require_once 'config.inc.php';
require_once 'common.php';
require_once 'users.inc.php';
require_once 'email_api.php';
$templateCfg = templateConfiguration();
$args = init_args();
$gui = new stdClass();
$gui->external_password_mgmt = 0;
$gui->page_title = lang_get('page_title_lost_passwd');
$gui->note = lang_get('your_info_for_passwd');
$gui->password_mgmt_feedback = '';
$op = doDBConnect($db, database::ONERROREXIT);
$userID = false;
if ($args->login != "") {
    $userID = tlUser::doesUserExist($db, $args->login);
    if (!$userID) {
        $gui->note = lang_get('bad_user');
    } else {
        // need to know if auth method for user allows reset
        $user = new tlUser(intval($userID));
        if (tlUser::isPasswordMgtExternal($user->authentication, $user->authentication)) {
            $gui->external_password_mgmt = 1;
            $gui->password_mgmt_feedback = sprintf(lang_get('password_mgmt_feedback'), trim($args->login));
if (!$gui->external_password_mgmt && $userID) {
    echo __LINE__;
    $result = resetPassword($db, $userID);
Ejemplo n.º 2
require_once 'email_api.php';
require_once 'Zend/Validate/Hostname.php';
testlinkInitPage($db, false, false, "checkRights");
$templateCfg = templateConfiguration();
$args = init_args();
$gui = initializeGui();
$user = null;
$highlight = initialize_tabsmenu();
$actionOperation = array('create' => 'doCreate', 'edit' => 'doUpdate', 'doCreate' => 'doCreate', 'doUpdate' => 'doUpdate', 'resetPassword' => 'doUpdate');
switch ($args->doAction) {
    case "edit":
        $highlight->edit_user = 1;
        // Because we can arrive with login, we need to check if we can get
        // id from login
        if (strlen(trim($args->login)) > 0) {
            $args->user_id = tlUser::doesUserExist($db, $args->login);
        if (is_null($args->user_id) || intval($args->user_id) <= 0) {
            // need to manage some sort of error message
            $gui->op->status = tl::ERROR;
            $gui->op->user_feedback = sprintf(lang_get('login_does_not_exist'), $args->login);
        } else {
            $user = new tlUser(intval($args->user_id));
    case "doCreate":
        $highlight->create_user = 1;
        $gui->op = doCreate($db, $args);
        $user = $gui->op->user;
        $templateCfg->template = $gui->op->template;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * @param struct $args
  * @param string $args["devKey"]
  * @param string $args["action"]: assignOne, unassignOne, unassignAll
  * @param int $args["testplanid"]
  * @param string $args["testcaseexternalid"] format PREFIX-NUMBER
  * @param int $args["buildid"] Mandatory => you can provide buildname as alternative
  * @param int $args["buildname"] Mandatory => you can provide buildid (DB ID) as alternative
  * @param int $args["platformid"] optional - BECOMES MANDATORY if Test plan has platforms
  *                                           you can provide platformname as alternative  
  * @param int $args["platformname"] optional - BECOMES MANDATORY if Test plan has platforms
  *                                           you can provide platformid as alternative  
  * @param string $args["user'] - login name => tester
 private function manageTestCaseExecutionTask($args, $msg_prefix)
     $status_ok = true;
     $resultInfo = array();
     // Checks are done in order
     $checkFunctions = array('authenticate', 'checkTestPlanID', 'checkTestCaseIdentity', 'checkBuildID');
     $status_ok = $this->_runChecks($checkFunctions, $msg_prefix);
     if ($status_ok) {
         switch ($args['action']) {
             case 'assignOne':
             case 'unassignOne':
                 if ($status_ok = $this->_isParamPresent(self::$userParamName, $msg_prefix, self::SET_ERROR)) {
                     $tester_id = tlUser::doesUserExist($this->dbObj, $this->args[self::$userParamName]);
                     if (!($status_ok = !is_null($tester_id))) {
                         $msg = $msg_prefix . sprintf(NO_USER_BY_THIS_LOGIN_STR, $this->args[self::$userParamName]);
                         $this->errors[] = new IXR_Error(NO_USER_BY_THIS_LOGIN, $msg);
             case 'unassignAll':
     // Check if requested test case is linked to test plan
     // if answer is yes, get link info, in order to be able to check if
     // we need also platform info
     if ($status_ok) {
         $execContext = array('tplan_id' => $this->args[self::$testPlanIDParamName], 'platform_id' => null, 'build_id' => $this->args[self::$buildIDParamName]);
         $tplan_id = $this->args[self::$testPlanIDParamName];
         $tcase_id = $this->args[self::$testCaseIDParamName];
         $filters = array('exec_status' => "ALL", 'active_status' => "ALL", 'tplan_id' => $tplan_id, 'platform_id' => null);
         $info = $this->tcaseMgr->get_linked_versions($tcase_id, $filters, array('output' => "feature_id"));
         // more than 1 item => we have platforms
         // access key => tcversion_id, tplan_id, platform_id
         $link = current($info);
         $link = $link[$tplan_id];
         // Inside test plan, is indexed by platform
         $hits = count($link);
         $platform_id = 0;
         $check_platform = count($hits) > 1 || !isset($link[0]);
     if ($status_ok && $check_platform) {
         // this means that platform is MANDATORY
         if (!$this->_isParamPresent(self::$platformIDParamName, $msg_prefix) && !$this->_isParamPresent(self::$platformNameParamName, $msg_prefix)) {
             $status_ok = false;
             $pname = self::$platformNameParamName . ' OR ' . self::$platformIDParamName;
             $msg = $messagePrefix . sprintf(MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_STR, $pname);
             $this->errors[] = new IXR_Error(MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER, $msg);
         } else {
             // get platform_id and check it
             if ($status_ok = $this->checkPlatformIdentity($tplan_id)) {
                 $platform_set = $this->tplanMgr->getPlatforms($tplan_id, array('outputFormat' => 'mapAccessByID', 'outputDetails' => 'name'));
                 // Now check if link has all 3 components
                 // test plan, test case, platform
                 $platform_id = $this->args[self::$platformIDParamName];
                 $platform_info = array($platform_id => $platform_set[$platform_id]);
                 if ($status_ok = $this->_checkTCIDAndTPIDValid($platform_info, $msg_prefix)) {
                     $execContext['platform_id'] = $platform_id;
     if ($status_ok) {
         $assignment_mgr = new assignment_mgr($this->dbObj);
         $types = $assignment_mgr->get_available_types();
         // Remove old execution task assignment
         // `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
         // `type` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
         // `feature_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
         // `user_id` int(10) unsigned default '0',
         // `build_id` int(10) unsigned default '0',
         // `deadline_ts` datetime NULL,
         // `assigner_id`  int(10) unsigned default '0',
         // `status` int(10) unsigned default '1',
         $link = is_null($execContext['platform_id']) ? $link[0] : $link[$execContext['platform_id']];
         $feature = array($link['feature_id'] => array('build_id' => $execContext['build_id']));
         switch ($args['action']) {
             case 'unassignOne':
                 $signature[] = array('type' => $types['testcase_execution']['id'], 'user_id' => $tester_id, 'feature_id' => $link['feature_id'], 'build_id' => $execContext['build_id']);
             case 'assignOne':
                 // Step 1 - remove if exists
                 $signature[] = array('type' => $types['testcase_execution']['id'], 'user_id' => $tester_id, 'feature_id' => $link['feature_id'], 'build_id' => $execContext['build_id']);
                 // Step 2 - Now assign
                 $assign_status = $assignment_mgr->get_available_status();
                 $oo[$link['feature_id']]['type'] = $types['testcase_execution']['id'];
                 $oo[$link['feature_id']]['status'] = $assign_status['open']['id'];
                 $oo[$link['feature_id']]['user_id'] = $tester_id;
                 $oo[$link['feature_id']]['assigner_id'] = $this->userID;
                 $oo[$link['feature_id']]['build_id'] = $execContext['build_id'];
             case 'unassignAll':
                 $oo[$link['feature_id']]['type'] = $types['testcase_execution']['id'];
                 $oo[$link['feature_id']]['build_id'] = $execContext['build_id'];
         $resultInfo = array("status" => true, "args" => $this->args);
     return $status_ok ? $resultInfo : $this->errors;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * @param struct $args
  * @param string $args["devKey"]
  * @param int $args["user"] user name
  * @return true if everything OK, otherwise error structure
  * @access public
 public function doesUserExist($args)
     $operation = __FUNCTION__;
     $msg_prefix = "({$operation}) - ";
     $user_id = tlUser::doesUserExist($this->dbObj, $this->args[self::$userParamName]);
     if (!($status_ok = !is_null($user_id))) {
         $msg = $msg_prefix . sprintf(NO_USER_BY_THIS_LOGIN_STR, $this->args[self::$userParamName]);
         $this->errors[] = new IXR_Error(NO_USER_BY_THIS_LOGIN, $msg);
     return $status_ok ? $status_ok : $this->errors;
  * Assign a user to a project
  * @param struct $args
  * @param string $args["devKey"]
  * @param string $args["user"]
  * @param string $args["role"]
  * @param int    $args["testprojectid"]
  * @access public
 public function assignUserToProject($args)
     if (!$this->authenticate()) {
         return $this->errors;
     $login = $this->args[self::$userParamName];
     $role = $this->args['role'];
     $projectId = $this->args[self::$testProjectIDParamName];
     $userId = tlUser::doesUserExist($this->dbObj, $login);
     $roleId = tlRole::doesRoleExist($this->dbObj, $role, 0);
     $testProject = $this->tprojectMgr->get_by_id($projectId);
     $hasError = false;
     if (is_null($userId)) {
         $this->errors[] = new IXR_ERROR(100005, 'User does not exists');
         $hasError = true;
     } else {
         if (is_null($roleId)) {
             $this->errors[] = new IXR_ERROR(100006, 'Role does not exists');
             $hasError = true;
         } else {
             if (is_null($testProject)) {
                 $this->errors[] = new IXR_ERROR(100007, 'Project does not exists');
                 $hasError = true;
     if ($hasError) {
         return $this->errors;
     $userRoles = $this->tprojectMgr->getUserRoleIDs($projectId);
     foreach ($userRoles as $user_id => $role_id) {
         if ($user_id != $userId) {
             $this->tprojectMgr->addUserRole($user_id, $projectId, $role_id['role_id']);
     $this->tprojectMgr->addUserRole($userId, $projectId, $roleId);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * createTestCase
 public function createTestCase($args)
     $operation = __FUNCTION__;
     $msg_prefix = "({$operation}) - ";
     $keywordSet = '';
     $checkFunctions = array('authenticate', 'checkTestProjectID', 'checkTestSuiteID', 'checkTestCaseName');
     $status_ok = $this->_runChecks($checkFunctions, $msg_prefix) && $this->userHasRight("mgt_modify_tc");
     if ($status_ok) {
         $keys2check = array(self::$authorLoginParamName, self::$summaryParamName, self::$stepsParamName, self::$expectedResultsParamName);
         foreach ($keys2check as $key) {
             if (!$this->_isParamPresent($key)) {
                 $msg = $msg_prefix . sprintf(MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_STR, $key);
                 $this->errors[] = new IXR_Error(MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER, $msg);
     if ($status_ok) {
         $author_id = tlUser::doesUserExist($this->dbObj, $this->args[self::$authorLoginParamName]);
         $status_ok = !is_null($author_id);
         $this->errors[] = new IXR_Error(NO_USER_BY_THIS_LOGIN, $msg_prefix . NO_USER_BY_THIS_LOGIN_STR);
     if ($status_ok) {
         if ($this->_isParamPresent(self::$keywordNameParamName)) {
             // Check that all keyword exists for target test project
             $keywordSet = $this->getValidKeywordSetByName($this->args[self::$keywordNameParamName], $this->args[self::$testProjectIDParamName]);
         } else {
             if ($this->_isParamPresent(self::$keywordIDParamName)) {
                 $keywordSet = $this->getValidKeywordSetById($this->args[self::$keywordIDParamName], $this->args[self::$testProjectIDParamName]);
     if ($status_ok) {
         // Optional parameters
         $opt = array(self::$importanceParamName => 2, self::$executionTypeParamName => TESTCASE_EXECUTION_TYPE_MANUAL, self::$orderParamName => testcase::DEFAULT_ORDER, self::$internalIDParamName => testcase::AUTOMATIC_ID, self::$checkDuplicatedNameParamName => testcase::DONT_CHECK_DUPLICATE_NAME, self::$actionOnDuplicatedNameParamName => 'generate_new');
         foreach ($opt as $key => $value) {
             if ($this->_isParamPresent($key)) {
                 $opt[$key] = $this->args[$key];
     if ($status_ok) {
         $op_result = $this->tcaseMgr->create($this->args[self::$testSuiteIDParamName], $this->args[self::$testCaseNameParamName], $this->args[self::$summaryParamName], $this->args[self::$stepsParamName], $this->args[self::$expectedResultsParamName], $author_id, $keywordSet, $opt[self::$orderParamName], $opt[self::$internalIDParamName], $opt[self::$checkDuplicatedNameParamName], $opt[self::$actionOnDuplicatedNameParamName], $opt[self::$executionTypeParamName], $opt[self::$importanceParamName]);
         $resultInfo = array();
         $resultInfo[] = array("operation" => $operation, "status" => true, "id" => $op_result['external_id'], "additionalInfo" => $op_result, "message" => GENERAL_SUCCESS_STR);
     return $status_ok ? $resultInfo : $this->errors;