Ejemplo n.º 1
*  show phone numbers and dial button if there are phone numbers assigned to this agent
*  in diallist table
*  @param	extension		string			extension
*  @return	object				xajax response object
function getPrivateDialListNumber($extension = null)
    global $locate, $db;
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    $count = astercrm::getDialNumCountByAgent($extension);
    if ($count == 0) {
        $objResponse->addAssign("spanDialList", "innerHTML", $locate->Translate("no_dial_list"));
        $objResponse->addAssign("divWork", "innerHTML", '');
        $objResponse->addAssign("btnWorkStatus", "value", "");
        $objResponse->addAssign("btnWork", "value", $locate->Translate("Start work"));
        $objResponse->addAssign("btnWork", "disabled", true);
        $_SESSION['curuser']['WorkStatus'] = '';
    } else {
        // add div
        $objResponse->addCreate("spanDialList", "div", "spanDialListRecords");
        $objResponse->addAssign("spanDialListRecords", "innerHTML", $locate->Translate("records_in_dial_list_table") . $count);
        // add start campaign button
        $objResponse->addCreateInput("spanDialList", "button", "btnGetAPhoneNumber", "btnGetAPhoneNumber");
        $objResponse->addAssign("btnGetAPhoneNumber", "value", $locate->Translate("get_a_phone_number"));
        $objResponse->addEvent("btnGetAPhoneNumber", "onclick", "btnGetAPhoneNumberOnClick();");
        if ($_SESSION['curuser']['WorkStatus'] == '') {
            $objResponse->addAssign("btnWorkStatus", "value", "");
            $objResponse->addAssign("btnWork", "value", $locate->Translate("Start work"));
            $objResponse->addAssign("btnWork", "disabled", false);
    return $objResponse;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function window_open($window_name, $window = array())
    // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object
    $response = new xajaxResponse();
    if (!$window_name) {
        return $response->getXML();
    // Variables that might be used in building HTML :: FIXME this is site specific!
    global $font_family, $color, $style, $images;
    // Load $window_html and $window_title from an include file
    $file = window_find_include($window_name);
    if ($file) {
        require_once $file;
    // Setup a header and footer for the new window
    if (!$window['header']) {
        $window['header'] = <<<EOL

        <!-- This wrapper table is so that internal tables can be set to 100% width and they won't stretch the box too wide. -->
        <table id="{$window_name}_table" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0">

            <!-- Window bar and close button -->
            <table id="{$window_name}_title_table" class="window_title" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #69A6DE;background-color: {$color['window_title_bg']};" width="100%" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0">

                <td id="{$window_name}_title"
                    onMouseDown="focus_window('{$window_name}'); dragStart(event, '{$window_name}');"
                    style="cursor: move;
                           white-space: nowrap;
                           font-weight: bold;
                           text-align: left;
                           padding: 2px 4px;">{$window['title']}</td>

                <td id="{$window_name}_title_r"
                    style="color: {$color['window_title_font']};
                           white-space: nowrap;
                           text-align: right;
                           padding: 2px 4px;"><span id="{$window_name}_title_help"></span>&nbsp;<a title="Close window" style="cursor: pointer;" onClick="removeElement('{$window_name}');"><img src="{$images}/icon_close.gif" border="0" /></a></td>

    if (!$window['footer']) {
        $window['footer'] = <<<EOL
    // Create a new div to display the content in
    $response->addCreate("window_container", "div", $window_name);
    $response->addScript("initialize_window('{$window_name}');" . "el('{$window_name}').style.display = 'none';" . "el('{$window_name}').style.visibility = 'hidden';" . "el('{$window_name}').onclick = function(ev) { focus_window(this.id); };");
    $response->addAssign($window_name, "innerHTML", $window['header'] . $window['html'] . $window['footer']);
    $response->addScript("toggle_window('{$window_name}');" . $window['js']);
    // Send an XML response to the web browser
    return $response->getXML();
Ejemplo n.º 3
function ws_draw_block($window_name, $form = '')
    global $conf, $self, $ona;
    global $images, $color, $style;
    $html = '';
    $js = '';
    // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object
    $response = new xajaxResponse();
    // If the user supplied an array in a string, build the array and store it in $form
    $form = parse_options_string($form);
    // Find out if $ip is valid
    $ip = ip_mangle($form['ip'], 'numeric');
    if ($ip == -1) {
        $js .= "alert('Invalid IP address!');";
        return $response->getXML();
    // Build a few variables
    $label = ip_mangle($ip, 'dotted');
    if (is_ipv4($ip)) {
        $string_size = 15;
    } else {
        $string_size = 20;
    $function = "get_{$form['row_type']}_html";
    $row_zoom = $form['row_zoom'];
    $row_height = $form['row_height'];
    $row_offset = $form['row_offset'];
    // This is the number of pixels to leave for the label on the left (.45 * row height, * $string_size possible characters)
    $label_width = round($form['row_height'] * 0.45 * $string_size);
    $font_height = $form['row_height'] - 2;
    // Label font-size
    if ($font_height < 8) {
        $font_height = 8;
    $row_left = $label_width + 10;
    // Left offset for the block row
    // Get some html (the html that goes inside the div)
    $html = $function($ip, $row_zoom, $row_height);
    $el_name = $ip . '_row';
    // Add a row label
    $response->addCreate("{$window_name}_substrate", "div", $el_name . '_label');
        var _el = el('{$el_name}_label');
        _el.style.visibility = 'hidden';
        _el.style.position = 'absolute';
        _el.style.textAlign = 'right';
        _el.style.color = '#000000';
        _el.style.fontSize = '{$font_height}px';
        _el.style.top  = '{$row_offset}px';
        _el.style.left = '2px';
        _el.style.width = '{$label_width}px';
        _el.style.overflow = 'visible';
        _el.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap';
    // Add the row
    $response->addCreate("{$window_name}_substrate", "div", $el_name);
        var _el = el('{$el_name}');
        _el.style.visibility = 'hidden';
        _el.style.position = 'absolute';
        _el.style.top  = '{$row_offset}px';
        _el.style.left = '{$row_left}px';
        _el.style.borderTop    = '1px solid #000000';
        _el.style.borderBottom = '1px solid #000000';
        _el.style.borderLeft   = '1px solid #000000';
        if (browser.isIE)
            _el.style.fontSize = ({$font_height} - 2) + 'px';
    // Fill the label and row
    $response->addAssign($el_name, "innerHTML", $html);
    $response->addAssign($el_name . '_label', "innerHTML", $label);
    // Javascript to make sure the container (row) div is the exact length to hold it's contents in one row
        var nodes = _el.childNodes;
        var width = 0;
        for (var counter=0; counter < nodes.length; counter++)
            if (nodes[counter].nodeType == 1)
                width += parseInt(nodes[counter].offsetWidth);
        if (browser.isIE) width += 1; /* for the left border */
        _el.style.width = width + 'px';
    // Display the label and block
        el('{$el_name}_label').style.visibility = 'visible';
        el('{$el_name}').style.visibility = 'visible';
        /* Tell the browser we've sent it this block so it knows it can re-request it if it needs to */
        _map_requests_['{$el_name}'] = undefined;
    if ($js) {
    return $response->getXML();
Ejemplo n.º 4
function addIndexField($field)
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    //	$objResponse->addAlert($field);
    //	$html = '<li id="idx_fld_list['.$field.']">'.$field.' => descending? <input type="checkbox" name="idx_fld_add['.$field.'][sorting]" value="1" ></li>';
    $objResponse->addCreateInput('frm_index', 'hidden', "idx_fld_add[{$field}]", "idx_fld_add_{$field}");
    $objResponse->addAssign('idx_fld_add_' . $field, 'value', '');
    //	$html = "<li id=\"idx_fld_item[{$field}]\">{$field} => descending?</li>";
    //	$objResponse->addAppend('idx_fields', 'innerHTML', $html);
    $objResponse->addCreate("idx_fields", 'li', "idx_fld_item[{$field}]");
    $objResponse->addAssign("idx_fld_item[{$field}]", 'value', $field);
    $objResponse->addAssign("idx_fld_item[{$field}]", 'innerHTML', "{$field} => descending?");
    $objResponse->addCreateInput("idx_fld_item[{$field}]", 'checkbox', "idx_fld_desc[{$field}]", "idx_fld_desc[{$field}]");
    $objResponse->addAssign("idx_fld_desc[{$field}]", 'value', "1");
    return $objResponse;