Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function investmoney()
     //if(!$this->uid) exit;
     if (!$this->uid) {
         ajaxmsg('请先登录', 3);
     $money = floatval($_POST['money']);
     $borrow_id = intval($_POST['borrow_id']);
     $m = M("member_money")->field('account_money,back_money,money_collect')->find($this->uid);
     $amoney = $m['account_money'] + $m['back_money'];
     $uname = session('u_user_name');
     if (bccomp($money, $amoney) == 1) {
         $this->error("尊敬的{$uname},您准备投标{$money}元,但您的账户可用余额为{$amoney}元,请先去充值再投标.", __APP__ . "/member/charge#fragment-1");
     $vm = getMinfo($this->uid, 'm.pin_pass,m.user_phone,mm.account_money,mm.back_money,mm.money_collect');
     $pin_pass = $vm['pin_pass'];
     $pin = md5($_POST['pin']);
     if ($pin != $pin_pass) {
     $binfo = M("borrow_info")->field('borrow_money,money_invest_place,borrow_max,has_borrow,has_vouch,borrow_type,borrow_min,money_collect')->find($borrow_id);
     if ($money % $binfo['borrow_min'] != 0) {
         //	ajaxmsg("投标金额必须为起投金额的整数倍",3);
     ////////////////////////////////////待收金额限制 2013-08-26  fan///////////////////
     if ($binfo['money_collect'] > 0) {
         if ($m['money_collect'] < $binfo['money_collect']) {
             ajaxmsg("此标设有限制,待收金额需达到" . $binfo['money_collect'] . "元以上", 3);
     $today_start = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', time()) . "00:00:00");
     //$today_end = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', time())."23:59:59");
     if ($binfo['borrow_type'] == 3) {
         if ($binfo['money_invest_place'] > 0) {
             $M_affect_money = M('member_moneylog')->where('uid = ' . $this->uid . " AND type in (6,37) AND add_time > " . $today_start . " AND add_time < " . time())->sum('affect_money');
             $money_place = $binfo['money_invest_place'] + $M_affect_money;
             if ($money_place > 0) {
                 ajaxmsg("此标设置有当日投标金额限制,您还需投资" . $money_place . "元才能投此秒标", 3);
     ////////////////////////////////////待收金额限制 2013-08-26  fan///////////////////
     $capital = M('borrow_investor')->where("borrow_id={$borrow_id} AND investor_uid={$this->uid}")->sum('investor_capital');
     if ($capital + $money > $binfo['borrow_max'] && $binfo['borrow_max'] > 0) {
         $xtee = $binfo['borrow_max'] - $capital;
     //if($binfo['has_vouch']<$binfo['borrow_money'] && $binfo['borrow_type'] == 2) $this->error("此标担保还未完成,您可以担保此标或者等担保完成再投标");
     $need = $binfo['borrow_money'] - $binfo['has_borrow'];
     $caninvest = $need - $binfo['borrow_min'];
     if ($money > $caninvest && $need == 0) {
         $msg = "尊敬的{$uname},此标已被抢投满了,下次投标手可一定要快呦!";
     if ($binfo['borrow_min'] - $money > 0) {
     if ($need - $money < 0) {
         $money = $need;
     //	if(($need-$money)<0 ){
     //			$this->error("尊敬的{$uname},此标还差{$need}元满标,您最多只能再投{$need}元");
     //		}else{
     $done = investMoney($this->uid, $borrow_id, $money);
     //		}
     if ($done === true) {
         $info = "恭喜您在手投网成功投了" . $borrow_id . "号标,投标金额为:{$money}元!";
         $progress = ($binfo['has_borrow'] + $money) / $binfo['borrow_money'] * 100;
         $progress = $progress > 50 ? floor($progress) : ceil($progress);
         if ($this->yott()) {
             $yott = new yott();
             $yottarr = array('subject_id' => $borrow_id, 'account_has' => $binfo['has_borrow'] + $money, 'account_wait' => $need - $money, 'has_numbers' => M("borrow_investor")->where('borrow_id=' . $borrow_id)->count('id'), 'progress' => $progress, 'status' => 100 == $progress ? 3 : 2, 'updatetime' => time(), 'reverify' => time(), 'repay_time' => time());
             $res = json_decode($yott->updateP2p($yottarr));
             M('yott_log')->add(array('dateline' => time(), 'apitype' => 'updatep2p', 'apidata' => json_encode($yottarr), 'code' => $res->code, 'msg' => $res->msg));
         if (1 == intval($_POST['isphone'])) {
     } else {
         if ($done) {
             if (1 == intval($_POST['isphone'])) {
         } else {
             if (1 == intval($_POST['isphone'])) {