Ejemplo n.º 1

 * build.php - Build Jcrop demo files
 * It's become easier to build the demo files from a template than to
 * manage them manually. To rebuild the demo files you should run
 * build/build-all.bash which in turn calls this file
// Make sure we know what directory we're in
// Require tmpl class which does our rendering
require_once '../lib/tmpl.php';
// Generic class for our demo pages
// Each of the demo files below will create one of these objects
class demoDef extends tmplDef
    public $js = array('../js/jquery.min.js', '../js/jquery.Jcrop.js');
    public $css = array('demo_files/main.css', 'demo_files/demos.css', '../css/jquery.Jcrop.css');
// Specify output directory
if (!defined('DEMO_DIR')) {
    define('DEMO_DIR', '../../demos');
// Specify the demo files to build
$build_these = array('hello-world' => 'tutorial1.html', 'basic-handler' => 'tutorial2.html', 'preview-pane' => 'tutorial3.html', 'transitions' => 'tutorial4.html', 'api-demo' => 'tutorial5.html', 'non-image' => 'non-image.html', 'styling' => 'styling.html');
// Build each one
foreach ($build_these as $key => $out) {
    file_put_contents($outfile = sprintf('%s/%s', DEMO_DIR, $out), tmpl::render(tmpl::loader($key)));
    printf("Wrote %s to %s\n", $key, $outfile);