/** Attachs a value to the validator. $mValue must be either a string, an integer, a float, an instance of Printable or an object castable to string. @param $mValue The value to attach. @return $this Used to chain methods. @throw DomainException $mValue is not of a correct type. */ public function setValue($mValue) { if (is_object($mValue)) { if ($mValue instanceof Printable) { $mValue = $mValue->toString(); } elseif (method_exists($mValue, '__toString')) { $mValue = (string) $mValue; } } is_null($mValue) || is_string($mValue) || is_int($mValue) || is_float($mValue) or burn('DomainException', _WT('$mValue is not of a correct type.')); return parent::setValue($mValue); }
public function validate() { parent::validate(); }