Ejemplo n.º 1

require 'libraries/time.php';
$time = "2014-10-1";
$currentDate = "2015-11-22";
// $array1=explode("-",$time);
// $array2=explode("-", $currentDate);
// $tg=($array2[0]-$array1[0])*365+($array2[1]-$array1[1])*30+($array2[2]-$array1[2]);
// echo $tg;
$time1 = new time($time, $currentDate);
echo $time1->day();
Ejemplo n.º 2

require 'libraries/database.php';
require 'libraries/time.php';
$idN = $_REQUEST['idN'];
$idP = $_REQUEST['idP'];
$data = new database("timphongtro");
$sql1 = "select * from taikhoan_o_phongtro where IDTaiKhoan='{$idN}' and IDPhongTro='{$idP}'";
if ($data->num_rows() != 0) {
    $result1 = $data->fetch();
    $now = getdate();
    $currentDate = $now["year"] . "-" . $now["mon"] . "-" . $now["mday"];
    $time = new time($result1['NgayChuyenDen'], $currentDate);
    $soNgayO = $time->day() + 1;
    $sql2 = "select * from phongtro where IDPhongTro='{$idP}'";
    $result2 = $data->fetch();
    $diemDanhgia = ($result2['DiemDanhGiaTB'] * $result2['TGCoNguoiO'] + $result1['DiemDanhGia'] * $soNgayO) / ($result2['TGCoNguoiO'] + $soNgayO);
    $sql3 = "select *from taikhoan where IDTaiKhoan='{$idN}'";
    $result3 = $data->fetch();
    if ($result3['TinhTrangHienTai'] == 0) {
        $sql4 = "update taikhoan set TinhTrangHienTai=2 where IDTaiKhoan='{$idN}'";
        $result4 = $data->query($sql4);
        $sql5 = "delete from taikhoan_o_phongtro where IDTaiKhoan='{$idN}' and IDPhongTro='{$idP}'";
        $result5 = $data->query($sql5);
        $soNguoiTrongPhong = $result2['SoNguoiTrongPhong'] - 1;
        $sql6 = "update phongtro set SoNguoiTrongPhong='{$soNguoiTrongPhong}', TGCoNguoiO='{$soNgayO}', DiemDanhGiaTB= '{$diemDanhgia}' where IDPhongTro='{$idP}'";
        $result6 = $data->query($sql6);
        if ($soNguoiTrongPhong == 0) {