function siteInfo() { $file = c::get('root.content') . '/site.txt'; $info = variables::fetch($file); // merge the current site info with the additional // info from the info file(s) $this->variables = $info; $this->_ = array_merge($this->_, $info); }
function siteInfo() { $file = c::get('root.content') . '/site.txt'; $info = variables::fetch($file); $this->_ = array_merge($this->_, $info); }
function info($lang = false) { // first run: fetch all the things we need if (!$this->info) { $root = c::get('root.content'); if (c::get('')) { $defaultLang = c::get('lang.default'); $currentLang = c::get('lang.current'); foreach (c::get('lang.available') as $lang) { $file = $root . '/site.' . $lang . '.' . c::get('content.file.extension', 'txt'); if (!file_exists($file)) { continue; } // fetch the site info from the defaulf file. $fetched = variables::fetch($file); $data = $fetched['data']; $data['filecontent'] = $fetched['raw']; $this->_['info'][$lang] = $data; } // if there's no default language if (!isset($this->_['info'][$defaultLang])) { $file = $root . '/site.' . c::get('content.file.extension', 'txt'); if (file_exists($file)) { // fetch the site info from the defaulf file. $fetched = variables::fetch($file); $data = $fetched['data']; $data['filecontent'] = $fetched['raw']; $this->_['info'][$defaultLang] = $data; } else { $this->_['info'][$defaultLang] = array(); } } foreach ($this->_['info'] as $key => $value) { if ($key == $defaultLang) { continue; } $merged = array_merge($this->_['info'][$defaultLang], $value); $this->_['info'][$key] = new siteinfo($merged); } // bake the default language stuff into an object finally $this->_['info'][$defaultLang] = new siteinfo($this->_['info'][$defaultLang]); // get the current variables $current = isset($this->_['info'][$currentLang]) ? $this->_['info'][$currentLang] : $this->_['info'][$defaultLang]; } else { $file = $root . '/site.' . c::get('content.file.extension', 'txt'); if (file_exists($file)) { // fetch the site info from the defaulf file. $fetched = variables::fetch($file); $data = $fetched['data']; $data['filecontent'] = $fetched['raw']; $this->_['info'] = new siteinfo($data); } else { $this->_['info'] = new siteinfo(array()); } $current = $this->_['info']; } // add all variables $vars = $current->_; // don't add the filecontent var, // because this is not a custom var unset($vars['filecontent']); $this->variables = $vars; // merge the current site info with the additional // info from the info file(s) $this->_ = array_merge($this->_, $current->_); } // now get the stuff the user wants if (c::get('')) { $currentLang = c::get('lang.current'); $defaultLang = c::get('lang.default'); if ($lang && in_array($lang, c::get('lang.available'))) { return isset($this->info[$lang]) ? $this->info[$lang] : $this->info[$defaultLang]; } return isset($this->info[$currentLang]) ? $this->info[$currentLang] : $this->info[$defaultLang]; } else { return $this->info; } }