Ejemplo n.º 1
/* Contact/Kontakt: info@tellmatic.org                                      */
/* Homepage: www.tellmatic.org                                                   */
/* leave this header in file!                                                   */
/* diesen Header nicht loeschen!                                                */
/* check Homepage for Updates and more Infos                                    */
/* Besuchen Sie die Homepage fuer Updates und weitere Infos                     */
#include config file: edit line if you run this script via cronjob, add full path to tellmatic config file
require_once "./tm_config.inc.php";
if (DEMO) {
$HOSTS = new tm_HOST();
$Mailer = new tm_Mail();
$Bounce = new tm_Bounce();
$ADDRESS = new tm_ADR();
#POP3/IMAP HostID frm global config
$HOST = $HOSTS->getHost($C[0]['bounceit_host']);
if (!isset($HOST[0])) {
$Mail = array();
$BMail = array();
$Bounces = array();
$bcmatch = 0;
$offset = 0;
$search_mail = array();
if ($C[0]['bounceit_filter_to'] == 1) {
    $search_mail['to'] = $C[0]['bounceit_filter_to_email'];
Ejemplo n.º 2
pt_register("POST", "adr");
if (!isset($adr)) {
    $adr = array();
$InputName_Action = "val";
${$InputName_Action} = getVar($InputName_Action);
if (empty($val)) {
    $val = "list";
$InputName_ActionAdr = "val2";
${$InputName_ActionAdr} = getVar($InputName_ActionAdr);
require_once TM_INCLUDEPATH . "/bounce_host_form.inc.php";
require_once TM_INCLUDEPATH . "/bounce_host_form_show.inc.php";
//server ausgewaehlt, wir connecten
if ($set == "connect") {
    $Mailer = new tm_Mail();
    $Bounce = new tm_Bounce();
    $ADDRESS = new tm_ADR();
    $HOST = $HOSTS->getHost($host);
    $search_mail = array();
    //filter? emails suchen?
    if ($filter_to == 1) {
        //nur mails an aktuelle return adesse fuer host
        $search_mail['to'] = $filter_to_smtp_return_path;
        $_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<br>" . sprintf(___("Es werden nur E-Mails an die Adresse %s angezeigt."), $filter_to_smtp_return_path);
    $_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<br>" . sprintf(___("Verbindung zum Server %s wird aufgebaut..."), $HOST[0]['name'] . " (" . $HOST[0]['host'] . ":" . $HOST[0]['port'] . "/" . $HOST[0]['type'] . ")");
    $Mailer->Connect($HOST[0]['host'], $HOST[0]['user'], $HOST[0]['pass'], $HOST[0]['type'], $HOST[0]['port'], $HOST[0]['options']);
    if (!empty($Mailer->Error)) {
        $_MAIN_MESSAGE .= "<br><b>" . sprintf(___("Servermeldung: %s"), "" . $Mailer->Error . "") . "</b>";
Ejemplo n.º 3

/* this file is part of: / diese Datei ist ein Teil von:                        */
/* tellmatic, the newslettermachine                                             */
/* tellmatic, die Newslettermaschine                                            */
/* 2006/11 by Volker Augustin, multi.art.studio Hanau                            */
/* Contact/Kontakt: info@tellmatic.org                                      */
/* Homepage: www.tellmatic.org                                                   */
/* leave this header in file!                                                   */
/* diesen Header nicht loeschen!                                                */
/* check Homepage for Updates and more Infos                                    */
/* Besuchen Sie die Homepage fuer Updates und weitere Infos                     */
$HOST_T = $HOSTS->getHost($h_id);
$Mailer = new tm_Mail();
$host_test = FALSE;
$Error = "";
$_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\">";
$_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<thead>" . "<tr>" . "<td><b>" . display($HOST_T[0]['name']) . "</b>" . "</td>" . "</tr>" . "</thead>" . "<tbody>";
$_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<tr>";
$_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<td>";
$_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<font size=\"-1\">" . display($HOST_T[0]['host']) . "</font>";
$_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<br>ID: " . $HOST_T[0]['id'] . " ";
if (!DEMO) {
    $_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<br>" . ___("Host") . ": " . $HOST_T[0]['host'] . " ";
} else {
    $_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<br>" . ___("Host") . ": mail.my-domain.tld ";
$_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<br>" . ___("Type") . ": " . $HOST_T[0]['type'] . " ";
$_MAIN_OUTPUT .= "<br>" . ___("Port") . ": " . $HOST_T[0]['port'] . " ";