Ejemplo n.º 1
 * vBForum_Search_Type_Post::fetch_validated_list()
 * When displaying results we get passed a list of id's. This
 * function determines which are viewable by the user.
 * @param object $user
 * @param array $ids : the postid's returned from a search
 * @param array $gids : the group id's for the posts
 * @return array (array of viewable posts, array of rejected posts)
 public function fetch_validated_list($user, $ids, $gids)
     require_once DIR . '/includes/functions_forumlist.php';
     $map = array();
     foreach ($ids as $i => $id) {
         $map[$gids[$i]][] = $id;
     $threads = vB_Legacy_Thread::create_array(array_unique($gids));
     $rejected_groups = array();
     foreach ($threads as $thread) {
         if (!$thread->can_search($user)) {
             $rejected_groups[] = $thread->get_field('threadid');
     $searchids = array();
     foreach ($map as $gid => $value) {
         $searchids = array_merge($searchids, $value);
     $list = array_fill_keys($ids, false);
     if (count($searchids)) {
         $posts = vB_Legacy_Post::create_array($searchids, $threads);
         foreach ($posts as $id => $post) {
             $item = vBForum_Search_Result_Post::create_from_object($post);
             if ($item->can_search($user)) {
                 $list[$id] = $item;
     $retval = array('list' => $list, 'groups_rejected' => $rejected_groups);
     ($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('search_validated_list')) ? eval($hook) : false;
     return $retval;
Ejemplo n.º 2
	 * Index a thread
	 * By default this will look up all of the posts in a thread and calls the core
	 * indexer for each one
	 * @param int $id the thread id
	public function index_thread($id)
		global $vbulletin;

		$thread = vB_Legacy_Thread::create_from_id($id);
		// make sure thread comes from the CMS comment forum 
		if ($thread->get_field('forumid') != $vbulletin->options['vbcmsforumid'])

		$set = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
			SELECT post.* FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post WHERE threadid = " . intval($id)

		$indexer = vB_Search_Core::get_instance()->get_core_indexer();
		while ($row = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($set))
			$post = vB_Legacy_Post::create_from_record($row, $thread);
			$fields = $this->post_to_indexfields($post);
			if ($fields)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public static function create_array($ids, $thread_map = array())
        global $vbulletin;
        if (empty($ids)) {
            return array();
        $select = array();
        $joins = array();
        $where = array();
        $select[] = 'post.*';
        $select[] = 'userfield.*, usertextfield.*, user.*, IF(displaygroupid=0, user.usergroupid, displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid';
        $joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'user AS user ON (user.userid = post.userid)';
        $joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'userfield AS userfield ON (user.userid = userfield.userid)';
        $joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'usertextfield AS usertextfield ON (user.userid = usertextfield.userid)';
        $where[] = 'post.postid IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ')';
        if ($vbulletin->options['avatarenabled']) {
            $select[] = 'avatar.avatarpath, NOT ISNULL(customavatar.userid) AS hascustomavatar,
						customavatar.dateline AS avatardateline, customavatar.width AS width, customavatar.height AS height,
						customavatar.height_thumb AS height_thumb, customavatar.width_thumb AS width_thumb, customavatar.filedata_thumb';
            $joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'avatar AS avatar ON (avatar.avatarid = user.avatarid)';
            $joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'customavatar AS customavatar ON (customavatar.userid = post.userid)';
        // Get all the post and user data in one go
        $set = $vbulletin->db->query_read_slave("\n\t\t\tSELECT " . implode(",", $select) . "\n\t\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post\n\t\t\t\t" . implode("\n", $joins) . "\n\t\t\tWHERE " . implode(' AND ', $where) . "\n\t\t");
        //ensure that $items is in the same order as $ids
        $items = array_fill_keys($ids, false);
        while ($row = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($set)) {
            $thread = isset($thread_map[$row['threadid']]) ? $thread_map[$row['threadid']] : null;
            $items[$row['postid']] = vB_Legacy_Post::create_from_record($row, $thread);
        $items = array_filter($items);
        return $items;
Ejemplo n.º 4
	 * Populates a view with the expected info from a content item.
	 * @param vB_View $view
	 * @param int $viewtype
	protected function populateViewContent(vB_View $view, $viewtype = self::VIEW_PAGE, $increment_count = true)
		global $show;

		if ($_REQUEST['goto'] == 'newcomment')
			require_once DIR . '/includes/functions_bigthree.php' ;

			$record = vB::$vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT associatedthreadid
				FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "cms_nodeinfo WHERE nodeid = " . $this->getNodeId());
			$threadid = $record['associatedthreadid'];
			$threadinfo = verify_id('thread', $threadid, 1, 1);

			if (vB::$vbulletin->options['threadmarking'] AND vB::$vbulletin->userinfo['userid'])
				vB::$vbulletin->userinfo['lastvisit'] = max($threadinfo['threadread'], $threadinfo['forumread'], TIMENOW - (vB::$vbulletin->options['markinglimit'] * 86400));
			else if (($tview = intval(fetch_bbarray_cookie('thread_lastview', $threadid))) > vB::$vbulletin->userinfo['lastvisit'])
				vB::$vbulletin->userinfo['lastvisit'] = $tview;

			$coventry = fetch_coventry('string');
			$posts = vB::$vbulletin->db->query_first("
				SELECT MIN(postid) AS postid
				FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post
				WHERE threadid = $threadinfo[threadid]
					AND visible = 1
					AND dateline > " . intval(vB::$vbulletin->userinfo['lastvisit']) . "
					". ($coventry ? "AND userid NOT IN ($coventry)" : "") . "
				LIMIT 1

			$target_url = vB_Router::getURL();
			$join_char = strpos($target_url,'?') ? '&' : '?';
			if ($posts['postid'])
				exec_header_redirect($target_url . $join_char . "commentid=" . $posts['postid'] . "#post$posts[postid]");
				exec_header_redirect($target_url . $join_char . "commentid=" . $threadinfo['lastpostid'] . "#post$threadinfo[lastpostid]");
		if ($_REQUEST['commentid'])
			vB::$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array(
				'commentid' => vB_Input::TYPE_INT,
			$postinfo = verify_id('post', vB::$vbulletin->GPC['commentid'], 1, 1);
			$record = vB::$vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT associatedthreadid
				FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "cms_nodeinfo WHERE nodeid = " . $this->getNodeId());
			$threadid = $record['associatedthreadid'];

			// if comment id and node id do not match, we ignore commentid
			if ($postinfo['threadid'] == $threadid)
				$getpagenum = vB::$vbulletin->db->query_first("
					SELECT COUNT(*) AS posts
					FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post
					WHERE threadid = $threadid AND visible = 1
					AND dateline <= $postinfo[dateline]
				$_REQUEST['commentpage'] = ceil($getpagenum['posts'] / 20);

		if ($_REQUEST['do']== 'apply' OR $_REQUEST['do'] == 'update' OR $_REQUEST['do'] == 'movenode')

		($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('vbcms_article_populate_start')) ? eval($hook) : false;

		//Now we need to get the settings for turning off content. There is the "settingsforboth" flag, which says whether we even apply
		// the settings to the current page, and there are the six "show" variables.

		if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'delete' AND $this->content->canEdit())
			$dm = $this->content->getDM();

			// Create route to redirect the user to
			$route = new vBCms_Route_Content();
			$route->node = $this->content->getParentId();
			$_REQUEST['do'] = '';
			throw (new vB_Exception_Reroute($route));

		//When we come from the link to upgrade a blog post, blog, or forum post, the
		// router puts us here.
		$settings_for = $this->content->getSettingsForboth();
		$showfor_this = (((self::VIEW_PAGE == $viewtype)
			AND ($settings_for == 0)) OR ((self::VIEW_PREVIEW == $viewtype)
			AND ($settings_for == 2))) ? 0 : 1;

		$view->showtitle = (($showfor_this AND !$this->content->getShowTitle()))? 0 : 1;
		$view->showpreviewonly = (($showfor_this AND !$this->content->getShowPreviewonly()))? 0 : 1;
		$view->showuser = (($showfor_this AND !$this->content->getShowUser()))? 0 : 1;
		$view->showupdated = (($showfor_this AND !$this->content->getShowUpdated()))? 0 : 1;
		$view->showviewcount = (($showfor_this AND !$this->content->getShowViewcount()))? 0 : 1;
		$view->showpublishdate = (($showfor_this AND !$this->content->getShowPublishdate()))? 0 : 1;
		$view->lastupdated = $this->content->getLastUpdated();
		$showpreviewonly = (($showfor_this AND !$this->content->getShowPreviewonly()))? 0 : 1;

		parent::populateViewContent($view, $viewtype);

		$segments = array('node' => vBCms_Item_Content::buildUrlSegment($this->content->getNodeId(), $this->content->getUrl()), 'action' =>'view');
		$view->page_url =  vBCms_Route_Content::getURL($segments);

		if ($this->editing)
			$view->pagetext = $this->content->getPageText();
			$rendered = $this->content->getRendered($this->data_saved);
			$view->pagetext = $rendered['pages'][$this->parameters['page']];

			if ($this->content->canDownload())
				$view->attachments = $rendered['attachments'];
				$view->showattachments = empty($rendered['viewinfo']) ? 0 : 1 ;

				if (!empty($rendered['viewinfo']))
					foreach ($rendered['viewinfo'] as $key => $viewbit)
						$view->$key = $viewbit;

			$view->parenttitle = $this->content->getParentTitle();

			$view->showattachments = empty($view->attachments) ? 0 : 1 ;

			if (!empty($viewinfo))
				foreach ($viewinfo as $key => $viewbit)
					$view->$key = $viewbit;

			$view->pagelist = $rendered['pagelist'];
			$view->nodesegment = $this->content->getUrlSegment();
			$view->current_page = $this->parameters['page'];
			if ($this->content->canDownload())
				$show['lightbox'] = (vB::$vbulletin->options['lightboxenabled'] AND vB::$vbulletin->options['usepopups']);

		// Only break pages for the page view
		if ((self::VIEW_PAGE == $viewtype) OR (self::VIEW_PREVIEW == $viewtype))
			if (self::VIEW_PAGE == $viewtype)
				if ($increment_count)
					//update the view count
					vB::$vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX .
							"cms_nodeinfo set viewcount = viewcount + 1 where nodeid = " . $this->content->getNodeId());

				//tagging code
				require_once DIR . '/includes/class_taggablecontent.php';
				$taggable = vB_Taggable_Content_Item::create(vB::$vbulletin, $this->content->getContentTypeId(),
					$this->content->getContentId(), $this->content);
				$view->tags = $taggable->fetch_rendered_tag_list();
				$view->tag_count = $taggable->fetch_existing_tag_count();
				$view->showtags = vB::$vbulletin->options['threadtagging'];

				// promoted threadid
				if ($promoted_threadid = $this->content->getThreadId())
					if ($promoted_threadid = verify_id('thread', $promoted_threadid, false))
						// get threadinfo
						$threadinfo = fetch_threadinfo($promoted_threadid);
						$forumperms = fetch_permissions($threadinfo['forumid']);
						$view->threadinfo = $threadinfo;
						// check permissions
						if ($threadinfo['visible'] != 1)
							$promoted_threadid = false;
						else if (!($forumperms & vB::$vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview'])
							OR !($forumperms & vB::$vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewthreads'])
							OR (!($forumperms & vB::$vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canviewothers'])
								AND ($threadinfo['postuserid'] != vB::$vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] OR vB::$vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] == 0)
							$promoted_threadid = false;
							// check forum password
							$foruminfo = fetch_foruminfo($threadinfo['forumid']);

							if ($foruminfo['password'] AND !verify_forum_password($foruminfo['forumid'], $foruminfo['password'], false))
								$promoted_threadid = false;

						$view->promoted_threadid = $promoted_threadid;

				// get pagelist for navigation
				$view->postitle = $this->content->getPostTitle();
				$view->poststarter = $this->content->getPostStarter();
				$view->postauthor = $this->content->getPostAuthor();
				$view->postid = ($this->content->getPostId());
				$view->threadid = $this->content->getThreadId();
				$view->blogpostid = ($this->content->getBlogPostId());
				$view->post_started = ($this->content->getPostStarted());
				$view->post_posted = ($this->content->getPostPosted());
				$view->promoted_blogid = $this->content->getBlogId();

				//make links to original post and/or blog if appropriate
				if ($view->promoted_blogid)
					$view->blog_url = fetch_seo_url('blog',
						array('userid' => $this->content->getPostStarter(),
						'blog_title' => $this->content->getPostTitle()));
				else if ($view->threadid)
					$threadinfo = vB::$vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT threadid, title FROM " .
						TABLE_PREFIX . "thread where threadid = " . $view->threadid);

					if ($threadinfo)
						$post_url = fetch_seo_url('thread', $threadinfo);
						$post_url .= (strpos($post_url, '?' ) ? '&amp;p=' :  '?p=') . $view->postid .
							'#post' . $view->postid;
						$view->post_url = $post_url;

				$view->comment_count = $this->content->getReplyCount();
				$join_char = strpos($view->page_url,'?') ? '&amp;' : '?';
				$view->newcomment_url = $view->page_url . "#new_comment";
				$view->authorid = ($this->content->getUserId());
				$view->authorname = ($this->content->getUsername());
				$view->viewcount = ($this->content->getViewCount());
				$view->replycount = ($this->content->getReplyCount());
				$view->can_edit = ($this->content->canEdit() OR $this->content->canPublish()) ? 1 : 0;
				$view->parentid = $this->content->getParentId();

				// facebook options
				if (is_facebookenabled())
					// display the like button for this article?
					$view->fblikebutton = construct_fblikebutton();

				//check to see if there is an associated thread.
				if ($associatedthreadid = $this->content->getAssociatedThreadId()
					and $this->content->getComments_Enabled())
					$comment_block = new vBCms_Comments();
					$view->comment_block = $comment_block->getPageView($this->content->getNodeId(),
			else if (self::VIEW_PREVIEW == $viewtype)
				if ($showpreviewonly)
					$view->previewtext = $this->content->getPreviewText();
					$view->preview_chopped = 1;
					$view->previewtext = $view->pagetext;

					if (count($view->pagelist) > 1)
						$view->preview_chopped = 1;

				$segments = array('node' => $this->content->getNodeId() . '-' . $this->content->getUrl(), 'action' =>'edit');
				$view->edit_url =  vBCms_Route_Content::getURL($segments) ;
				$view->read_more_phrase = new vB_Phrase('vbcms', 'read_more');
				$view->parenttitle = $this->content->getParentTitle();
				$view->pagetext = $pagetext;
				$view->setpublish = $view->published = $this->content->getPublished();
				$view->publishdate = $this->content->getPublishDateLocal();
				$view->promoted_blogid = $this->content->getBlogId();
				$view->comment_count = $this->content->getReplyCount();
				$join_char = strpos($view->page_url,'?') ? '&amp;' : '?';
				$view->newcomment_url = $view->page_url . "#new_comment";
				$view->authorid = ($this->content->getUserId());
				$view->authorname = ($this->content->getUsername());
				$view->viewcount = ($this->content->getViewCount());
				$view->replycount = ($this->content->getReplyCount());
				$view->postid = ($this->content->getPostId());
				$view->blogpostid = $this->content->getBlogPostId();
				$view->can_edit = ($this->content->canEdit() OR $this->content->canPublish()) ? 1 : 0;
				$view->parentid = $this->content->getParentId();
				$view->post_started = $this->content->getPostStarted();
				$view->post_posted = $this->content->getPostPosted();

				//We need to check rights. If this user doesn't have download rights we hide the image.
				if ($this->content->canDownload())
					if ($view->previewimage= $this->content->getPreviewImage())
						$view->imagewidth= $this->content->getImageWidth();
						$view->imageheight= $this->content->getImageHeight();

					if ($view->previewvideo= $this->content->getPreviewVideo())
						$view->haspreviewvideo = true;
					$view->previewimage = false;
					$view->previewvideo = false;

				if (($associatedthreadid = $this->content->getAssociatedThreadId())
					AND $this->content->getComments_Enabled() AND intval($this->content->getReplyCount()) > 0)
					$view->echo_comments = 1;
					$view->comment_count = $this->content->getReplyCount();
					$view->echo_comments = 0;
					$view->comment_count = 0;

		//If this was promoted from a blog or post, we need to verify the permissions.
		if (intval($view->blogpostid))
			$view->can_view_post =
				(!($vbulletin->userinfo['permissions']['vbblog_general_permissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_vbblog_general_permissions['blog_canviewothers'])) ?
				0 : 1 ;
		else if (intval($view->postid))
			$user = new vB_Legacy_CurrentUser();
			if ($post = vB_Legacy_Post::create_from_id($view->postid))
				$view->can_view_post = $post->can_view($user) ? 1 : 0;

		$view->poststarter = array('userid' => $this->content->getPostStarter(),
			'username' => $this->content->getPostAuthor());
		$view->setpublish = $this->content->getSetPublish();
		$view->publishdate = $this->content->getPublishDate();
		$view->published = $this->content->getPublished() ?
			1 : 0;

		$view->publishdatelocal = vbdate(vB::$vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $this->content->getPublishDate());
		$view->publishtimelocal = vbdate( vB::$vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $this->content->getPublishDate() );

		//Get links to the author, section, and categories search pages
		//categories- this comes as an array
		$view->categories = $this->content->getCategories();
		$route_info = 'author/' . $this->content->getUserid() .
			($this->content->getUsername() != '' ? '-' . str_replace(' ', '-',
				vB_Search_Searchtools::stripHtmlTags($this->content->getUsername())) : '');
		$view->author_url = vB_Route::create('vBCms_Route_List', "$route_info/1")->getCurrentURL();

		// prepare the member action drop-down menu
		$view->memberaction_dropdown = construct_memberaction_dropdown(fetch_userinfo($this->content->getUserId()));

		$route_info = 'section/' .$this->content->getParentId() .
			($this->content->getParentURLSegment() != '' ? '-' . str_replace(' ', '-',
				vB_Search_Searchtools::stripHtmlTags($this->content->getParentURLSegment())) : '');
		$view->section_list_url = vB_Route::create('vBCms_Route_List', "$route_info")->getCurrentURL();
		//and the content
		$route_info = $this->content->getParentId() .
			($this->content->getParentURLSegment() != '' ? '-' . str_replace(' ', '-',
				vB_Search_Searchtools::stripHtmlTags($this->content->getParentURLSegment())) : '');
		$view->section_url = vB_Route::create('vBCms_Route_Content', $route_info)->getCurrentURL();

		$view->html_title = $this->content->getHtmlTitle();
		$view->title = $this->content->getTitle();
		$view->contenttypeid = vB_Types::instance()->getContentTypeID("vBCms_Article");
		$view->dateformat = vB::$vbulletin->options['dateformat'];
		$view->showrating = $this->content->getShowRating();
		($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('vbcms_article_populate_end')) ? eval($hook) : false;
		return $view;
Ejemplo n.º 5
	 * Index a thread
	 * By default this will look up all of the posts in a thread and calls the core
	 * indexer for each one
	 * @param int $id the thread id
	public function index_thread($id)
		throw new Exception ('should not be here');
		global $vbulletin;

		$thread = vB_Legacy_Thread::create_from_id($id);

		$set = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
			SELECT post.* FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post WHERE threadid = " . intval($id)

		$indexer = vB_Search_Core::get_instance()->get_core_indexer();
		while ($row = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($set))
			$post = vB_Legacy_Post::create_from_record($row, $thread);
			$fields = $this->post_to_indexfields($post);
			if ($fields)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static function create($id)
     return vBForum_Search_Result_Post::create_from_object(vB_Legacy_Post::create_from_id($id, true));
Ejemplo n.º 7
	private function renderResult($config, $results, $criteria, $current_user)
		require_once DIR . "/includes/functions_user.php";
		//None of the search result renderers do this right. Instead
		// we need two templates- one for the header and one for each row
		if (count($results))
			//Here we have something of a dilemma. We need to verify permissions
			// for each post. That requires that we instantiate the object, so we've got
			// two sql calls per object. We could reduce that by instantiating an array, but we
			// still make a second query to get the thread. So I guess we'll just brute-force it.
			$views =	'' ;
			$current_user = new vB_Legacy_CurrentUser();
			$count = 0;
			foreach ($results as $result)
				// title comes in encoded already and gets encoded again in the view
				$result['title'] = unhtmlspecialchars($result['title']);
				$post = vB_Legacy_Post::create_from_id($result['postid']);
				if (!empty($post) AND is_object($post) AND $post->can_view($current_user))
					$view = new vB_View($config['inner_template']);
					$user = vB_Legacy_User::createFromId($post->get_field('userid'));

					if (vB::$vbulletin->options['avatarenabled'])
						$avatar = fetch_avatar_url($result['userid']);

					$view->avatar = $avatar;
					$view->record = $result;
					$view->node_url = vB_Route::create('vBCms_Route_Content', $result['nodeid'] .
						($result['url'] != '' ? '-' . $result['url'] : '') )->getCurrentURL();
					$view->node_title = htmlspecialchars_uni($result['title']);

					// Comment url
					$join_char = strpos($view->node_url,'?') ? '&amp;' : '?';
					$view->comment_url = $view->node_url . $join_char . "commentid=" . $post->get_field('postid') . "#post" . $post->get_field('postid');

					$view->post = $this->addVariables($post);
					$thread = $post->get_thread();
					$view->threadinfo = array('threadid' => $thread->get_field('threadid'),
						 'title' => $thread->get_field('title'));
					$view->dateformat = $vbulletin->options['dateformat'];
					$view->timeformat = $vbulletin->options['default_timeformat'];
					$view->dateline =  $post->get_field('dateline');

					$views .= $view->render();
					if ($count >= intval($config['count']))

			return $views;

Ejemplo n.º 8
 public static function create_array($ids, $thread_map = array())
     global $vbulletin;
     $set = $vbulletin->db->query("\r\n\t\t\tSELECT p.*\r\n\t\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS p\r\n\t\t\tWHERE p.postid IN (" . implode(',', $ids) . ")\r\n\t\t");
     //ensure that $items is in the same order as $ids
     $items = array_fill_keys($ids, false);
     while ($row = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($set)) {
         $thread = isset($thread_map[$row['threadid']]) ? $thread_map[$row['threadid']] : null;
         $items[$row['postid']] = vB_Legacy_Post::create_from_record($row, $thread);
     $items = array_filter($items);
     return $items;