
            } else {
                $row['update_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
        $allowExtraNum = 5;
        // 同一个申请额外材料允许的最多条数
        $data = array_slice($data, 0, $allowExtraNum);
        // 开启事务
        $res = $this->procExtraDetailInfo($data);
        // 更新状态为已完成上传
        $res1 = $modelExtra->where('id=:id')->bind(':id', $extraId)->save(['is_complete' => 1]);
        if (FALSE !== $res1) {
            $res1 = TRUE;
        // 写入日志
        $modelStu = new MemberStuModel();
        $aoInfo = $modelStu->fetchAoInfo($stuId);
        // 获取AO信息
        $modelAppStatus = new ApplyStatusModel();
        // 获取申请信息
        $appStatusInfo = $modelAppStatus->where('s_no=:sno AND a_no=:ano')->bind([':sno' => $stuId, ':ano' => $ano])->find();
        $strFullName = '';
        if (!empty($appStatusInfo)) {
            $strFullName = $appStatusInfo['first_name'] . ' ' . $appStatusInfo['family_name'];
        $res2 = TRUE;
        $res3 = TRUE;
        $_cont = '用户提交了额外材料';
        $_cont1 = 'Your extra files have been received, application status changes to "Assessing by university"';
        if (!empty($aoInfo) && !empty($appStatusInfo)) {
            $res2 = $modelStu->writeLog($aoInfo['ao_uid'], $appStatusInfo['uid'], $ano, 1, date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ', ' . $_cont);
            $res3 = $modelStu->writeApplyLog($aoInfo['ao_uid'], $appStatusInfo['uid'], $ano, 1, $_cont1);
        // 更新额外材料标志位
        $res4 = $modelAppStatus->switchExtraFilesStatus($appStatusInfo['id'], 2);
        $res5 = $modelAppStatus->switchApplyStatus($appStatusInfo['id'], 5);
        // 评估中
        if ($res && $res1 && $res2 && $res3 && $res4 && $res5) {
            // 提交事务
            // 都成功, 给 AO 发送邮件
            if (!empty($aoInfo) && !empty($appStatusInfo)) {
                $resubmitTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
                $emailTitle = $strFullName . ' ' . $_cont;
                $emailContent = <<<MAIL
学生姓名: {$strFullName}.
提交时间: {$resubmitTime}.
描述: {$_cont}.
                // 发送邮件
                MemberStuModel::sendEmail($aoInfo['ao_user_email'], $emailTitle, $emailContent);
            $this->success('Successful!', U('studentDetail', ['id' => $stuId]));
        } else {
            $this->error('Action failed');
Ejemplo n.º 2
     * @上传额外材料操作
     * @Author: 段涛
     * @function name: extraFilesAction
    public function extraFilesAction()
        $ano = I('get.ano');
        if (empty($ano)) {
            $this->error(L('MSG_VALIDATE18'), U('/Home/index'));
        $data = I('post.');
        if ($data['detail']['src'][0] == '') {
            $this->error('Please upload at least one file.');
        $model1 = M('member_upload_extra');
        $model2 = M('member_upload_extra_deputy');
        $status = 1;
        //        $isComplete=$model1->where(array('a_no'=>$ano))->getField('is_complete');
        //        if($isComplete==1){
        //            $this->error('对不起,您已经提交过了,切勿重复提交!');
        //        }
        foreach ($data['detail']['id'] as $k => $rs) {
            if (empty($data['detail']['src'][$k])) {
                $result = $model2->where(array('id' => $rs))->delete();
                if ($result === false) {
                    $status = 0;
            } elseif (!empty($data['detail']['src'][$k]) && empty($rs)) {
                $data['fid'] = $data['extraStatus'];
                $data['uid'] = session('uid');
                $data['a_no'] = $ano;
                $data['src'] = $data['detail']['src'][$k];
                $data['create_time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime(time()));
                $data['name'] = '学生';
                $result = $model2->add($data);
                if ($result === false) {
                    $status = 0;
            } else {
                $result = $model2->save(array('id' => $rs, 'src' => $data['detail']['src'][$k]));
                if ($result === false) {
                    $status = 0;
        $result2 = $model1->save(array('id' => $data['extraStatus'], 'is_complete' => 1, 'updata_time' => time()));
        // 写入日志
        $stuId = M('member_stu')->where(array('uid' => session('uid')))->getField('id');
        if ($stuId == "") {
            $this->error(L('data error'));
        $modelStu = new MemberStuModel();
        $aoInfo = $modelStu->fetchAoInfo($stuId);
        // 获取AO信息
        $modelAppStatus = new ApplyStatusModel();
        // 获取申请信息
        $appStatusInfo = $modelAppStatus->where('s_no=:sno AND a_no=:ano')->bind([':sno' => $stuId, ':ano' => $ano])->find();
        $strFullName = '';
        if (!empty($appStatusInfo)) {
            $strFullName = $appStatusInfo['first_name'] . ' ' . $appStatusInfo['family_name'];
        $res2 = TRUE;
        $res3 = TRUE;
        $_cont = '用户提交了额外材料';
        $_cont1 = 'Your extra files have been received, application status changes to "Assessing by university"';
        if (!empty($aoInfo) && !empty($appStatusInfo)) {
            $res2 = $modelStu->writeLog($aoInfo['ao_uid'], $appStatusInfo['uid'], $ano, 1, date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ', ' . $_cont);
            $res3 = $modelStu->writeApplyLog($aoInfo['ao_uid'], $appStatusInfo['uid'], $ano, 1, $_cont1);
        // 更新额外材料标志位
        $res4 = $modelAppStatus->switchExtraFilesStatus($appStatusInfo['id'], 2);
        $res5 = $modelAppStatus->switchApplyStatus($appStatusInfo['id'], 5);
        // 评估中
        if ($status && $result2 && $res2 && $res3 && $res4 && $res5) {
            // 都成功, 给 AO 发送邮件
            if (!empty($aoInfo) && !empty($appStatusInfo)) {
                $resubmitTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
                $emailTitle = $strFullName . ' ' . $_cont;
                $emailContent = <<<MAIL
                    学生姓名: {$strFullName}.
                    提交时间: {$resubmitTime}.
                    描述: {$_cont}.
                // 发送邮件
                MemberStuModel::sendEmail($aoInfo['ao_user_email'], $emailTitle, $emailContent);
            $this->success(L('MSG_VALIDATE22'), U('Home/Member/index'));
        } else {