/** * Constructs a new placeholder class and use the object to fill * the placeholder with. * * @param unknown $object */ public function __construct($object, $begin = "<<", $end = ">>") { $replace = array(); if ($object instanceof Part) { $replace = array('id' => $object->getId(), 'barcodeId' => $object->getId() * 10 + 1, 'name' => $object->getName(), 'internalNumber' => $object->getInternalPartNumber(), 'description' => $object->getDescription(), 'categoryFull' => $object->getCategory()->getCategoryPath(), 'categoryLast' => $object->getCategory()->getName(), 'footprintName' => $object->getFootprint() === null ? '' : $object->getFootprint()->getName(), 'storageLocationName' => $object->getStorageLocation() === null ? '' : $object->getStorageLocation()->getName()); } else { if ($object instanceof StorageLocation) { $replace = array('id' => $object->getId(), 'barcodeId' => $object->getId() * 10 + 2, 'name' => $object->getName()); } } $this->beginToken = $begin; $this->endToken = $end; $this->replacements = $replace; }
/** * Hydrate the update form for this object, before passing it to the update template * * @param unknown $object */ protected function hydrateObjectForm($object) { $data = array('name' => $object->getName()); return new AreaModificationForm($this->getRequest(), 'form', $data); }
/** * * @param unknown $item * @return Customweb_Payment_Authorization_IInvoiceItem */ public function getProductItem($item, $useBaseCurrency = false) { if ($item instanceof Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Item || $item instanceof Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Item) { $orderItem = $item; } else { $orderItem = $item->getOrderItem(); } $sku = $item->getSku(); $name = $item->getName(); $taxRate = $orderItem->getTaxPercent(); $quantity = $item->getQty(); if (!$quantity) { $quantity = $orderItem->getQtyOrdered(); } if ($useBaseCurrency) { $amountIncludingTax = $item->getBaseRowTotalInclTax(); } else { $amountIncludingTax = $item->getRowTotalInclTax(); } $type = Customweb_Payment_Authorization_IInvoiceItem::TYPE_PRODUCT; $invoiceItem = new Customweb_Payment_Authorization_DefaultInvoiceItem($sku, $name, (double) $taxRate, (double) $amountIncludingTax, (double) $quantity, $type); return $invoiceItem; }
/** * Prepare index progress message * @param unknown $store * @param int $totalMagentoProductsByStore * @param boolean $update */ public function prepareIndexProgressMessage($store, $totalMagentoProductsByStore, $update = false) { if ($update) { $this->messages[] = Mage::helper('solrsearch')->__('Posted %s/%s/%s products to Solr', $this->totalFetchedProducts, $totalMagentoProductsByStore, $this->totalMagentoProducts); } else { $this->messages[] = Mage::helper('solrsearch')->__('Posted %s/%s products to Solr', $this->totalFetchedProducts, $this->totalMagentoProducts); } $this->messages[] = Mage::helper('solrsearch')->__('Current Solr indexed: %s documents/%s products', $this->totalSolrDocuments, $this->totalMagentoProducts); $this->messages[] = Mage::helper('solrsearch')->__('Progress: %s', $this->percent . '%'); $this->messages[] = Mage::helper('solrsearch')->__('Current store: %s(%s/%s products)', $store->getName(), $this->totalFetchedProductsByStore, $totalMagentoProductsByStore); $this->response['remaintime'] = $this->calculateRemainTime(); $this->messages[] = Mage::helper('solrsearch')->__('Continue...'); $this->messages[] = Mage::helper('solrsearch')->__('------------------------------------------------'); }