Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @author Max Milbers
  * @param JDataBase $db
 function __construct(&$db)
     parent::__construct('#__tsmart_rating_reviews', 'tsmart_rating_review_id', $db);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * @author Max Milbers
  * @param $db Class constructor; connect to the database
 function __construct($db)
     parent::__construct('#__tsmart_invoices', 'tsmart_invoice_id', $db);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function display($tpl = null)
     // Load the helper(s)
     $this->addHelperPath(VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'helpers');
     if (!class_exists('vmPSPlugin')) {
         require VMPATH_PLUGINLIBS . DS . 'vmpsplugin.php';
     if (!class_exists('VmHTML')) {
         require VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'html.php';
     $model = tmsModel::getModel();
     $layoutName = vRequest::getCmd('layout', 'default');
     $layoutName = vRequest::getCmd('layout', 'default');
     if ($layoutName == 'edit') {
         tsmConfig::loadJLang('plg_vmpsplugin', false);
         JForm::addFieldPath(VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'fields');
         $shipment = $model->getShipment();
         // Get the payment XML.
         $formFile = vRequest::filterPath(VMPATH_ROOT . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'vmshipment' . DS . $shipment->shipment_element . DS . $shipment->shipment_element . '.xml');
         if (file_exists($formFile)) {
             $shipment->form = JForm::getInstance($shipment->shipment_element, $formFile, array(), false, '//vmconfig | //config[not(//vmconfig)]');
             $shipment->params = new stdClass();
             $varsToPush = vmPlugin::getVarsToPushFromForm($shipment->form);
             tsmTable::bindParameterableToSubField($shipment, $varsToPush);
         } else {
             $shipment->form = null;
         if (!class_exists('VmImage')) {
             require VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'image.php';
         if (!class_exists('tsmartModelVendor')) {
             require VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'models' . DS . 'vendor.php';
         $vendor_id = 1;
         $currency = tsmartModelVendor::getVendorCurrency($vendor_id);
         $this->assignRef('vendor_currency', $currency->currency_symbol);
         if ($this->showVendors()) {
             $vendorList = ShopFunctions::renderVendorList($shipment->tsmart_vendor_id);
             $this->assignRef('vendorList', $vendorList);
         $this->pluginList = self::renderInstalledShipmentPlugins($shipment->shipment_jplugin_id);
         $this->assignRef('shipment', $shipment);
         $this->shopperGroupList = ShopFunctions::renderShopperGroupList($shipment->tsmart_shoppergroup_ids, true);
     } else {
         JToolBarHelper::custom('cloneshipment', 'copy', 'copy', tsmText::_('com_tsmart_SHIPMENT_CLONE'), true);
         $this->shipments = $model->getShipments();
         tsmConfig::loadJLang('com_tsmart_shoppers', TRUE);
         foreach ($this->shipments as &$data) {
             // Write the first 5 shoppergroups in the list
             $data->shipmentShoppersList = shopfunctions::renderGuiList($data->tsmart_shoppergroup_ids, 'shoppergroups', 'shopper_group_name', 'shopper');
         $this->pagination = $model->getPagination();
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function __construct(&$db)
     parent::__construct('#__tsmart_calcs', 'tsmart_calc_id', $db);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 function check()
     if (empty($this->shopper_group_name)) {
         return false;
     } else {
         if (function_exists('mb_strlen')) {
             $length = mb_strlen($this->shopper_group_name);
         } else {
             $length = strlen($this->shopper_group_name);
         if ($length > 128) {
     if ($this->tsmart_shoppergroup_id == 1) {
         $this->default = 2;
         $this->sgrp_additional = 0;
     if ($this->tsmart_shoppergroup_id == 2) {
         $this->default = 1;
         $this->sgrp_additional = 0;
     return parent::check();
  * @author Max Milbers
  * @param JDataBase $db
 function __construct(&$db)
     parent::__construct('#__tsmart_manufacturercategories', 'tsmart_manufacturercategories_id', $db);
     $this->setTranslatable(array('mf_category_name', 'mf_category_desc'));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function check()
     if (empty($this->notify_email) || !filter_var($this->notify_email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
         vmError(tsmText::_('com_tsmart_ENTER_A_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS'), tsmText::_('com_tsmart_ENTER_A_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS'));
         return false;
     return parent::check();
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * @author Max Milbers
  * @param JDataBase $db
 function __construct(&$db)
     parent::__construct('#__tsmart_manufacturers', 'tsmart_manufacturer_id', $db);
     $this->setTranslatable(array('mf_name', 'mf_email', 'mf_desc', 'mf_url'));
 function check()
     if (!empty($this->customfield_price)) {
         $this->customfield_price = str_replace(array(',', ' '), array('.', ''), $this->customfield_price);
     } else {
         $this->customfield_price = null;
     return parent::check();
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * @author Max Milbers
  * @param JDataBase $db
 function __construct(&$db)
     parent::__construct('#__tsmart_ratings', 'tsmart_rating_id', $db);
     //In a VmTable the primary key is the same as the _tbl_key and therefore not needed
     //		$this->setObligatoryKeys('tsmart_product_id');
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * @author Max Milbers
  * @param JDataBase $db
 function __construct(&$db)
     parent::__construct('#__tsmart_paymentmethods', 'tsmart_paymentmethod_id', $db);
     $this->setTranslatable(array('payment_name', 'payment_desc'));
     // 	$this->setUniqueName('ordering');
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * @author  Patrick Kohl
  * @param JDataBase $db
 function __construct(&$db)
     parent::__construct('#__tsmart_customs', 'tsmart_custom_id', $db);
     $this->_cidName = 'tsmart_custom_id';
     $this->setOrderable('ordering', false);
     $this->setParameterable('custom_params', array());
Ejemplo n.º 13
 function display($tpl = null)
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     if ($field = vRequest::getVar('field')) {
         if (strpos($field, 'plugin') !== false) {
             JForm::addFieldPath(VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'fields');
             $table = '#__extensions';
             $field = substr($field, 6);
             $q = 'SELECT `params`,`element`,`type` FROM `' . $table . '` WHERE `element` = "' . $field . '"';
             $this->userField = $db->loadObject();
             //$this->userField->element = substr($this->userField->type, 6);
             if (!class_exists('vmPlugin')) {
                 require VMPATH_PLUGINLIBS . DS . 'vmplugin.php';
             vmPlugin::loadJLang('plg_vmuserfield_' . $this->userField->element, 'vmuserfield', $this->userField->element);
             $path = VMPATH_ROOT . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'vmuserfield' . DS . $this->userField->element . DS . $this->userField->element . '.xml';
             // Get the payment XML.
             $formFile = vRequest::filterPath($path);
             if (file_exists($formFile)) {
                 if (!class_exists('tsmConfig')) {
                     require JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'administrator' . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_tsmart' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'config.php';
                 if (!class_exists('tsmTable')) {
                     require VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'tsmtable.php';
                 $this->userField->form = JForm::getInstance($this->userField->element, $formFile, array(), false, '//vmconfig | //config[not(//vmconfig)]');
                 $this->userField->params = new stdClass();
                 $varsToPush = vmPlugin::getVarsToPushFromForm($this->userField->form);
                 					$this->userField->params->userfield_params = $this->userField->params;
                 if (empty($this->userField->userfield_params)) {
                     $this->userField->userfield_params = '';
                 tsmTable::bindParameterableToSubField($this->userField, $varsToPush);
             } else {
                 $this->userField->form = false;
                 vmdebug('renderUserfieldPlugin could not find xml for ' . $this->userField->type . ' at ' . $path);
             //vmdebug('renderUserfieldPlugin ',$this->userField->form);
             if ($this->userField->form) {
                 $form = $this->userField->form;
                 include VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'fields' . DS . 'formrenderer.php';
                 $body = ob_get_contents();
                 echo $body;
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * @author Max Milbers
  * @param JDataBase $db
 function __construct(&$db)
     parent::__construct('#__tsmart_shipmentmethods', 'tsmart_shipmentmethod_id', $db);
     // we can have several time the same shipment name. It is the vendor problem to set up correctly his shipment rate.
     // $this->setUniqueName('shipment_name');
     $this->setTranslatable(array('shipment_name', 'shipment_desc'));
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public function bindChecknStore(&$data, $preload = false)
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $query = $db->getQuery(true);
     $query->select('products_en_gb.tsmart_product_id')->from('#__tsmart_products AS products')->leftJoin('#__tsmart_products_en_gb AS products_en_gb USING(tsmart_product_id)')->where('products_en_gb.tsmart_product_id!=' . (int) $data['tsmart_product_id'])->where('products_en_gb.product_name = ' . $query->q("{$data['product_name']}"));
     $list_tour = $db->loadObjectList();
     if (count($list_tour) > 0) {
         vmError('tour name exists, please select other tour name');
         return false;
     return parent::bindChecknStore($data, $preload);
     // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Retrieve the detail record for the current $id if the data has not already been loaded.
  * @author RickG
 function getShipment($id = 0)
     if (!empty($id)) {
         $this->_id = (int) $id;
     if (empty($this->_cache[$this->_id])) {
         $this->_cache[$this->_id] = $this->getTable('shipmentmethods');
         $this->_cache[$this->_id]->load((int) $this->_id);
         if (empty($this->_cache[$this->_id]->tsmart_vendor_id)) {
             if (!class_exists('tsmartModelVendor')) {
                 require VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'models' . DS . 'vendor.php';
             $this->_cache[$this->_id]->tsmart_vendor_id = tsmartModelVendor::getLoggedVendor();
         if ($this->_cache[$this->_id]->shipment_jplugin_id) {
             $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
             $blind = 0;
             $retValue = $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmDeclarePluginParamsShipmentVM3', array(&$this->_cache[$this->_id]));
         if (!empty($this->_cache[$this->_id]->_varsToPushParam)) {
             tsmTable::bindParameterable($this->_cache[$this->_id], 'shipment_params', $this->_cache[$this->_id]->_varsToPushParam);
         //We still need this, because the table is already loaded, but the keys are set later
         if ($this->_cache[$this->_id]->getCryptedFields()) {
             if (!class_exists('tsmCrypt')) {
                 require VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'tsmcrypt.php';
             if (isset($this->_cache[$this->_id]->modified_on)) {
                 $date = JFactory::getDate($this->_cache[$this->_id]->modified_on);
                 $date = $date->toUnix();
             } else {
                 $date = 0;
             foreach ($this->_cache[$this->_id]->getCryptedFields() as $field) {
                 if (isset($this->_cache[$this->_id]->{$field})) {
                     $this->_cache[$this->_id]->{$field} = tsmCrypt::decrypt($this->_cache[$this->_id]->{$field}, $date);
         /* Add the shipmentcarreir shoppergroups */
         $q = 'SELECT `tsmart_shoppergroup_id` FROM #__tsmart_shipmentmethod_shoppergroups WHERE `tsmart_shipmentmethod_id` = "' . $this->_id . '"';
         $this->_cache[$this->_id]->tsmart_shoppergroup_ids = $this->_db->loadColumn();
         if (empty($this->_cache[$this->_id]->tsmart_shoppergroup_ids)) {
             $this->_cache[$this->_id]->tsmart_shoppergroup_ids = 0;
     return $this->_cache[$this->_id];
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Validates the order status record fields.
  * @return boolean True if the table buffer is contains valid data, false otherwise.
 function check()
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $q = 'SELECT count(*),tsmart_orderstate_id FROM `#__tsmart_orderstates` ';
     $q .= 'WHERE `order_status_code`="' . $this->order_status_code . '"';
     $row = $db->loadRow();
     if (is_array($row)) {
         if ($row[0] > 0) {
             if ($row[1] != $this->tsmart_orderstate_id) {
                 return false;
     return parent::check();
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * method must be called after preflight
  * Sets the paths and loads VMFramework config
 public function loadVm()
     // 			$this->path = JInstaller::getInstance()->getPath('extension_administrator');
     if (empty($this->path)) {
         $this->path = VMPATH_ADMIN;
     if (!class_exists('tsmConfig')) {
         require_once $this->path . '/helpers/config.php';
     tsmConfig::loadConfig(false, true);
     if (!class_exists('tsmTable')) {
         require_once $this->path . '/helpers/tsmtable.php';
     if (!class_exists('tmsModel')) {
         require_once $this->path . '/helpers/tsmmodel.php';
     tsmTable::addIncludePath($this->path . DS . 'tables');
     tmsModel::addIncludePath($this->path . DS . 'models');
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Gets a single custom by tsmart_custom_id
  * .
  * @param string $type
  * @param string $mime mime type of custom, use for exampel image
  * @return customobject
 function getCustom($id = 0)
     if (!empty($id)) {
         $this->_id = (int) $id;
     if (empty($this->_cache[$this->_id])) {
         $this->_cache[$this->_id] = $this->getTable('customs');
         $this->_cache[$this->_id]->_varsToPushParam = self::getVarsToPush($this->_cache[$this->_id]->field_type);
         $this->_cache[$this->_id]->customfield_params = '';
         if ($this->_cache[$this->_id]->field_type == 'E') {
             $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
             $retValue = $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmDeclarePluginParamsCustomVM3', array(&$this->_cache[$this->_id]));
         //exaample 	vm2 withParent="0"|parentOrderable="0"|
         //			vm3 withParent="1"|parentOrderable="1"|
         $this->_cache[$this->_id]->_xParams = 'custom_params';
         if (!empty($this->_cache[$this->_id]->_varsToPushParam)) {
             tsmTable::bindParameterable($this->_cache[$this->_id], 'custom_params', $this->_cache[$this->_id]->_varsToPushParam);
     return $this->_cache[$this->_id];
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * @param $db Class constructor; connect to the database
 function __construct($db)
     parent::__construct('#__tsmart_order_calc_rules', 'tsmart_order_calc_rule_id', $db);
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * Constructor for report table class
  * @param $db Database connector object
 function __construct(&$db)
     parent::__construct('#__tsmart_orders', 'tsmart_order_id', $db);
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * @author RickG
  * @author Max Milbers
  * @param JDataBase $db
 function __construct(&$db)
     parent::__construct('#__tsmart_states', 'tsmart_state_id', $db);
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * @author Max Milbers
  * @param JDataBase $db
 function __construct(&$db)
     parent::__construct('#__tsmart_countries', 'tsmart_country_id', $db);
     $this->setOrderable('ordering', false);
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * Reimplement the store method to return the last inserted ID
  * @return mixed When a new record was succesfully inserted, return the ID, otherwise the status
 public function store($updateNulls = false)
     $isNew = $this->tsmart_userfield_id == 0;
     if (!parent::store($updateNulls)) {
         // Write data to the DB
         return false;
     } else {
         return $this->tsmart_userfield_id;
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * Check if an item is checked out
  * This function can be used as a static function too, when you do so you need to also provide the
  * a value for the $against parameter.
  * @static
  * @access public
  * @param integer $with    The userid to preform the match with, if an item is checked out
  *                            by this user the function will return false
  * @param integer $against    The userid to perform the match against when the function is used as
  *                            a static function.
  * @return boolean
 function isCheckedOut($with = 0, $against = null)
     if (isset($this) && is_a($this, 'tsmTable') && is_null($against)) {
         $against = $this->get('locked_by');
     //item is not checked out, or being checked out by the same user
     if (!$against || $against == $with) {
         return false;
     $session = tsmTable::getInstance('session');
     return $session->exists($against);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 static function bindCustomEmbeddedFieldParams(&$obj, $fieldtype)
     //vmdebug('bindCustomEmbeddedFieldParams begin',$obj);
     if (!class_exists('tsmartModelCustom')) {
         require VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'models' . DS . 'custom.php';
     if ($obj->field_type == 'E') {
         $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
         $retValue = $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmDeclarePluginParamsCustomVM3', array(&$obj));
         if (!empty($obj->_varsToPushParam)) {
             if (empty($obj->_varsToPushParamCustom)) {
                 $obj->_varsToPushParamCustom = $obj->_varsToPushParam;
             if (empty($obj->_varsToPushParamCustomField)) {
                 $obj->_varsToPushParamCustomField = $obj->_varsToPushParam;
     } else {
         $obj->_varsToPushParamCustom = tsmartModelCustom::getVarsToPush($fieldtype);
         $obj->_varsToPushParam = $obj->_varsToPushParamCustomField = $obj->_varsToPushParamCustom;
         //vmdebug('my $obj->_varsToPushParamCustom',$obj->_varsToPushParamCustomField);
     if (!empty($obj->_varsToPushParam)) {
         //$obj ->_xParams = 'custom_params';
         tsmTable::bindParameterable($obj, 'custom_params', $obj->_varsToPushParamCustom);
         $obj->_xParams = 'customfield_params';
         tsmTable::bindParameterable($obj, $obj->_xParams, $obj->_varsToPushParamCustomField);
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * @param $db Class constructor; connect to the database
 function __construct($db)
     parent::__construct('#__tsmart_order_histories', 'tsmart_order_history_id', $db);
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public function getCustomParams(&$field)
     tsmTable::bindParameterable($field, 'customfield_params', $this->_varsToPushParam);
     //Why do we have this?
     if (empty($field->custom_element)) {
         return 0;
     //Why do we have this, when bindParameterable could already doing it
     //And why we do it here, when we do it later again?
     foreach ($this->_varsToPushParam as $k => $v) {
         if (!isset($this->params->{$k})) {
             $this->params->{$k} = $field->{$k};
         // vmdebug('fields org '.$this->_name,$this->params);
     $this->tsmart_custom_id = $field->tsmart_custom_id;
     if (!empty($field->custom_params) && is_string($field->custom_params)) {
         $this->params = json_decode($field->custom_params);
     } else {
     //$field->custom_params = $custom_params;
     //vmdebug('$this->_varsToPushParam '.$this->_name,$this->_varsToPushParam );
     foreach ($this->_varsToPushParam as $k => $v) {
         if (!isset($this->params->{$k})) {
             $this->params->{$k} = $field->{$k};
Ejemplo n.º 29
 function check()
     $ok = TRUE;
     $notice = TRUE;
     if (empty($this->file_type) and empty($this->file_is_forSale)) {
         $ok = FALSE;
         vmError(tsmText::sprintf('com_tsmart_MEDIA_NO_TYPE'), $this->file_name);
     if (!empty($this->file_url)) {
         if (function_exists('mb_strlen')) {
             $length = mb_strlen($this->file_url);
         } else {
             $length = strlen($this->file_url);
         if ($length > 254) {
             vmError(JText::sprintf('com_tsmart_URL_TOO_LONG', $length));
         if (strpos($this->file_url, '..') !== FALSE) {
             $ok = FALSE;
             vmError(tsmText::sprintf('com_tsmart_URL_NOT_VALID', $this->file_url));
         if (empty($this->tsmart_media_id)) {
             $q = 'SELECT `tsmart_media_id`,`file_url` FROM `' . $this->_tbl . '` WHERE `file_url` = "' . $this->_db->escape($this->file_url) . '" ';
             $unique_id = $this->_db->loadAssocList();
             $count = count($unique_id);
             if ($count !== 0) {
                 if ($count == 1) {
                     if (empty($this->tsmart_media_id)) {
                         $this->tsmart_media_id = $unique_id[0]['tsmart_media_id'];
                     } else {
                         $ok = FALSE;
                 } else {
                     //      			vmError(vmText::_('com_tsmart_MEDIA_IS_DOUBLED_IN_DB'));
                     $ok = FALSE;
     } else {
         $ok = FALSE;
     if (empty($this->file_title) && !empty($this->file_name)) {
         $this->file_title = $this->file_name;
     if (!empty($this->file_title)) {
         if (strlen($this->file_title) > 126) {
             vmError(tsmText::sprintf('com_tsmart_TITLE_TOO_LONG', strlen($this->file_title)));
         $q = 'SELECT * FROM `' . $this->_tbl . '` ';
         $q .= 'WHERE `file_title`="' . $this->_db->escape($this->file_title) . '" AND `file_type`="' . $this->_db->escape($this->file_type) . '"';
         $unique_id = $this->_db->loadAssocList();
         $tblKey = 'tsmart_media_id';
         if (!empty($unique_id)) {
             foreach ($unique_id as $item) {
                 if ($item['tsmart_media_id'] != $this->tsmart_media_id) {
                     $lastDir = substr($this->file_url, 0, strrpos($this->file_url, '/'));
                     $lastDir = substr($lastDir, strrpos($lastDir, '/') + 1);
                     if (!empty($lastDir)) {
                         $this->file_title = $this->file_title . '_' . $lastDir;
                     } else {
                         $this->file_title = $this->file_title . '_' . rand(1, 9);
     } else {
         $ok = FALSE;
     if (!empty($this->file_description)) {
         if (strlen($this->file_description) > 254) {
             vmError(tsmText::sprintf('com_tsmart_DESCRIPTION_TOO_LONG', strlen($this->file_description)));
     //		$app = JFactory::getApplication();
     //vmError('Checking '.$this->file_url);
     if (empty($this->file_mimetype)) {
         $rel_path = str_replace('/', DS, $this->file_url);
         //The function mime_content_type is deprecated, we may use
         /*function _mime_content_type($filename)
         				$result = new finfo();
         				if (is_resource($result) === true)
         					return $result->file($filename, FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
         				return false;
         			if (function_exists ('mime_content_type')) {
         				$ok = TRUE;
         				$app = JFactory::getApplication ();
         				if (!$this->file_is_forSale) {
         					$this->file_mimetype = mime_content_type (JPATH_ROOT . DS . $rel_path);
         				else {
         					$this->file_mimetype = mime_content_type ($rel_path);
         				if (!empty($this->file_mimetype)) {
         					if ($this->file_mimetype == 'directory') {
         						vmError ('cant store this media, is a directory ' . $rel_path);
         						return FALSE;
         					else {
         						if (strpos ($this->file_mimetype, 'corrupt') !== FALSE) {
         							vmError ('cant store this media, Document corrupt: Cannot read summary info ' . $rel_path);
         							return FALSE;
         				else {
         					vmError ('Couldnt resolve mime ' . $rel_path);
         					return FALSE;
         			else {*/
         if (!class_exists('JFile')) {
             require VMPATH_LIBS . DS . 'joomla' . DS . 'filesystem' . DS . 'file.php';
         if (!$this->file_is_forSale) {
             $lastIndexOfSlash = strrpos($this->file_url, '/');
             $name = substr($this->file_url, $lastIndexOfSlash + 1);
             $file_extension = strtolower(JFile::getExt($name));
         } else {
             $lastIndexOfSlash = strrpos($this->file_url, DS);
             $name = substr($this->file_url, $lastIndexOfSlash + 1);
             $file_extension = strtolower(JFile::getExt($name));
         if (empty($name)) {
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'jpg' or $file_extension === 'jpeg' or $file_extension === 'jpe') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'image/jpeg';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'gif') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'image/gif';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'png') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'image/png';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'bmp') {
             vmInfo(tsmText::sprintf('com_tsmart_MEDIA_SHOULD_NOT_BMP', $name));
             $notice = true;
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'mp3') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'audio/mpeg';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'ogg') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'audio/ogg';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'oga') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'audio/vorbis';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'wma') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'audio-/x-ms-wma';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'mp4' or $file_extension === 'mpe' or $file_extension === 'mpeg' or $file_extension === 'mpg' or $file_extension === 'mpga' or $file_extension === 'm2v') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'video/mpeg';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'avi') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'video/x-msvideo';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'qt' or $file_extension === 'mov') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'video/quicktime';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'wmv') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'video/x-ms-wmv';
         } elseif ($file_extension === '3gp') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'video/3gpp';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'ogv') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'video/ogg';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'flv') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'video/x-flv';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'f4v') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'video/x-f4v';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'm4v') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'video/x-m4v';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'webm') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'video/webm';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'zip') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'application/zip';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'pdf') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'application/pdf';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'gz') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'application/x-gzip';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'exe') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'application/octet-stream';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'swf') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'application/x-shockwave-flash';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'doc') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'application/msword';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'docx') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'xls') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'application/vnd.ms-excel';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'xlsx') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'ppt') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'pptx') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'txt') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'text/plain';
         } elseif ($file_extension === 'rar') {
             $this->file_mimetype = 'application/x-rar-compressed';
         } else {
             vmInfo(tsmText::sprintf('com_tsmart_MEDIA_SHOULD_HAVE_MIMETYPE', $name));
             $notice = TRUE;
     //Nasty small hack, should work as long the word for default is in the language longer than 3 words and the first
     //letter should be always / or something like this
     //It prevents storing of the default path
     $a = trim(substr($this->file_url_thumb, 0, 4));
     $b = trim(substr(tsmText::_('com_tsmart_DEFAULT_URL'), 0, 4));
     if (strpos($a, $b) !== FALSE) {
         $this->file_url_thumb = null;
     if ($ok) {
         return parent::check();
     } else {
         return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 function renderUserfieldPlugin()
     if (!class_exists('vmUserfieldPlugin')) {
         require VMPATH_PLUGINLIBS . DS . 'vmuserfieldtypeplugin.php';
     tsmConfig::loadJLang('plg_vmpsplugin', false);
     JForm::addFieldPath(VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'fields');
     //$selected = $this->userField->userfield_jplugin_id;
     //vmdebug('renderUserfieldPlugin $this->userField->element',$this->userField->type,$this->userField->element);
     $this->userField->element = substr($this->userField->type, 6);
     $path = VMPATH_ROOT . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'vmuserfield' . DS . $this->userField->element . DS . $this->userField->element . '.xml';
     // Get the payment XML.
     $formFile = vRequest::filterPath($path);
     if (file_exists($formFile)) {
         $this->userField->form = JForm::getInstance($this->userField->element, $formFile, array(), false, '//vmconfig | //config[not(//vmconfig)]');
         $this->userField->params = new stdClass();
         $varsToPush = vmPlugin::getVarsToPushFromForm($this->userField->form);
         tsmTable::bindParameterableToSubField($this->userField, $varsToPush);
     } else {
         $this->userField->form = false;
         vmdebug('renderUserfieldPlugin could not find xml for ' . $this->userField->type . ' at ' . $path);
     if ($this->userField->form) {
         $form = $this->userField->form;
         include VMPATH_ADMIN . DS . 'fields' . DS . 'formrenderer.php';
         $body = ob_get_contents();
         return $body;