Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function display($instance = array())
     $this->uid = wpl_request::getVar('uid', 0);
     if (!$this->uid) {
         $this->uid = wpl_request::getVar('sf_select_user_id', 0);
         wpl_request::setVar('uid', $this->uid);
     /** check user id **/
     if (!$this->uid) {
         /** import message tpl **/
         $this->message = __("No profile found or it's not available now!", WPL_TEXTDOMAIN);
         return parent::render($this->tpl_path, 'message', false, true);
     /** set the user id to search credentials **/
     wpl_request::setVar('sf_select_user_id', $this->uid);
     /** set the kind **/
     $this->kind = wpl_request::getVar('kind', '0');
     wpl_request::setVar('kind', $this->kind);
     /** User Type **/
     $this->user_type = wpl_users::get_user_user_type($this->uid);
     /** trigger event **/
     wpl_global::event_handler('profile_show', array('id' => $this->uid, 'kind' => $this->kind));
     /** import tpl **/
     $this->tpl = wpl_users::get_user_type_tpl($this->tpl_path, $this->tpl, $this->user_type);
     /** import tpl **/
     return parent::render($this->tpl_path, $this->tpl, false, true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function display($instance = array())
     /** profile listing model **/
     $this->model = new wpl_users();
     /** global settings **/
     $settings = wpl_settings::get_settings();
     /** listing settings **/
     $this->page_number = wpl_request::getVar('wplpage', 1, '', true);
     $this->limit = wpl_request::getVar('limit', $settings['default_profile_page_size'], '', true);
     $this->start = wpl_request::getVar('start', ($this->page_number - 1) * $this->limit, '', true);
     $this->orderby = wpl_request::getVar('wplorderby', $settings['default_profile_orderby'], '', true);
     $this->order = wpl_request::getVar('wplorder', $settings['default_profile_order'], '', true);
     /** Set Property CSS class **/
     $this->property_css_class = wpl_request::getVar('wplpcc', NULL);
     if (!$this->property_css_class) {
         $this->property_css_class = wpl_request::getVar('wplpcc', 'grid_box', 'COOKIE');
     $this->property_css_class_switcher = wpl_request::getVar('wplpcc_switcher', '1');
     $this->property_listview = wpl_request::getVar('wplplv', '1');
     #Show listview or not
     /** set page if start var passed **/
     $this->page_number = $this->start / $this->limit + 1;
     wpl_request::setVar('wplpage', $this->page_number);
     /** User Type **/
     $this->user_type = wpl_request::getVar('sf_select_membership_type', NULL);
     /** detect kind **/
     $this->kind = wpl_request::getVar('kind', 2);
     if (!in_array($this->kind, wpl_flex::get_valid_kinds())) {
         /** import message tpl **/
         $this->message = __('Invalid Request!', WPL_TEXTDOMAIN);
         return parent::render($this->tpl_path, 'message', false, true);
     /** pagination types **/
     $this->wplpagination = wpl_request::getVar('wplpagination', 'normal', '', true);
     wpl_request::setVar('wplpagination', $this->wplpagination);
     $where = array('sf_tmin_id' => 1, 'sf_select_access_public_profile' => 1, 'sf_select_expired' => 0);
     /** Add search conditions to the where **/
     $vars = array_merge(wpl_request::get('POST'), wpl_request::get('GET'));
     $where = array_merge($vars, $where);
     /** start search **/
     $this->model->start($this->start, $this->limit, $this->orderby, $this->order, $where);
     $this->model->total = $this->model->get_users_count();
     /** validation for page_number **/
     $this->total_pages = ceil($this->model->total / $this->limit);
     if ($this->page_number <= 0 or $this->page_number > $this->total_pages) {
         $this->model->start = 0;
     /** run the search **/
     $query = $this->model->query();
     $profiles = $this->model->search();
     /** finish search **/
     $plisting_fields = $this->model->get_plisting_fields();
     $wpl_profiles = array();
     foreach ($profiles as $profile) {
         $wpl_profiles[$profile->id] = $this->model->full_render($profile->id, $plisting_fields);
     /** define current index **/
     $wpl_profiles['current'] = array();
     /** apply filters (This filter must place after all proccess) **/
     @extract(wpl_filters::apply('profile_listing_after_render', array('wpl_profiles' => $wpl_profiles)));
     $this->pagination = wpl_pagination::get_pagination($this->model->total, $this->limit, true, $this->wplraw);
     $this->wpl_profiles = $wpl_profiles;
     /** import tpl **/
     $this->tpl = wpl_users::get_user_type_tpl($this->tpl_path, $this->tpl, $this->user_type);
     /** import tpl **/
     return parent::render($this->tpl_path, $this->tpl, false, true);