Ejemplo n.º 1
 static function __static()
     self::$UNKNOWN = new self(0, 'UNKNOWN', xp::null(), xp::null());
     self::$JSON = new self(1, 'JSON', new RestJsonSerializer(), new RestJsonDeserializer());
     self::$XML = new self(2, 'XML', new RestXmlSerializer(), new RestXmlDeserializer());
     self::$FORM = new self(3, 'FORM', xp::null(), new RestFormDeserializer());
  * Retrieve a single bean
  * @param   string name
  * @return  remote.reflect.BeanDescription or NULL if nothing is found
 public function bean($name)
     if (!isset($this->beans[$name])) {
         return xp::null();
     return $this->beans[$name];
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Returns the outcome of a specific test
  * @param   unittest.TestCase test
  * @return  unittest.TestOutcome
 public function outcomeOf(TestCase $test)
     $key = $test->hashCode();
     foreach (array($this->succeeded, $this->failed, $this->skipped) as $lookup) {
         if (isset($lookup[$key])) {
             return $lookup[$key];
     return xp::null();
  * Helper method to delegate call
  * @param   string method
  * @param   string section
  * @param   string key
  * @param   mixed default
  * @return  mixed
 private function _read($method, $section, $key, $default)
     foreach ($this->props as $p) {
         $res = call_user_func_array(array($p, $method), array($section, $key, xp::null()));
         if (xp::null() !== $res) {
             return $res;
     return $default;
 public function xpNullArgument()
     $this->assertEquals('<null>', \xp::stringOf(\xp::null()));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function null()
     $this->assertEquals('null', get_class(xp::null()));
Ejemplo n.º 7
function cast(Generic $expression = NULL, $type)
    if (NULL === $expression) {
        return xp::null();
    } else {
        if (XPClass::forName($type)->isInstance($expression)) {
            return $expression;
    raise('lang.ClassCastException', 'Cannot cast ' . xp::typeOf($expression) . ' to ' . $type);
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Get a process by process ID
  * @param   int pid process id
  * @param   string exe
  * @return  lang.Process
  * @throws  lang.IllegalStateException
 public static function getProcessById($pid, $exe = NULL)
     $self = new self();
     $self->status = array('pid' => $pid, 'running' => TRUE, 'exe' => $exe, 'command' => '', 'arguments' => NULL, 'owner' => FALSE);
     // Determine executable and command line:
     // * On Windows, use Windows Management Instrumentation API - see
     //   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Management_Instrumentation
     // * On systems with a /proc filesystem, use information from /proc/self
     //   See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Procfs. Before relying on it,
     //   also check that /proc is not just an empty directory; this assumes
     //   that process 1 always exists - which usually is `init`.
     // * Fall back to use the PHP_BINARY (#54514) constant and finally the "_"
     //   environment variable for the executable and /bin/ps to retrieve the
     //   command line (please note unfortunately any quote signs have been
     //   lost and it can thus be only used for display purposes)
     if (strncasecmp(PHP_OS, 'Win', 3) === 0) {
         try {
             $c = new com('winmgmts:');
             $p = $c->get('//./root/cimv2:Win32_Process.Handle="' . $pid . '"');
             $self->status['exe'] = $p->executablePath;
             $self->status['command'] = $p->commandLine;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             throw new IllegalStateException('Cannot find executable: ' . $e->getMessage());
     } else {
         if (is_dir('/proc/1')) {
             if (!file_exists($proc = '/proc/' . $pid)) {
                 throw new IllegalStateException('Cannot find executable in /proc');
             if (defined('PHP_BINARY')) {
                 $self->status['exe'] = PHP_BINARY;
             } else {
                 do {
                     foreach (array('/exe', '/file') as $alt) {
                         if (!file_exists($proc . $alt)) {
                         $self->status['exe'] = readlink($proc . $alt);
                         break 2;
                     throw new IllegalStateException('Cannot find executable in ' . $proc);
                 } while (0);
             $self->status['command'] = strtr(file_get_contents($proc . '/cmdline'), "", ' ');
         } else {
             try {
                 if (defined('PHP_BINARY')) {
                     $self->status['exe'] = PHP_BINARY;
                 } else {
                     if ($exe) {
                         $self->status['exe'] = self::resolve($exe);
                     } else {
                         if ($_ = getenv('_')) {
                             $self->status['exe'] = self::resolve($_);
                         } else {
                             throw new IllegalStateException('Cannot find executable');
                 $self->status['command'] = exec('ps -ww -p ' . $pid . ' -ocommand 2>&1', $out, $exit);
                 if (0 !== $exit) {
                     throw new IllegalStateException('Cannot find executable: ' . implode('', $out));
             } catch (IOException $e) {
                 throw new IllegalStateException($e->getMessage());
     $self->in = xp::null();
     $self->out = xp::null();
     $self->err = xp::null();
     return $self;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function xpNullIsNotAnInstanceOfGeneric()
     $this->assertInstanceOf('lang.Generic', xp::null());
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function thisClassCastingNull()
     $this->assertEquals(xp::null(), $this->getClass()->cast(NULL));
  * Creates a new StorageElement or StorageCollection (depending on
  * type)
  * @param   string clientId
  * @param   string uri
  * @param   int type
  * @return  peer.ftp.server.storage.StorageEntry
 public function createEntry($clientId, $uri, $type)
     $path = substr($this->realname($clientId, $uri), strlen($this->root));
     switch ($type) {
         case ST_ELEMENT:
             return new FilesystemStorageElement($path, $this->root);
         case ST_COLLECTION:
             return new FilesystemStorageCollection($path, $this->root);
     return xp::null();
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function xpnullIsnull()
     $this->assertTrue(is(null, \xp::null()));
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Navigate to a relative URL 
  * @param   string relative
  * @param   string params
  * @throws  unittest.AssertionFailedError  
 public function beginAt($relative, $params = NULL, $method = HttpConstants::GET)
     $this->dom = $this->xpath = NULL;
     try {
         $this->response = $this->doRequest($method, $params);
         // If we get a cookie, store it for this domain and reuse it in
         // subsequent requests. If cookies are used for sessioning, we
         // would be creating new sessions with every request otherwise!
         foreach ((array) $this->response->header('Set-Cookie') as $str) {
             $cookie = Cookie::parse($str);
             $this->cookies[$this->conn->getUrl()->getHost()][$cookie->getName()] = $cookie;
     } catch (XPException $e) {
         $this->response = xp::null();
         $this->fail($relative, $e, NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public function xpNullIsNull()
     $this->assertTrue(is(NULL, xp::null()));
     $this->assertFalse(is(NULL, 1));
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Find the resource by the specified name
  * @param   string name resource name
  * @return  lang.IClassLoader the classloader that provides this resource
 public function findResource($name)
     foreach (self::$delegates as $delegate) {
         if ($delegate->providesResource($name)) {
             return $delegate;
     return xp::null();
  * Gets an entry
  * @param  int clientId
  * @param  string uri
  * @param  int type
  * @return peer.ftp.server.storage.StorageEntry 
 public function createEntry($clientId, $uri, $type)
     $qualified = $this->normalize($this->base[$clientId], $uri);
     switch ($type) {
         case ST_ELEMENT:
             return new TestingElement($qualified, $this);
         case ST_COLLECTION:
             return new TestingCollection($qualified, $this);
     return \xp::null();
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function findNullClass()
     $this->assertEquals(xp::null(), ClassLoader::getDefault()->findClass(NULL));
  * Close this collection
 public function close()
     $this->it = xp::null();
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public function null()
     $this->assertEquals(xp::null(), cast(NULL, 'lang.Object'));
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public function cloningOfNulls()
     clone \xp::null();
Ejemplo n.º 21
// }}}
// {{{ main
date_default_timezone_set(ini_get('date.timezone')) || xp::error('[xp::core] date.timezone not configured properly.');
define('MODIFIER_STATIC', 1);
define('MODIFIER_FINAL', 4);
define('MODIFIER_PUBLIC', 256);
define('MODIFIER_PROTECTED', 512);
define('MODIFIER_PRIVATE', 1024);
xp::$null = new __null();
xp::$loader = new xp();
// Paths are passed via class loader API from *-main.php. Retaining BC:
// Paths are constructed inside an array before including this file.
if (isset($GLOBALS['paths'])) {
    xp::$classpath = $GLOBALS['paths'];
} else {
    if (0 === strpos(__FILE__, 'xar://')) {
        xp::$classpath = [substr(__FILE__, 6, -14)];
    } else {
        xp::$classpath = [__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR];
set_include_path(rtrim(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, xp::$classpath), PATH_SEPARATOR));
spl_autoload_register(function ($class) {
    $name = strtr($class, '\\', '.');
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public function memberWriteccess()
     $null = xp::null();
     $null->member = 15;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public function xpnull_representation()
     $this->assertEquals('<null>', \xp::stringOf(\xp::null()));
 public function cannotFindNontExistantUri()
     $this->assertEquals(\xp::null(), \lang\ClassLoader::getDefault()->findUri('non/existant/Class.class.php'));
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * Cast a given object to the class represented by this object
  * @param   lang.Generic expression
  * @return  lang.Generic the given expression
  * @throws  lang.ClassCastException
 public function cast(Generic $expression = NULL)
     if (NULL === $expression) {
         return xp::null();
     } else {
         if (is($this->name, $expression)) {
             return $expression;
     raise('lang.ClassCastException', 'Cannot cast ' . xp::typeOf($expression) . ' to ' . $this->name);