function image_retrieval($features, $max = 100) { $ret = ''; $query_args = array("url" => "", "post" => true, "params" => array("feature" => $features, "max" => $max)); $xml_ret = query_cbir_service($query_args); if (!empty($xml_ret)) { $parser = new xml_parser(); $ret = $parser->parse($xml_ret); } return $ret; }
private function getParsedRow($tabrow, $delimiter) { $xml = <<<XML <dbsteward> <database> <role> <application>x</application> <owner>x</owner> <replication>x</replication> <readonly>x</readonly> </role> </database> <schema name="public" owner="ROLE_OWNER"> <table name="tabrowtable" owner="ROLE_OWNER" primaryKey="c1"> <column name="c1" type="int"/> <column name="c2" type="int"/> <column name="c3" type="int"/> <rows columns="c1,c2,c3"> <tabrow>{$tabrow}</tabrow> </rows> </table> </schema> </dbsteward> XML; $doc = simplexml_load_string($xml); if ($delimiter !== false) { $doc->schema->table->rows['tabrowDelimiter'] = $delimiter; } $composite = xml_parser::composite_doc(null, $doc); $cols = array(); foreach ($composite->schema->table->rows->row->col as $col) { $cols[] = (string) $col; } return $cols; }
private function _testXmlParserTableHasDep() { $doc = simplexml_load_string($this->xml); $schema = $doc->schema; $table1 = array('schema' => $schema, 'table' => $schema->table[0]); $table2 = array('schema' => $schema, 'table' => $schema->table[1]); $this->assertTrue(xml_parser::table_has_dependency($table1, $table2)); }
public function testXPathWorksWithQuotes() { $file_name = 'sqlXpathTest.xml'; $base = new SimpleXMLElement("<allyour>baseyourbaseyourbasebase</allyour>"); $over = new SimpleXMLElement("<allyour><sql>(1, 'version=\"1.0\"')</sql></allyour>"); $this->assertNotEquals($base, $over); // ensure the sql is composited xml_parser::xml_composite_children($base, $over, $file_name); $this->assertEquals($base, $over); }
function parseXmlFolder($folder) { //die($folder); $complete_config = array(); require_once 'xml_parser.class.php'; $parser = new xml_parser(); // test if folder is found if (file_exists($folder)) { $ressource = opendir($folder); // find files in this folder while (($file = readdir($ressource)) !== false) { // debug($file, 'xml_parser::parse_folder files'); if (is_file($folder . '/' . $file)) { $path_parts = pathinfo($file); // if it's an yaml file, parse it and store thge results in an array if ($path_parts['extension'] == 'xml') { $we_have_config_files = true; $config = $parser->load($folder . '/' . $file); if (!$config) { trigger_error("we have a parsing error with {$file}"); } if (is_array($config)) { $complete_config = array_merge($complete_config, $config); } } } } if (isset($we_have_config_files)) { //echo '<pre>'; //print_r($complete_config); return $complete_config['config']; } else { trigger_error("thinkedit::parseXmlFolder() no config files found - aborting"); die; return false; } } else { trigger_error("thinkedit::parseXmlFolder() : {$folder} is not found - aborting"); die; return false; } }
/** * @group pgsql8 * @group mysql5 * @group mssql10 */ public function testThrowWhenFalse() { dbsteward::$ignore_custom_roles = FALSE; try { xml_parser::role_enum($this->dbdoc, 'invalid'); } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->assertEquals('Failed to confirm custom role: invalid', $ex->getMessage()); return; } $this->fail("Expected exception when not ignoring custom roles"); }
public static function get_creation_sql($db_doc, $node_schema, $node_view) { if (isset($node_view['description']) && strlen($node_view['description']) > 0) { $ddl = "-- {$node_view['description']}\n"; } $view_name = mysql5::get_fully_qualified_table_name($node_schema['name'], $node_view['name']); $definer = strlen($node_view['owner']) > 0 ? xml_parser::role_enum($db_doc, $node_view['owner']) : 'CURRENT_USER'; $ddl = "CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER = {$definer} SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW {$view_name}\n"; $ddl .= " AS " . static::get_view_query($node_view) . ";"; return $ddl; }
public function testDefineRows() { $schema_parent = simplexml_load_string($this->xml_parent); $schema_child = simplexml_load_string($this->xml_child); $schema_parent_child = simplexml_load_string($this->xml_parent_and_child); $schema_grandchild = simplexml_load_string($this->xml_grandchild); // xml_parser::composite_doc($schema_parent, $schema_child); //xml_parser::composite_doc($schema_parent, $schema_grandchild); xml_parser::composite_doc($schema_parent, $schema_child); xml_parser::composite_doc($schema_parent_child, $schema_grandchild); }
public static function convert($file) { $file_name = realpath($file); $fp_slonik = fopen($file_name, 'r'); if (!$fp_slonik) { throw new exception("failed to open slonik script " . $file . " for conversion"); } $doc = new SimpleXMLElement('<dbsteward></dbsteward>'); $line = ''; while (($c = fgetc($fp_slonik)) !== FALSE) { switch ($c) { // catch lines starting with # comments and ignore them case '#': // only if line hasn't started yet if (strlen(trim($line)) == 0) { $comment = TRUE; } break; // convert newlines to spaces // convert newlines to spaces case "\n": $c = ' '; // newline encountered, so comment is over $comment = FALSE; break; // the statement terminated // the statement terminated case ';': // not in comment state? if (!$comment) { self::parse_line($doc, $line); $line = ''; } break; // by default, add character to the line // by default, add character to the line default: // late-start # comment line $trimmed_line = trim($line); if ($trimmed_line[0] == '#') { $comment = TRUE; } else { if (!$comment) { $line .= $c; } } break; } } fclose($fp_slonik); //xml_parser::validate_xml($doc->asXML()); return xml_parser::format_xml($doc->saveXML()); }
/** * Creates and returns SQL for creation of trigger. * * @return created SQL */ public static function get_creation_sql($node_language) { /* CREATE [ PROCEDURAL ] LANGUAGE name CREATE [ TRUSTED ] [ PROCEDURAL ] LANGUAGE name HANDLER call_handler [ VALIDATOR valfunction ] /**/ $ddl = "CREATE " . (strcasecmp(dbsteward::string_cast($node_language['trusted']), 'true') == 0 ? "TRUSTED " : "") . (strcasecmp(dbsteward::string_cast($node_language['procedural']), 'true') == 0 ? "PROCEDURAL " : "") . "LANGUAGE " . pgsql8::get_quoted_object_name($node_language['name']) . (strlen($node_language['handler']) > 0 ? "HANDLER " . pgsql8::get_quoted_function_name($node_language['handler']) : "") . (strlen($node_language['validator']) > 0 ? "VALIDATOR " . pgsql8::get_quoted_function_name($node_language['validator']) : "") . " ;\n"; if (strlen($node_language['owner']) > 0) { $ddl .= "ALTER " . (strcasecmp(dbsteward::string_cast($node_language['procedural']), 'true') == 0 ? "PROCEDURAL " : "") . "LANGUAGE " . pgsql8::get_quoted_object_name($node_language['name']) . " OWNER TO " . xml_parser::role_enum(dbsteward::$new_database, $node_language['owner']) . " ;\n"; } return $ddl; }
/** * Creates SQL diff of two DBSteward XML definition documents * * @return array output files list */ public static function diff_xml($old_xml_file, $new_xml_file, $upgrade_prefix) { $old_database = simplexml_load_file($old_xml_file); if ($old_database === false) { throw new Exception("failed to simplexml_load_file() " . $old_xml_file); } $old_database = xml_parser::sql_format_convert($old_database); $new_database = simplexml_load_file($new_xml_file); if ($new_database === false) { throw new Exception("failed to simplexml_load_file() " . $new_xml_file); } $new_database = xml_parser::sql_format_convert($new_database); pgsql8::diff_doc($old_xml_file, $new_xml_file, $old_database, $new_database, $upgrade_prefix); }
public function testDependencyOfChild() { $parent = '<schema name="parentSchema" />'; $parent_table = ' <table name="parentTable"> </table>'; $child = '<schema name="childSchema" />'; $child_table = ' <table name="childTable" inheritsSchema="parentSchema" inheritsTable="parentTable"> </table>'; $parent_obj = array('schema' => simplexml_load_string($parent), 'table' => simplexml_load_string($parent_table)); $child_obj = array('schema' => simplexml_load_string($child), 'table' => simplexml_load_string($child_table)); $this->assertTrue(xml_parser::table_has_dependency($child_obj, $parent_obj)); $this->assertFalse(xml_parser::table_has_dependency($parent_obj, $child_obj)); }
/** * Creates and returns SQL for creation of the view. * * @return string */ public static function get_creation_sql($db_doc, $node_schema, $node_view) { // set replica set context for view if (pgsql8::set_context_replica_set_id($node_view) === -10) { // view doesn't specify one, set from for schema object pgsql8::set_context_replica_set_id($node_schema); } if (isset($node_view['description']) && strlen($node_view['description']) > 0) { $ddl = "-- " . dbsteward::string_cast($node_view['description']) . "\n"; } $view_name = pgsql8::get_quoted_schema_name($node_schema['name']) . '.' . pgsql8::get_quoted_table_name($node_view['name']); $ddl = "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW " . $view_name; $ddl .= "\n\tAS " . pgsql8_view::get_view_query($node_view) . ";\n"; if (isset($node_view['owner']) && strlen($node_view['owner']) > 0) { $ddl .= "ALTER VIEW " . $view_name . "\n\tOWNER TO " . xml_parser::role_enum($db_doc, $node_view['owner']) . ";\n"; } return $ddl; }
/** * @group pgsql8 */ public function testTableColumnTypeQuotingPgsql8() { dbsteward::set_sql_format('pgsql8'); dbsteward::$quote_all_names = TRUE; dbsteward::$single_stage_upgrade = TRUE; $doc_empty = simplexml_load_string($this->xml_empty); $doc_empty = xml_parser::composite_doc(FALSE, $doc_empty); dbsteward::$old_database = $doc_empty; $doc = simplexml_load_string($this->xml); $doc = xml_parser::composite_doc(FALSE, $doc); dbsteward::$new_database = $doc; $table_dependency = xml_parser::table_dependency_order($doc); //var_dump(xml_parser::format_xml($doc_empty->saveXML())); //var_dump(xml_parser::format_xml($doc->saveXML())); $schema = $doc->schema; $table = $schema->table; // make sure the type is named with quoting as part of a definition build $expected = "CREATE TYPE \"schema1\".\"enumCamelCaseType\" AS ENUM ('Read','Write','Delete');"; $mofs = new mock_output_file_segmenter(); pgsql8::build_schema($doc, $mofs, $table_dependency); $actual = trim($mofs->_get_output()); $this->assertContains($expected, $actual); // make sure the type is referred to with quoting in a table creation as part of a definition build $expected_column = '"table_shable_mode" "enumCamelCaseType"'; $this->assertContains($expected_column, $actual); // make sure the type is referred to with quoting when generating table create statements $expected = '"table_shable_mode" "enumCamelCaseType"'; $sql = pgsql8_table::get_creation_sql($schema, $table); $this->assertContains($expected, $sql); // make sure create table quotes the type name $expected = '"table_shable_mode" "enumCamelCaseType"'; $mofs = new mock_output_file_segmenter(); var_dump(dbx::get_tables($schema)); pgsql8_diff_tables::diff_tables($mofs, $mofs, NULL, $schema); $actual = trim($mofs->_get_output()); $this->assertContains($expected, $actual); // make sure insert statements are made that match the XML definition $expected = "INSERT INTO \"schema1\".\"table_shable\" (\"table_shable_id\", \"table_shable_value\", \"table_shable_mode\") VALUES (1, E'shim sham', BETA);"; $actual = trim(pgsql8_diff_tables::get_data_sql(NULL, NULL, $schema, $table, FALSE)); $this->assertContains($expected, $actual); }
/** * Creates and returns SQL for creation of the schema. * * @return created SQL */ public static function get_creation_sql($node_schema) { if (strcasecmp('public', $node_schema['name']) == 0) { // don't create the public schema $ddl = ''; } else { $schema_name = pgsql8::get_quoted_schema_name($node_schema['name']); $ddl = "CREATE SCHEMA " . $schema_name . ";\n"; // schema ownership if (isset($node_schema['owner']) && strlen($node_schema['owner']) > 0) { // see dtd owner attribute enum: ROLE_OWNER, ROLE_APPLICATION, ROLE_SLONY // map ROLE_ enums to database->role->owner etc $ddl .= "ALTER SCHEMA " . $schema_name . " OWNER TO " . xml_parser::role_enum(dbsteward::$new_database, $node_schema['owner']) . ";\n"; } // schema comment if (isset($node_schema['description']) && strlen($node_schema['description']) > 0) { $ddl .= "COMMENT ON SCHEMA " . $schema_name . " IS '" . pg_escape_string($node_schema['description']) . "';\n"; } } return $ddl; }
private function diff($old, $new, $expected) { $ofs = new mock_output_file_segmenter(); $old = '<dbsteward><database/>' . $old . '</dbsteward>'; $new = '<dbsteward><database/>' . $new . '</dbsteward>'; $old_doc = simplexml_load_string($old); $new_doc = simplexml_load_string($new); dbsteward::$old_database = $old_doc; dbsteward::$new_database = $new_doc; pgsql8_diff::$old_table_dependency = xml_parser::table_dependency_order($old_doc); pgsql8_diff::$new_table_dependency = xml_parser::table_dependency_order($new_doc); pgsql8_diff_types::apply_changes($ofs, $old_doc->schema, $new_doc->schema); $sql = trim(preg_replace('/\\n\\n+/', "\n", preg_replace('/^--.*$/m', '', $ofs->_get_output()))); $this->assertEquals($expected, $sql); }
private function common_structure($old, $new) { dbsteward::$old_database = new SimpleXMLElement($old); dbsteward::$new_database = new SimpleXMLElement($new); mysql5_diff::$new_table_dependency = xml_parser::table_dependency_order(dbsteward::$new_database); $ofs1 = new mock_output_file_segmenter(); $ofs3 = new mock_output_file_segmenter(); mysql5_diff::revoke_permissions($ofs1, $ofs3); mysql5_diff::update_structure($ofs1, $ofs3); mysql5_diff::update_permissions($ofs1, $ofs3); // @TODO: assert expected = actual // echo "\n\nofs 1:\n\n"; // echo $ofs1->_get_output(); // echo "\n\nofs 3:\n\n"; // echo $ofs3->_get_output(); }
public function xml_data_insert($def_file, $data_file) { dbsteward::info("Automatic insert data into " . $def_file . " from " . $data_file); $def_doc = simplexml_load_file($def_file); if (!$def_doc) { throw new exception("Failed to load " . $def_file); } $data_doc = simplexml_load_file($data_file); if (!$data_doc) { throw new exception("Failed to load " . $data_file); } // for each of the tables defined, act on rows addColumns definitions foreach ($data_doc->schema as $data_schema) { $xpath = "schema[@name='" . $data_schema['name'] . "']"; $def_schema = $def_doc->xpath($xpath); if (count($def_schema) == 0) { throw new exception("definition " . $xpath . " not found"); } if (count($def_schema) > 1) { throw new exception("more than one " . $xpath . " found"); } $def_schema = $def_schema[0]; foreach ($data_schema->table as $data_table) { $xpath = "table[@name='" . $data_table['name'] . "']"; $def_table = $def_schema->xpath($xpath); if (count($def_table) == 0) { throw new exception("definition " . $xpath . " not found"); } if (count($def_table) > 1) { throw new exception("more than one " . $xpath . " found"); } $def_table = $def_table[0]; if (!isset($data_table->rows) || !isset($data_table->rows->row)) { throw new exception($xpath . " rows->row definition is incomplete"); } if (count($data_table->rows->row) > 1) { throw new exception("Unexpected: more than one rows->row found in " . $xpath . " definition"); } $definition_columns = preg_split("/[\\,\\s]+/", $def_table->rows['columns'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $new_columns = preg_split("/[\\,\\s]+/", $data_table->rows['columns'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); for ($i = 0; $i < count($new_columns); $i++) { $new_column = $new_columns[$i]; dbsteward::info("Adding rows column " . $new_column . " to definition table " . $def_table['name']); if (in_array($new_column, $definition_columns)) { throw new exception("new column " . $new_column . " is already defined in dbsteward definition file"); } $def_table->rows['columns'] = $def_table->rows['columns'] . ", " . $new_column; $col_value = $data_table->rows->row->col[$i]; // add the value to each row col set in def_table->rows foreach ($def_table->rows->row as $row) { $row->addChild('col', $col_value); } } } } $def_file_modified = $def_file . '.xmldatainserted'; dbsteward::notice("Saving modified dbsteward definition as " . $def_file_modified); return xml_parser::save_xml($def_file_modified, $def_doc->saveXML()); }
public static function get_sql($db_doc, $node_schema, $node_object, $node_permission) { $operations = mssql10_permission::get_permission_operations($node_permission); $roles = preg_split(dbsteward::PATTERN_SPLIT_ROLE, $node_permission['role'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $object_type = strtoupper($node_object->getName()); $sql = ''; switch ($object_type) { case 'SCHEMA': $object_name = mssql10::get_quoted_schema_name($node_schema['name']); for ($i = 0; $i < count($operations); $i++) { // see if (strcasecmp($operations[$i], 'USAGE') == 0) { // for schemas, translate USAGE into SELECT $operations[$i] = 'SELECT'; } if (strcasecmp($operations[$i], 'ALL') == 0) { $operations[$i] = 'SELECT'; $operations[] = 'INSERT'; $operations[] = 'UPDATE'; $operations[] = 'DELETE'; } // CREATE TABLE permission is database-wide // so create it explicitly here in-line // and then remove it from the list of operations to define if (strcasecmp($operations[$i], 'CREATE TABLE') == 0) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($roles); $j++) { $sql .= "GRANT CREATE TABLE TO " . mssql10::get_quoted_object_name(xml_parser::role_enum($db_doc, $roles[$j])) . ";\n"; } unset($operations[$i]); $operations = array_merge($operations); $i--; } } break; case 'SEQUENCE': for ($i = 0; $i < count($operations); $i++) { // for sequences, translate USAGE into INSERT if (strcasecmp($operations[$i], 'USAGE') == 0) { $operations[$i] = 'INSERT'; } } // give explicit DELETE permission for pseudo sequences, implemented as mssql10_bit_table if (!in_array('DELETE', $operations)) { $operations[] = 'DELETE'; } case 'TABLE': case 'VIEW': case 'FUNCTION': $object_name = mssql10::get_quoted_schema_name($node_schema['name']) . '.' . mssql10::get_quoted_table_name($node_object['name']); break; default: throw new exception("unknown object type encountered: " . $object_type); } for ($j = 0; $j < count($roles); $j++) { $with = ''; if (isset($node_permission['with']) && strlen($node_permission['with']) > 0) { $with = "WITH " . $node_permission['with'] . " OPTION"; } // treat sequences as tables, because that's how mssql10_bit_table created them if (strcasecmp($object_type, 'SEQUENCE') == 0) { $object_type = 'TABLE'; } // translate pg to ms object type names that the GRANT ... CLASS :: specifier accepts $ms_object_type = $object_type; // in mssql a table is an object when doing grants if (strcasecmp($object_type, 'TABLE') == 0) { $ms_object_type = 'OBJECT'; } // in mssql a view is an object when doing grants if (strcasecmp($object_type, 'VIEW') == 0) { $ms_object_type = 'OBJECT'; } // in mssql a function and a procedure is an object when doing grants if (strcasecmp($object_type, 'FUNCTION') == 0) { $ms_object_type = 'OBJECT'; } if (strlen($sql) > 0) { $sql .= "\n"; } $sql .= self::compile_sql_statement(strtoupper($node_permission->getName()), implode(', ', $operations), $ms_object_type, $object_name, mssql10::get_quoted_object_name(xml_parser::role_enum($db_doc, $roles[$j])), $with); } return $sql; }
public static function add_data_row(&$node_table, $row) { // sanity check alpha keys this table expects $data_columns = self::get_column_list($node_table); $row_data_columns = array_keys($row); $diff = array_diff($row_data_columns, $data_columns); if (count($diff) > 0) { throw new exception("table " . $node_table['name'] . " (" . implode(',', $data_columns) . ") does not contain all columns specified in row_data_columns (" . implode(',', $row_data_columns) . ") diff: (" . implode(',', $diff) . ")"); } $pk_cols = self::primary_key_columns($node_table); // only check if it has primary key columns if the table has a primary key if (count($pk_cols) > 0) { $diff = array_diff($pk_cols, $row_data_columns); if (count($diff) > 0) { throw new exception("table " . $node_table['name'] . " rows element missing primary key column. diff: (" . implode(',', $diff) . ")"); } } // collect rows to add in $new_rows, index by row_data_columns // @TODO: the caller then data_rows_overlay()'s these all at once $new_rows = array(); // $new_rows contains all of the variants of rows collections to add to the table // it is expected that there is a low number of insert statement variants if (!isset($new_rows[$row_data_columns])) { $new_rows[$row_data_columns] = new SimpleXMLElement('<rows/>'); } // have the xml_parser compositor add the row with it's overlay logic // which compensates for additional columns, missing columns // and all the rest of the variants for <rows> <row> elements $node_new_row = $new_rows[$row_data_columns]->addChild('row'); foreach ($row as $column_name => $column_value) { $new_rows[$row_data_columns]['columns'] .= $column_name . ','; $node_new_row->addChild('col', xml_parser::ampersand_magic(sql_parser::quoted_value_strip($column_value))); } $new_rows[$row_data_columns]['columns'] = substr($new_rows[$row_data_columns]['columns'], 0, -1); //var_dump($new_rows[$row_data_columns]->asXML()); //die('add_data_row tracer 115'); // see @TODO: above caller collation xml_parser::data_rows_overlay($node_table, $new_rows[$row_data_columns]); }
/** * Creates and returns SQL command for creation of the sequence. * * @return created SQL command */ public static function get_creation_sql($node_schema, $node_sequence) { if (isset($node_sequence['start']) && !is_numeric((string) $node_sequence['start'])) { throw new exception("start value is not numeric: " . $node_sequence['start']); } if (isset($node_sequence['inc']) && !is_numeric((string) $node_sequence['inc'])) { throw new exception("increment by value is not numeric: " . $node_sequence['inc']); } if (isset($node_sequence['max']) && !is_numeric((string) $node_sequence['max'])) { throw new exception("max value is not numeric: " . $node_sequence['max']); } if (isset($node_sequence['min']) && !is_numeric((string) $node_sequence['min'])) { throw new exception("min value is not numeric: " . $node_sequence['min']); } format::set_context_replica_set_id($node_sequence); $cache = 1; if (isset($node_sequence['cache'])) { if (!is_numeric((string) $node_sequence['cache'])) { throw new exception($node_schema['name'] . '.' . $node_sequence['name'] . " cache parameter for is not numeric: " . $node_sequence['cache']); } $cache = (int) $node_sequence['cache']; } if (isset($node_sequence['start'])) { $start = (int) $node_sequence['start']; } else { if (isset($node_sequence['min'])) { $start = (int) $node_sequence['min']; } else { $start = '1'; } } if (isset($node_sequence['inc'])) { $inc = (int) $node_sequence['inc']; } else { $inc = '1'; } $max_value = (int) $node_sequence['max']; if ($max_value > 0) { $max_value = 'MAXVALUE ' . $max_value; } else { $max_value = 'NO MAXVALUE'; } $min_value = (int) $node_sequence['min']; if ($min_value > 0) { $min_value = 'MINVALUE ' . $min_value; } else { $min_value = 'NO MINVALUE'; } $cycle = 'NO CYCLE'; if (strlen($node_sequence['cycle']) > 0 && strcasecmp($node_sequence['cycle'], 'false') != 0) { $cycle = 'CYCLE'; } $owned_by = ''; if (strlen($node_sequence['ownedBy']) > 0) { $owned_by = " OWNED BY " . $node_sequence['ownedBy']; } $sequence_name = pgsql8::get_quoted_schema_name($node_schema['name']) . '.' . pgsql8::get_quoted_object_name($node_sequence['name']); $ddl = "CREATE SEQUENCE " . $sequence_name . "\n\tSTART WITH " . $start . "\n\tINCREMENT BY " . $inc . "\n\t" . $max_value . "\n\t" . $min_value . "\n\tCACHE " . $cache . "\n\t" . $cycle . $owned_by . ";\n"; // sequence ownership if (isset($node_sequence['owner'])) { $ddl .= "ALTER TABLE " . $sequence_name . " OWNER TO " . xml_parser::role_enum(dbsteward::$new_database, $node_sequence['owner']) . ";\n"; } // sequence comment if (isset($schema['description']) && strlen($schema['description']) > 0) { $ddl .= "COMMENT ON SCHEMA " . $sequence_name . " IS '" . pg_escape_string($schema['description']) . "';\n"; } return $ddl; }
private function common($xml, $expected) { $dbs = new SimpleXMLElement($xml); $ofs = new mock_output_file_segmenter(); dbsteward::$new_database = $dbs; $table_dependency = xml_parser::table_dependency_order($dbs); mysql5::build_data($dbs, $ofs, $table_dependency); $actual = $ofs->_get_output(); // get rid of extra whitespace $expected = preg_replace("/^ +/m", "", $expected); $expected = trim(preg_replace("/\n+/", "\n", $expected)); // echo $actual; // get rid of comments $actual = preg_replace("/\\s*-- .*\$/m", '', $actual); // get rid of extra whitespace $actual = preg_replace("/^ +/m", "", $actual); $actual = trim(preg_replace("/\n+/", "\n", $actual)); $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual); }
protected function setup_mysql5() { $xml = <<<XML <dbsteward> <database> <sqlformat>mysql5</sqlformat> <role> <application>app_application</application> <owner>postgres</owner> <replication>app_slony</replication> <readonly>app_readonly</readonly> </role> </database> <schema name="app" owner="ROLE_OWNER"> <table name="my_table" owner="ROLE_OWNER" primaryKey="id" primaryKeyName="my_table_pk"> <column name="id" type="character varying(32)" null="false"/> <column name="action" type="character varying(32)"/> <column name="description" type="character varying(200)"/> <rows columns="id, action, description"> <row> <col>1</col> <col>Row 1</col> <col>Action 1 Description</col> </row> <row> <col>2</col> <col>Row 2</col> <col>Action 2 Description</col> </row> <row> <col>3</col> <col>Row 3</col> <col>Action 3 Description</col> </row> <row> <col>4</col> <col>Row 4</col> <col>Action 4 Description</col> </row> <row> <col>5</col> <col>Row 5</col> <col>Action 5 Description</col> </row> </rows> </table> </schema> </dbsteward> XML; $xml_data_overlay = <<<XML <dbsteward> <database> <role> <application>client_app_application</application> <owner>postgres</owner> <replication>client_app_slony</replication> <readonly>client_app_readonly</readonly> </role> </database> <schema name="app" owner="ROLE_OWNER"> <table name="my_table" owner="ROLE_OWNER" primaryKey="id" primaryKeyName="my_table_pk"> <rows columns="id, description"> <row> <col>2</col> <col>Action 2 Alternate Description</col> </row> <row> <col>3</col> <col>Action 3 Alternate Description</col> </row> <row> <col>5</col> <col>Action 5 Alternate Description</col> </row> </rows> </table> </schema> </dbsteward> XML; $this->xml_file_a = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../testdata/mysql5_unit_test_xml_a.xml'; $this->xml_file_b = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../testdata/mysql5_unit_test_xml_b.xml'; $this->xml_file_c = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../testdata/mysql5_unit_test_xml_c.xml'; $this->set_xml_content_a($xml); $this->set_xml_content_b($xml); $this->set_xml_content_c($xml_data_overlay); $this->output_prefix = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../testdata/mysql5_unit_test_identical'; dbsteward::$single_stage_upgrade = TRUE; $old_db_doc_comp = xml_parser::xml_composite(array($this->xml_file_a, $this->xml_file_c)); $new_db_doc_comp = xml_parser::xml_composite(array($this->xml_file_b, $this->xml_file_c)); mysql5::build_upgrade('', 'identical_diff_test_mysql5_old', $old_db_doc_comp, array(), $this->output_prefix, 'identical_diff_test_mysql5_new', $new_db_doc_comp, array()); }
require_once 'inc/'; require_once 'inc/'; require_once 'inc/'; $file_date = gettimeofday(true); // this is a ugly, ugly hack //$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query('TRUNCATE phpgw_access_log'); if (!isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE']) || $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST') { exit('I\'m a SyncML server (1)'); } $post_input = implode("\r\n", file('php://input')); file_put_contents('/tmp/' . $file_date . '-a.xml', $post_input); switch ($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE']) { case 'application/vnd.syncml+wbxml': $post_input = wbxml_decode($post_input); case 'application/vnd.syncml+xml': $parser = new xml_parser(); $response = new syncml_response(); break; default: exit('I\'m a SyncML server (2)'); } $message = new syncml_message(); // the header $header = $parser->parse($post_input, new xml_offset_mapper(array('SYNCML', 'SYNCHDR'))); $message->process_header($header); unset($header); // the body $body = $parser->parse($post_input, new xml_offset_mapper(array('SYNCML', 'SYNCBODY'))); $message->process_body($body); unset($body, $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']); // execute and print everything
private function diff($old, $new, $expected1, $expected3, $message = '') { dbsteward::$old_database = xml_parser::composite_doc(NULL, simplexml_load_string($this->db_doc_xml . $old . '</dbsteward>')); dbsteward::$new_database = xml_parser::composite_doc(NULL, simplexml_load_string($this->db_doc_xml . $new . '</dbsteward>')); $ofs1 = new mock_output_file_segmenter(); $ofs3 = new mock_output_file_segmenter(); mysql5_diff::$old_table_dependency = xml_parser::table_dependency_order(dbsteward::$old_database); mysql5_diff::$new_table_dependency = xml_parser::table_dependency_order(dbsteward::$new_database); mysql5_diff::update_structure($ofs1, $ofs3); $actual1 = trim($ofs1->_get_output()); $actual3 = trim($ofs3->_get_output()); $this->assertEquals($expected1, $actual1, "during stage 1: {$message}"); $this->assertEquals($expected3, $actual3, "during stage 3: {$message}"); }
/** * @group pgsql8 */ public function testGoodSerialIdPGSQL8() { // reset options $this->apply_options_pgsql8(); dbsteward::$require_slony_id = TRUE; dbsteward::$generate_slonik = TRUE; $this->set_xml_content_a($this->pgsql8_xml_good_serial_id); // build the DDL first, incase dbsteward code wants to throw about something pgsql8::build($this->output_prefix, xml_parser::xml_composite(array($this->xml_file_a))); // if that worked, build a db with this definition $this->pgsql8->create_db(); $this->assertStringNotEqualsFile($this->output_prefix . '_build.sql', ''); $this->pgsql8->run_file($this->output_prefix . '_build.sql'); }
/** * if in_both = false, what rows in A are not in B ? * * if in_both = true, what rows are in A and B ? * - when a is empty, all of b's are returned * - a's row members are the ones returned when in_both rows are found * this is important when comparing tables whose rows are the same but have added columns * * @return void */ public static function table_data_rows_compare($table_a, $table_b, $in_both, &$a_rows, &$b_rows, &$changes) { $a_rows = array(); $b_rows = array(); $changes = array(); $table_a_data_rows = dbx::get_table_rows($table_a); $table_b_data_rows = dbx::get_table_rows($table_b); // data_row_overlay_key_search() needs these to do the matching $table_a_data_rows_columns = preg_split("/[\\,\\s]+/", $table_a_data_rows['columns'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $table_b_data_rows_columns = preg_split("/[\\,\\s]+/", $table_b_data_rows['columns'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if ($table_a_data_rows == null || $table_a_data_rows_columns == null) { // table_a has no data rows if ($in_both) { // what rows are in A and B? none in A to compare } else { // what rows in A are not in B? none to list } } else { if ($table_b_data_rows == null || $table_b_data_rows_columns == null) { // table_b has no data rows if ($in_both) { // what rows are in A and B? none in B to compare } else { // what rows in A are not in B? omg, all of them! $a_rows = $table_a_data_rows->row; } } else { $table_b_primary_keys = mysql5_table::primary_key_columns($table_b); // @NOTICE: in the case of table row data comparising for DIFFING, the primary keys to use are table B // but the table B and A columns are reversed compared to data_rows_overlay() as the comparison is B vs A not base vs overlay (AvB) // so the columns to match as base and overlay are reversed, comared to other calls to data_row_overlay_primary_key_index() $primary_key_index = xml_parser::data_row_overlay_primary_key_index($table_b_primary_keys, $table_b_data_rows_columns, $table_a_data_rows_columns); $base_pklookup = array(); $i = 0; if (count($primary_key_index['base'])) { foreach ($table_b_data_rows->row as $base_row) { $s = ''; foreach ($primary_key_index['base'] as $index) { $s .= ':' . $base_row->col[$index]; } $base_pklookup[$s] = $i++; } } $table_b_index = 0; foreach ($table_a_data_rows->row as $table_a_data_row) { $s = ''; foreach ($primary_key_index['overlay'] as $index) { $s .= ':' . $table_a_data_row->col[$index]; } if (array_key_exists($s, $base_pklookup)) { $match = TRUE; $table_b_index = $base_pklookup[$s]; } else { $match = FALSE; } if ($match) { // we found a match //echo "rows match\n"; var_dump($table_a_data_row); var_dump($table_b_data_row); $table_b_data_row =& $table_b_data_rows->row[$table_b_index]; if ($in_both) { // looking for rows in both // is the row marked for delete in A? if (self::table_data_row_deleted($table_a_data_row)) { // don't return changes, we are looking for rows in_both } else { if (self::table_data_row_deleted($table_b_data_row)) { // don't return changes, we are looking for rows in_both } else { // do table data row diff, add rows to return by reference rows for both A and B $changed_columns = array(); static::table_data_row_diff($table_a_data_rows_columns, $table_a_data_row, $table_b_data_rows_columns, $table_b_data_row, $changed_columns); $a_rows[] = $table_a_data_row; $b_rows[] = $table_b_data_row; $changes[] = $changed_columns; } } } else { // is the A row marked for delete? if (self::table_data_row_deleted($table_a_data_row)) { // there was a match, but we are looking for A not in B, A row is marked deleted, don't return it } else { if (self::table_data_row_deleted($table_b_data_row)) { // there was a match // A is not deleted // we are looking for A not in B // B is deleted $a_rows[] = $table_a_data_row; } } } } else { // echo "rows don't match\n"; var_dump($table_a_data_row); var_dump($table_b_data_row); // no match if (!$in_both) { // looking for A not in B if (self::table_data_row_deleted($table_a_data_row)) { // but the A row is marked deleted, don't return it } else { $a_rows[] = $table_a_data_row; } } } } } } }
/** * Insert any missing slonyId and slonySetId as specifeid by dbsteward mode variables * * @param SimpleXML $indoc * @return SimpleXML */ public static function slonyid_number($indoc) { $outdoc = clone $indoc; // start with --slonyidsetvalue= $slony_set_id = dbsteward::$slonyid_set_value; // start slony ID at --slonyidstartvalue= $slony_id = dbsteward::$slonyid_start_value; foreach ($outdoc->schema as $schema) { xml_parser::slonyid_number_set($schema, $slony_set_id); foreach ($schema->table as $table) { xml_parser::slonyid_number_set($table, $slony_set_id); xml_parser::slonyid_number_id($table, $slony_id); foreach ($table->column as $column) { // make sure any serial columns have slonySetId if (sql99_column::is_serial($column['type'])) { xml_parser::slonyid_number_set($column, $slony_set_id); xml_parser::slonyid_number_id($column, $slony_id); } } } foreach ($schema->trigger as $trigger) { xml_parser::slonyid_number_set($trigger, $slony_set_id); } foreach ($schema->sequence as $sequence) { xml_parser::slonyid_number_set($sequence, $slony_set_id); xml_parser::slonyid_number_id($sequence, $slony_id); } foreach ($schema->function as $function) { xml_parser::slonyid_number_set($function, $slony_set_id); } foreach ($schema->sql as $sql) { xml_parser::slonyid_number_set($sql, $slony_set_id); } } return $outdoc; }
protected function upgrade_db($format, $ofs1, $ofs2, $ofs3, $ofs4) { dbsteward::set_sql_format($format); $doc_a = new SimpleXMLElement($this->{$format . '_xml_a'}); $doc_b = new SimpleXMLElement($this->{$format . '_xml_b'}); dbsteward::$old_database = $doc_a; dbsteward::$new_database = $doc_b; $diff_class = $format . '_diff'; $diff_class::$old_table_dependency = xml_parser::table_dependency_order($doc_a); $diff_class::$new_table_dependency = xml_parser::table_dependency_order($doc_b); $diff_class::diff_doc_work($ofs1, $ofs2, $ofs3, $ofs4); }
/** * @group mysql5 */ public function testUpgradeNewTableMysql5() { $this->apply_options_mysql5(); $this->setup_mysql5(); // upgrade from base // to base + strict action table + new resolution table // check null specificity $base_db_doc = xml_parser::xml_composite(array($this->xml_file_a)); $newtable_db_doc = xml_parser::xml_composite(array($this->xml_file_a, $this->xml_file_b, $this->xml_file_c)); mysql5::build_upgrade('', 'newtable_upgrade_test_pgsql8_base', $base_db_doc, array(), $this->output_prefix, 'newtable_upgrade_test_pgsql8_newtable', $newtable_db_doc, array()); $text = file_get_contents($this->output_prefix . '_upgrade_single_stage.sql'); // make sure NOT NULL is specified for description column $this->assertContains('`description` character varying(200) NOT NULL', $text); // make sure NOT NULL is specified for resolution column $this->assertContains('`resolution` character varying(16) NOT NULL', $text); // make sure NOT NULL is NOT specified for points column $this->assertNotContains('`points` int NOT NULL', $text); }