Ejemplo n.º 1
function makeZip($dirName, $path, $year, $month)
    global $done, $Message;
    if (isset($month) || isset($year)) {
        if (isset($month)) {
            $zipfile = new zip_file($path = $path . "/" . $year . "_" . $month . ".zip");
        } elseif (isset($year)) {
            $zipfile = new zip_file($path = $path . "/" . $year . ".zip");
    } else {
        $zipfile = new zip_file($path = $path . "/chat_ip_logs_" . date('ymd') . ".zip");
    $zipfile->set_options(array('level' => 3, 'overwrite' => 1, 'method' => 1, 'inmemory' => 0, 'recurse' => isset($month) ? 0 : 1, 'storepaths' => isset($month) || isset($year) ? 1 : 0, 'comment' => "Archive Class © 2005 - Devin Doucette (class programmer).\nModule © 2008" . (date('Y') > "2008" ? "-" . date('Y') : "") . " - " . PLUS_DEVELOPER . " (phpMyChat-Plus developer).\n\nFile built on " . date('jS \\of F Y, H:i:s') . ".\nDownloaded from [" . C_CHAT_NAME . "]\nat " . C_CHAT_URL . ".\nContent © " . date('Y') . " - " . C_ADMIN_NAME . " (chat site owner)."));
    $zipfile->add_files(array($dirName, $dirName . "/*.htm", $dirName . "/*.php", $dirName . "/*.txt"));
    $path = "<span class=\"error\">" . str_replace("./", "", $path) . "</span>";
    if (count($zipfile->errors) > 0) {
        $Message = sprintf(A_CHAT_LOGS_40, A_CHAT_LOGS_32, $path);
        $done = 0;
    } else {
        $Message = sprintf(A_CHAT_LOGS_35, A_CHAT_LOGS_32, $path);
        $done = 1;
    // successful saving
 function perform()
     $this->_templateId = $this->_request->getValue("templateId");
     $ts = new TemplateSetStorage();
     $blogId = $this->_blogInfo->getId();
     $baseTemplateFolder = $ts->getBaseTemplateFolder();
     $templateArchive = new zip_file($this->_templateId . ".zip");
     $templateArchive->set_options(array('basedir' => $baseTemplateFolder, 'overwrite' => 1, 'inmemory' => 1));
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
	$fp = fopen($cache_data_file, 'w');
	@fwrite($fp, $xml_content);
	@chmod($cache_data_file, 0666);
	@copy($cache_data_file, $sitemap_xml_file);
	@chmod($sitemap_xml_file, 0666);

		@chmod($sitemap_zip_file, 0777);
		$archive = new zip_file($sitemap_zip_file);
		$archive->set_options(array('overwrite' => 1, 'storepaths' => 0, 'comment' => 'Sitemap of ' . strip_tags($config['sitename'])));
		@chmod($sitemap_zip_file, 0666);

	//Compresss the sitemap with gzip
	//this isn't as pretty as the code in page_header.php, but it's simple & it works :)
	if(function_exists(ob_gzhandler) && ($config['gzip_compress'] == 1))
	$MyETag = '"Sitemap' . gmdate('YmdHis', $cache_file_time) . $verinfo . '"';
	$MyGMTtime = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $cache_file_time) . ' GMT';
	if(!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) && strstr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Apache/2'))
		header ('Cache-Control: no-cache, pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0');
Ejemplo n.º 4
function download($album)
    $query = "SELECT mp3act_songs.filename,\n\tmp3act_artists.artist_name,\n\tmp3act_albums.album_name \n\tFROM mp3act_songs,mp3act_artists,mp3act_albums \n\tWHERE mp3act_songs.album_id={$album} \n\tAND mp3act_songs.album_id=mp3act_albums.album_id \n\tAND mp3act_songs.artist_id=mp3act_artists.artist_id LIMIT 1";
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $dir = dirname($row['filename']);
    $test = new zip_file("/tmp/album_{$album}.zip");
    $test->set_options(array('inmemory' => 0, 'storepaths' => 0, 'level' => 0, 'method' => 0, 'prepend' => "{$row['artist_name']} - {$row['album_name']}"));
    $header = "Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"";
    $header .= "album_{$album}.zip";
    $header .= "\"";
    header("Content-length: " . filesize("/tmp/album_{$album}.zip"));
    header("Content-transfer-encoding: binary");
    header("Pragma: no-cache");
    header("Expires: 0");
    $chunksize = 1 * (1024 * 1024);
    // how many bytes per chunk
    $buffer = '';
    $handle = fopen("/tmp/album_{$album}.zip", 'rb');
    if ($handle === false) {
        return false;
    while (!feof($handle)) {
        $buffer = fread($handle, $chunksize);
        print $buffer;
Ejemplo n.º 5
echo '<p>Deleting old zip files...</p>';
$dir = $CONFIG['fullpath'] . 'edit/';
if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
    while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
        if (preg_match('/^pictures-[0-9a-f]+.zip$/', $entry) && filemtime($dir . $entry) < time() - 2 * CPG_DAY) {
            unlink($dir . $entry);
echo '<p>Creating file list...</p>';
$filelist = array();
$aid = $superCage->get->getInt('aid');
$query = "SELECT filepath, filename FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} AS pictures , (SELECT keyword FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} WHERE aid = '" . $aid . "' ) AS keyword, {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} AS r {$RESTRICTEDWHERE} AND r.aid = pictures.aid AND (pictures.aid = '" . $aid . "' OR ( keyword.keyword <> '' AND CONCAT(';', keywords, ';') LIKE CONCAT('%;', keyword.keyword, ';%')))";
$result = cpg_db_query($query);
$rowset = cpg_db_fetch_rowset($result);
foreach ($rowset as $row) {
    $fileentry = $row['filepath'] . $row['filename'];
    $filelist[] = $fileentry;
echo '<p>Creating zip file...</p>';
$filename = 'edit/pictures-' . uniqid(null) . '.zip';
$zip = new zip_file($filename);
$options = array('basedir' => "./{$CONFIG['fullpath']}", 'recurse' => 0, 'storepaths' => 0);
echo '<p>Downloading...</p>';
header('Location: ' . $CONFIG['site_url'] . $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $filename);
function auto_update_showpage()
    global $db, $main_smarty, $the_template, $template_dir;
    include_once 'config.php';
    include_once mnminclude . 'html1.php';
    include_once mnminclude . 'link.php';
    include_once mnminclude . 'tags.php';
    include_once mnminclude . 'smartyvariables.php';
    include_once "archive.php";
    // Create mysql backup
    if ($_GET['download'] == 'mysql') {
        require "auto_update_backup.php";
        $b = new MysqlBackup($_GET['type'] == 'zip' ? '' : $_GET['type']);
        $tmpfname = $b->backup();
        header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
        header('Pragma: no-cache');
        header('Content-Type: application/force-download');
        header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
        header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=pligg_db_backup_" . date("Y_m_d") . ".sql" . ($_GET['type'] == 'gzip' ? '.gz' : ($_GET['type'] == 'zip' ? '.zip' : '')));
        if ($_GET['type'] == 'zip') {
            $test = new zip_file(tempnam('/tmp', ''));
            $test->set_options(array('inmemory' => 1, 'storepaths' => 0));
            print $test->archive;
        } else {
    } elseif ($_GET['download'] == 'files') {
        $tmpfname = tempnam('/tmp', '');
        if ($_GET['type'] == 'gzip') {
            $test = new gzip_file($tmpfname);
            $test->set_options(array('inmemory' => 1, 'basedir' => "./", 'overwrite' => 1, 'level' => 1));
        } else {
            $test = new zip_file($tmpfname);
            $test->set_options(array('inmemory' => 1, 'recurse' => 1, 'storepaths' => 1));
        // Check for errors (you can check for errors at any point)
        if (count($test->errors) > 0) {
            print "Errors occurred.";
        // Process errors here
        header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
        header('Pragma: no-cache');
        header('Content-Type: application/force-download');
        header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
        header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=pligg_backup_" . date("Y_m_d") . ($_GET['type'] == 'gzip' ? '.tar.gz' : '.zip'));
        // Send archive to user for download
        print $test->archive;
    $main_smarty = do_sidebar($main_smarty);
    $canIhaveAccess = 0;
    $canIhaveAccess = $canIhaveAccess + checklevel('god');
    if ($canIhaveAccess == 1) {
        // breadcrumbs
        $main_smarty->assign('navbar_where', $navwhere);
        $main_smarty->assign('posttitle', " / " . $main_smarty->get_config_vars('PLIGG_Visual_Header_AdminPanel'));
        // breadcrumbs
        define('modulename', 'status');
        $main_smarty->assign('modulename', modulename);
        define('pagename', 'admin_modifystatus');
        $main_smarty->assign('pagename', pagename);
        if ($_GET['step'] == 2) {
            $main_smarty->assign('gzip', function_exists('gzopen'));
            $main_smarty->assign('zip', class_exists('ZipArchive', FALSE));
            $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', auto_update_tpl_path . 'auto_update_step2');
        } elseif ($_GET['step'] == 3) {
            $_SESSION['upload_files'] = array();
            $main_smarty->assign('exists', !file_exists(mnmpath . "latest.zip") ? 'disabled' : '');
            $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', auto_update_tpl_path . 'auto_update_step3');
        } elseif ($_GET['step'] == 4) {
            $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', auto_update_tpl_path . 'auto_update_step4');
        } elseif ($_GET['step'] == 5) {
            $main_smarty->assign('upgrade_exists', file_exists('install/upgrade.php'));
            $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', auto_update_tpl_path . 'auto_update_step5');
        } elseif ($_GET['step'] == 6) {
            $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', auto_update_tpl_path . 'auto_update_step6');
        } else {
            $main_smarty->assign('tpl_center', auto_update_tpl_path . 'auto_update_main');
        list($yourversion, $latestversion) = auto_update_detect_version();
        $main_smarty->assign('yourversion', $yourversion);
        $main_smarty->assign('latestversion', $latestversion);
        $main_smarty->display($template_dir . '/admin/admin.tpl');
    } else {
        header("Location: " . getmyurl('login', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
        $data = implode("\n", $data_array);
        $pdf->setXY($xpos, $ypos);
        $pdf->MultiCell($label_width, $line_height, $data);
        $xpos += $label_width;
        $qty = $elements_qty[$e['elements_id']];
        $data_array = array();
        $data_array[] = ': ' . $e['item_number'];
        $data_array[] = ': ' . $qty . ' piece(s)';
        $data_array[] = ': ' . displayCurrency($e['price_currency'], $e['elements_price']) . " / " . $e['price_quantity_type'];
        $data_array[] = ': ' . $e['elements_id'];
        //.' / '.$e['elements_code'];
        $data = implode("\n", $data_array);
        $pdf->setXY($xpos, $ypos);
        $pdf->MultiCell($value_width, $line_height, $data);
        $ypos += $img_size - $text_middling;
    $supsname = str_replace(' ', '', strtolower($suppliers[$sup_id]));
    $filename = $pdf_temp_path . 'JnG-SPL-' . $supsname . '-' . date('Ymd-Hi') . '.pdf';
    $pdf->Output($filename, 'F');
    $pdf_files[] = $filename;
foreach ($pdf_files as $pf) {
    if (file_exists($pf)) {
header("Location: {$zip_file}");
         if (!file_exists($dest_dir . "download.zip")) {
             //zip file doesn't exist... create it
             // Create new zip file in the directory below the current one
             $test = new zip_file($dest_dir . "download.zip");
             // Do not recurse through subdirectories
             // Do not store file paths in archive
             // Overwrite existing files
             // Do not create in mem but on hd
             $test->set_options(array('overwrite' => 1, 'inmemory' => 0, 'recurse' => 0, 'storepaths' => 0));
             // Add all jpegs and gifs in the images directory to archive
             // Create archive in path
         //display zipo download button
         msg_box($lang_photoshop_ipn['ipn_download_zip'], '', $lang_photoshop_ipn['ipn_download_zip'], $dest_dir . "download.zip", '100%');
 //display continue button
 if ($display_continue_button || $return_lnk != '') {
     if ($return_lnk == 'index' && $display_continue_button) {
         // we're coming here from the admin, but we need to continue further from the creation to the download... carry the admin with
         msg_box($lang_photoshop_ipn['ipn_image_create_finished'], '', $lang_photoshop_ipn['ipn_continue'], str_replace('&amp;', '&', "index.php?file=photo_shop/photo_shop_download_order&amp;order={$order}&amp;return_lnk=index"), '100%');
     } elseif ($return_lnk == 'index' && !$display_continue_button) {
         //we came from the admin and now we're on the download page, display continue back to admin
         msg_box($lang_photoshop_ipn['ipn_image_create_finished'], '', $lang_photoshop_ipn['ipn_continue'], str_replace('&amp;', '&', "index.php?file=photo_shop/photo_shop_admin"), '100%');
     } elseif ($display_continue_button) {
         //we're user and get displayed a continue button to the download
 function eshop_multi_download($email, $code, $update = true)
     //multiple files - need to be zipped.
     include_once "archive-class.php";
     global $wpdb, $eshopoptions;
     $table = $wpdb->prefix . "eshop_downloads";
     $ordertable = $wpdb->prefix . "eshop_download_orders";
     $dir_upload = eshop_download_directory();
     $date = date("Y-m-d");
     $backupfilename = get_bloginfo('name') . '-' . $date . '.zip';
     $test = new zip_file($backupfilename);
     // Create archive in memory
     // Do not recurse through subdirectories
     // Do not store file paths in archive
     // Add lib/archive.php to archive
     // Add all jpegs and gifs in the images directory to archive
     $addfiles = array();
     $test->set_options(array('inmemory' => 1, 'recurse' => 1, 'storepaths' => 0, 'prepend' => 'downloads'));
     $chkcount = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM {$ordertable} where email='{$email}' && code='{$code}' && downloads!='0'");
     $chkresult = $wpdb->get_results("Select * from {$ordertable} where email='{$email}' && code='{$code}' && downloads!='0'");
     if ($chkcount > 0) {
         foreach ($chkresult as $drow) {
             $item = $drow->files;
             $dload = $dir_upload . $drow->files;
             list($title, $ext) = explode('.', $drow->files);
             if (is_dir($dir_upload . $title)) {
                 $addfiles[] = $dir_upload . $title;
             } else {
                 $addfiles[] = $dload;
             if ($update === true) {
                 $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$ordertable} SET downloads=downloads-1 where email='{$email}' && code='{$code}' && id='{$drow->id}'");
                 //update product with number of downloads made
                 $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$table} SET downloads=downloads+1 where title='{$drow->title}' && files='{$item}' limit 1");
     // make sure output buffering is disabled
     // Create archive in memory
     // Send archive to user for download
Ejemplo n.º 10
        scorm_html5_page_create($row['template_framework'], $lo_name, $xml->getLanguage());
} else {
    if ($scorm == "2004") {
        $useflash = $export_flash && !$export_html5;
        lmsmanifest_2004_create($row['zipname'], $useflash, $lo_name);
        if ($export_flash && !$export_html5) {
            scorm2004_html_page_create($row['template_name'], $row['template_framework'], $rlo_file, $lo_name, $xml->getLanguage());
        } else {
            scorm2004_html5_page_create($row['template_framework'], $lo_name, $xml->getLanguage());
    } else {
        if ($export_flash) {
            basic_html_page_create($row['template_name'], $row['template_framework'], $rlo_file, $lo_name);
        if ($export_html5) {
            basic_html5_page_create($row['template_framework'], $lo_name);
 * Add the files to the zip file, create the archive, then send it to the user
xerte_zip_files($fullArchive, $dir_path);
 * remove the files
unlink($dir_path . "template.xml");
Ejemplo n.º 11
function zipnload(array $d)
    global $config;
    if ($config["zipnload"] != 1) {
        echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "message" => "No permission to download directories"));
    } else {
        if (!file_exists($d['filename'])) {
            echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "message" => "Directory not found"));
        } else {
            $dfile = uniqid("epfm") . ".zip";
            // temporary filename
            $zip = new zip_file($dfile);
            header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $d['filename'] . ".zip\"");
            echo file_get_contents($dfile);
            // delete temporary file
Ejemplo n.º 12
     //echo $file . ', ' . $thisfile . ', ' . $realpath_thisfile . ', ' . $realpathparts_getfile['dirname'] . ', ' . $realpathparts_thisfile . '<br />';
     if (substr($getfile, 0, 1) == '.') {
         $subpath_getfile = substr($pathparts_getfile['dirname'], 2);
     } else {
         $subpath_getfile = $pathparts_getfile['dirname'];
     if (!checkfile($pathparts_getfile, $realpath_getfile, $realpathparts_thisfile['dirname'] . '/' . $subpath_getfile)) {
         $errors .= '[ERROR] INVALID FILE: ' . $getfile . ', Operation NOT Allowed!!!<br />';
     } else {
         // Add file to Archive
         //			echo $getfile . '<br />';
 if ($errors == '') {
     // Send archive to user for download
     if (count($downloadpackage->error) == 0) {
     } else {
         foreach ($downloadpackage->error as $error) {
             echo $error . '<br />';
     /*foreach( $filesarray as $file )
     			echo $file . '<br />';
     		echo 'DOWNLOAD STARTING of the following files';*/
 } else {
Ejemplo n.º 13
function backup_imgdb($backup = 1, $err_show = 1)
    require "zip.class.php";
    // Get the zipfile class
    if ($backup == 1) {
        $files_to_zip = array(CFDATAPATH . 'imgdb.db');
        $savt_as = CFBACKUPPATH . 'imgdb_backup_' . date("Y") . '-' . date("m") . '-' . date("d") . '_' . date("H.i.s") . '.zip';
    } else {
        $files_to_zip = array(CFBANDWIDTHPATH . "*.db");
        $savt_as = CFBACKUPPATH . 'bandwidth_backup_' . date("Y") . '-' . date("m") . '-' . date("d") . '_' . date("H.i.s") . '.zip';
    $test = new zip_file($savt_as);
    $test->set_options(array('overwrite' => 1, 'inmemory' => 0, 'recurse' => 0, 'storepaths' => 0));
    // Add lib/archive.php to archive
    // Create file
    // Check for errors (you can check for errors at any point)
    if (!$test->errors) {
        if ($err_show) {
            user_feedback('success', 'Backup done!', 'backup_imgdb');
        return true;
        // Process errors here
    if ($err_show) {
        user_feedback('error', 'Can\'t made backup zip file!', 'backup_imgdb');
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 14
                // it is gone, after all
                if (basename($file) == 'security_log.txt') {
                    zp_apply_filter('admin_log_actions', true, $file, $action);
                    // have to record the fact
            case 'download_log':
                include_once SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/archive.php';
                $subtab = sanitize($_GET['tab'], 3);
                $dest = SERVERPATH . '/' . DATA_FOLDER . '/' . $subtab . ".zip";
                $rp = dirname($file);
                $z = new zip_file($dest);
                $z->set_options(array('basedir' => $rp, 'inmemory' => 0, 'recurse' => 0, 'storepaths' => 1));
                header('Content-Type: application/zip');
                header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $subtab . '.zip"');
                header("Content-Length: " . filesize($dest));
// Print our header
$filelist = safe_glob(SERVERPATH . "/" . DATA_FOLDER . '/*.txt');
if (count($filelist) > 0) {
    $subtabs = array();
    if (isset($_GET['tab'])) {
        $default = sanitize($_GET['tab'], 3);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 * send_zip
 * takes array of full paths to songs
 * zips them and sends them
 * @param    string    $name    name of the zip file to be created
 * @param    array    $song_files    array of full paths to songs to zip create w/ call to get_song_files
function send_zip($name, $song_files)
    // Check if they want to save it to a file, if so then make sure they've
    // got a defined path as well and that it's writable.
    $basedir = '';
    if (AmpConfig::get('file_zip_download') && AmpConfig::get('tmp_dir_path')) {
        // Check writeable
        if (!is_writable(AmpConfig::get('tmp_dir_path'))) {
            $in_memory = '1';
            debug_event('Error', 'File Zip Path:' . AmpConfig::get('tmp_dir_path') . ' is not writable', '1');
        } else {
            $in_memory = '0';
            $basedir = AmpConfig::get('tmp_dir_path');
    } else {
        $in_memory = '1';
    // if file downloads
    /* Require needed library */
    require_once AmpConfig::get('prefix') . '/modules/archive/archive.lib.php';
    $arc = new zip_file($name . ".zip");
    $options = array('inmemory' => $in_memory, 'basedir' => $basedir, 'storepaths' => 0, 'level' => 0, 'comment' => AmpConfig::get('file_zip_comment'), 'type' => "zip");
    foreach ($song_files as $dir => $files) {
        $arc->add_files($files, $dir);
    if (count($arc->error)) {
        debug_event('archive', "Error: unable to add songs", '3');
        return false;
    // if failed to add songs
    if (!$arc->create_archive()) {
        debug_event('archive', "Error: unable to create archive", '3');
        return false;
    // if failed to create archive